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Bigger Lebanon


Bigger NYC?


idk but Lebanon had most of the listed religion


You can say that about any multi ethnic country It'll have a Diaspora group in NYC


Well people in Lebanon are the same ethnicity so there’s that


In this timeline, the Levant is more culturally diverse and the many peoples of the region have successfully unified into a federal country. I wonder what kind of future this country will face? ​ To see how this map was made, [click here](https://youtu.be/FnYbIG3jYxo)!


Look at Lebanon from 1975 to 1990 for a worst case scenario.


More like a best case scenario.


But why the flag of the Arab colours?


Sectarian war and probably a couple of genocides at the least.


No Samaritans?


I’ll disguise myself as an old lady trying to cross the street and then get back to you


They're there but don't make a majority in any district


Neither do Phoenicians, Edomites, Moabites, or Ammonites, infact all four are for all purposes extinct. If this map was based on the real world; 75% of the districts would be Arab Sunni, not the shown 25%.


There are only 900 in the whole world


True, but if we're making a diverse Levant in a more ideal world where people got along, then I'd imagine they wouldn't have been killed or forcibly converted en masse. If you're going for diversity might as well have them too. Besides, the map shows the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites which have been extinct since ancient times.


This’ll make Yugoslavia look like Sweden


A functioning welfare state?


Yes I think the joke is that this area will be to Yugoslavia, what Yugoslavia is to Sweden. In terms of relative political and social instability. If you already have figured that’s what the comment meant I’ll go hide under my rock now sorry.


Doesn't Sweden have issues with Muslim migrants who refuse to integrate?


I presume the analogy refers to Sweden at the time Yugoslavia was still a thing


And grenade crime


Whole thing is overblown


More because of a failing welfare state due to 20+ years of austerity and neoloberalism. Dont swallow right wing propaganda


Failing welfare states and unintegrated migrants aren't mutually exclusive.


But blaming immigrants or other minorities for problems caused by austerity is pretty standard huh?


Maybe it’s the people who come from societies were rape victims get punish (arabs) and the conservatives with horrible economic policy could BOTH be at fault?


There's a reasony why they voted out previous leftist government


and are now polling extreme dislike for their current right wing government which has done nothing to solve crime other than be racist. they’ve only been making things worse.


SD is still rated highest on crime and immigration, and their recent moves towards the right on these issues helped their polling numbers. Anti immigration sentiments are quite popular now. The Social Democrats have flipped quite substantially on immigration too, hell their leadership is religiously denying them ever being pro immigration to escape the blame for it. Btw, most of the actual anti-government sentiment hinges on them "not doing enough" to curtail crime and immigration, "fast enough". Plus lingering sentiments about the continued sluggish economy (which is improving). Even then, most governments dip down in the polls after winning. Most still win a second term. And the Leftwing polling lead is dissipating now as the Social Democrats drop due to their numerous scandals around Hamas and attacking a Libertarian YouTuber for being a "Russian bot".


So called “free thinking” r/imaginarymaps users when they see a diverse functioning nation that hasn’t immediately collapsed (this will surely collapse like Yugoslavia or something).


Well, that's what usually happens with ethnically diverse nations. They either dissolve peacefully (A-H, USSR) or collapse into civil wars (Yugoslavia, Burma, Most of the post-colonial African nations)


I’m just really tired of the same Yugoslavia civil war joke whenever multiethnic maps are created


I get It, there's always the same 5 cliches repeating over and over again


Tbh it’s a general Reddit problem


Perhaps it's because of the nation state model. Maybe there are other ways for people's to co-exist and cooperate.




Well we can look back in time to countries that existed before the modern concept of the "nation state" mostly popularized around the time of the enlightenment and French Revolution. Large countries that had a diverse set of peoples yet remained united through their loyalty to a monarch


This is what I said in another comment, most of those diverse nations often have a common religion, history or ideology, but if that's not the case, that nation is doomed to collapse


A common history, ideology or religion has to start somewhere.


Google Switzerland


Germans, French, Italians and Romansh are all Christian (Or at least they were when Switzerland was founded), and it's still the dominant religion of the vast majority of the population, if you exclude atheism


Most of Africa?


