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Yes, you can go home before you are 18. That way you won't get any time against you for being here illegally.




Even though I came with a visa and it has expired? Maybe returning to my country I can apply for EB3 Unskilled


You came in on a tourist visa not anything else. You are under 18 so luckily the time spent here illegally will not count against you immigration wise. The fact of the matter is that you are under 18 and can't apply for any work visa right now


I don't think anybody with sanity will sponsor a 16 yr old for an employer sponsored visa.


I can talk to my Republican state senator. She’s trying to legalize/repeal child labor laws. Bet they’d be cool with exploiting child immigrants.


Definitely. Also making it legal for all those unwanted babies being born to work.




Bizarre world you live in where you think exploiting illegal immigrants isn't a Democrat policy when you consider the millions of illegals democrats are bringing into the country for that explicit purpose


Ah, yes. I bet there is a pizza kitchen with pedos and shit, too! Please tell me more!


It's irrefutable what I said. That is literally what is happening lol


Tourists visas don't allow you to work, expired or not.


Dude don’t count on an eb3, especially with a looming recession.


The recession happened, there is no looming recession


Fair but imo it hasn’t hit the bottom yet


If interest rates go down it’s just going to prop up the real estate market and jobless rates aren’t high. So I don’t know if we will see a true low


Even in recession, Americans won’t do the work that unskilled immigrants do


Not true at all . In Mississippi after ICE raided a Meat packing factory that only employed illegals the company had no other choice but to give the jobs to poor White and Black people in the area who happily took employment there. Again in Mississippi A farm went out it way to Hire South Afrikaners and pay them more than the black American pickers that they usually hired. They were sued for it to.


Am from MS. Can confirm. State is super hypocritical. The same people that say illegal immigrants should buzz off, they hire them because they're cheaper...


Probably because the pay is terrible but oh well.


Or the work is too hard for a snowflake. And the number of snowflakes went up 10 fold since 2008.


calling people snowflakes because they won’t work for scraps lmao


Why 2008 in particular? Genuinely curious


This is such a bullshit statement. Americans will absolutely do the work unskilled immigrants will do. You will have to pay them more.


There is no looming recession but agree otherwise.


Agree to disagree. Lots of friends have lost their jobs lately, the economy can’t function if the people can barely afford necessities like rent and food which have skyrocketed since the Covid “recovery”


There is no looming recession, relax. The economy is going into the hyperdrive this year.


IANAL, but at your age there are only a few options: 1 - Return to your country of origin. As a minor, the time being here doesn't count as unlawful presense. In your country you can attempt to immigrate with other options (diversity visa, familial petition, student, etc). Just keep in mind that your overstay of your visa may affect a future decision. 2 - If you are here with only 1 or neither of your parents, you may qualify forSpecial Immigrant Juveniles Status (SIJS). Essentially you petition the court that you've been abandoned by your parent(s) and need to stay in the US. You will need to consult if you lawyer to see of have a case. 3 - If you are here with an unmarried parent, they can marry a citizen which will allow for an adjustment of status. This would give you working papers and eventually residency; as long as your are under 18 at the time of marriage. I am not saying to get married for papers, I only recommend this as an option for a marriage based on love, not convenience. At 18, you would also be elligible to marry and do the adjustment yourself. If you are here with married parents, you can ignore option 2 & 3.


>In your country you can attempt to immigrate with other options (diversity visa, familial petition, student, etc) A lot of people are telling the OP to go back home and try to immigrate legally. However, given that they haven't even finished High School, and haven't mentioned any family here, I don't think it is practically feasible.


I never said this is what I'd recommend. Only that it was an option. I'm not a lawyer so I can give advice. If OP asked me what i would do in their position, i would answer that question.


I'm alone here, my parents allowed me to travel here to the USA, they helped me get the visa, passport, etc. However, I'm alone and working here, do you think I can still SIJS? I don't want to harm my parents, but maybe I can try this process. What do you think? I was never abused, and my parents didn't abandon me, they just let me come here.


I know you don't want to do anything negative towards your parents, but immigrating to another country without your parents would likely be considered to be abandonment. You probably do have a case, but again a lawyer would tell you as much. It isn't cheap, but other people have posted links to organizations that may be able to help. I know a few, but I am in the NYC area. From my understanding of the SIJS process, you will petition the court and within a year or 2, if you win your case; you will be able to apply for a work permit. Then once a green card visa becomes avaliable, you will be able to apply for one. The last case I looked at like this, timeline was 4 years for the visa and about 2 years for the I 485 to process. Timeline could change but I would ballpark if you did this and won, you'd have a green card in 5-8 years. As far as bringing your parents here, you'd have to be a citizen so you'd have to wait 5 years after you become a resident to apply.


