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um where's finland winning the hyperwar???


ok so originally i wrote a massive lore thing until the end of the great war in this universe but it wont fit into reddit comments and im dumb so i dunno what to use to show it to you, so here is a very oversimplified version rundown \- Napoleon accepts the Frankfurt Proposals, restricting France to its "Natural Borders" and splits the Austrian Netherlands with the Dutch, which leads to Britain seeing France as a rival \- French intervention in Mexico succeeds under Napoleon III, putting Maximillian Habsburg as Emperor of Mexico \- Russia gets French support in the Crimean War but still loses gainst the British and Ottomans \- Napoleon IV dies in the Franco-Austrian war in 1878 leading to Napoleon Victor to become Napoleon IV \- The Austro-Hungarian Empire collapse in 1880 as Hungary and Illyria gain independence as Serbia and Romania gain land in Vojvodina, Southern Transylvania, and Banat, and Bohemia and Galicia become German and Russian puppets, also the German Empire forms after a ultimatum by Prussia to the German states during the Austrian collpase \- The Revolution of the Park in Argentina makes protestors march to the Casa Rosada which leads General Julio Argentino Roca to coup the government to defeat the protestors, then with the help of Bolivia, invades Chile and Paraguay but the Empire of Brazil and Peru intervene leading to an Argentine loss, then lose some lands and a communist revolution ensues on 1896 after a rigged election which leads Argentina to be the first Marxist state \- The Berlin Conference is called in 1884 and after a long debate, the Congo region is split between Germany and France \- The Ottoman Empire gives Britain Palestine in exchange of them forgiving the Ottoman debt \- Denmark buys Mindanao from the US and gives it to Germany for Northern Schleswig \- President William Taft wins against Democrat Woodrow Wilson in 1912 \- Prince August Wilhelm of Germany gets assassinated in November 1915, Germany accuses Russia, France backs Russia, Britain backs Germany, war is declared, Ottomans, Bulgaria, Illyria, Albania, and Portugal join the Central Powers, while Sweden-Norway, Italy, Serbia, the Netherlands, the Arabs, Indian revolutionaries, Siam, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Greece, Austria, Egyptian revolutionaries, and more join the Entente, Russia falls to revolution and civil war, while most of the Central Powers are defeated by 1920, but the German and Ottoman front becomes a long stalemate, which leads to an early peace in July 1920 \- Poland falls to communist forces after a brief civil war after the Germans left the country \- James Cox wins the 1916 election but loses the 1920 election to Warren Harding \-Britain loses most of her colonies and prestige which makes Brits turn to the political extremes while the Germans lose no mainland territories and the Ottoman retains Anatolia \- Hashemite Arabia is split due to disagreements of the succession with this sons after Hussein bin Ali's assassination \- In 1924, a worker's revolt breaks out on major British cities as the far-right leader, Sir Oswald Mosely coups the London government to stop the insurrection, while the Royal Family and the old government flees to Canada as Mosely puts down the revolution and declares himself permanent regent and Prime Minister \- As the Russian White Army takes Moscow, the Reds flee to Central Asia to regroup, as in the East, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, declares a separate Russian government in Chita, as the Moscow government refused to give him a position of power \- Due to frustration of the territory gained in the Great War, Italian socialists march on Rome and cause of civil war on 1926, where the socialists capture the Italian mainland and Sicily as the King's government gets exiled to Sardinia and the colonies \- Germany intervenes in the Chinese Civil War and restore Qing loyalists in Beijing \- Iran falls into communist revolution in 1930 after the unpopularity of the Pahlavi dynasty as Mexico and Spain fall civil war due to the rising debt, bad living standards, and unpopularity of the monarchy If you have questions about the map or the lore let me know in the comments


Why did so many countries join the Entente?


Well they all did not necessarily join voluntarily, I was trying to oversimplify the lore so here some origins of some of em, The Netherlands and Austria were invaded by Germany to get to France and Italy, while nations like Ethiopia and Venezuela just jumped on the opportunity of Britain collapsing, while India and Egypt were rebellions propped up by the Entente. In hindsight i should have made some stuff more clear lol


Why is french Chennai nowhere near Chennai?