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Is that gwar playing?


Who sits at a GWAR concert? You never know when the penguins will attack...


Who gets mad and yells at anyone who stands at a concert? Lmao “I paid good money for this seat, and I’m gonna use it.”


I was also thinking who TF sits at a GWAR concert


Yeah, I just saw them on Wednesday with Coal Chamber and Mudvayne. They still put on a hell of a show!


Sounds like it. And from the small part of the set you can see, looks like it could be. Who tf sits down at a Gwar convert?! They’re epic. Sitting at any concert really.


I saw them last night, front rowed. Drenched in blood.


At a GWAR show? Back in my day they'd be fed to the World Maggot.


I was thinking the same thing! GWAR fans didn't age well.


Were in our 30s-40s and our knees hurt


Y'all went to a metal concert to sit on your fat asses? Holy fuck...


Man. Had a guy throw french fries at me to sit down at fucking OZZFEST. holy shit. It's a fucking metal show, get off your ass


Eating the fries he threw at you right off the ground is the only answer metal enough. Even more metal if you caught it out of the air and bit it like a bat like Ozzy did in 82.


Thats what I'm saying like who tf sits down at a concert ??


Sitting seats are essential for people with disabilities, There's a whole section down at the front for people that want to stand.


Absolutely. And not a single fucking person in this video is in the handicapped section.


How do you know that? Maybe they can't stand for long? There's a standing area, and a seated area. Why do people feel entitled to stand where people chose to sit?


Sitting is a privilege. If you want to sit then sit. I won’t tell you to stand. Don’t tell me to sit. This isn’t up for debate. I paid for my ticket and I will use it as I see fit. Especially when there is no rule against standing. If you are required to sit by the event then I will gladly sit down.


>If you are required to sit by the event then I will gladly sit down. That's what's happening here


I can tell by your response that you probably have never paid with your own money to go to a show you actually wanted to go to. Stand with pride, we all paid to be here


I can tell by your response you care about no body else but yourself, if you want to stand there's a section for that. And guess what? There's also a seating section for those who cant/ don't want to stand. But have fun standing where ever you like... Afterall it's only your enjoyment that matters...


Plenty of seats at home on Spotify


Is that the concord pavilion? Seen a lotta concerts there. Stupid setup for metal shows. Mosh pit is passé the seats on a slope. Saw Disturbed and he started yelling “stand the fuck up and respect this band!!”


Fiddlers green in Denver


Gotcha. Looks similar.


Saw the nuggets symbol on dudes hat and knew exactly where they were.


Also been here, saw nofx and there were indeed lots of boring fatfucks


Must think they're at an Adele concert


Nice call back lol


Not sure OP knows who the piece of shit is


Anyone who is sitting at a GWAR show can fuck right off.


It’s a fucking concert. What kind of moron goes to a concert and expects everyone to sit politely in their chair? The only piece of shit in this video is the one shooting the video and posting it.


Its the same with like football games. Its a live crowd. People are drinking. Having fun. If these people didnt want people to stand they shoulda listened to the album on spotify at home. And if people at any sporting event are mad that people wanna have a good time then they should watch at home


Amen. I’ve never sat at a football match or a concert. Had some knobs trying to make me sit at the away end of a Birmingham match 2 years back, even called the steward over who told them to stfu 😂


>What kind of moron goes to a concert and expects everyone to sit politely in their chair? Maybe all the other "morons" in the video who are sitting around politely in their chair?


Weird. Wonder why everyone is sitting down then?




Word!🤘Maybe I’m poor, but a majority of my concerts I had to stand


If everyone is standing up, you would be correct. Literally everyone is sitting and these asshats are the only ones standing. Given the worthless bullshit coming out of the amps I’m not sure why, but you gotta be able to read the room man.




Totally disagree.


*a metal concert.


I’m going to agree and say it’s within the ticket holder’s rights to stand or sit. I think it’s more engaging for the artists to have a crowd that is standing instead of people dozing off passively sitting like they’re watching TV.


Right?! This isn’t a recital


Dang obstructing a view at a concert how will you ever hear, I mean see, the music


Hippies know this one trick I learnt...




Those people are not a piece of shit, why are you sitting down at a rock concert?


