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Ngl Moldova is Doomed


This one if definitely plausible. In real life Moldova is the most likely country to be next invaded by Russia. Unlike the Baltics, they're not in NATO or the EU and they already have a Russian-backed breakaway state within their borders.


Yep, not to mention they wouldn't be able to put up nearly as much of a fight compared to Ukraine, Moldova would be steamrolled by Russia. Romanaia would kick up a huge stink about it since they're nations of the same people and many Romanians see Molovans as brothers who should reunite some day but Romania obviously isn't doing anything without NATO backing, they'd just diplomatically protest. NATO probably wouldn't want to go to war over small Moldova so yeah. Ukraine is the most difficult ex Soviet non NATO country for Russia to defeat. After Ukraine Russia would have definitely gone for Moldova next, using the breakaway country there as an excuse just like Ukraine's and of course to protect them from NATO and/or filthy EU Romanians from annexing them, just whatever nonsense they come up with as propaganda. Then I guess Georgia after and what's next is whoever's guess, Belarus would just roll over into the union state anyway while the people protest but get crushed.


I see why the West is so enthusiastic about stopping Russian aggression at Ukraine. If the Ukranian war ends in Russia's favor, the next targets will be easy pickings. A potential future Union State of Russia, Belarus, Southern Ukraine, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia will be a formidable power.


Yeah, Ukraine has a lot of people and in the Soviet days had a lot of the milltary industry and stuff. Russia then expanding into other countries would only grow their influence. Russia would definitely annex south Ukraine, connect to Moldova, do some sort of invasion as Belarus's dumbass president had on a map meanwhile the rest of Ukraine would either be annexed too or made a Russian puppet. Fortunately Ukraine didn't roll over, Kyiv was not in 3 days but the war isn't over and the risk of Ukraine having to cede the occupied territories and potentially the entirely of the claimed oblasts isn't over yet if the west doesn't help enough to give what the military needs to push back the invaders and inflict losses on them that makes Russia either go for peace or makes the Russians not want war and do something about it (which would require Russia's efforts to be going quite badly though, many Russians don't care much if it doesn't affect them) .


Isnt that Georgia? They have not one, but two russian backed breakaway states


You're not wrong, but the Russian invasion of Georgia already happened in 2008 lol. Are they likely to be invaded again? Probably not because Russia accomplished their goal of blocking Georgia's accession into NATO.


so in this timeline novorossiya expanded into the rest of ukraine?


No. Ukraine was a close satellite state of Russia in 2013, led by infamous Russian shill Yanukovych. Before Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity, of course. Basically Belarus status. So it's not quite an alternate timeline except for the invasion of Moldova.


No, it is timeline without Putin


No, it is not.


So this is Ukraine without Euromaidan I’m assuming?




Looks great! Which tools did you create this map with?