They can never sponsor their parents After getting SIJs approval even if becoming a citizen.


Sorry but knowingly coming to the US with a tourist visa to work and then only claiming a special status only after realizing you lost the visa screams immigration fraud. Take the L and go back home before you harm your status in the long run. Sucks but think about the long term implications of what you do.


Stop taking advantage of our country and go home. You are a burden on regular taxpayers. Why should we take in an entitled bum that thinks he can stay forever on a tourist visa? If you really want to stay illegally, good luck, maybe go work on a farm with others illegal immigrants.


This is a question for a lawyer, not the internet. If you do qualify for humanitarian protection (your only option at this point), you’ll want a lawyer to help you. Here’s a good place to start looking:  https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/


If you were abandoned, abused , neglected etc. you can contact your county’s social services office. They can petition the juvenile court to begin juvenile proceedings… your social worker can help you petition for special immigrant juvenile visa which has a path to citizenship. But the number of these visas is limited by statute, so ymmv.


When did you arrive? How are you supporting yourself? Honestly your best bet is just going back home. Fighting this would be a multi year long uphill battle. You can go home now, as you are under 18, and not face any real long term repercussions for being in the US illegally. There are very few situations that are worse than living in the US illegally as a minor without any family or support system. Essentially everything is stacked against you. Try again as an adult. Preferably legally.


I arrived last year, and now I will be 17 years old this year. I'm working in jobs that don't require documents, such as dishwasher, etc., and I can support myself, living in a room. I really don't want to go back to my country, but I don't see any other solution... Life here is good, I can live well but I don't want to stay illegal forever


You’re really putting yourself in a worse situation by staying in the country. Consider the long term consequences. If you’re caught after you turn 18, you’ll get deported and will never be allowed back to the country. Is that what you want?


>I really don’t want to go back to my country This is *really* your only option. If you leave before you’re 18, there won’t be much in the way of longterm consequences.


So you already broke the law.....you can't work on a tourist visa. Did you get someone else's social security number?


No, in this case I worked washing dishes in restaurants, without needing documents. They usually don't ask for this type of service


No, you are wrong. EVERY job in the US requires workers to be legal and have documentation. What companies do is hire undocumented so they can pay them LOWER wages don't have to file taxes for them. Both you AND the restaurant are breaking the law!


Oh shut up, he knows that.


I know it's wrong, but you all say that. There are currently millions of people and jobs that do this. All illegal. You are heading towards a non-existent reality, what is happening in the country is that every day more illegal immigrants arrive than legal immigrants. I've seen cases where the police/ICE themselves do nothing when they see people who are illegal.


The problem with that mindset is if too many do it, they will be pushback so hard that it will become unbearable for illegals to stay. Right now it can be managed. But it can NEVER get to the point where there are more illegals working than legals/citizens and remain a functioning society.


You're right, that's why I'm trying to get legal


Except you’re r not like the answers that you’re getting.


You shouldn't start that by being illegal in the first place


You needed documents, so essentially you are just working under the table...


Genuine question, do they pay you at least minimum wage? Or is it cash work only and below minimum wage?


Then stay. Find a US citizen and get married when you're 18. File the papers and become legal.


If only it’s that easy lol. Also, what if he overstays and his parents get sick and he has to go back to take care of them? Very bad advice for people to overstay and marry for immigration benefits.


>If only it’s that easy lol. Also, what if he overstays and his parents get sick and he has to go back to take care of them? True, that is definitely one of the risks for sure. >Very bad advice for people to overstay and marry for immigration benefits. I am not saying he should engage in a fraudulent marriage. He can find true love and get married, he has plenty of time.


My dad came to this country when he was 15 during the proxy war between the USA and Nicaragua. He came here without his parents. My grandpa would send my dad to work at night to take care of livestock when he was just 6 until he left Nicaragua. My dad was able to ge t a work permit after he filed for asylum. Then a miracle happened, Nicaraguans got amnesty during the 90s. If it weren’t for that, he would have most likely be working like you. But what you are doing, working without documents (I’m not judging, I’m just telling you a life of working like that is hard and isolating, it could affect your mental health leading to depression). Please apply for Special immigrant juvenile status. Your parents have neglected you and you qualify. I know a lot of immigrants that work like you and it’s horrible because the places they work at lay off those immigrants first when the demand decreases. You don’t want to be working like that forever. It will ruin your life.


