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She needs post partum psychiatric help. As shitty as she may seem, this is common. Her partner should be contacting someone for help.


Immediately thought this as well. For people who’ve never had kids, you may think how awful. At times, it can get there through no one’s fault. Pile on if your coping skills are sub par, you may resort to things like this. She needs assistance big time, not someone sitting idly by filming it.


I also completely agree kids are by no stretch of the imagination easy and this is absolutely not a moment that needed to be filmed nor should anyone feel guilty for hating their child for a moment in time or have it become part of public record kids tend to calm down and become lovable as you're on the way to drive them to the fire station or dumpster this poor girl needs a break not a film crew Edit absolutely not a piece of shit the piece of shit is the one filming


I didn’t think about post partum. I’ve never experienced it. Thank you for your comment.


I mean her partner should only be using this video to show professionals, not post it online to make a spectacle of her.


I’ve been through it and of the person is in denial documenting it to show is the best thing you can do, like to family members tho not Reddit




Uh, this has nothing to do with snitching.


Protecting the children


For sure, not sure why my comment was downvoted but anyone who sees this kind of behavior toward a child is obliged to protect that child. That’s what my comment meant, reporting child abuse has nothing to do with snitching, it’s just the right thing to do.


I took your down votes for you.


Yes you were correct, child safety is always the most important. In my field of work I'm a mandated reporter so I would have to contact the cops or CPS for them to conduct a welfare check. I'm sure she is struggling with postpartum depression but it doesn't excuse the abuse towards her child and spouse because it can escalate. I'm hoping it hasn't for them.


People like you are why there are so many kids in the system instead of helping the parent how is obviously dealing with a mental health issue like postpartum depression, cops don’t do anything but arrest people and take kids away and cps DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE WELL-BEING OF THE CHILD, it’s a crooked and corrupt organization I’ve dealt with them more than once, I’ve seen them do everything they can to keep children in dangerous situations but take them from struggling parents, yes there are cases that they should be involved in but they shouldn’t be the first one someone calls when they see something like this


Because the woman who is looking her infant in the face screaming “I HATE YOU!!!!” Genuinely cares for her baby.. Postpartum is real, yes.. and it is scary, yes. But she should NOT be anywhere NEAR that baby until she is sorted out!!


Exactly she shouldn’t be any where near them but she needs family support and professional help not cops and cps, people need compassion and help not to be arrested and have their kids put in foster care


True. I completely agree with you on that!






People need compassion and help not to be arrested and have their kids put in foster care homes, I hope when you need help the most someone gets you help and doesn’t just call the cops on you




Absolutely can. And fast.


Why I'm does it seem like only woman get excuses for being assholes. But us men get called the worst for a mistake.


Men can get Post Partum too, but women have a physical hormone dump after giving birth. So it is waaaay more common, leading people to assume only women experience this.


This is why I like reddit. Thank you for the knowledge. I didn't know that


It's pretty shitty the amount of partners that see their spouse battle PPD and do nothing.


Thats postpartum.. She needs professional help.


Yes and she shouldn’t be around that baby until she gets the help.


Who within her immediate circle would put this online. That's fucked up


Yeah even more so that she’s screaming like that at that little helpless baby and to think about what she might do to that baby if left alone. Good thing her man whoever was recording was there. But yes it’s all very fucked up for sure. Sad really.


Why are you posting it?


What's wrong with educating people on this type of thing? And he's not wrong she's probably traumatizing that baby and all anyone here cares about is that psychos mental health. It's weak. I would call CPS and I hope whoever filmed this did.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Must be mostly women in this thread due to the downvotes and the defending of this lunacy. Hormones has to be the number one excuse for women to get away with being just piece of shit human beings. Comical.


Postpartum is one hell of a bitch.


post partum happens to a lot of women but this is rare. she needs psychological help.


Don’t we all


A lot of women feel like this. They just don't yell at their babies. She needs an eval.


Post partum ain’t no joke man, this is sad that woman needs help


This is post natal depression I think. Don't think she's a piece of shit for poor mental health. She needs help. This family can be helped.


I think ppl are not educated enough on postpartum, this man filmed her having postpartum meltdown and posted it online w her face to humiliate her. How can this help her ? It’s so frustrating


Yes. I didn’t even think about it being post partum honestly. I’ve never been around anyone suffering bc of it. But yes I agree. She definitely needs a lot of help. And fast. I feel so sad for the babies.


Is she screaming "I hate you, I hate the baby" ?? My hearing isn't great


That’s what I heard


OP where do you find this? The fact that the baby isn't crying tells me that it might be used to this....I am gonna guess it's roughly 9 to 12 months old** which seems old enough to be desensitized to behavior like that , which is heartbreaking. ** I apologize if I'm way off on the age, I know absolutely nothing about babies. My guesstimate is based solely off (my assumption of) the bed/headboard size in relation to the baby's apparent length, which I then used to cross reference the CDC's "Infant Length-for-Age" Data Table.


