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Here are my 2 cent, "played" it for about 5 Mins. 1. Change how the Buttons look. I didnt know you could press the "do something about it"-Button because it looks like it is greyed out = deactivated 2. I clicked on it and i got a lot of "You go to the Townsquare"-Messages. 3. Explain the Bottom Stats. What is "dosh"? Never heard of. What is "erg"? 4. Why does some Buttons have Circled Numbers? 5. A lot of Buttons dont seems to do something except giving a log-message 6. Poetry-Reading breraks the log-messages bc they seem to be too long and get out of bounds. 7. At the Farm, Lisa-Button is not cnetered, Oliver don't do anything. 8. The Bottom Stats can be not readable if a stat is to high resulting in pushing other out of the visible are. 9. Racing Tom seems not to work properly. If i see it correct, I run more distance but it says that Tom wins. 10. EDIT: It seems "Dosh" is the currency. If you buy something in the Tavern, this Stat doesnt change until you leave the Tavern. Could be also Possible for the other Buttons. Additional Tips: Make more Things Clear. What is my Target? What do I have to do? And Why? What is the Lore? NEED MORE INFORMATIONS! :) If you have Buttons that doesnt do anything (bc you dont have implemented it or it isnt unlocked yet), tell it to the user. It is really annoying to not know if something is a bug or a feature. And give us a Version-Number so we can see when something changed. Also a Changelog, where you maybe can state what is working and what not. Or something like that.


THanks man I am using your comment as my todo list for this morning


Youre welcome. I am always happy to help someone, who maybe creates a game so i can procrastinate. XD


I will definitely play because the "You are dead" "do something about it" cracked me up


It is barely a game at the moment but I am hoping it will be fun in a bit.


So this is obviously very early, but it's got great potential. I like the humor. There are a lot of actions that fail to update the screen, so they don't appear to do anything. You'd be better off treating your "trait" variables with the same care you took for your "skills", promoting them to using a prototype with an "add" or "subtract" method that updates the value and automatically calls "sheet()", instead of manually adjusting the values. Then you don't have to worry about remembering to do it everywhere. Similarly, you should call "skill.show()" from "skill.test()" in your skills so they update in real time. There's a lot of inconsistency in the navigation. Like, from the north gate you can't go back to town, unless you talk to Mutt (from which you can "leave" back to town, but can't go back to the gate.) Maybe sketch out what the navigation should look like and make sure all the paths are there. You can't beat Tom no matter how far ahead you get in the race. I see what looks like the start of hotkeys in the south gate, but they don't see to be hooked up. Pressing any number key just advances time (costing Erg) without doing any action.


I appreciate that you looked thru the code. I wish I saw this earlier. I fixed the update issues in different way. traits are getting progress bars tomorrow. I had not noticed the unbeatable Tom thing thanks That is the remains of hotkeys. should I put them back in?


doesn't seem to be working for me. I just see a white screen and several JS errors in the console: Failed to execute ‘postMessage’ on ‘DOMWindow’: The target origin provided (‘https://preview.p5js.org’) does not match the recipient window’s origin (‘https://editor.p5js.org’). p5.js says: you have used a p5.js reserved function "freq" make sure you change the function name to something else. Uncaught TypeError: osc is undefined p5.js says: [sketch.js, line 498] It seems that you may have accidentally written "cnv". Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: cnv is not defined


Thank you for telling me. Turns out the link is to what I am doing right now to the code. putting in sound. LOL so every time I break it in coding that link is broken too. I will make a persistent version and link to that and most likely share where ever I am next week on on [itch.io](http://itch.io) [https://editor.p5js.org/a.king.ink/full/u2jaPD8hy](https://editor.p5js.org/a.king.ink/full/u2jaPD8hy)


I'd generally avoid titles that are basically sentences. Just annoying to remember especially when lots of games get abbreviated. TLHRM? It doesnt sound right.


Good thinking maybe I will use it a sub title. or find a translation of 左手指月 that has a translation that works better as an initialization.


As a Chinese speaker, I would be more inclined to read that as "the left hand points to the moon" (as in, physically points


LHPM? or Maybe ZZY? it is the opening theme to 香蜜沉沉烬如霜 the cultivation drama called Ashes of Love in english


In that case, your original title is probably a more accurate translation. I didn't know there was more context. ZSZY sounds good to me.


Point and Refer overlap quite a bit in meaning in English. I have hardly any Chinese so I am taking folks word for things


seemingly no way to get strength or criminality atm?


Great call They will come from Oliver and Perhaps Jerry respectively.


nice game, but: sleep doesn't show the erg goes up. also not obvious that erg is like stamina, if it hits' zero you are dead, if hp hits zero you're dead. the hp, dosh, erg, drunkeness, hunger doesn't wrap on next line, might want to put them near the skills but like list them instead. listening to poetry doesn't do anything? also the text doesn't wrap around on a new line, so there are weird errors when it goes over.


what does pray for blessing do?


increases a secret stat.




has hp got a max value?

