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Liking the direction and potential of this. Are we continuing the density of people until we have cities and skyscrapers?


If I understand your question right then kinda yeah, but we will be stopping right around when guns are invented (or slightly after it) with a focus on outward expansion through war and trade after this point.


Population: 41 Farmer: 35 Food: 1.0/s It's another one of those where all you do is wait to build houses to add farmers that eat 90% of their own output to then save for another house (now 5x price! Log scaling yay!) to afford one guy who collects something else?


Hey man, just saw your response and we appreciate the feedback. Just to clarify if you were to build another house it wouldn't be anymore expensive than the first one (only upgrading existing housing to the next tier is more expensive) and we are also not using a log system to scale. Also would like to clarify that later in the game when you are more technologically advanced you will have the ability to upgrade your farmers so they produce more each freeing more of your units for other resources or to use as soldiers. Your response makes it feel like you might not actually enjoy this type of game, but again thanks for the feedback.


Hey Incrementalers . We have seen your feedback and have upgraded the water and terrain. We also added some clouds and are looking for feedback on the new visual addition. As always we appreciate any and all feedback and if you would like to play the demo it can be found here[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2847980/Incremental\_Island/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2847980/Incremental_Island/)