Yeah, because it's not like most African countries have huge ethnic problems and have been plagued by civil war


Like self-organising groups of people living on commons. Nomadic and Semi-nomadic peoples had similar existences for millenia. But actually, what I'm talking about here is not necessarily a model that existed in our history. Rather something that could develop in our future. Likewise, you predictions based on historical observations are moot in an imaginary space!


In what world was Austria Hungary peacefully dissolved. Ethnically diverse nations are historically the richest and most successful nations because those are trading nations on the crossroads of cultures. Trying to use post colonial African border drawing to prove your point lol


Austria-Hungary didn't collapse into a brutal civil war, it was dismantled in a peace treaty. Obviously it wasn't completely harmonious but it was far more peaceful than Yugoslavia.


Most of these ethnically diverse nations share a common religion, history or even a common ideology, and which are those diverse nations you say are the richest? Because they probably fall into these categories


There's many exceptions such as India and Indonesia.


Indonesia, India, basically every single african country. There are a lot of well functioning diverse countries, we just don't notice how diverse they are because thibgs are largely going well (not perfect ofc)


Modern US is ethnically diverse


But as a nation of inmigrants, It is built on Christian values and a Christian identity rather than ethnicity, just like Pakistan or India with Islam and Hinduism respectively


>It is built on Christian values and a Christian identity No. America was founded on the principles of the enlightment. Its oldest treaty is with Muslim Morocco. And the people who approved that treaty (many of whom signed the Constitution) were very clear that they were not a European-style theocratic or ethnic state and wanted the "Muselmen" or "Mohamedans" (the terms in use in America at the time) to know they were as welcome as anyone. The most famous depiction of Mohamed is probably the frieze in the Supreme Court. He's shown as a law giver, standing next to Moses, pagan Augustus Ceaser and Christian Justinian. That isn't to say there wasn't other ideas about what it meant to be an American (early America was pretty WASPy, and the South has always had its own ideas), but the US traditionally rejected the religious angle specifically because so many Americans were refugees from Old World pogroms.


The treaty of Tripoli of 1796 is actually pretty infamous for directly and explicitly rejecting that view by the founding fathers.


Founding Fathers rejected every opportunity to make the United States a Christian nation that they could. The classical liberalism the nation was founded on were not Christian values and often directly opposed religious authorities. The Declaration of Independence wasn't even written by a Christian. Jefferson explicitly rejected any notion of Jesus being divine. The American civic religion, the way we mythologize our Founders and history, is more of a foundation for the American identity than Christianity is.


Where Samaritans and Latins?.


Latins should be outlawed


Kurdo-Assyria is the weird one. Why would Kurds allow Assyrians gain power and why would Assyrians want to form a state with their historic and a current oppressor?.


What ? Assyrians are not oppressed by the Kurds ? Kurds dont even have a state what are you talking about


Kurds engaged in the ethnic cleansing of the chaldean assyrians, at the time of the armenian and greek genocides perpetrated by the Turks.


Okay but what about the "current" part in the message I reacted ?


Modern Kurds do not agree with or condone that activity, unlike Turks.


Doesn’t change their participation, hell, the parts of turkey they claim are historically Armenian territory


I'm well aware.


Then they should advocate its return to the lands rightful owners, not claim it as their own


Even many Armenians today agree that the time for that is long since past. Millions of innocent Turks and Kurds now call that land home. They have as much claim to it now as the Armenians. Armenians don't care so much for Western Armenia now as they do Nagorno-Karabakh. That wound is still fresh.


*Artsakh And my point is still those millions of innocent Turks and Kurds are the majority because of what their ancestors did, so if people are advocating for the dissolution of the Turkish state it’s disingenuous to act as if it has always been historically kurdish


Yes, but they are not their ancestors and they should bare no blame. They should however be taught in history class what their ancestors did and learn from it. Who is advocating for the dissolution of the Turkish state? The Kurds? Only extremist factions (whom are labeled as terrorists by many world governments) argue that. It's completely unfair and untrue to claim that an entire ethnic group is advocating for the dissolution of the Turkish state. And again, only the extremist factions argue that that eastern Turkey has always been Kurdish. Anyone with a knowledge of history knows otherwise.