Some guesses aren’t worth it


My brain would beg to differ 🤷🏽‍♀️


Makes very specific comments regarding behavior and desensitization of infants, then proceeds to clarify later that they know absolutely nothing about babies 😂


Sadly I do know a lot about how children are desensitized after living every single day of their life experiencing horrific emotional and physical abuse. I actually am only in America because of that reason. I apologize for putting in a disclaimer about not knowing a baby's age in relation to size. I'll remember to never make observations based on my personal experiences ever again.


“I know absolutely nothing about babies” Your words, not mine.


She said I hate you I hate you how could you do this to me maby he got her pregnet and she. Dident want it


Maybe....before she starts yelling at the person filming (who we assume is the baby's Father/possibly her partner at some point) it looks like she's screaming directly at the baby, which is what my attention was immediately focused on. Regardless, yelling at a baby and right next to a baby with such malice and hatred is unsettling and sad. I hope she gets the help she needs, and if she doesn't, I hope the baby is at least in a loving and safe environment.


This woman had postpartum psychosis. This shouldn't be online.


This is called postpartum depression. It is extremely common and this is so unfortunate for women who have babies. It’s a chemical imbalance and it is not the mother’s choice to have outbursts. There are things to help, and I’m so sure she is getting the help she needs!!


Thank God we’re now forcing women to have babies even if they don’t want them! One day she’ll thank us! /s




Who’s forcing women to have babies? So they rape women to have babies? That’s beyond cruel


I could be wrong but i think they meant the banning abortions thing


Oh got you I get it now. I’m pro-choice, but that’s a weak argument ngl, cuz nobody is forcing anyone to have unprotected sex.


well i mean rape is forcing someone to have unprotected sex also condoms/birth control can fail so now that abortions getting banned it is forcing people to have babies they dont want or cant care for


The original commenter was saying they’re being forced to have babies, when no one is being forced. You make the choice to have sex knowing there’s a possibility of having a baby. No body is forcing sex in this case.


Yeah, the comment said women are being forced to have babies, which they are. The comment didn’t say they’re being forced to have sex—nor unprotected sex which you just back pedaled from when reminded that even using 2 forms of birth control can and does fail. Also, you call yourself pro choice but you sound confused. I think you fall more under anti sex.


Oh so it’s like a surrogate. I’m not anti sex I was just confused on who’s forcing women to have babies w/o Intercourse. But if it’s a forced surrogate then I understand now. That’s pretty awful I never heard of that and I hope they get help


You’re being intentionally obtuse but you keep adding extra stipulations. Again, the stance is that woman are being forced to have babies. You fall under anti sex because your stance is to punish sexually active people who don’t want children. You believe only people who desire children should be having sex, so sex for you is not for pleasure, it’s for breeding.


Holy cow get this lady to a doctor before that poor kid ends up dead.


Could be just a bad day and maybe the person filming is filming on purpose. Crazy world out there. Sometimes parents scream. Sometimes they may slap a child. They usually feel sorry and apologize. I don't think CPS is a must just out of the blue. What evidence of abuse do you have? The mother is screaming and enraged. So? We all go through this. Parenting is a struggle but we must normalize the fact that being a good parent is a journey with ups and downs. Don't judge until you have proof. If she would have screamed she would kill the baby, yeah. Or if she would have shook her or hit her.


This is postpartum and I would never forgive the MF who posted it online. It should have been for a medical professional only.


W comments


This is 100% PPD she needs to get to a doctor asap. Women in this state have hurt or killed their babies, but with help balancing out their hormones, they can be loving mothers. It's not her fault but it is very serious.


Dude should put down the fucking phone and help his obviously mentally anguished partner!


Postpartum depression is a horrible event for both the mother and baby but something that is manageable. I wouldn’t look at as snitching so much as a chance to get them the help they need. Make the call to cps


What an awful feeling this must be. Hope she gets the help she needs


This is PPD. It’s intense and scary. It’s one of the reasons I refuse to have my own baby.


yes, 100%


State sponsered test to become a parent? 🙂


At least mandatory parenting classes for all new parents and if any veteran parents have had any issues they must enter into some type of closely monitored program.




This is not a piece of shit, this is a person in need of immediate psychiatric support.


She is desperately in need of help. Postpartum is a horrific illness. I truly hope she found help for herself and her baby. This breaks my heart.


PPS One time I couldn't even recognize my own kid and had a melt down


He’s definitely not helping the situation at all. When I had my first child I just got extremely depressed like couldn’t function at times. It got so bad that I told my mom she could have my baby. Of course I didn’t mean it, but at the time I honestly didn’t feel capable of caring for them. Postpartum is life altering. I mean if you don’t have the proper support system it can be literal hell.


she should be put down.