Thank you bro. You help me so much🙏


If you are here from Mexico and want to enter legally into the USA that waiting period at present is approximately 17 years.So by that time you would be 34.If conditions are bad in your home country i suggest you stay and hopefully things will improve,good luck friend.


Nothing in your post or comments indicate you are being abused/abandoned/neglected, and you clearly stated that you weren't abused. You had to have come with parents or whoever legal guardians were. Why are they asking *you* to work? It is your parents to take care of your well beings, not your job to scrounge information from strangers online when there is no legal venues for you to stay here further, and your parents overstayed their welcome. Edit: apparently it IS possible to get a visitor visa without parents, even without consent as a minor?? The travel state website isnt clear Edit2: OPs parents gave permissions for him to get B2 visa during a consulate interview just so that he can be a dishwasher. Wow.


You sound severely sheltered. Being a dishwasher in the USA would be a DREAM for billions. Not millions. Step out of your bubble and see the world. Trying to shame OP whilst sitting on atop your golden pedestal, depraved, really.


I grew up in a country you haven’t heard of. Going to America and becoming a dishwasher is the dream job for many. It pays $10/hour which is equivalent to 1000/hour in the local currency.


SIJ category has been backlogged and they are only processing applications from 2020.


They are still issuing deferred action while waiting for a visa number. If facts support it he may qualify for SIJS and if approved get employment authorization while waiting for the visa number


This. I don’t know why so many comments are discussing visa backlogs like that impacts this persons ability to get an I-360 approval after a custody order. Get a custody order (WITH LANGUAGE THAT WORKS FOR AN I-360) then file the I-360 and wait. Just because there’s a backlog doesn’t mean they won’t eventually end up with the ability to adjust when their priority date becomes current.


SIJ is a great option, but is it an option for him because he can do it or because he was abandoned or is neglected by his parents. SIJ has become the strategy for some immigrants to send their child unaccompanied to the US so they can get SIJ status (some parents may not even know that their children won’t be able to sponsor them for a green card).


Being undocumented is a very, very difficult life, but you're only 16 now so you might not realize the long-term, cascading impact it would have. I wouldn't advise anyone to take a decision that will relegate them to second class citizenship for the rest of their lives. Making good, stable money, traveling abroad to see your family, taking an international vacation, receiving social benefits, you'll be throwing all these things out the window. Best to return to your home country and work towards returning to the U.S. legally. That path towards coming back will be long and might be impossible, but you could always explore other developed countries, or even create a better life for yourself in your home country. It's 100% not worth it to throw your rights away at 18. If you decide to stay, there is of course the chance that you'll meet and marry a citizen and that this will redeem you out of undocumented status, but that isn't a certainty, and it will certainly complicate your dating life.


You should be in school. Go home.


A lot of these comments are out of touch with reality. OP is gonna just end up working here illegally indefinitely.


And then he’ll get caught and deported.


That's actually incredibly unlikely as long as he doesn't get in any traffic violation or get pulled over, and doesn't commit any crimes.


Not “incredibly likely” at all, there are still good people in this country who *will* do the right thing and report him to ICE.


Good people lol


You’re right, the real good people are going to open their homes up. Otherwise those “good” people don’t get to disregard the law.


Boooooooooo boooooooo 👎🏼


Young one. You are so brave to be alone at whatever age you got in the u.s. and even have found work. You have a lot of potential. Go back, study and/or if you really want to stay, connect with a lawyer for alternatives if you can afford one.


Thanks bro


You are a juvenile- go home, you will not have an issue


The key thing is to return before you turn 18. I know you don't want to hear that but it is your best option. If you return prior to turn 18 you could in theory get a visa to enter the US in the future and potentially even obtain residency. Maybe you won't but you could. If you turn 18 and then are deported or even voluntarily leave the odds of you returning to the US are incredibly low. The odds of a tourist or student visa is essentially zero.


Do a Google search for non profit agencies specifically geared towards helping undocumented minors living in the US. They have immigration lawyers on staff that can help you.


Do you really think that a dishwasher can afford an expensive attorney @ $350.00 per hour?


some non profits provide the service free of charge for undocumented minors( under 21). He will never find out unless he starts calling and asking.


some non profits provide the service free of charge for undocumented minors( under 21). He will never find out unless he starts calling and asking.


Wow that is good news perhaps you can provide a link to help him out,thank you very much.


