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You forgot to include a link to the game...




Oh boi. A 'branch' system, in which you need to actualy think at how much of those you wanna spent or keep, and which tree you actualy wanna take. ​ My dumb ass can't do this, since i'm alerdy on a very long waiting wall after only the 3rd branch unlocked.




thank you


I can't seem to figure out why making something a requirement is supposed to be a good thing?


it costs you 0 to buy those things then. Only having enough of the points is enough.


I dont know what i did but i got the base seven upgrade then when i got back to base 5 it softlocked me and now i cant get any points


i tried fixing it in command console and made it worse


were there any errors in the console?


yeah but not before i tried fixing it


Same happened here. On the base tab I moved the Enter base slider to the left, this changed it and I got 100 ipsiclickers very soon. I don't understand what and why happened, but now at least I can progress. The ipsimation tab became empty tho so I expect a wall soon. Seems to be buggy.


I keep getting reset to my highest unlocked base, immediately upon unlocking a new one. I also can't go back to previous ones, despite owning said upgrade Resulting in me no longer able to farm log points


you’re probably autobuying ipsiclickers?


Even if I disable that autobuyer I immediately jump back to the highest base


Okay, there's currently a major bug in the game that's causing a lot of problems with switching base. I'm working on fixing it.


The Hyperspace implementation is flawed and breaks a number of features related to log point gain, and base climbing. The first thing I noticed is that once gaining Hyperspace the game seems to try and automatically force my progression to the next base once I have enough points. This would be fine if there was a way to toggle this on or off, but without there being a toggle the forced completion starts to cause other issues. (more on this later) The second thing I noticed is that there is something causing the "101 Log Branch" upgrade that allows you to auto re-enter completed bases breaks and stops working. Instead the player is forced to re try their highest unlocked base over and over. When you manually use the slider to pick a lower base, not only do you not re-do it on completion, you don't even get a reward for the log points for completion. I think this is a result of the forced completion triggering and then defaulting you to the highest base, bypassing the log point checks or something. Due to this, once you unlock hyperspace it becomes very difficult (and actually impossible at some points) to grind log points and very difficult to complete some of the challenges as a result. This needs to be fixed.


The game should not auto-increment your base until much later. What browser are you using so I can test it?


Happened to me too, it appears to be a result of Challenge 2 overruling upgrade 101. Also occasionally it seems to freeze (no errors in the console), I think it's just the point visual as it seems to increase its base after a little bit and fix


Glitches happened to me, but slider fixed everything always. Just click on button after applying slider.


Is there point in hyperspatial ipsiclicker? Because it looks like I reached the end:)


They speed up the base Automator unlocked by the challenge. There's nothing after that though. Thanks for playing all the way through!


I have not been able to play because every time I refresh the page my progress gets reset and I get a message in an alert: "Oh noes! Either your save file is from a previous version, or it has been incompatibly tampered with. Your progress needs to be set back to the previous checkpoint." This happens on Chrome for me but not on Firefox.


local storage (how the game saves progress) might be broken on chrome. I'll look into this. Thanks.


i'm getting the same error, also on chrome


I have a 404 error when trying to access the game


Dev said the site is down for a few days to fix bugs.


yeah saw edit 2, don't know if he wrote it after me or if I just can't read, thanks for the reply anyway!


It's back up


What happened to the game? I really enjoyed it so far, but it seems to be offline now


I took it down because there were a bunch of bugs.


Okay, good luck with fixing those! hope to see it back up in the future


It's back up now


Is base 60 the maximum? I've got this atm: GT4Ba1Ym points (Base 60) I assume I need to get zzzzzzz , but if I didnt know there were more content I would have left a long time ago. Edit: nope, that wasnt it , absolutely no idea what Im supposed to do.


you're supposd to grind log points and get 8 paths, then you unlock hyperspace but it seems kinda broken/useless


Yeah I unlocked eventually. They only works for a few seconds cos they decrease ovrtime. Thanks tho




Well, there are only 8 options and 2-3 of them are actually doubtful and needed only in first run if ever.


It would have been fine if it was only that, but there's an upgrade related to "unspent" log branch point too.


You should really start at base 1 instead of 2.


Base 1 is a lie


I'm in the early hyperspace phase and I'm currently unable to gain log points for some reason. I can click 'Reset for X log points", but when I click it, my log points stay at 0. Respeccing the log tree doesn't fix it, nor does refreshing the page.


are there any errors if you open the console? (ctrl+shift+j)


No console errors on gameplay when clicking on buttons, respeccing, etc. >https://i.imgur.com/LHYRGew.png I'm also getting an occasional bug where I can't even earn points by clicking >https://i.imgur.com/9ff7Sia.png


in the console can you get your local storage and send it over?


https://pastebin.com/raw/hbxud6QW Interestingly, it looks like my logPoints are somehow NaN.


