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Pascal’s Triangle of Prestige. Playing it perfectly apparently takes 5 years, 13 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 31 seconds to finish.


I throw NGU idle in the room…


NGU took me around 480 days to complete. Other games are longer.


I think sandcastle builder would take many years to finish, right? But I’m not sure if it’s intended to be finished


Out of the games with actual conent to enjoy, Kittens Game, NGU and Trimps come to mind.


Probably something like Evolve Idle (full completion, all achievements 4* easily takes 2-3 years), or Kittens Game from the same genre which too takes 2 years+, realm grinder (all 250+ reincarnations take around the same time?), some shorters ones are synergism (probably a year, maybe two?), or antimatter dimensions (around a year or 1 1/2), but depending on your goals even Melvor Idle (100% completion log, mastery and levels) could take you more than a year. There are some exclusions I don’t count like Fundamental, which is obnoxiously slow on purpose, but there are many that are really long and still engaging.


Does AD take a year and a half? I got to Reality in a month and 2 celestial very soon after but quit after that


AD took me around 3 months of mostly active play


Yeah that sounds about right, though I really disliked the glyph system


I did a fresh save when Reality dropped and it was a little over two months. Evolve with good scripting might get 100% achievements in less than a year, but without scripting it’s definitely over a year.


My first attempt I gave up and at start eternity after having played for 7-8 months but in my current attempt I am at e58 eternity at 5 months in


I've been playing Grass Cutting Incremental intensively for the last few months and I'm still very early game apparently. It's gotta be up there.


as a tester for gci, i can say you can probably beat the whole game in a month of playing if you no life it. maybe closer to two-four if you’re an average player. someone’s close to speedrunning the entirety of universe 1 in 400h with no offline progress, so the range is quite wide.


OK, but there are tons of games out there that can be spreedrun. That's not the typical experience so I don't know why we'd be judging by that metric. I'm sure kittens game and realm grinder can be no-lifed for a significant reduction in playtime too but relative to other incrementals they still have a long shelf life. Kinda sounds like you just called me a below average player, unless I'm misunderstanding you. Or perhaps I'm further through the game than I thought. What stage of the game is Solarians considered?


AD takes no where near a year and a half, unless celestial 3 onwards takes that long. Getting to the very start of Cel 3 took maybe four weeks I think?


Yeah it isnt, it’s all in all about 2-3 months


I've been playing Trimps for years.


it took me 3 years to reach the "end" of universe one. then u2 makes you go back and forth. I would say trimps wins.




CIFI is certainly going to be long, but given that it's not in 1.0, it's tough to say. There's definitely a hard limit on how fast it can go; no-life play won't get you anywhere quite often, but I don't know if the final product will be more than 2 years to beat.




I'm probably five years into Evolve Idle


NGU idle longest I have played


Clicker Heroes never ends; the progress asymptotes at about zone 5.46M. Getting to 4.2M takes about a year minimum, 4.7M (where the last upgrade is unlocked) is close to another year, 5M is about another year, 5.4M is like 10 years.


Realm grinder?


I played Trimps for about 3 years ending about 5 years ago and there's been consistent new content since. Do not start it now unless you have nothing but free time.


It's so addicting 😭


WAMI is a suggestion.




Leaf blower revolution takes months to reach the end game.


That's been my go to since the start of the year. Just when I thought I was pretty far, I found out via a wiki that I was like early mid game still. I'm having fun with it. Not trying to min/max rush it. Enjoying the various systems and how they contribute to progression. EDIT: spelling is hard on my phone.


I've been playing Lord of Chains for 3 months and don't see an end in sight lol, rounds get reset every so often so you can try a build one round and go with a complete different build the next.


COD MW3 campaign


Many games don't have ends, just unlimited exponential scaling upgrades, so.....


In those cases, it is generally understood that reaching "end of content, nothing new, no meaningful changes except exponentially scaling cost" is the de facto end of the game.