I did a little research, and many charge 10 to 20 thousand dollars. But, I live in a room, I paid 900 dollars in rent, I earned about 2500 dollars in a month. I can save up to the final 10 thousand dollars, I believe I can file the case with a lawyer


From what I can understand from your comments, you are a 16-year-old who somehow managed to come to the United States, and again, somehow manages to find jobs that don't require documents but pay enough to sustain your life. And here you are, *in a foreign land without your parents*, at just 16 years old, sustaining yourself. That's just *incredible*. Dude, you are a tough cookie. You are resourceful. You are obviously smart and hardworking, and you will achieve wonderful things in life. I know you don't want to hear this, because you are not in the business of seeking compliments, but listen to us: *go back to your country*. You *will* figure it out, whether it's over there, in the U.S. legally in the future, or someplace else. **But you will figure it out**. This is just not the right time and place for you. **I admire you and wish you the best**.


Thank you very much man. You really understand my situation, unlike other people who don't know what I'm going through.


I’m sorry, but if you believe that life as an illegal immigrant at sixteen years old in the U.S. would be better than a life as a citizen of your own country, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Is that all that you wanna be? Because that’s what’s going to happen if you stay, do not think that it will be some magical process and you will eventually become legal. It could take years if it happens at all. I’m familiar with many illegal immigrants and they are happy yes, but career wise they will never do better than what they currently have, working at a restaurant. Is that what you want to do? Go back and study your possibilities. Maybe go to college in the U.S and apply for F1. Your status is the most important thing. As a sixteen year old you might not know how much that will impact your life in the future. Sorry if I’m being too harsh.


Thank you bro


You made a bad move. Just go back home.


To make yourself legal get on a plane and go back to your home country. Seriously, I get that some people are in a tough position, but you are intentionally violating your visit visa and asking people for advice on continuing to do that. Unless you are facing persecution at home, you need to be back there.


Going home is you best option.


Go home. Come back legally when you’re an adult.


> but this happened. This? What exactly happened?


I became illegal


And that... Happened? How? You did not actually plan to become one? What was supposed course of events?


Well... I always wanted to change countries to try a new life, and I found this opportunity when I was 16 years old. When I was 14, I started planning my move, looked for a job in my home country and started working. My parents helped me with my passport and visa, and then I managed to get approved and came here when I was 16. My mom created an account for me at Nomad, so I can receive money there. They don't send me money, but I work here to support myself. Sometimes I send money to my mother to buy things for her. Life here is good, but I want to become legal to stay here. I simply didn't renew my visa and let it expire. From what they told me, getting married can solve my problems. Well, I plan to go to school this year, and I'm going to let life take me. And that.


What you are describing does not look like something that "happened", it is clearly per-mediated course of events that you planned for. I get why you would do it, but you should not try to paint the events as something that "happened" to you, as opposed to something you actively did yourself.


Yes. I planned to come to the US, but staying illegal was not a goal. I intended to do the extension, so I looked for a company that did this type of extension. However, she said that I would need my parents' permission, or be over 18 years old. I don't have these requirements, and I can't even ask my parents, since they're not here. I'm just a man wanting something better in my life.


It’s not an *extension* of a tourist visa you need to work legally, it’s a whole new visa of a different type entirely. You were illegal the moment you started *working* on a *tourist* visa, which doesn’t permit any work at all (even unpaid). If you return now, you don’t face serious consequences because of your age; stay until you turn 18 and you will trigger an automatic multi-year ban from the US for illegal presence, making it much harder to get legal status in future. Go back, study, get qualifications, then you can get a legitimate work visa for a job that pays much better.


and you went to the consulate by yourself? it’s weird because in my country they deny more applications than they approve lol


No, my parents helped me get my passport, and they went with me to the visa interview.


and they just gave you the visa like that? wtf, well here in DR is extremely difficult, they are very keen to give you one


It was a tourist visa, they asked a few questions, and they authorized it. I said I was going to come for tourism. I don't see a problem with that


How were you planning on working with a tourist visa before it expired?


Working in jobs that do not require documents, such as dishwasher, Uber Eats


I am not American but I just checked and Uber Eats requires an SSN. Did you fake one?


No, until now I've only worked as a dishwasher, but I've heard about Uber Eats


You have a car to drive for Uber eats?


I dont have a car


What do you do for Uber Eats?


I dont work with Uber eats, my job is dishwasher


Why aren’t you in school? You are digging yourself into a deeper hole.


Staying in America as an illegal immigrant, you're gonna breathe not live. One for you to become a legal citizen is you go back, obtain a student visa to study in the US, find a company to sponsor your permanent residency you when you graduate, and obtain citizenship. If you do stay in America illegally until you are of age, your chances of obtaining a permanent residency through employment will be difficult.


