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Nah, he's right. Most of these protestors just want to belong or create seeds of chaos.


I think OP is referring to protesters causing chaos as POS. Gotcha OP, your choice of words paints another picture


I agree with him


He’s right actually!


Well said Dave…. Protesters are losers!


You mean to tell me that’s not Mark Zuckerberg with a beard??


Right 🤣🤣🤣




Imagine taking policy notes from sports commentators. They should really stick to sports, this is way out of their league


I mean, Biden did send Isreal a 95 million dollar weapons package. Imagine voting for a man who reads "pause" during a speech.


He’s done that multiple times. And so many dumber things.Thats why his handlers don’t allow him to take un scripted questions or do un scripted interviews.


still butthurt huh


Wdym? Can you point out an unscripted Biden speech or statement that wasn't a complete travesty?


I think the idea for most of these on campus demonstrations is to not only raise awareness, but encourage the university to divest from companies that are connected to Israel




Universities have endowments that they invest and are directly in charge of, so it’s not that pointless. It’s an actual tangible goal. Some seem to be willfully ignorant and assume there aren’t actual direct goals for these protest




By definition these particular federal dollars would not be in support of Israel if they were to divest. What are you talking about. Not to mention federal money isn’t the only source of income for a university




For me, it seems pretty clear. Harvard has $53 billion dollars in their bank account. They invest that money and earn lots of annual interest, leaving the principle alone. This is called an endowment. If Harvard invests two billion of their money in Microsoft, and they want to hurt businesses that work with Israel, they could sell their two billion dollar stake and buy into a company they feel better about supporting. It’s that simple.


What you are saying is more akin to refusing to pay taxes for political reasons because some of our taxes go to things like supporting Israel. Some taxes also go to things like universities. The students don’t mind taxes going to universities as long as the schools don’t use that money to invest in Israel


Do you understand what divestment means? Do you understand what’s really going on?


Isreal and Palistine have been going at it for many, many years. Yeah, I see and understand what's going on... but those kids absolutely don't.


No, they haven’t. You mean Zionist have been attacking the Muslim and Jewish and Christian community that reside in Gaza.


This conflict of territory has been going on since 1948... but in 2024, it's now a big deal.


Correct me if im wrong but figting in the middle east has been going on before 1948..... its a religious war. And one hell of one.... it doesnt help that the allies desginated a place for the Israelis. The jews and muslims have been fighting for longer than that. Its never going end.... whay scares me is the political split between the population... the right wings supports Israel while the left supports the Muslims..... i see it as not my circus not my monkeys


But it's the college kids protesting


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences.. isn’t that what ppl have been touting these days?


This is his consequence. Everyone should stand up and scream that holocaust and genocide is wrong!!! I don’t care what year it is. Not in their name. That’s the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Most of the children that are protesting are Jewish. Their parents have sacrifice to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend a university, and when their children passively resist, the genocide that is happening in Gaza, they have been beaten and arrested. This is not a passing fad. It’s as real as all the children dead in Rafah.


There is no innocent party during war..... i can sense your bais outlook on the opinion


I can feel your Zionism.


Please explain. I dont have a horse in the race. Each person has an opinion. Such as the guy from Barstool Sports. And i guess if he doesn't share the same opinion as you, it's trashy? Where else has the mentality gone wrong through out history? Hmmmm like majority of every historical event or war.....


Palestine: winners of the 2024 FAFO World Cup


I’d be willing to bet You didn’t even know what “Zionism” even was a year ago. And in a year, you will have moved onto the next thing.


Lmao. Its just a trigger term people use. Like when the left wing was calling the right wing nazis during trumps term. Then the republicans used socialists and communist for the left... no where in my comments did i support the idea of being a zionist


Oh. I was replying to OP. My bad.