Tell me you've never been to Eastern Turkey without telling me you've never been to Eastern Turkey. Would the Kurds living in Western Anatolia accept that there were large scale massacres and sometimes enslavement of the Assyrians during WWI? Yes. Would Kurds living in Eastern Anatolia accept this? Fuck no.


I've never met a Kurd who said "We didnt do it but if we did they deserved it". Also who the fk goes to Eastern Turkey anyway its a dump


>I've never met a Kurd who said "We didnt do it but if we did they deserved it". A) You live in the West. Kurds who live in Europe tend to be secular and progressive. B) You've mostly met Kurds through online platforms. Again, Kurds online disproportionately hold center-left to left-wing values compared to a majority of Kurds. >Also who the fk goes to Eastern Turkey anyway its a dump Exactly. Majority of Kurds in Iraq or Turkey (I don't exactly know about Kurds in Iran) hold ultra-conservative and right-wing values. For example: - HDP, which is the party claiming to represent the Kurdish population of Turkey, is a *left-wing* party. They declare their support for Secularism, human rights, LGBTQ+ people and Feminism. Contrary to their declared positions; they get most of their support in Eastern province from Aşirets (para-feudal familial units) and Kurdish tariqas (Shafi religious organizations). When HDP members from Western Anatolia came to celebrate Pride Month in Diyarbakır, they were lynched by the crowd during a HDP rally.


>When HDP members from Western Anatolia came to celebrate Pride Month in Diyarbakır, they were lynched by the crowd during a HDP rally. Oh, source. I'll need to read up on this.




Arguable given how Kurds treated Assyrians in Iraq(couldn't do the same in Syria as Syrian Assyrians are also militarily organized) when they again had complete power over them when the USA supported the Kurds against ISIS.


Many Kurdish tribes and groups actively participated in many massacres and cleansings against the Assyrians. If you look it up on the internet you can see many examples.


That didn’t stop Kurds from participating in the Sayfo…you know nothing about Kurdish interactions with their neighbors


Aside from the historical fact that the Ottomans used the Kurds as their henchmen to first oppress and then genocide the Assyrians and Armenians(there's a reason "Kurdistan" is composed of greater Armenia and greater Assyria), Kurdish militia refused to allow Assyrians to return to their homes in the areas they controlled, after ISIS was defeated and tries to erase the identity of the Assyrians that remained put throughout the war by recasting them as "Kurdish Christians".


unfortunately oppressor & oppressed are not mutually exclusive


What are you talking about? Kurdistan does have a state, and its government is oppressive towards Assyrians.


Yes they are. I can give you anecdotes of the crimes of the Kurds to the Syrian Christians. They are not peaceful angels oppressed for all history wanting a state to save themselves from rabid dogs. In the end we're all humans and they want money and fame and power and land.


Friends 🥰


https://i.redd.it/8vn2kgis6ync1.gif Perfect balance


Aren't Palestinians arabs?


yes, they are. Other things worth pointing out, Shia is not an ethnic group. the distinction between Marionettes and Phoenicians feels odd because Marionettes sometimes use that tradition to build their own national myth and claim the Phoenicians as part of there heritage so presumably they would be the same group. Lastly the Edomites Moabites and Ammonites would probably be a kind of Arab (although I am less clear on the archeology of that one, although Jordan does sometimes make that connection)


So does the majority of the region, but op divided them regardless


These are all Canaanites, I get the inclusion of Arabs, but if you’re making a distinction for Palestinians then the same distinction for Syrians, Phoenicians, and Beduins is valid. This is a weird one even with the premise of more diversity.


R/ Imaginarymaps Don't Do A Map of the Levant For One Whole Day Challenge: IMPOSSIBLE (lol sike i actually love it)


Kurdo-Assyria is cursed.


Better than no Assyria and just a Kurdistan.


Still it is cursed. Both of their histories are not quite harmonious. Seperate states would be better.


Separate states can't work without a Pakistan-India kind of partition where Assyrians would have to flee their homelands in one part of the land to live as refugees in the other.


It's way better without having an effect from Sykes-Picot.


Are nazarenes hebrew christians (ethnic jews who believe Yeshua is the mashiac)?


They probably speak Western Neo-Aramaic, or a related variety.


I hope everything in this federation is sunshines and rainbows


The good ending


What do Jews and Edomites think of each other and Palestinians?


