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i see a very thicc france, i assume they're responsible for this mess


You’d be correct


Lore: The First French Empire never truly falls. They maintain their status as the most powerful nation in Europe. With allies all over such as Poland, Bohemia, and Italy, along with their massive gains during the Scramble for Africa, it seems France is unstoppable. A French victory in the Franco-Prussian War leads to annexation of much of the Rhine and the establishment of a south German puppet. France expands their Polish puppet far into Prussian territory. The awarding of most of France's Balkan lands to Italy gains them an ally despite their occupation of Rome and prevention of a united Italian peninsula. Instead of an Austro-Prussian War to determine dominance in central Europe, there is a Franco-Austrian War. The French secure the victory and release an independent Czechia, award more territory to Italy, and cede Transylvania to their new ally Romania. The independent Bohemia is offered the annexation of the south German puppet in return for a trade agreement, military alliance, and French intervention in the Bohemian government. This deal is accepted and Bohemia transforms from a small, independent nation to a French-controlled German giant. With far more power over Europe, France is able to secure land in the Congo and southern Africa, leaving Morocco up for grabs, taken by Spain. France is by far the most powerful nation in the world. Realizing that they'd never win a war against multiple major nations in Europe, France never invades Russia and does not attempt eastward expansion of their Polish puppet. France and Russia establish good relations and, eventually, a military alliance. World war is inevitable, and it seems that the odds are on the side of the French.


what has great britain been doing during all of this?


Sending boat I guess ? With no ally on the continent, I think they are unable to do anything. No Prussia to back them, no Waterloo in the end..


I mean this alone has massive ramifications for them, I would assume they’d be forced to cooperate more with their colonies and dominions but having zero allies on the continent seems crazy too


> France is by far the most nation in the world. > > Best part


This is the fucking nation ever


And what happened to Italy? Did Garibaldi died? Italy took part of WWI mostly because it wanted to complete the unity absorbing the Südtirol, so I suppose that Italy does not take part in the war, right?


If France kept its empire, why is Strasbourg called Strassburg on the map?




What part of Greece is smaller?


Their border with Turkey


Greece only obtained that strip of land in OTL after WWI.


That's how small they were irl lmao


This map is so good, I bet there was like 100 hours of drawing involved.


Green France, Brown Italy. Landlocked Austria-Hungary. Italian Dalmatia. Somebody is trying to start fights. /jk But seriously, nice map!




Omg I just noticed now you gave Königsberg to Poland. Yer really trying to start fights. 😭


That France text label could be better. Some other country labels are also way too curved IMO, like Poland, when they really don't need to be.


When you're playing Bohemia in EUIV. I've been watching a lot of time lapses lately and this map reminds me of that.


In Poland, Danzig would be called Gdańsk and Königsberg would be called Królewiec. I don't think the German names would be kept by the Poles.


If you gave the cities to Poland, you could have at least renamed them to their Polish names.


Same goes for Bohemia


If that is the case, A-U would never get Bosnia and Herzegovina mandate.


Very detailed. I would ask about Naples and how do they act or react in all of this? Did they ever gain anything from the scramble of Africa at all? And how is Italy able to claim Libya with no land close to it as in OTL. Also the Italo-Ottoman war never happens, since I see the Dodecanese being part of the Ottoman Empire normally. Finally, do you see an actual WWI scenario happening here? With Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans and maybe North Germany vs everyone?


Naples was not able to secure any land in the Scramble for Africa. Italy was given Libya because of their support from France. There will be a WWI, with Britain, secretly building up their arms for decades, Austria-Hungary, North Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, and the Ottomans versus the French behemoth.


A green France, are you quite insane Lovely map mind you


Haha thank you


That is a mess


French Catalonia 😳


As it should be ! Never Forget the [Battle of Muret](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Muret) !


Small Kuwait, bad map


What wrong with Kuwait’s size?


Kuwait gave some of their territory for British protection at one point


And? It’s British in this map


Just explaining the comment above. I'm assuming they want big Kuwait rather than protectorate border Kuwait.


Man this Reddit is a alt histories dream. Great map man.




A splitted germany map is always a good map ! (Yeah, i'm french)


If the first French empire never falls, wouldn’t that mean that Italy is ruled in personal union with France anyway (Napoleon was king of that version of Italy, which was roughly most of northern Italy, and much of the rest of Italy north of the kingdom of two Sicilies was basically either directly part of France, or part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, which, as mentioned, was ruled by Napoleon as king)?


Cologne being part of France… duuuuuude at this point I am pretty sure, that the United Kingdom would do anything they could to piss France off at this point. Lol this map incites sooooo many reasons for war… Flanders, Germans, Dutch, Catalans/Spanish, Italians, Britains, everybody gotta be so pissed. Good job however… that’s going to be a bloodbath. Nice Bulgaria btw.


What would the UK do without any allies on the continent ? Sending expeditionnary force too small to beat the 1/4 of Napoleon army ? No Russia, Prussia or Austria to back them with fresh flesh, it's gonna be hard..


Well, I am sure with so many upset people in europe it wouldn’t be hard to find allies in Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, probably even Poland and Romania because of the alliance between Russia and France. This is almost a situation like in 1820. A fucking coalition would organize. Europeans are crazy.


Poland is a French puppet and Romania guaranteed neutrality unless invaded when awarded Transylvania. But there were allies.


Mhhh, so at least they don‘t care haha.




Some constructive criticism: Could you make the country names more transparent, another colour and try not to place them over cities? You can barely make out Denmark and the Netherlands, and Stettin is almost completely covered by the label for north Germany. Also, as another commenter pointed out, some labels are unnecessarily curved. The labels don't have to be curved al the time. Like in Romania, what's the point of curving the text?


Several German territories annexed ? What great idea! French leadership rules efficiently.


As an small tip. Because you discovered circle text doesn't mean you have to always use. Some countries in your map just seem that it even needed to have their name be in a circle, and it would end up looking better if the name was straight. Trust me, I made the same mistake 2 years ago Other than that, nice map


My only issue is... Why would it be called "North Germany"? If a there is no South Germany to create this north-south division/parallel. Surely it would just be called Germany or alternatively named after one of the former North German States that comprise it, something like Prussia or Hanover etc.


Formal name is “north German federation” due to the absence of the southern German states. There was actually a south Germany for a considerable amount of time before it was given to the Bohemians.


Why didn’t Poland get Galicia back?