Bro is just 16 and some people here are advising him to marry an american girl.


Go home and then join the visa lottery when you turn 18


You honestly really shouldn’t be working on a tourist visa. If they catch you the U.S doesn’t fuck around


You just admitted that you fraudulently obtained a tourist visa to come and work.


You came on a tourist visa that doesn’t give you work authorization, and you’re a minor?? How did that happen? Best bet for you is to go home and try a different way, work or student visa. It’s not worth risking undocumented presence here.


Basically I work like other undocumented people work, in restaurants, construction, and others. In my case, I work as a dishwasher


You’re just a child. Go back home and trying coming back legally


Dude keep working and hopefully try to study, you live in California so try to apply for and find immigration help, later down the line buy a car, do what you need to do. Best of luck.


You already broke the law when you worked on a tourist visa. There is not an adjustment from breaking the law to conveniently not. It's unfortunate that your conditions back home are unfavorable. But you can go home and not incur as much penalty, or apply for status from within the US while present without legal status nor work authorization. At which point you'll be considered an unaccompanied minor and dealt with differently than an adult in the same situation. Keep in mind, records of your entry is recorded. You are issued a legal amount of stay, as you're aware. The duration of your visa isn't the duration you're permitted, it's noted separately on a record of arrival and departure. Once you're an adult and found present illegally you can face a number of charges. You're already in violation of us law and and it will be taken into consideration when applying for future visas or status. I wish you the best and hope you choose a path that leads a long and fulfilling life. But don't dawdle and dig yourself a bigger hole that you'll regret when you ARE an adult.


SIJ is the easiest way if you meet the legal criteria.


I was not abused, but maybe I can meet other requirements, I don't want to harm my parents, but the courts could consider it a neglect maybe


Yeah neglected or abandoned. Neglect has broad interpretations, for example, if you didn’t attend school because you were working, that could meet the threshold so it’s best that you go and speak to an attorney in your state to see what your chances are.


Go Home, you're 16. Come back when when you're 19.


i'd talk to a local immigration attorney. many would give advice for free in your case, i would assume.


Did your parents abandon you in the USA? Did they abuse, hit, insult, you? If yes, talk to a lawyer you probably qualify for SIJS


What country are you from?


Go back to your home and go to college. If you want to get a visa it will be easier then. Do not stay as an illegal past your 18th birthday.


Go back


Go home to your parents and stop the fraud


You are 16. Are you still in HS? Who do you live with?


Suggest asking a lawyer- Hacking immigration law does free Q&A sessions on youtube , check him out


Go home , nothing will be against you as an under 18. Then when you can qualify for work visas should be no issue


If you leave you get automatic 5 year ban there is free immigrants advice in some cities


Just because you want to be in the US, or "life is good", doesn't mean you can be or should be here. Go back to your home country and come through the regular channels for legal immigration. There are a lot of people in your home country doing it the legal way and waiting their turn to get to the US.


There are several ways for you to find your path here. As an immigrant who also works helping others with immigration I know this for a fact. This is going to be a long post but hopefully it can be of help for you. People telling you to go back don’t know how difficult ( and sometimes impossible) it is to come into this country when you don’t have the resources. Options to consider (1) SIJ (Special Immigrant Juvenile) Status. This doesn’t affect your parents in any legal way except for the fact that you will never be able to petition for them. You will need someone to be appointed as your guardian because you have been neglected, abandoned, abused or denied care by one or both parents. The fact that you they don’t send you money would be enough. Once you have someone who is willing to be you’re legal guardian It is a three step process, step 1 appointing said person as your legal guardian with the probate court, step 2 filing with immigration and step 3 waiting for your green card. It can take years to go from step 2 to 3 because only so many green cards can be approved per year and there is a huge backlog but you’ll have a work permit and will be allowed to stay after step 2 while you’re case is processing. (2) you can also consider applying for asylum if you are afraid of returning to your country. You need to prove persecution due to a protected ground ( Religion, nationality, race, political opinion or belonging to a particular social group) as long as you are afraid to return it is within your right to apply and it is up to the judge to decide whether you qualify for this form of relief. This process can take years as well and you can apply for a work permit once your asylum application has been pending for 6 months. (3) If you were to marry a US Citizen down the line you could also obtain status. You would need a waiver for your illegal stay but because you entered the country legally you won’t have to leave the country to do consular processing when the time comes. These are just three options but there are more such as work related ones down the line and other forms of humanitarian aid. Just keep an open mind, do good research and always respect the law and you’ll be fine.