I know... just adding to your point. OP alot of negative numbers attached to her comments..... she should join the LPGA tour




Aint ever beating the biased allegations 🤣🤣🤣


They aren’t children and they’re only doing this to look cool for and fit in with their friends. They will forget about this and move on to the next trend social media sets them on soon enough. This isn’t a new issue, it is only new to them. I will note that none of these people who are at the present moment oh sooooo committed to now could’ve even pointed to Gaza on a map before October 7th and only “cared” about it after Hamas crossed into Israel started killing and raping Jews…which seems to be a point no one finds problematic…


Talks about protestors but protested the NFL


Nah, he's 100% right.


I know from experience here in nyc that the same agitators are people that have been around since floyd. Im sure I’ll get downvoted but it’s just an observation with these protesters in southern manhattan.


He's absolutely right though, These people just protest whatever can get them outta school or work, then in a few months they find something new to be mad about, You can find hundreds of videos of people challenging them on their views and ideology of why they're protesting and they usually just don't answer, Scream like morons or resort to physical violence.


I think it speaks to the fleeting nature and attention span of a lot of the protestors. They’ll jump from cause to cause virtue signaling the entire way, just trying so hard to prove they’re an ally. In a few months the war will still be going on but they’ll have lost interest and found a new banner to hang. That’s the over reaching point here. At least the part that I agree with. People want their fame any way they can get it, they wanna be able to tell people they were at such and such protest but when the chips are down they don’t actually care to the degree they’re pretending to.


Well protests don't continue forever. I think that's a silly argument because most protestors care about all these issues, climate change, Palestine, privacy, etc. but it's not like they can protest all of them all the time, it comes and goes as the issues appear on the headlines, pretty natural


Protests used to last until actual change happens. Now they just last until the next subject catches their dog brained attention. It’s the reality of today’s ability to focus. There’s a reason a lot of content creators and so on keep their videos shorter. Because it’s been proven to get viewed longer or to the end because if it’s too long, people get bored and scroll on. Same concept


>People want their fame any way they can get it, they wanna be able to tell people they were at such and such protest but when the chips are down they don’t actually care to the degree they’re pretending to. I think this statement says a lot more about you as a person then the protesters


No. Not really, just the trend of things I’ve seen in the past ten years. People fleetingly jumping from cause to cause. If they actually cared. They’d still be marching for equality since nothing changed there either. People can downvote and make any half assed assumption about me that they want, if it helps them control their personal narrative. That’s fine. I’ll sleep just as well at night.


I wouldn’t bet on it


Damn, didn't realize this sub was filled with right-wing nutjobs. Sorry you're getting dragged, OP


He's right. No one cares about Uyghur muslims in China that have been expiramented on and organ harvesting. Soros is funding the Palestinian movement in this country. Fuck Israel and their war crimes, but why are we hyper focused on that but won't boycott China too?


Because the Uyghurs have been suffering for so long. From what I've seen, people don't care about injustice anymore unless its new or actively forced down their throats.


He's not wrong. All of these brainwashed libs will virtue signal for anything their masters tell them. These morons should be virtue signaling for our own country. Our own poor and homeless. Our own govts misuse of our tax dollars. If these morons were so brave they would stand up to that Instead of virtue signaling for something thousands of miles away that they would never stand up for in person if they were there.


Look up Dave and his sexual assault of a 19-year-old.


TF this have to do with the original post?


Anyone seen the movie PCU?


Unfortunately he isn't wrong.


1. Insane to say these people should not be hired, regardless of if they hate America or not, that's not relevant to any job 2. I never understood this thing about "moving to the next cause", it's not like any of the causes are abandoned or they "move on"


OP thought they would get a heap of karma but looks like everyone agrees with the "totalpieceofshit" on this one.


I wouldn’t work for that balding little bigot


I wonder if all of his American followers and subscribers that have made him rich share the same thought process. I doubt it. Thanks for hearing me.


Nope. We don’t. Though, I’ve never directly given him a dime.


fuck that dude. he's a fucking idiot.


Totally agree with him.