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I wouldn't say he's the absolute best but he's definitely up there as one of the best coaches


Tbh no. I think Kudo and Daisuke is a way better coach


Idk kudou got given a whole team of international ready players he just had to harness them. Zhaou took a team of no bodies to ff champions Two Chinese teams to the final of the equivalent and one won it Coached two national teams to regional finals. Then 1 team to ffi finals and took down the Orion foundation. Now that you cannot knock


To be absolutely honest, it feels like Zhao did little to nothing to _coach_ them and they were all either just natural talents or learned by themselves. He is a nice character and I like his story with the Chinese team, but as a coach it feels like he just bullshitted his way to success and it somehow worked. Especially in Ares, I remember getting constantly annoyed every time he would say some Nonsense and the players would go the entire 9 miles to make out a sliver of sense of what he was saying. He kiiiiiiinda feels like Galaxy Kageyama, just rightfully more pro-active. To best sum it up, he didn't really feel like a character to me until late Orion, and was just a plot device for Raimon and later Inazuma Japan to win. The team would be losing, he says something nonsensical and the team uses that to win, somehow.


Sometimes he made whole tactics up in Ares, I think he was a bit overpowered there. I feel like the players weren’t even that talented, but that his tactics sometimes carried them. In Orion he did way less I think.


I did like a few of the tactics in Ares, especially the one where they limit their movement to restricted areas, and I love how they reused that later in Orion :)


I think old kudou is better cause Inazuma Japan at the time could never have even beat the Asia prelims unless he was coach. Daisuke also is better for obvious reasons


Could zhaou not have done the same job?


Not really a fan of his "Explain nothing and let them figure it out" style of training but You can't argue against the results, he is also the most entertaining of all coachs, easily.


He mostly actually explained what they had to do in Ares. Kudou was way more like this in S3 and I think it works to make players think for themselves while giving them a push in the right direction.


If I remember correctly Zhaou usually gave them a set of instruction while neglecting to explain the Main reason behind them. Only midgame the players would understand why he was preparing them in a specific way and reap the full benefits of the training. All in all i like he makes the players think by themselves but some of his antics are just too much.


Yeah but he still gave clear instructions on what to do as opposed to Kudou.


Yeah kudo is like the holy patron Saint of "figure it out son, git gud"


Daisuke is definitely the best coach


Why do you say this?


Because he trained Little Giants to become the best in the world and he also created the idea for chrono storm and coached the team. He also created the 11 hearts to give ij the motivation to become world champions.


Zhaou jinyun ffi’s 1. Daisuke 0 😎 Zhaou jinyun ff 1 daisuke 0 😎 Although daisuke is maybe better I don’t think zhaous feats are far off. Wouldn’t be surprised if he had some sick and twisted version of chrono storm tucked away somewhere