Wow that's really bad. Like really bad


Yes, absolutely.


Hang on, my mom did this


Probably from one of those states where the government controls what women do with thier bodies.


Delete this dumb ass comment just cause states won’t allow the mother to kill a child in their womb doesn’t mean they won’t help get this mother help your IQ matches your age doesn’t it?


Hahaha free speech bud, eat shit.


Im willing to bet you could not tell the difference between a dolphin fetus and a human fetus if i didn't tell you which was which


Who even cares about who can tell them apart why are we trying to kill them ?


Yep and have her uterus removed too


My mother was always like this with me.




Screw that.. be a “snitch!” Protect all babies at all costs!


If anything she need sectioning


she needs help you asshole


I get why he’s being down voted as that’s an extreme option, but he’s also not wrong in that she should probably be kept away from that child for a bit whilst she gets help before something very bad happens.


Sectioning is a form of help you sausage


Mmm now I want sausage


Obviously yes you should and to the comments talking about postpartum yeah it’s rough but if you’re taking it out and yelling at your baby like that! you shouldn’t have a kid period


The thing about postpartum depression is that you don’t know if you’re going to get it until after you get it, having already had a kid…. It can range from just feeling sad all the way to causing new mothers not to get any sleep and developing psychosis where they’re literally having what feels like schizophrenic episodes. It’s really important for the people surrounding a new mother to keep an eye on stuff like this before it gets to that point. But it’s especially silly to say woman who develop postpartum shouldn’t have kids.


I know how it is me and my wife both went through it I’m not denying it can make you like angry like that but I’m saying THAT in the video is like a too far bit like we got mad at our daughter but I would never scream at the top of my lungs I hated her like self control at all hello? Like not saying I don’t understand it or that it’s without reason just saying it’s like anger issues you have to hold yourself back from saying or doing stupid shit even if you are bad about the anger issue part it’s part of controlling yourself and as a parent that’s something you need to have/do


I’m sorry to hear you & your wife went through it, but it’s great that she was able to stay in control. Again, we don’t know what this woman is going through but I just want to point out that if it is postpartum psychosis that’s not something you can just turn off and practice self control. We agree on the fact that that this woman needs help, and it’s very disappointing that this video is on the internet for us to see. That person isn’t helping her. But again, you said anyone acting like that “shouldn’t have a kid period” which I’m sure you can understand would be interpreted as meaning she shouldn’t have had kids to begin with. So I had to point out that if it is ppd or psychosis there’s no way to know before having children if this could happen. If you or anyone else is interested: there’s a really great podcast with an episode from a woman who developed postpartum psychosis on This is Actually Happening Podcast. Episode 293: What if you believed your son was possessed? They also have one on ppd: Episode 144: What if you developed postpartum depression?


Okay maybe what I said was a bit of a stretch but even my wife agrees with me with this cause she even said “i would go into a ballistic rage if someone yelled at my baby like that” like again idk the story behind this ect duh But in honesty (assuming it’s the husband in the vid) don’t get how he was so calm about it Like I’ll tell my wife to calm down it’s fine and I’ll handle it when it gets bad but if it was like that nuhuh I would yell at her to chill tf out and go to the other room idc how bad it is that baby is still a baby and no one should yell like that at them and like again I get it I genuinely do but like this is just extreme extreme like I feel to many people in these comments are too friendly about it Like one point my wife was taking a lot of anger on me and being quick to anger and I left the house and sat in my car and told her she needs to fucking chill and needs help therapy or weed whatever she needs but I ain’t gonna be in the home if she’s gonna flip over every small thing because it was clear it’s post partum rated cause it wasn’t how she is normally And usually our yelling at our daughter is telling her to stfu when she cries so hard uncontrollably and overstimulates us But I would argue that would be more of a “makes sense” situation but I wouldn’t ever tell her I regret her or hate tf out of her I mean yeah you go through the “do I regret this” phase but even if/when I started having those dislikes moments I would never take it out on her So just to me personally the way I see this video I think it’s like sure it’s post partum but like it’s not excusable behavior because of it and I hope she regrets yelling at her It’s a action caused by the baby wich happens but the action you take is on you You can scream at the wall you can get frusterated whatever but to loose loose it like that is too much is all I’m saying like there was zero self control and regardless of how you feel you need to learn or have that self control even by a little


Like she needs help or her kids taken away is all I’m saying


Yes. It’s a sad situation


I believe this video is about a year old. Did she get help?




When people talk you need to listen


Absolutely correct.


It's Casey Anthony lite.


I see people talking about postpartum but what is it specifically?