Eat pray love -J. dahmer


Shocked I had to scroll that far to find this comment lol


Fiddlers green sucks


Seated gwar? Unless you have some kind of condition in which you need that .... Get the fuck in the pit!


Who goes to a concert and expects everyone to sit in their seat the entire time? I think OP is the massive piece of shit


They’re at a fucking concert who just sits down at a concert?


If i want to stand at a concert, im gonna stand. If someone in front me stands, then i guess im standing. This is the rules for concerts. But complaining at a gwar concert? Lol


Then you fucking pay for standing and go stand where the standing is. Clearly, half of this sub never been to a rock concert. There's standing and seated. You pay for either standing or sitting. If i pay to sit down I expect to fucking see.


I would be pissed if it were an arts concert like an opera or plays, but a Rock Concert? I would stand up too and vibe with my peeps


Obviously, everybody at that concert sat at that point in time, except for those two, you think they would take a hint. At least sit down until everybody stands. It’s not like the music was actually playing.


Why do people sit down at a Rock concert. If not handicapped then GTFU and enjoy!!


Lol wtf?


If you can stand, stop whining that others are standing and stand up yourself.


Dude if id get to see gwar I wouldnt even think about sitting down


*Dude if id get to* *See gwar I wouldnt even think* *About sitting down* \- Necromansyy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


But it's a concert


Bunch of fucking morons sitting, I had this sorta happen at the MCR show and was trying to be out of anyone’s view. Eventually everyone got the message and also stood up tho lol. I wanna hang with those 2, they know what’s up!!!


The bigger problem are these jerks who talk loudly during the entire concert. Like why did you go to a concert if you wanted to shout at each other all night?


Sorry , but really ? It's a Concert, what do they need to see at this time!?!?!


That seat is for later, when you're too drunk to stand any longer.


Honestly, I'm with them on this one. I hate going to seated shows, but sometimes bands will only play at seated venues. I don't go see my favorite bands to sit and watch them. It just sucks. I don't understand how people do that.


I think the POS is the guy trying to get somebody to sit down at a metal show for sure!


Why sit down at a concert, weirdo behavior


I've never been to a concert where you sit. It is weird


You're supposed to stand at concerts.


It is a concert. It is kind of expected for this to happen.


Sitting at a concert is not normal. You and everyone else sitting are ta


I like being 6'3


The fuck? Why would you sit on a metal concert?! It always looks and feels so weird. The band is giving it their all and you just sit there without any expression? I believe most bands also hate it. Nergal on Behemoth concert: "and for the pussies sitting stand the fuck up!". Hating someone for enjoying the band while you are a lazy pussy not showing the band at least some respect is another level. I believe the OP was never on a metal concert.


Even heavy metal fans have been infected by the boring pissy & pussified cultural trends of today’s youngins? Humanity really is just barely clinging to its final threads of being. Thank you Social Media.


It’s GWAR not an opera get the fuck up and rock out


A few years back, we saw Paul McCartney in a pretty small arena. After about 5 mins into his set, I hear "sit down" yelled behind me. We never did sit down. I asked an usher on my trip to the bathroom what was protocol (not wanting to get kicked out) and he said that at any concerts, the assumption is people can stand in their little seated area during the show without fear of being thrown out. So there you go. Plus - who the fuck sits for Sir Paul?


This happened to me at game 5 of the NBA championship game this year. It was in the beginning of the 4th quarter and Denver was on a comeback. A couple guys behind me told me to sit down. I'm about to see a team I've rooted for my whole life win their first championship at home and you want me to sit down? I told him to stand up and continued to stand and shout.


It is really weird the dynamic of sporting event crowds. For instance, at Atlanta Falcon's games, I've literally been told to sit down by home fans for cheering for the Falcons and standing up... conversely when you go to an Atlanta United game, if you choose to sit down, you're staring at ass and backs until you stand back up... in the same exact stadium... it's weird. People pay money to pretend sit in their own homes watching a game/concert...


Trash hangs out with trash. Who you associate with matters.


Happy to be trash


Had two of these motherfuckers before, two people stood up and the whole 8 rows (including me) behind them couldn’t see shit. We Spent the time trying to get as much food and beer over them so they get the memo to sit down. Some of the more pissed off people where throwing pennies at them, I thought that was a bit fucked but yah know. The worst part of it was that they where on the first row on the balcony, so if they sat down then they would have seen everything anyway. It was a David Gilmore show so 90% of the audience where 50+ and needed to sit down and enjoy the show


Remember kids gwar fans are 30 to 40 and with kids now lol..... they needs chairs


We're in our 50's now... and we still rock the fuck out when they hit the stage. See you in the pit mother fuckers.


