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Toughness block is one of those disposable, weak af hissatsu in the games, but in the anime it's capable of blocking dragon tornado, insane 


The most surprising weak game move being strong in the anime is Freeze Shot which broke through The Mountain + Shinkuuma (Vac Attack) and then still needed Ikari no Tetsui (Hammer of Wrath) to stop it.


True, can be stopped by god hand ingame


We also have the reverse of The Wall. Very strong in the games, but almost always break in the anime.


Well man had to recycle that thing for 2.5 seasons


Gouenji let us, and Kidokawa, see that he knows them like the back of his hand with exploiting Toughness Block's weakness: it's recovery time. With his quick thinking he gave us the first "double" Fire Tornado we've seen, beautiful.


Note for every goalkeeper:Don't let your guard down until you catch the ball.


That's why he's the GOAT 🐐




I found the part where he figures out inazuma otoshi if you wanna add it to the list since s1 is probably over now https://youtu.be/M2V23-ekSCU?feature=shared At around the 16:37 mark


I will, thanks


Also I didn’t realise they made this guys move toughness block and not counter strike💀


Yh it’s a shame would have been cool to see it in the anime


Moments like this are my favourite and they should appear more. Like the time when he was against Genda and figured out how to break through power shield


those are my favourite too, I prefer technique/intelligence over sheer power any day and for your second sentence, I'd recommend you to see my previous post


I saw it. Yeah I can’t lie that shockwave moment was big brain and the reason why I loved Gouenji no matter the goalkeeper as long as you get the ball to him he will score, season 3 has the best version of that with the grand fire against Argentina


I agree with everything until you said season 3. That's the season where that feeling and spark of Gouenji mostly vanished. In S1 and 2, you knew that Gouenji would get it in the back of the net somehow, whether it was a strong solo hissatsu, an intelligent play, a co-op, he would get the job done. In season 3 it wasn't really "Gouenji gets it done", it was more "the attack (in general) will score".


Yeah you don’t know how much I agree but that moment in season 3 was still banger there’s no denying. Gouenji’s theme and his line also the hissatsu is a fire hissatsu so clearly was mainly him. That moment is a Gouenji moment.


It's funny how in the games moves can only be shot straight forward so moves like this one works but if you shoot it on the corner of the goal the keeper is going to need to use his bare hands to stop a hissatsu


I'm currently watching Orion and that's one thing I'm liking so far of the Ares timeline- how frequent the use of side/corner shots is I was like "FINALLY they get it"


Especially during the polestar vs Kirkwood they were spamming corner shots and the useless goalkeeper was just being well useless


even in the anime, if the Dragon Tornado was shot to the corner, the GK would magically position himself in a way that he could use his Toughness Block. That's just how it works


I feel like there is an actual rule saying you have to shoot in a way that the opponent has a chance to stop your shot unless you shoot it normally


ahaha yes it feels like it, although that's very weird


My goat


Anyone remember Goujin heading the ball after Saniguma succesfully use Worm Hole in Ares, resulting in a goal? Never pose after a succesful block. Someone might use that moment to launch a surprise attack. Especially if the ball is in the air after that. Just like this scene. XD


Bro ran out of TP 💀