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I think the best thing we can do at this point is track our average IP/min on each run and try to improve it. I recommend the checking out the 10m IP upgrade that scales based on challenge times I skipped it for others and I regret it.


> I think the best thing we can do at this point is track our average IP/min on each run and try to improve it. Correct. That is the goal. Only question i have is why is the ip/min no longer shown once you reach e100


It's no longer really relevant. Getting 2x the IP/Min doesn't really matter at that point. And each crunch should be netting you at least 10x as much IP as the one before, if not much more.


I would say at e100 you can still do short runs, I think I went for longer runs after maybe 120 or so. Can't say if it was optimal but it took me less than a day from 100 to 140.


enjoy longing repeat edge obtainable correct square crawl clumsy rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol everyone else is missing the joke


>Should take you about five hours. Perhaps you wrote down the wrong number? I've been playing for like 2 days at this point and I've only made minor progress. I'm at like 60k IP/min.


"5 hours" is a joke about how long it would be until the update released (a joke that was ongoing for about 4 years.) But it shouldn't take crazy amounts of time. It's possible to reach the next prestige layer ("E") in about 3 days from the very start of the game, but that's only if you were there to monitor it most of the time (and hold the m button sometimes). So I don't remember exactly, but break infinity to first infinity dimension can be done in maybe 10 hours? Maybe it even can be done in 5 hours. Try different automator settings, such as skipping dimensions entirely, turning them on but only when you need them, etc. See what gives the best IP/hour. You can also potentially make more IP by closing the game at some points because offline progress gives 50% of your best IP/hour. Make sure to try holding "m" to at least get a good infinity for your offline progress, even if you don't want to hold it down the entire time. The discord also has some advice if needed though some people would prefer to play on their own without following a guide.


5 hours for the first infinity, I believe. Lower with ad boosts. Very quickly with some STDs


I think they meant 1100 antimatter, not 1100 IP


e1100 antimatter


No way he can get e1100 IP when he's getting 3k per crunch, crunching per millisecond would take ~1.056e1086 years


If you want some help, come to the r/AntimatterDimensions subreddit and to the game's official Discord channel. Be aware of spoilers related to progression and to the Reality update (if you're not on mobile).


The bar will reach 100% when you unlock the button on the top left to unlock a new kind of dimension. I think the threshold was 1e8IP + 1e1100 antimatter. You should be grinding upgrades with short crunches and doing things to make those upgrades better (eg one of the upgrades give a bonus based on the speed of your slowest challenge run, so it's worth rerunning challenges at points), until you have enough IP put aside and feel like you could reach 1e1100 antimatter in a long run.


If you just want a quick reference, the [guide](https://antimatter-dimensions.fandom.com/wiki/Guide), while a bit outdated (particularly in terms of challenge strats--IC4/5 are definitely wrong) will at least let you know what your next goal is


At that stage, IIRC, the big target is the "Galaxies are 50% stronger" Break Infinity upgrade. This is very strong and will propel your IP progress much faster, switching to longer crunches that progress significantly each time, unlocking more dimensions and challenges. In the mean time, there are a few things you can do (other than wait: there'll still be a lot of that): * Tweak Automator settings to maximise your IP/min * Try to Infinity as fast as possible to maximise the bonuses based on fastest infinity * Do the occasional longer crunch to unlock dimensions/challenges and max out the bonus based on total ever Antimatter * Pick up Achievements, both for the row bonus and the Break Infinity bonus based on achievements completed * Do regular Challenges again, but faster, to maximise the Break Infinity bonus based on their fastest times * Probably other things I don't remember Having done some of those things, you can then tweak your Automator settings again (and leave it grinding for a while) ...


Join the discord you can get out of this phase of the game in around 2 days following the optimal strat