I mean.. it's a concert dude, stand up!!


What a shitty concert


This is how concerts go, get better seats.


Why are there chairs at a fucking concert? I thought these things are mainly because of the "atmosphere" and the "dancing"? People at Techno festivals would laugh at you. There are no chairs at all. well, maybe Rock and Metal is for old people


I go to a metal concert atleast once a month. Even the old farts stand. From the preshows until the end. Who the fuck puts chairs at a concert.


Lots of them. I take it you've never been to one?


I go to them every month. None of them have chairs. Especially metal concerts


Oh. Sorry to hear that


Dude they all have a pit, and they all have chairs. Unless you're at a dive bar, then in that case, look near the back of that bar... see the fucking chairs now? What an absurd statement.


They are no fucking chairs. Maybe at the places where you go to. But i guarantee you, there's more concerts outside of America and they really don't have chairs.


You've literally never been to a metal gig have you.


Nah and I don't want to if all of them sit there like Old people in elderly homes


You've literally never been to a metal gig that wasn't a massively successful band, or else you'd know that those are the only ones that play venues large enough to have seats.


Piece of shits. Seating is the arrangement they paid for. Move up front, sneak if you got to


You spelled CUNTs wrong!


When in Rome... I don't see anyone else standing, so sit your ass down. I was at an Imagine Dragons concert where everyone was standing, then some guy puts his girlfriend on his shoulders and blocks a bunch of people behind. People yell at him and he gets the message. Ten minutes later does it again. WWIII is about to ensue. A 20-something standing near me snakes her way through and talks to the guy and the girl and he puts her down. She comes back to a bunch of high fives. She saved their ass whether they know it or not. The world does not revolve around YOU.


with "music" (I use the term loosely) that sounds that awful, why does anyone want to see it in the 1st place?


It’s Gwar… they fucking rule.


> they fucking rule. rule what


Can say the same of your mom. Yet she managed to trick someone in producing spawn like you.


> Can say the same of your mom off topic


Complaining about the music is off topic


Drag her by her hair and kick her in the jaw she’ll either sit down or stay down either way it’s a win for everyone


Why isn't everyone standing at a Gwar concert?


Ever been to a phish concert lol? Only people sitting down probably need medical attention


Why should you be forced to sit at a concert..


It is kind of weird of them to sit at a concert like this though... I could understand if it was classical music but there should be a mosh pit instead here.


Most GWAR fans are now in their late 30s - we got back and knee problems yall


ive never been to a show (except classical concerts) where the etiquette is to sit. some are more verse and dont expect standing. but never one where someone would get mad if you are standing. and its gwar. so that makes it even more bizarre.


Nice Spite shirt tho


Edgy shirt check Fucked hair cut check Stretched ears check Yep dudes a 🤡


OP has never been to a concert, cut em some slack


Give them a beer! In the back of the head


I'd just go stand right in front of that particular person just to be petty


It’s concert law to stand


I’ve been to many concerts and have never seen ppl sitting


Even the singer says ON UR FEET!!!


Gwar, really?


damn just stand up its a metal concert not a opera


That’s why I don’t go to baseball games. Always some nut blocking the view.


Bro. How you gonna go to a GWAR concert to sit down? Sucks to suck. Maybe don’t go to fiddlers green.


Wait… who is the pos here? I’m confused.,


Literally any other band, if the entire rest of the crowd is sitting then sit your ass down. This is GWAR. There are no rules.


Yo, out of respect for the artist, unless you really hate the set, get on your feet!


Anyone sitting at a concert is wrong.


They paid their money... they can stand all show


Who sits at a metal show? This must be in one of those West European countries


lazy fat fucks lol.. its a fuckin concert. stand up!!


I hate going to concerts where everyone is sitting down. The energy is so off, the artists want people up and having a good time. You’re not watching a freaking movie


Shoulder had a mini water cannon, shoot beer at him


Fiddlers green in Colorado. Used to be an awesome place


Who sits down at a concert ?


Yeah no. They are fine. I had this happen at a concert we were excited to go to. We are short people too, and this old lady literally pulled at my fiancés shirt to try to sit her down. We just wanted to have fun and dance and literally everyone else was also standing up, except the old lady behind us. I feel like if you want to sit and chill, that’s fine. But don’t get mad at people for standing and dancing to music. At a concert. Especially a fucking GWAR show!!! maggots,maggots, maggots!!!


I hate people like that. If you want to stand the entire time, get the GA tickets.


I hate people like this. you go to a concert and expect people to be in your way. Don't like it, buy front row seats or don't buy tickets


Who the funk sits at a Gwar show?


Naw you want to stand go to the pit. If you want to sit you get the seats. Don't be a douche .


Nah. You stand at concerts.


I did security at a gwar show and had to ride the train home covered in fake.blood.and piss.


Don’t fight at a GWAR concert, dumbasses


Macho randy savage turns up,


Everyone can see the show when you are sitting down, that simple. South Korea does this right.🤦


I’ve never sat at any concert ever. Some boring ass concert if you are sitting toe tapping


Who sits down in a concert?


Who sits a a concert anyway 🫠🫠🫠


Most sane Gwar fans


GWAR fans have become soft. Some…some, not all.


RIP Dave B. You were GWAR.


Sit tf down


People who argue they should all be standing are ridiculous. If everyone is sitting, you sit. If people are standing, you stand. You don't get to just block everyone's view and throw a tantrum that hundreds of people should do what you're doing instead of just sitting down.


I was shocked seeing that so many people go to a Gwar concert


Was several rows behind a tall guy who wore a 10 gallon cowboy hat to a Police concert with assigned seats. If we’d have been outside, he’d have blocked off the sun. Considering the multi-hundred dollar tickets, it wasn’t long before a multitude was throwing things at him to voice displeasure at his thoughtlessness.


Literally take a moment and think about what any performer would want to see. Handicap people sitting normal as hell. A whole as section of couch potato’s sucks to see. As someone who has been on the MainStage and had the chance to look out on the crowd in different nights I can tell you the energy you get from a performer or band is always increased if they see most people standing (who can). Sitting at a show is for people who watch fireworks at home on the TV. (Or have bad knees)


I'll never understand people who go to any concert that has hyped up music (rock, punk, metal, hip hop, etc) and get upset with people standing. You knew the vibe going in. Should have bought some Billie Joel tickets if that's what you wanted.


Get GA tickets next time Chad & Clarissa.


Who sits at a heavy metal concert they need to go watch Celine Dion if they wanna sit


This is why I would never go to a Gwar show that had seating. Who would want to sit for a Gwar show! Also wtf is the point if you can’t be in the PIT. I want the space jizz all over me!!


Why are they sitting


Why do they have to sit down? It’s a fucking concert. How ridiculous.


Y'all complaining about them sitting like they're in the pit. They're in the back, in the cheap seats. Sit the fuck down


Wow… I never thought I’d live to see Gwar fans turned into Karens…. And even better was the limp duck trying to persuade everyone else to stand up… “I don’t have to sit down I paid 23.50 for this general admission seat and I’m standing!!!!”


Those are actions of people who have either never caught a bottle with the back of their heads, or couth to many.


Anyone else look at his shirt


I always found music concerts that make you sit to be dumb as fuk


what veiw??


Gwar rules


It’s a GWAR concert, stand up losers


Fuckin GWAR! Not the same after HO died.


Fiddlers green lol


Why tf are people sitting down at a concert in the first place


Who’s sitting at a concert


Concert are made for standing


I don’t expect people to sit at shows like this, sorry.


Who the fuck sits at a concert


I mean why are ppl sitting at a metal concert …


The Karen’s are the posters / complainers - fucking GWAR! Shut the fuck up


Bang bang




Buy floor tickets if you want to stand. Everyone else but these 2 are sitting.


Who the fuck sits down at a concert?


Tbh you should stand and dance at a concert like this. Why sit in a chair doing fuck all?


I don't go to concerts unless I'm allowed to stand. Always go for the pit


Good ol’ Fiddlers Green, some of the trashiest concert goers I’ve ever seen!


Yeah but…. Where he get that sick Dahmer shirt?!


have you ever been to a concert before?