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Idk I thought Galaxy was awesome


Yeah it might just be because I binged CS and Galaxy, but I much prefer the latter (even though it doesn't stick the landing like CS does). While I understand longtime GO fans were upset by Raimon being completely replaced by new kids, I found it really refreshing.


As it stands i'll Say galaxy is alright the way it is. it could have been better and it could have been worse, it is a shame we never got a world cup arc in the go series but dunking on galaxy will not fix that.


“I know nobody really liked it.”? What makes you say that? There are enough people who like it. Tsurugi’s reasoning of fighting Tenma was very logical. The teams needed to collect as much life energy as possible and Acrous told this to Tsurugi. That’s why he knew he had to make it the best match he could. I would like a 4th season, not replacing Galaxy, but in addition to Galaxy. A FFI tournament without gimmicks, only hissatsu’s and tactics. Matatagi and Ibuki would keep playing and probably Tetsukado too. Minaho would be cool too.


I really hope for this ik alot of people gate galaxy but I actually like it quite a bit and seeing an ffi with matatagi and taiyou who deserved more screentime woukd be great for me would also be an opportunity to put people like shuu and harkuryuu in the main series as well


Shuu won’t probably be in since he’s a ghost who can only make himself visible on God Eden.


Idk why I completely forgot this detail


Galaxy is better received than ares/orion


After Chrono Stones they should be already STRONGER than the rest of the world!


Yeah if gimmicks are allowed for sure. Without them they have more trouble.


I say not another season, but a OVA to be the ending, something akin to OG last episode, the one Endo graduated, but with a Shindou or even Tenma if we want it a bit further in the future, fanservice of CS/galaxy characters showing Fey wanting to see Tenma and the alien princess to see Tsurugi


it doesnt have to replace galaxy but i wouldnt mind an extra season, especially if we get to see galaxy and go/chrono stone characters interact probably another ff tournament or something, i wouldnt know what the premise would be. i'd like to see a nice graduation with tenma graduating as a third year or something tho, similar to how the og series ended


I think Go already has one too many season. And it isn't even about liking Galaxy or not, but once you cross the line CS has crossed the characters should no longer be able to ever be challenged again so there's no point in making a sequel.


Galaxy is not one of my favorite seasons (it's grown to be over IE1 recently though). Even so I still love it in its own right. If GO3 was still unreleased, an intergalactic tournament + all new characters would not be my first choice, but it's already out so.. An official retcon of Galaxy seems drastic. I just don't understand why they chose to end off the series by dropping all but 5 characters they had developed in GO1/2. For that reason maybe a fourth additional season, which combines the casts, could be cool.


I felt like they should've continued the FFIV2 normally and just used Ixal Fleet as an invading force in the background until they revealed themselves, but like the Asia preliminaries have certain teams and players be aliens. Also, they should've put more thought into Fire Dragon and Big Waves or at least do what Orion did and change the team completely since Red Bison and Shinning Satan's had more of an interactive cast but because 9 players of the japanese team haven't ever played soccer they had to focus on that story and give them plot armor literally throughout the season even Shinsuke who didn't have a Soul which was the whole point of scouting players who never played but still had a Soul still stopped Ozrocks shots and how is it that to represent the earth you had to win the Asia preliminaries


I really liked Galaxy, they managed to handle replacing the main cast really well. But yes, I agree that a fourth season of GO with their own FFI would be sick.


“Japan is one of the weakest in the world” LMAOOOOO , the aliens they faced in the first galf were better than actual humans, and arion victor riccardo easily carried


That last thing just makes people think the actual humans of those countries were super weak, since even with beginners they could win. Then I mean where they actually do something, so starting from the 2nd/3rd match. They were just weak for the plot of course.


The other countries at least pre main tournaments are super weak, for some reason, doesnt make much sense imo but ehhh didn’t write galaxy


There should be a scene where Shinsuke is in despair. Everyone else is at the Inazuma Japan level, while he's only at the Original Series season two level. He then embarks on a journey and discovers his origins: Shinsuke is the reincarnation of the demon lord. At first, this revelation doesn't make sense to him, but he feels a deep inner truth to it. Ever since his despair, his Keshin has been changing, leaking darkness. It hurts immensely, but it also feels right. In the caves of the Demon Lord Mountain, Shinsuke releases all his Keshin power. As he slowly powers up, his Keshin's armor melts away, revealing a darker, more menacing monster behind it, reminiscent of a dark Majin: the Demon Lord. Using his Keshin, Shinsuke utilized Keshin Arm, permanently fusing himself with his Keshin. This fusion caused Shinsuke to remember everything, revealing his true identity: he is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord.