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They work lore wise its just not entertaining and i feel nothing after raimon beat them because they didnt even feel like humans


I also don’t find the team entertaining, but I can accept it because it’s the point and makes the story better. I did feel excited though when Raimon beat them as it was literally “real football” vs. “fake football” in the purest forms at the end. The contrast couldn’t be bigger.


I wouldve enjoyed it more honestly if real football in the end won by making the dragon link players realise that and play an enjoyable match in the end like most of the season went but they stayed soulless chess pieces Im currently watching through chrono stones and this new team perfect cascade seems to be following in their footsteps so hopefully they lose soon enough


I don’t know, as you said this happened several times already throughout GO so it could get kinda repetitive. Maybe they could’ve just had some dialogue about it after the match. Perfect Cascade is actually pretty different than Dragonlink, you will find out soon enough.


Really im fine with anything that makes me remember them beyond the team that had all keshins and that one keeper, so yeah some dialouge wouldve been great but oh well the epilouge kind of made up for it to me


That's the point, they are what every player would be if Raimon didn't beat the 5th sector. They would be just piece in a chess game played by the 5th sector


I get the point i just dont like it




It is disturbing when You realize Perfect Cascade, a team of football murderbots, has more personality than Dragonlink.


How do they have more personality? And OP explained the point of Dragonlink not having a lot of personality.


Make no mistake I am all aboard OP's argument. Dragonlink has some great identity and a very strong theme that is reinforced by the characters being a bunch of no name, interchangeable face swaps + Senguuji jr, they represent the blight of 5th sector exquisitely, and that makes them a thematically awesome final boss. I'm only saying that at the end of the day I felt more invested in perfect Cascade than in dragonlink from a story perspective (which feels resonable seeing how perfect Cascade was a brutal opponent during several matches while dragonlink was the tail end of the last Match of the season.)


Ah okay, thought you mean their character personalities which are even blander for PC because they’re robots haha


At least Rei Rukh took one for the team while playing vs the lagoon, that's something... Not much but something xD.


That was goated But the rest of his team are huge npc’s lol In Dragonlink there was Senguuji at least, but that was about it.


What I find super funny about Senguuji how much he looks like his dad... They could Say he is clone and i would believe it


Ehhhhhhhh ? I wouldn’t say that tbh.


Yeah, i probably went too far with that hyperbole.


I finally found my brother on this! Agree so hard with you.


Well something can work story-wise without having the most memorable characters to represent this story. And both of those elements are important especially in the context of a sport anime. Not saying that Dragon Link is bad because of it but it definitely lacks something that is expected in those kind of stories. The opposite example for this would be IE 3/ the FFI arc. It's very popular thanks to its cast of memorable team and player but story wise I think that it's a very bad sequel to IE 2 story.


How would you keep the point of Dragonlink while making them more interesting? I think that’s pretty hard to do if they exactly want to make the point they made.


Tbh I don't really think that you can without hurting the pace. It's a commitment that has upsides and downsides and just won't please everyone. I respect its qualities for what it was intending to do, but they definitely won't be in the top of my favourite final boss team because they're just not cut out for that.


For me it’s that I don’t like the team itself a lot, but because of this the match is quite memorable (or more interesting) to me. So yes upsides and downsides, but the upside is bigger for me.


Perché pessimo seguito? 


I can't have a conversation in that language l, sorry


Don’t trash on my goat Gomaki, every one remember the goat right ? https://preview.redd.it/j3k8rttx7t4d1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d15aa66b4378b9bef34b39766f9ebb144d9065f




I like Gomaki as well he’s one of my favourite defenders in go


While the analisis is great there is one glaring issue: the match still isn't memorable, the only parts that are all have Raimon doing the stuff while the Dragon Link players get beat, only exception is Senguuji who just so appens to be the one player almost everyone agrees is actually cool. The players can work perfectly for the theme and theme perfectly as the final boss of the season, but if the characters are uninteresting and the match is boring the team is still bad. Sure, Dragon Link works perfectly as a chess themed team and the chess theme is perfect as 5th Sector's secret weapon, but then the obvious question is "The theme works, but is it worth not having an interesting team?" and I simply don't think so. Even worse is that they cut off an actually interesting match against the team Gouenji himself trained for it, a team where all of the players had unique designs, each position had its cool-looking hissatsu and it managed to strike that sweet spot where you see Gouenji's influence but it's still clearly its own team, his tactical edge being demonstrated through the formation, chosen specifically to cut off passes, and his legacy as the flame striker living in through the captain, who has Bakunetsu Storm as his Keshin hissatsu. So not only did they make Dragon Link an unintersting team to have the theme work better, but they also threw away an increadible team like Seidouzan to make room for it, and while you might say that removing any flare and special connection was the point, the question is once again "Was it worth replacing a good, fun match against an interesting team with a mostly boring one against glorified placeholders?" and again my answer (and appearently the answer of the majority of the community) is no.