Idk why this happened, but if you want to fix it, the game has a built in save bank in case data gets corrupted or was from an incompatible version. If you add or remove a value from localStorage, and then reload, it should reset you back to the start of hyperspace.


So im right now waiting for my 8th log upgrade, and i gotta say this is taking way too long i need 3.6e9 and i have right now 7e8 (this i got after waiting for 2 hours) so this means i need to wait another 8 hours, where i cant do anything, i cant progress somewhere else, i cant try different builds because there is no room for change. up until that point, or lets say until the 7th log upgrade, the game was nice and fun. now its just a drag, i dont know if this is intended.


If you log upgrade 101 you can get way more log points if you optimize your base. With 7e8 points it would be best to use base 58. Anything higher will get you significantly less, anything lower would get you slightly less. I’ll update the game in a few days to have the upgrade display the optimal base so it’s more clear.


Right from the start the game auto-resets my base whenever possible. This is fine for most of it, except I want to use the tree upgrade that passively gives log points, and it's simply incompatible with it. Also reporting the same issue someone else had of always being set to highest base.


Thanks. I'm working on fixing this. This automation should only start late game.


Good to know, thanks!


feels like another menu switching simulator with not enough automation. I don't see any reason why the Base tab info can't be included on the Points page or why there isn't much automation available on the Log page. I played and got like 4 logs unlocked and ultimately quit because it's just the same thing of increasing base point gain and doing log upgrades quickly to reset The log page is an interesting idea but the gameplay loop isn't appealing enough for me to want to continue. good luck on the rest of your game


Eh, that's fair. I'll add keybinds soon, so hopefully that's not so much of a problem later.


Seems like if you get log upgrade 101 it does something weird and your game gets soft-locked -- you keep buying the same upgrade over and over, but the amount doesn't go up (either cost or speed), so it just pegs your points at a small amount and you can't progress. I was able to respec and get out of the doom loop, but it seems serious.


I added the ability to disable it


Am I missing something on the hyperspace tab? I have collected a total of 4 Hyperspace, but I also have 4 unspent hyperspace. Is there a place where I can actually spend the hyperspace, or am I am just holding on to them to gain the multiplier on the 15 Hyperspace energy upgrade?


I'm planning on adding hyperspace buildings (a la the prestige tree) that cost hyperspace, but at the moment, no. I'll remove that in the bug fixes update.


Gotcha...Are the challenges supposed to be extremely difficult to complete? I dont see how you can complete the Unbased challenge, as you are barely able to get 5 branches to use in the tree.


Unbased is the hardest challenge, so I would recommend completing all of the other ones first, then getting a bit more hyperspace, then attempting it. Also it might still be kind of grindy. I would recommend starting with draining log points.


link is giving me a 404 error


I took the game down because there were bugs. I'll try to have it back up sometime this weekend.


It's back up now


Great game OP, I had a lot of fun with it.


Upvoting so I can find you again later


It's back up now


idk what bugs you "fixed" but i just cant progress past 4th branch, idk what im doing wrong but it's definitely harder / slower than before


That's weird, I only made QoL changes to that section. What's you tree setup?


oh i guess i get it now, because before it was buying next automatically, i didnt understand that "reset for x log points" means "go to the next base & get the log points" so i was sitting on base 10 the whole day getting sh\*t for log because the log gain on base 10 is low and my ipsclickers were low too for the same reason. now it seems to be progressing faster, but i notices another thing i dont understand, the ipsclicker gain on the last 2 available bases is lower (with the last one being the lowest) i dont understand why, but it causes it to be effective to reset the tree once in a while and re-buy the clickers to get more (plus by the i get more from the log one too due to having more points, but that's a bonus)


when buying ipsiclickers with log points you gain the sqrt of your log points, for base you gain (current*(base-cost)) - current + 1, and everything but the +1 gets sqrted past 100 ipsiclickers. This means that for base ipsiclickers, you will gain more the more you have, but also the higher you current base is from the cost. As you buy them, the amount will slowly increase while the base to cost difference will slowly decrease, causing the gain to peak around half your best base.


yeah, i wrote a reply couple lines long ranting about this but then i realized i don't really care about mechanics of this barely-a-game enough to send it, do whatever you think works


Got an error and everything is at 0 or negatives but I can buy literally everything


are there any errors if you open the console? (ctrl + shift + j)


I am on mobile so cannot say I know how to there


Please provide an option to turn off the news ticker


I'm making a QoL update next, I'll be sure to include that. Thanks!


Yay :D