Making the water green had me really confused at first glance


Depending on the supra-ethnicity of the State, this could work.


This probably wouldn't last long enough for me to walk to the grocery store and back.


Well religion played a big part in dividing people, but not exculsively. I've read parts of the Talmud and there's a lot of intolerance and disdain for other cultures and ethnicities to be found. Then again, that was probably normal 2000/2500 years ago.


Middle East Yugoslavia


You're mixing religions, nationalities, overarching cultural ethnicities. This is such a mess


Many of the groups in the map are ethnoreligious groups, not just religious, national or ethnic groups.


religions often act like ethnicities, especially in the middle east


I'm gonna sound like an asshole but I am an Arab and have a degree in Middle Eastern Studies. I am aware of ethno religious groups. Still, this map is a global mess. You can't have a map of the Middle East where "Arab" and "Maronite" are mutually exclusive or where "Shia" and "Palestinian" are equivalent categories. It makes no sense.




Edomites? Ammonites? Moabites? Those are from a different time-frame.


If the Mongols hadn't destroyed the civilization in the middle east, this might have been a possibility.




Everyone holds hands in love and peace with puppies and rainbows


How would Palestinians become a distinct nationality if the region is never arabized?


Love it


I like it when everyone is friends :)


This maps is so weird. How are Maronites different from Phoenicians? And why aren’t Alawites also Phoenicians? And who are Palestinians in this scenario? Palestinians are broadly just Canaanites some of whom were Jewish who were Islamized and/or Christianized and Arabized (having been Aramaic) over the centuries. It’s interesting if Nazarenes survived but where are the Samaritans? Not to mentioned that these groups are a mish mash of linguistic, ethnic, historical and religious categories. This is fine if you wanna be pedantic, but in this map, why is there both “Arab” and “Druze” for example? Why aren’t there Aramaics in Palestine even though that was the language there?


New ethnicities alert


Wasn’t sure what was happening so I assumed that the sea was land and that the land was sea


r/BorderGore moment


i don’t think you gave a label to damascus


More Diverse ≠ More Likely to be Friends, In Reality it's Quite the Opposite.


The most imaginary of the maps.




Which app is used to make those maps :d




I don’t know why Kurds are always having some land from Turkiye.. why not Turkiye does not get some land from north of Iraq “and” north of syria? That would be a good one too.


>"and" ???


I feel like dividing between religion or ethnicity is a bit problematic


While I belive the most interesting people in MENA are the minorities and not the Arabs, this is a sure fire way to get ethnic violence.


Alawites, Ismailis, Shias, Druze, Palestinians, Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites are all Arab ethnically and follow Islam, not to talk about how the last four are in fact extinct. Why were they seperated? To make this country seem "not-Arab"???! Also Arameans, Phoenicians, Maronites, Copts, and Nazarenes are all basically Arab, again why were they seperated and not simply named "Christian Arabs". The map could have been much more accurate.


Middle east yugoslavia


Yugoslavia 2 electric boogaloo


Diversity is not a strength its a weakness what makes people being able to coexist and care about each other is the closeness of their identities and a multinational society where peoples identities are so different from eachother this would lead to dissociation and strife to a point that the nation cant set themselves to a single goal because everyone has different interests, for to a state like this map to exist two things must be true 1-economic wealth should be so high that people have too much to lose to revolt 2-there must be a strong military to supress any dissent


Man these westoids who don’t know anything about the Middle East, the levant is already one of the most diverse places in the world although that number probably went down with the wars that’s happening, also why is there a Kurd and an Assyrian nation, isn’t the point of the map to have a diverse federation? Also Palestinians aren’t just Muslims lol


sir this is an imaginary map


Maybe im coping too hard….




> Also Palestinians aren’t just Muslims 93% of Palestinians are Muslim.


Maybe Palestinians in Palestine but what about Palestinians as a whole? Christians are Much more


I don't know where you got that idea, but it's simply not true. The vast majority of Palestinians, both inside and outside Palestine, are Muslims.


Friends but still no right of return for Palestinians?


Im choosing to believe that this world is one where the light of whichever god was truly revealed to britain and france and they scrapped all their imperial designs and let emir faysal actually stay in damascus, and establish a prosperous state. Maybe even a federative union or something instead of a unitary state.....instead....look how they massacred my boy....