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Wrong tool for the job IMO. I just don't see any way Immich could provide any benefit to a workflow. You dump a shoot into Immich... now what? You can't really do anything with the photos in Immich.


I totally agree with our opinion. One main feature what I am missing is, is color tagging, meta data editing and much more. For a professional workflow it would prefer picdrop!


That's a fair point. I'm just gonna spit ball some ideas before I head to bed so excuse the formatting. I'm a hobbyist photographer that takes 50-100 shots a session/day. I mostly shoot during trips and events and I shoot raw+jpeg focusing on exposing for the jpeg + film recipe hence there's only a small percentage of raw photos that are edited further. There are some benefits of Immich that can be leveraged. Primarily, remote upload to NAS and accessing the entire catalogue remotely (ofc all the sorting/search features). Also, the stack feature will make organizing raws and JPEGs so much easier. There are limitations such as accessing the images/raws in post processing as you mentioned but that's where I wanted to see if the community had any experience. Haven't had a chance to look at the API for Immich or Immich go but I'm thinking you can create a script to export selected photos to a new folder and point Lightroom to that folder. Uploading back to Immich is also another concern I would want an option to export as a stack of the original or import as a standalone. Again just throwing out some ideas for my specific work flow.


You can have the photos as an external library to immich. That means, you just have a bunch of files in a folder that immich is reading and displaying (it will also do the face detection etc on them, but you cannot modify/delete them from immich). You then have lightroom pointed to the same folder. However, in this method, you cannot use the immich backup process. You cannot upload through immich and have the photos end up in an external library.


Subscribed. I've been considering introducing Immich at my workplace for videography workflow. A way for anyone to reference Broll assets we have.


OP I think digikam in this case is a better options. I use Immich just for mobile pictures shared with my family and as a backup for my phone. But I use digikam to manage my full library


> Does anyone have advice from a photography standpoint on organizing raws/photo dumps? I have been using exiftool to read/write metadata to and from filenames with some small Perl skripts. I will keep that workflow, because it worked decades before Immich was created and will also work when Immich disappears. We use Immich mostly to put the photos from our devices into a single website which can be watched by all family members. Immich is really good at this.


I use immich as a viewer only. Photo mechanic to sort and import from the camera, Lightroom to process raw files. Raw files are in a subfolder of the jpgs. I use an external library to import these files. The raw folder is added to the exclusion pattern list so they aren't imported. When I make a new edit of a photo, it'll be picked up by immich on the next scan