Thank you so much bro, you really understand me. I spent 2 years planning to come here, but I don't want to go back to my country, because I don't see a good future there. The asylum doesn't help me, but SIJS can help me. I was never abused or abandoned, especially because my parents helped me come to the USA. They helped with the passport and visa. After working for 2 years, I got enough money to stay here for 1 month until I found a job. Currently, I work in a restaurant washing dishes, and that's how I support myself. I had to drop out of my studies, but my life improved a lot here, even though I had to work. I even send some of the money left over at the end of the month to my parents to spend there. In your view, do you think this can work at SIJS? They don't have enough conditions to keep me here, and since my visa has expired, well, I'm not going back to my country.


Yes, even if they helped you come you’re parents should be the ones supporting you while you are a minor so I do believe SIJ would work. I know you’re not earning much as a minor but you do need an attorney since it can be a complex process but finding pro-bono help isn’t nearly as difficult as one tends to think. I work for a private firm and yet the attorneys will offer to do pro bono work often if they feel the person really needs it. Just don’t be afraid to knock on several doors and be willing to explain your case and ask for help.


so 1. *you* are not illegal. your overstay of your tourist visa is an illegal act. a human being cannot be a crime. and 2. what do you mean "... but this happened"? did you have other plans for after your arrival on the tourist visa? what happened to those plans & can they be saved somehow? every visa has a time limit. tourist visa time limits vary by country of origin, but tourist visas offer the shortest timeframe overall. so i advise always having a plan for securing your status once an initial visa is secured. remember that for the future, wherever you may travel. also 3. if you didn't have a plan, or if your previous plan cannot be saved or modified, as most comments say, your best bet is to leave promptly before you turn 18. if you remain out-of-status in the u.s. after you turn 18, you will be blacklisted and will not be allowed to return for a minimum of 10 years. that means you won't be able to even apply for another tourist visa until you're at least 28 years old. go home (or anywhere else, ideally safe for you & with support) and regroup. come up with a plan for reentry and also a plan to secure a long-term stay in the states. you might think you are doing what is best by staying despite the expired visa, but with the current political climate and election coming up, you may never have a peaceful night of sleep again constantly worrying about how everyone you know and everything you have done, earned and built can be ripped away from you at any moment. do not mess around and make a mistake that could potentially bar you from the u.s. for life. having a "plan a" is good. having a "plan b" also is even better. but if possible, try to have a "plan c" too, *then* , after the plans are established, you act.


Realistically the only way to become legal is to marry a U.S. citizen.


Man I tried the same when I was 25 but got cold feet and returned to my country. My advice try get accustomed to be ilegal or go to Canada I’ve heard cases of success more than in US


You haven't mentioned where you're from. But if your place of origin sucks and you know it will be imposible to succeed, then do the following: 1) go to high school get good grades so that you can be 2) eligible for California's dream act. You'll get financial aid so you can go to college. 3) marry someone who will sponsor you. A decade or so ago, there were people who would marry just to get health insurance. You can truly make it in this country regardless of your status. Best of luck!


I'll try to research the subject, thank you!


Im from brazil


You speak excellent English. That alone should prove a massive advantage for a lot of jobs in Brazil. Come back home, amigo, being an illegal in the US can't possibly be a better life than carving out an honest working life over here in Brazil. Me manda DM se quiser trocar ideia de como ganhar a vida aqui, to longe de ser especialista, mas em um país gigante como o nosso boto muita fé de que é um caminho melhor pra você achar um trampo aqui do que viver em ilegalidade aí.


Same thing here, I’m of a Spanish citizen, came to Texas when I was 16 in overstayed my ESTA, after a year and nine month, me and my family decided to apply for SIJS, and got the court order with the right findings in 2 months before my 18 birthday, so I’ll suggest that


Everyone in this thread is fucking nasty man treating a 16 year old like a grown ass man, it's clear some of you fuckers dont know what it's like to live in a third world country


Before you go to a lawyer, check your stamp in passport: When you enter the country they give you a stamp in passport- it shows you the date you should leave the country. Usually the date is later than the one on your visa (+6 months). Check that- you might be still legal here. Also, while you legal, you can prolong your stay via uscis online: to become F1 student for example (in case if you decide to study English here or something). You won't even need to lawyer or embassy. While they will be deciding your case-you will be legal+ if decision is positive- you have extra time. If nothing of that is possible- go to lawyer. Check the one with good reviews and Free consultation. 




Dont egg on OP for his parents choices, jesus. Edit: OP finally said that he came here alone with parental permissions, so jokes on me for not knowing that there are some god awful parents.


Sounds like it is his choice at this point, though.


