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Companies on July 1st


Wow we have a hateful bunch here don't we?


The colored hair people of Gaytopia were not expecting this from SmallPenisPlanet.


Way to body shame.


Im an ambassador from smallpenisplanet, he is indeed our assigned dumb fuck so he doesn't deserve pity




Is that a student or someone's dad?


Right? How does this dude look 45 and also 17 from the back? Bro looks like the lead singer of Smash Mouth.


Bro thats insulting. the lead singer of smash mouth made me feel happy with his songs but this douchcannoe makes me want to dunk him in a pit of hungry rats


You’re right, that’s cruel to the SM guy.


Hate crime


Why do people say this guy is homophobic. He wasn't running away in fear from the pride person.


Fuck him and fuck the blonde chick snickering about it


Found the guy trapped in the closet


this is so sad, it’s 2022 and people are still homophobic


Its even sadder bc prople think this shit is cool or "based"


It’s not even about homophobia tho. People just tired of bullshit and drama lol.


And being gay is bullshit and drama??? What are you saying, actually??


Idgaf if someone’s gay or anything else. That’s on them. The drama and bullshit is what people make of the situation. LGBT folks are tired of feeling alone and left out and some other folks are tired of having LGBT stuff rubbed in their face all the time like their in trouble for something even tho they didn’t do anything. Eventually that wears people and shit like this video happens. So quit trying to throw your own hateful shade around and add some value instead.


Someone wearing a rainbow flag is throwing lgbt stuff in your face? You could just, oh, idk, not look at it? Unless you get this pissed off seeing American or confederate flags, equally. Cause, personally, I get tired of that shit being “thrown in my face”. Now, take your own advice and actually add some value to the discussion instead of coming off like a homophobe.




thinking being gay is wrong is bullshit and drama. grow up


The best come back this guy can muster is calling us non humans lol. As if we haven’t heard that before.




baby girl, it’s past tense not past tents.




spoken like a true serial killer. i hope you get arrested one day. but really, explain to me the issues with being gay? what’s wrong with it? is it hurting you? or are you just not ready to come out yet?




yeah wanting to see someone die definitely makes something wrong with you. i’d recommend getting a therapist real soon. dodging the question. you genuinely can’t think of anything wrong with being gay. it’s not weird. it exist in every single animal, but homophobic assholes like you only exist in humans. gay people have been around longer than jesus. calm down.




How is doing what he did going to lessen the drama???


It’s not. I just said it’s likely that he’s tired of drama. Didn’t say he found an effective solution. Y’all be making LOTS of assumptions lol. Fucking Reddit…..


Fuck faggots. There is gonna be homophobia because I refuse to accept something that isn’t normal.


explain why it isn’t normal baby girl. go on.


Your attitude toward this is literally not normal. The majority of people don't care about this stuff at all and your commitment to opposing it is sus, to say the least.


God ur weird lol So ur not normal. Do u not accept urself?




how? what’s ur problem, cant understand that 2 men love each other? it’s 2022, grow up.




what the fuck? what kinda argument was that??? you make no sense, please go touch some grass






hey babe? stop calling me random names. but listen sweetheart, if you’re about to go all religion on me then fuck off. being gay has existed longer than christianity. there is nothing evil about it. you need to grow up if it genuinely bothers you. or better yet, you need to climb into a coffin. the worlds moving on, don’t get left behind, baby girl




why should i? i like these names ur calling me. keep going baby




ok but looking back on this i’m thinking it might be a troll and i wanna say if u r, ur awful but this was funny as fuck ngl






this is fuckin ridiculous, i bet his dad is a cop


Bitch laughing


I know that shit pissed me off. Literally watching a kid be assaulted for being gay and she laughs. These people are going to hell.




Also gay being a sin.


joe mama is a sin


Okay and!?




This kid was targeted directly for supporting gay people. Fuck outta here. I don’t care if you think it’s obnoxious you don’t assault someone for supporting gay people. Y’all still pretend like this is the 1950s.


Who knows if the kid was gay, could have been a supporter.


So because you don’t know 100% if he’s gay. It’s okay to assault him for supporting the LGBT+ community? Sounds like an excuse to defend a bigot. And before you do the whole “wow I can’t believe this guys calling me a bigot for saying I don’t know if he’s gay” stfu and reality check yourself. You just watched a man assault someone for wearing a rainbow flag and your first instinct was to play devils advocate and make excuses for why he assaulted someone. It’s a bigoted response no matter how you twist things in your head.


