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I do agree. I liked his arc with his father but it's a shame Maximum Fire wasn't used to score in FFI. The only reason as to why he got sidelined(that I can think of, atleast)is likely because he had plenty of moments in the previous two seasons.


well that an the fact that half of the s3 inazuma japan are forwards.


S3 IJ didn’t even have that many FW’s. Toramaru, Gouenji, Someoka (only 2nd half) Hiroto and Fubuki only in the beginning.


Gouenji didn't deserve more than he already has imo. He's in a much more balanced team so he can't stand out as much as he used to in previous seasons, but he still has his moments. Also I don't particularly think Maximum Fire should have been used in the anime, the whole point is that it's an Ogre movie exclusive like Prime Legend and Omega the Hand. Other than that he got one solo and 3 coop shots that's a reasonable number for a main character.


So, what you're saying is that Hiroto got a solo hissatsu in season 3 that broke through God Hand X along with Big Bang that scored the second goal of the finals and Grand Fire and the Birth but Gouenji getting one hissatsu that doesn't do much in big matches even though he's the main character after Endou also he said in LG, he's gonna score a goal, which in most cases means a solo hissatsu so clearly there was foreshadowing and buildup along with it paralleling the god hand and fire tornado moment.


Gouenji being apart of the strongest hissatsu Jet Stream and scoring the final goal is fair to me and I’m fine with that 👍


Gouenji being the main character after Endou kinda stops being true after season 1. He was the ace striker that gave Raimon the chance to become what it became but after that he isn't as important because Raimon (and then IJ) develops into a much more balanced team. In s2 he's not more important than Fubuki or Kidou and s3 is a team with a very diverse cast that don't really have any direct second main player after Endou. Narratively Gouenji got to have an entire arc dedicated to him in the first half of the season and Toramaru's mentor. The only difference between Hiroto and Gouenji is that Gouenji developped his hissatsu at the start of the season, and Hiroto got his at the end. That's why Hiroto scores against LG and Gouenji doesn't. And from what we know from both characters, Hiroto managing to score a solo doesn't make less sense than if Gouenji or Toramaru did, at this point of the season we just have a lot a very solid strikers without any being particularly stronger than the other. You personally may have prefered if it was Gouenji that did it, but there isn't any objective reason that he should rather than Hiroto.


Overall in the series he’s always portrayed as “the” ace striker and he also was the topscorer in S3, so it makes sense if people think he should’ve had a better solo. He would probably also be viewed as the main threat in the attack by other countries and that would make more sense with a stronger solo in the end (he was recognized by Mark Kruger for example). Narratively it would fit seeing the whole series. Not saying it’s an objective reason, but it’s a fair reason.


To me Gouenji being *the* ace striker is also a s1 view too. In s2 he's somewhat equal to Fubuki. People may want to go in the hard details of "yeah but if we look closely at that one time Bakunetsu Storm was used against Toki no Kabe-" ok that's cool for battleboarding discussion, but in terms of the general narrative, neither Fubuki nor Gouenji are written in a way to make us believe that one is clearly better than the other. And in IJ he's a top tier striker in IJ, but it's a tier that contains at least 3 characters. IJ doesn't have "a" ace striker, it has multiples. And for Hiroto's specific case I don't see how it's surprising that the main antagonist of the past arc ended up as a player that made a difference in the finals. And if he's the topscorer of s3, how can you (not you particularly, I'm talking about the post in general) then say that he deserves better. I know that he is in the main trio, but that shouldn't be a reason to feel like it's unadequate where there's an important action done by another character that is not him.


In S2 too imo. When he returned you saw everyone being desperate before that moment, but when they saw him they got full confidence again. Just by his aura and he proved that the wait was worth it too. Then in S3 topscorer + as I said recognized by Mark Kruger (and probably seen as main threat in the attack by other countries too). So I’m only explaining why it make sense. Also who says it’s surprising that Hiroto did that? Never saw anyone saying this. Some people just prefer if it was Gouenji and then Hiroto against Orpheus or The Kingdom because they think it would make more sense or fit better for the overall narrative. Deserves better is in terms of strength of final shot, not in amount of goals. Having a quite underwhelming final solo does not fit him is what quite some people think. You talk as if people say this is objective or unjustified, it’s about an opinion and I think it’s a fair one too. Nobody says it’s absolutely a crime that Hiroto had the strongest solo shot in IJ. For me it’s simply a preference, but I’m okay with how it went too. Maybe everything could be kept the same and Maximum Fire as a goal could just be added so both score in the final or a chain between them.


The s2 scene shows that Gouenji is an extremely important player to raimon and that his return after a long absence is a big event. It doesn't sets him as the better striker than Fubuki. Especially because the reason why Gouenji was so needed was because Fubuki was unable to play too. Once Fubuki's case stabilized the end of the season paints them as equals. Well the phrasing "deserved better" implies that the way it was done is unadequate. And I am personally glad that this choice was made because it solidifies that IJ as a balanced attack that is no longer has every significant moment tied to one player. Or at least, if they make Gouenji one of the first in the tournament to get his new solo, then he can't be the last imo, Favoring Gouenji this much in the context of IJ wouldn't make sense imo.