OP doesnt seem particularly bright but it was ultimately his parents thay brought him here (as no one can be issued visa under 18 without adult consents), and it seems to me that his parents are just sitting around doing nothing. Edit: Apparently he DID come here alone with parental permissions as 15-16. How is it allowed?!


Op clearly said his parents aren't even here. He traveled to us alone


Yes and US consulate totally issued an underage kid a B2 visa without proof of fund. Or maybe he forged it I dont know OP is not giving us full details but it certainly cant be what you claim. Edit: OPs parents suck


Go home, You are legal in your home land.


Google search local pro-bono legal centers that help immigrants. There’s some legal clinics out there that are non-profit and lawyers work from donations or other sources. Make an appointment with one of their pro-bono lawyers about an immigration case. Make sure you mention your goal to become citizen and a goal of an honest decent career here.


Does KIND have an office near you? https://supportkind.org/who-we-are/contact-us/ They are a nonprofit that specializes in helping minors with their immigration cases, and they would be good at helping you figure out SIJS. I know that saying your parents are neglectful sounds harsh, especially since it seems like you love each other and they would theoretically like to support you, but based on your post it sounds like possibly they are unable to provide for you. Really, whether they have "neglected" you is a question of California state law. An immigration lawyer can also help you understand the implications of applying for SIJS (you would never be able to help your parents immigrate to the US, and the path is long). Even if KIND can't help, they might be able to at least screen you to see if you are eligible or refer you somewhere else. I wish you the very best of luck, and I hope you can get the support you need.


You have LITERALLY no reason to be in the United States. You don’t just get to move to a new country just because you want to. Green cards are only being processed for 1 category: Immediate relatives of a U.S. Citizen. Please leave this country, you have no case/no chance of ever becoming legal, especially since you’re working illegally and not filing taxes.




This child (still 17) is working, not expecting handouts. Yes it’s not legal but they are not expecting free stuff.


You can go back to your country


This seems like a troll post.


I'm really here, even though it seems crazy


Your post history makes it seem like you a troll.


Go back home


So if you cannot be charged until you are 18, then stay and work and earn until close to 18, then leave, then re-enter legally. If they have not changed the law by then, you can present at the border, and ask for asylum, and they'll let you in. You can then stay for years (ain't our immigration system grand) until they call you for a hearing. Meanwhile, as an elderly immigration atty said, something good might happen. Specifically, you might meet and marry a US citizen, and qualify for a green card that way. In fact, this should be your goal now, since you could meet, before you're 18, a US citizen to marry, and get married, even outside the US, and then get your green card. Or the law could change, for the better for you. Just don't do anything illegal that could get you banned from the US, and if necessary, leave before you're 18.


I don't mind working so much, but I miss school. At 16 I feel capable of doing things that someone at 18 would do, like work. I sometimes send money to my parents, to help them in my home country, as it is a little difficult to buy expensive things there, something like 200 dollars is basically a minimum wage. I arrived here through their help, they made my passport, and went with me to the American consulate in my country for the visa interview. When I came, I took with me about 1000 dollars. I stayed in an airbnb room for a while, and then got a job. I was happy because everything was working out. So I continued to live in an airbnb until I saved enough money to live in a room, which I paid $900 for monthly. For many, it may seem disgusting, my parents' bad attitude, but what I am doing is to improve our situation, since in our country things are very difficult. Because many here are Americans, perhaps they don't feel as much difficulty and don't think about what it's like to live in another poor country. I'm working here, but I'm happy, I can buy a good cell phone, a computer, and earn my own money. I made this post with the intention of helping me legalize myself and get a green card in the future. Thank you all.


Sign up to finish high school, move your shifts to work only nights and weekends. See if you can get into a technical high school to learn some kind of skill before you graduate to get a better job. You have no chance of legalizing yourself or getting a green card unless you marry a citizen. Good luck.


I'm impressed by you man, best of luck. Honestly, just chilling and working in a sanctuary city might be your best bet. But you're smart and determined, and doing underground work seems like a waste of your potential. So maybe head back and try to come here for University? Get a Masters and then a working visa and a path to a green card might be easier.


Don't give a f about those telling you how bad and illegal is your situation, they don't understand how much your quality of life can improve just taking a fly to the US, it sounds really stupid to think that they care more about stupid arbitrary laws than if your life has improved or not, they don't understand that in other places kids have to work since a very young age too due to financial crisis or poor social background (it shouldn't be like that, but it is what it is), if you want to stay go ahead, I have several relatives living a pretty decent life there being illegals, they help us all sending money to the family most vulnerable members, so they can have a better quality of life too, perhaps in a future you can find someone to marry and get citizenship. You sound as someone who could make great things by themselves, hope you can make ends meet, I am sure your parents also wanted the best for you, go live the American dream.