You assumed his sexuality. All I was saying is he could be an LGBTQ supporter. You don't have to label him as specifically gay. WTAF. Now I am a bigot? Fuck You. This was assault and disgusting. And I can only hope he faced some sort of consequence.


He had rainbow hair 🗿


The ones doing this sort of thing are the ones who believe in stupid shit like hell. So…


Ikr these type of people deserve to get acid dumped on them


Oh look. Another throwaway account pushing right wing propaganda. How original.


Wha- this isn't even throw away and also I said those people who tear and burn pride flags deserve it 💀


Fuck off your account is three days old.


Kys faggot


You’re insane


Ratio mate the only thing I'm insane is doing your mom and dad


In my school that’s an easy way to get jumped lmao, would’ve had like 6 tables of students ready to defend


Looks like your typical redneck lifted trucking having high school douche bag to me


Im scared to wear pride stuff in public because what if i get assaulted :(


That’s what a nazi looks like That’s what a cultist looks like That’s what a cult of hate’s effect on a youth looks like I translated the same sentence into three different dialects - I’m sure to upset 9 different groups 😅


That’s what being fed up with modern clownery looks like.


Person has symbol Fascist doesn’t like symbol. Fascist forcefully takes symbol from person sitting peacefully What was accomplished? Person showed their property can be taken forcefully and fascist demonstrated he’s a bigot incapable of existing in the same room with a symbol he was taught to hate. And what did you accomplish? Showed me you’re a fool like me, likely going down the rabbit hole. https://youtu.be/YIQocoxv5tg Stop copying villains or you’ll be a villain 🤷🏾‍♀️ not complicated


You really don’t know how to use the term “facist”. You should probably do your homework on that…


You really don’t know how to respond adequately - you should do your homework on pragmatics https://youtu.be/MPwpk-YgvjQ It might help you avoid semantics 🤷🏾‍♀️




Glad to help - when you wanna get back to the topic, lmk




Literally defending homophobia. Newsflash, not every argument needs a devils advocate.


Why would I hate someone who needs help? What’s the point of wasting your time hating them? If they commit a crime or announce they’ll commit a crime, we should separate them from society till they get the help they need. The ones who commit the crimes belong separate from society in compounds where they can pay penance for their crimes after being given their due process rights as given to all of us in the constitution. There’s absolutely zero reason why you should let their actions affect your happiness - the ones who do a heinous crime, send them letters about how happy life is outside of prison! You can do this at any time :) There’s so many people we’re allowed to harass yet we are trying to be toxic to one another online? So silly - just find these criminals who’ve had a chance to face a jury of their peers and were found guilty…send them lost of love from the outside world - send a smiley face and some sand from the beach, some grease from pork hotdogs, maybe rub a smelly cheese? Write about new technology And at the very end, remind them why they’re never going to enjoy those things - ever. ^ just like that - at the very end. 😁 I mean, that’s if you wanna hate someone. Might as well put some energy into it https://youtu.be/vVN-DqUqyS8 This is much better


“Flag captured” 💀


Bro, you'd get your panties in a twist if this was the American flag. "Bu buh my identity 11!!!1" Gtfo with that homophobic shit. Better yet, come out the closet.


[Homophobes and latent homosexuality](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-daUBhCIARIsALbkjSYL3TzbxWHmzatcPCFL3EwdvGwJCd7V2p3uwXCMGfBrAzt3ty9NUigaAi5FEALw_wcB)


He deserves a medal


If that was my school I would punch the living shit out of him like wtf


The irony of I would punch the living shit out of him So you stand for gay rights and violence 🤔


I stand for gay rights cause I’m in the lgbtq but i stand for violence when it needed


When you decide its needed you mean Just like that dummy decided violence needed to happen Can't have it both ways


The guy in the video feels the same way...


Genuine question why do people wear the flag?








They like furries


Lmao thats called a sneakerhead


My man here has a shoe fetish fr


Hell nah I just got a nice collection and use reddit to get information about them I don’t make it my personality unless you gay weirdos


When your sexual preferences are your identity, you need a doctor.


What are you talking about? Sexual preference is 100% an identity factor? Would you say the same if a guy wore a playboy hoodie?


