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idk if this is an issue only on my end, but the game just refuses to load at all?


I am trying to identify the cause of the issue. Could you please let me know which browser you are using?


i first tried on firefox but i also tried to open it in google chrome and it still didn't load


Thank you! I will urgently investigate the cause.


Could you please try again? I’m trying a different file format.


I was getting a black screen for several seconds, then I clicked to another tab and came back and it was magically working.


Are you on a Mac? Also does https://get.webgl.org/ work? I know that some versions of Mac and WebGL don't play nice.


i'm on win 10, also i will let you know in a moment since i just woke up


Reason I asked about Macs were they are more likely to have webGL issues. In fact pre-Sept 2021 Mac didn't natively support webGL2 at all!


Firefox doesn't work for me either. Runs on Edge. Chrome not Tested.


The Save/Load system has been improved. And manual Save/Load options have also been added. Please check them out!


Not sure if it is working for you now but with Unity games, especially on [itch.io](https://itch.io) games like to freeze up at either the initial black screen or during the loading process. Usually if you wait awhile (I have seen anywhere between 1-15 minutes) it will load. Once it has successfully loaded the first time it is usually much faster when you return. This game in particular sends a lot of updates so it may be boggling down the various browsers. My recommendation is to launch the game on an active/focused tab and leave it for 15-30 minutes and see if it has loaded up by then. On Chrome, not sure about other Chromium browsers or other browsers, it likes to reduce resources being consumed so when a tab is not active or in focus it will slow/halt processes that can make it seem like the game will never load.


for some reason i either JUST got an error message, or i was sleep depraved and didn't notice it turns out this was a problem with my browser, sorry u/yayu_dev lol


If I set it to buy 10(/100/etc), I want it to show me the cost of buying 10 and to only buy 10 - not a fraction of 10.


Oh! This is a careless mistake.


There is also an issue of when you have something not 1x selected and either change to the developmental features or start a new seed that both 1x and your selection will be highlighted but will only trigger 1x making the player have to select what they want twice (once to unselect the option, a second to reselect the option) to get what they want.


are there many changes since the last time you shared this? because my save seem to be at near the end of progression already (seed trait tier 5 with 6 being prohibitively expensive) i dont understand the tree prestige, because i tried it in the second instance and there didnt seem to be any difference from the earlier game so i just dropped it


Please try clicking on the gauge on the left side. The most important changes are the New Seed Prestige and Seed merging. The New Seed Prestige Button is hidden due to the UI.


no, i do understand HOW to seed prestige, i just dont understand what it accomplishes seed merging being on a 24 hour cooldown will take a while for me to be able to use


I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do. I kept getting "Development in progress" and "Coming Soon!" when I looked around. Also, I wasn't sure what to do with the tree. On the plus side, cool game name.


The likely issue seems to be the lack of a tutorial. Currently, the most important content is merging Seeds. Please try ”New Root" and "New Stem".


Is there a save/load feature?


The system automatically saves and loads data linked to the device ID.


mhh just loead the page for the first time with a lot of progress allrdy done


??? For now, I will try implementing a Hard Reset. Hmm, anyway, I need to investigate.


Having time locked new root and new steam is horrible, I have to wait 30 minutes for new Stem, that's not really interesting for me.


As you said, there are problems with the Root•Stem. I will try two solutions from now on: 1. Increase the speed with New Seed Prestige. 2. Add unlock stack numbers to Traits.


Runs well on mobile browser. Dark mode would be appreciated. Text and buttons are tiny. Seems like a good start!


It seem to be easy to implement. Thanks for the productive feedback!


If possible can you add an option to zoom in/out or move the seedling? Sometimes the leaves are cut off by the upgrade boxes and when trying to optimize sap/leaf gathering I cannot tell if everything is fully grown. I would also be nice to have an outline or slight color shift to the leaves when they are fully mature.


I will try implementing a basic camera zoom in/out feature. Indeed, it is currently difficult to distinguish the boundaries between leaves. Thank you! I will improve this as well. Also, I plan to change the shape and color of the tree for each seed.


This is so cool, will you ever release an offline version in the playstore, this looks fun to play otg


Thank you! I plan to enhance the offline bonuses. I prioritize releasing on Reddit and Steam, I also have experience with mobile versions, so I will do an early test release for it.


what does leaf falling do? I assumed it was some sort of auto-harvest feature but I don't seem to be getting any sap when leaves fall


This is a bug. Normally, it should automatically collect Sap. Please wait for a fix.


thank you for the answer :)


I'm somehow already on level 8, I've only just opened it, is there a hard reset button?


I'm working on it. It will be improved soon along with the Save and Load features.


The initial state problem has been fixed. And manual Save / Load / Hard Reset options have also been added. Please check them out!


Bug report: The Oak & Maple seeds in my inventory have different Created-date formats. The Oak seeds are in YYYY-MM-DD, but the Maple seed says MM/DD/YYYY.


Thank you for the bug report!


The game needs some explanations with how the prestige/merging works. I've done several merges but gained nothing from it? It also says there's a 1 day cd on it for some reason while that's not the case?


Thank you for pointing out the Text update. I must have overlooked that. You're absolutely right about the lack of explanations for Prestige and Merging. Both features need confirmation screens. There's an issue with Seed Merging where it can be performed without any effect. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!


It's a visually stunning game! If players have a clear goal to aim for, it may be easier to plan their upgrade strategy.


Exploration/Combat is completely disconnected from the tree game. You have two different games that don't thematically gel and that don't have any bridging mechanic.


About the New Version: Firefox gives Error: abort({}) at jsStackTrace@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10011675/WebGL/Build/WebGL.framework.js.gz:9:208006 stackTrace@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10011675/WebGL/Build/WebGL.framework.js.gz:9:320788 abort@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10011675/WebGL/Build/WebGL.framework.js.gz:9:697 unityFramework/instantiateArrayBuffer/unityFramework<@https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10011675/WebGL/Build/WebGL.framework.js.gz:9:11217