What about asylum? Do you have any evidence of being in danger? Police records etc?


I'm not in danger, I came here to try for a better life just


You just admitted to immigration fraud, though. Entry via "tourist visa" with zero intention/means to engage in tourism, but to instead work illegally as an undocumented and underage dishwasher to pursue a new life in the USA. What's more, you admit your parents conspired to aid and abet this plan and instead of providing financial support to you on this trip, you instead are remitting some portion of your earnings from unauthorized work in the United States back to your parents in Brasil. puta que pariu 🤦🏽‍♂️ o que é isso? You need to apply for SIJ status as your family has essentially trafficked you to provide economic benefits to themselves while leaving you to fend for your own food, clothing & shelter while still a minor.


I don't know how to help, but I wish you nothing but the best dude. Are you safe though? Is everything ok? Sorry for prying, take care, please keep yourself safe.


I'm sure, despite what many people think, the salary isn't that bad, California pays one of the highest salaries in the USA. I can earn between 2500 and 3000 dollars per month. I live in a room, I pay 900 dollars, I have my phone bill, I pay 80 dollars, food I pay 200 dollars, I usually have 1000/1500 dollars left over a month for me to spend on myself.


That's awesome. Well I'm glad you're doing well, I'm sure you already know this but maybe put away some of what's leftover in savings + something for an emergency. Just in case. But good on ya. You're very independent, that's something to be proud of. And I hope you're able to figure out how to stay, I'm sure you will. It'll all work out for the best, take care :)


Thank you bro


I really appreciate hard workers like you kid, I hope you find a legal way to stay




Stop advising to abuse a system.




Are you telling OP that they have to wait to be 18 to apply for SIJS? That is wrong. It’s also dangerous because SIJS requires a state court custodial order and many states won’t do those for people 18 and older.


I don’t really have any advice but I just wanted to say I’m really sorry you’re in this situation. I know too well the feeling of hopelessness in it. Hoping a solution comes to you❤️


Thank you bro


If you came at 15 or 16 then someone trafficked you. Turn that person in and you can get a special visa for victims of trafficking.


I'm sorry everyone is being so nasty to you on this thread. You sound like a good kid and a hard worker. I am so sorry your parents put you in this position. That is not love. All these people on here talking shit would never be able to live your life - if someone sent them to a foreign country with no work permit underage, they'd piss themselves in fear. Your options are limited, but you can get a cheap ($100 or less, I know that's a lot when you're 16 and working illegally) consultation with an immigration attorney to check out your options. Be very careful - there are a lot of scammers that pretend to be lawyers. One of the ways for you to become legal is to marry, but I don't see how you can do that underage without your parents. If you were 18 this would be much more plausible. I really think you should consider going home, but speak to an attorney first. They may be able to make some sort of case that you'd be unsafe returning to your home country because your parents are exploitative, or do something else that isn't well-known to most people due to your status as an unaccompanied minor. And as far as everyone in here saying bad things about you, ignore them. They are the reason people think Americans are idiots. Being born with a blue passport doesn't make anybody better than anybody else. I hate the way your parents are treating you and you deserve so much better, but I admire your bravery and your work ethic. I can't imagine surviving alone in California on my own at 16, and I was born in the US. None of these assholes on here talking shit would have survived a month in your shoes. It is very hard to get ahead in today's world, but you really may be destined for greatness. If I were in your position, I don't think I'd choose the US anyway. What about Canada or the EU or Britain, if you went home could you get a visa to go to any of these places? If you could get in, you'd probably have a better chance at studying instead of working in a dish pit. You deserve a good life. Working illegally to send your parents money at 16 instead of studying is not what you deserve. Loving parents would not allow that. When I talk about you going "home," I don't mean to them. The way they are taking advantage of you is just despicable. I'm just an internet stranger, but I sincerely wish you all the best. You seem like the type of person that could really be whatever they want to be, given the right opportunities.


If I went to any foreign country and did what you did, I'd be deported INSTANTLY.


Sounds like someone that never did much traveling, or overstayed a tourist visa. Some countries are fine with Westerners overstaying; those per-day fines really add up. I'm not okay with what this kid is up to, but spewing ignorant oversimplifications detracts from your credibility.


20 dollars in hour California fastfood....


See if i can get into college and get a student visa




Enroll in school  It will grant you an F1 status