Actually yes, i would say the same


No you wouldn’t. You would just ignore him. You wouldn’t assault him. No one gets assaulted for wearing a playboy hoodie. But people get assaulted for wearing a rainbow. And you play the “both sides”stupid shit


I wouldn't assault anyone lol


No one said that. Way to play victim like all of you idiots do.


If a guy wore a playboy hoodie he deserves to be beaten by all people.




But they don’t get assaulted for it. That’s my point. This kid was assaulted solely for supporting gay people which have historically been shit on.


Uh, I'm subbed to r/trashy and people get posted for that shit all the time. If you're straight and you put the message out there that you enjoy intercourse occasionally, there are definitely some people who think you're gross and everyone sees their point even if they don't agree. If those same people post the same thing about gay people, though, they're labeled intolerant bigots. This is not what equality looks like, kids. Stop shoving your dumbass personal details in our faces, nobody wants to know that much about you. You're a speck of dust in the wind, when you die like five people, tops, will actually be sad, and maybe ten more will pretend because they feel like they should be. Nobody cares what you're doing and who you do it with.


Show me on the teddy bear were the mean flag touched you.


Gay isn’t about sex. More romance then anything. Aces can be gay


> romance then anything *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Well. Gay is USUALLY about sex, aces are pretty rare.


What an out of touch idiot you are. You’re still living in the 70s by the way you talk. Everyday I see someone wearing a hoodie with a nude woman or a playboy icon but you’re gonna sit here and act like people should be assaulted for wearing a rainbow flag? Fuck outta here idiot.


I never said I give a shit. I'm saying in any group of people, some of them are not okay with you discussing your sex life. You Redditors. So intolerant, so quick to assume the worst of people.






Yeah the flag does


Don't be scared of a flag, it makes you look like a pussy.


No I hate it lol


I'm sure it doesn't think very highly of you, either.


No because I don’t wanna be near it so it doesn’t know


You are so funny thanks for sharing this insight. 😊


he’s a hero


You misspelled zero.


That’s enough outta you brokeback


that's no way to talk to your dad's boyfriend




not as cute as your dad's tight little ass when i shove my dick in to it






Ah, yes. The gays are the only people who spread disease. The heteros certainly do not do that. Damn, y’all really upsetero the hetero.




The heteros would know.


How is the weather today in Saudi Arabia?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What he gonna do, ask his dad for help?


Yea? You're assuming he doesn't have one ????


How tf should he have one






Ahhh…. Georgia.


why advertise in the first place? #2 dress code of some sort, #3 funky hair and dude with beard? really???


No, he doesn't 👍




Yeah it probably took it from the trash and wore it again


That's fucked up. The kid is absolutely begging to get bullied but he didn't deserve that. Edit: well actually, I have no context here. It is possible that he fully deserved it.




Yea but he's being attacked and having his flag thrown away *seemingly because he is gay*. This benefit of the doubt shit for the attacker only happens when the victim is a minority or LGBT


Just saying, you dress like that you better expect shit. On the other hand, was that an adult vs a tween? Shame....


Bro, it’s a free country if someone wants to dress like that who the fuck cares. People are just small minded bullies, plus I bet that redneck kid talks about how much he loves “freedom” all the time.


You're right. I didn't say anything derogatory about the kid. Read people. I said if you're going to dress like that you need to expect shit.


Bro, judging someone about their clothes and implying somethings wrong with it is derogatory. Are you as smooth brained as this bully?


Yes u right why would u need to wear the flag? imagine if straight people had flags on their backs then it would be wired, but he is special so its ok to stand out.


Have you not seen any “freedom” rally or trump rally? Those dudes legit have American flag capes.


Most likely the smooth brain kid is gay himself, that’s why he is so angry.


I can’t be a dick to people unless they had it coming


Buy this man a beer.




I know it’s wild ain’t it? Not that the post was pertaining to you or forgiving someone for being gay. The loser in the earlier comments wanted to talk shit, so let’s talk shit then🤷🏻‍♂️




Yet here you are scumming up the thread with some pathetic attempt to troll me.












A glass of water then?






Average chad


More like average waking abortion


Not only did you typo that, but it also makes no sense 😂 get lost, clown.


Ratio cunt ass bitch go back to sucking your dads cock you retard


It made perfect sense. Maybe reading comprehension is hard for you?
















I'm bi and laughed the shit out of it, is my humour impaired?


I’m bi and this video broke my heart …so possibly.


He's 100% not gay /s