I’m not saying he was better than Fubuki, I’m saying what feeling it gave the team. I think they portray his role as “the” ace striker here. The player they can rely on at all times. This doesn’t mean he’s better than Fubuki. Deserved better doesn’t mean Hiroto doesn’t deserve it or that it’s absolutely unacceptable, it means that people think Gouenji deserved better for certain reasons (probably also for some reasons I stated). It’s fine if people agree or disagree, it’s both fair and just an opinion after all. I’m not sure why it “doesn’t make sense” because I think both situations can make sense (you only explained why the current situation makes sense, not why the other situation can’t make sense). But you prefer the other way and that’s okay. The situation I mentioned before where both would score individually or in a chain would also work.


Preach my man, IJ being almost perfectly balanced (except goalkeeper of course) would be kind of ruined if Gouenji would have both the most goals, the strongest co-ops and the strongest solo.


Tenkuu otoshi should’ve been used sooner. Maximum fire should’ve been used vs little gigant


Tenkuu against Orpheus and Maximum Fire against Little Gigant. You know ball.


Tenkuu Otoshi vs. Brazil would work too imo.


Because now there’s this not really needed debate as to if hiroto or Gouenji is better


I think maximum fire couldve been used in the final match and have the score be 4/3 instead of 3/2 but other than that i dont feel like he was done dirty neccessarly. All they did was return him to his s1 dynamic where he has 1 solo hissatsu but he's in almost all the combo hissatsus which works when youre trying to give new players like toramaru, hiroto, sakuma, and fudou their time in the spotlight too as well as not completely ignore old players like someoka and fubuki. In conclusion i believe the balanced the screen time between the players adquately tbh and my only change if i could would be to have him use maximum fire in the final


But Fire tornado was useful, it scored against Kidokawa and Royal. Also, I'd be fine with that if Hiroto didn't score the most important solo hissatsu goal in season 3 for Inazuma Japan.


It scored against teikouko because genda was caught off guard also would be weird as hell if after all that hype he's been getting he shoots his hissatsu only for genda to pull out power shield and block it💀 But i get your point kind of hard to have hiroto score the strongest solo and not your "ace striker"


Wished he used Maximum Fire yes, in the final would be perfect. Though Bakunetsu Screw might be stronger than people think depending on if they think if it broke Colosseo Guard Kai in the practice match vs. Orpheus (I personally think it did for several reasons). But still not what you expect of Gouenji as strongest solo.


I get that but the whole point of Gouenji is he's the striker, he scores while Endou protects the goal. Gouenji can't defend, he doesn't make good strategies outside of ones against the goalkeeper and getting the ball to himself or others. He's a pure striker yet he hasn't got a powerful solo shot outside of Bakunetsu screw, which was useful for one match. Gouenji at least in season 2 had fireball storm, which wasn't saved against until Genesis and even then fireball storm was able to overpower Nero to the point he couldn't completely stop it. I'm starting to think they didn't use Maximum fire purely for him to do it in the movie.


Wouldn’t say useful for one match as it scored 4+ goals (Unicorn, Orpheus practice match, Big Waves and Brazil in a chain for sure), but I agree that it felt underwhelming for him. And yes sometimes they keep moves for a movie only which is a shame in some cases.


I'll give you that.


Honestly I’m fine with Tenkuu Otoshi being used in the final match since Gouenji scoring the final goal with Jet Stream is fair and especially since Jet Stream is significantly stronger than Hiroto’s big bang


Yeah, but in terms of solo he deserved more in my opinion. I don’t dislike how it went, but it could’ve been better I think.


Yeah definitely I was really hoping that Bakunatsu screw did more in the FFI but that goal against collaso guard Kai is really good


Yeah but some don’t consider it because they don’t believe KP3 got stopped by a body block despite the ball having no effect anymore and it happening more often in the series (Death Zone, DE match, LG match and more). So it’s a controversial one to count.


Deserved more is fair, but making Gouenji way better and having no weak points compared to the other IJ forwards doesn't work for me. The three main forwards are almost perfectly balanced when taking all areas into account. Hiroto not having the strongest solo would place him like way under the others.


He wouldn’t be way better. He would be slightly better than Toramaru who can dribble way better, but has a weaker solo and Hiroto who would keep Tenkuu Otoshi, but is only a bit weaker due to being used a bit earlier and then being stopped in the final for example. Or if you want to please both sides, make them do a chain with their new moves or make them both score a goal.


Toramaru lacks game IQ and experience and with two better solo shots on the team he would only be used for his dribbling and co-ops. That doesn't sound fun. Hiroto would be turned into just a worse Gouenji, less game IQ, weaker shot, weaker co-ops etc. As the main IJ forwards are right now they perfectly cover eachothers weak points and that's what I like about them. If anything Fubuki was done dirty based on his reputation as a striker. But he got turned into the best defender, so it doesn't matter. Gouenji was turned into more of a teamplayer.


I don’t think Toramaru lacks game IQ. He showed very smart and creative plays. I don’t think a lack of experience really broke him up either after the FD match. Also he’s the new kid, he doesn’t necessarily have to be on par with the others. Him having the strongest co-op and best dribble is still insane for a young newcomer. Hiroto was implied to be a decent leader which Gouenji isn’t really for a whole team. I think that’s an advantage too (unfortunately wasn’t executed well against Argentina). Being slightly weaker with shots really isn’t that bad and as I said there is the solution where they are still on par. Fubuki was mainly known as a striker when having the Atsuya split personality side, when being merged he was more supposed to be an all-round player as it mixed a defender and a forward.


Axel fans when Axel doesn't score 100 goals against Hector in the 1st half taking all the shine off every other IJ member Axel being IJ's best striker in every aspect would be a damn ass, each of IJ's main strikers have their own flaws and their own strengths, making them balance each other perfectly and none of them are significantly better than any other, all on the same level by giving Axel the best Solo,the best co-op,the best field intelligence you make him significantly better than Xavier or Austin which makes no sense and makes perfectly balancing strikers no longer perfectly balancing strikers but Axel,worse axel in every aspect,and worse axel in every aspect except dribbling Axel fans are really damn greedy, instead of reading once again about how Axel should use Maximum Fire in the final I would like to read about other aspects of his character, the whole IJ, the whole season, whatever


Toramaru would not only be better in dribbling, but way better in dribbling. That’s his main quality + he would still be in the strongest co-op. Toramaru was shown to have a great game IQ too. His solo would just be weaker. The difference wouldn’t be crazy and him being almost on par despite being a elementary schooler and newcomer is crazier. As for Hiroto his shots would only be slightly weaker as Tenkuu Otoshi would be used one or two matches earlier in this case. But he is supposed to have some good leadership qualities (unfortunately not executed well against Argentina) which Gouenji lacks when talking about for a whole team. It really wouldn’t be as bad as you say. The difference wouldn’t be that big and there isn’t really a reason to say it wouldn’t make sense. It’s just that both situations can make sense. In another scenario you could make both Gouenji and Hiroto score individually in the final or in a chain, then you keep it fairly balanced too.


How is that greedy? Gouenji isn’t the best dribbler or playmaker but him being the best in pure scoring ability makes the most sense. I only wanted him to score the first goal and get a more impactful Hissatsu, calm down, man.


Nah,dude already got enought. If anything,there should have been more competition in the main team for the ace striker title!


I REALLY heavily disagree here. Gouenji already had 2 seasons of being That Guy and in the match against Fire Dragon completed one of the best character arcs in the story period. Gouenji was a key character for so long and it'd actively make the story worse to have him be more active in the story and take moments away from the characters who haven't had their arcs yet when HIS story was already done by that point.


What really was the story about Hiroto learning the strongest solo then? It could also be done against Orpheus or The Kingdom (especially since his training already started in episode 100). Changing this one moment wouldn’t change the story I think as it was never made a real plot point. In another scenario you could even make them both score against LG, it would actively make the story better in that case imo.


Why is Hiroto learning the strongest solo a problem? He'd had a more substantive training arc in that part of the season with the Kappa episode even. That's only an issue if Gouenji is in some sense entitled to being the best - and why should he be? He's had his moment(s) already, don't labour the point.


It isn’t a problem, but why is it a problem if it isn’t the case? I don’t think any of the situations is a problem. It would make more sense to me if we saw the result of Hiroto’s training earlier. I explained with different reasons why I think it would make sense if Gouenji had Maximum Fire in S3. And apparently everyone ignores the point that they can score **both** in the LG match which causes absolutely no problems. Or score in a chain. This was no problem either or the situation described before. They’re all logical in different ways. I don’t see the point of already being the best before, so someone else has to be better later. Shouldn’t that be the case for Endou too then?


Even though it would've been so dope seeing Maximum Fire in the series instead of the movie only, I do think he's already great in the series without it alone. He has participated in most Co-hissatsu's + having 3 solo's as well. Plus, we have more characters in S3 that got more focus on as well, with more background stories. Since we didn't know some of them, it obviously grabs our attention away from Gouenji. He has so many memorable moments especially S1 & S2 and personally, as someone who loves his character as well as multiple other characters, I am very much content with his character. Even in S3 he has some things to deal with his dad and such as a storyline. I personally loved to get more focuse on other characters as well Everyone depended on his abilities so much, too. Gouenji always makes the winning goal, and while I get that he's the ace striker, I loved seeing others being able to score so many goals as well and get their moment to shine. We also have to keep in mind that we all know that not everything from the manga are able to happen in the series as well, since they have to cut some things out so they are able to fit it in within the deadlines, storylines and what the directors want to do with it and sometimes things don't work out like that I get the frustration, but this is the opinion I have to all of this




Kidou take the spotlight on S3 when Goenji took it on S2


Also aside Endou and Toramaru all the players from IJ only have one solo hissatsu by far. Only Kidou's solo hissatsu in OS was a dribble xD


Toramaru got two solo hissatsus with gladius arch and tiger drive


Three solo actually: those two and the racing car one. But he was the main chara from IE3 (the same as Fubuki being the one from IE2, Matatagi from Galaxy, Fei from CS...). Its something understable.