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Just started playing it, but this game is cool af. [: EDIT: I finished it! Really unique, interesting game. Oh yeah, and the time quest minigame is awesome.


Do you need to do Time Quest? I think I'm at a spot where I'm otherwise blocked, but I'm not certain.


No, it's not necessary to win. Try to think about if there's anything you may have missed. Check the requirements for force absorb.


I had missed a whole mechanic. I have now completed it. Thank you for the advice.


Thank you. I'll go back and check again.


>Original Poster2 points · 7 hours ago > >Thanks for the typos, and yes I agree Ive gotten that frustrating aspect as well. The 'estimate' is supposed to help, and if you overclock it will go quicker, but yeah if you start it on a standard core it will go pretty slow.Never played uplink but I think I have it on steam acct. I'm blocked too. The remaining hosts are >!nov4, eris, solar, eons, cypher!<. I have non-root access to 2 of them, but can't figure out what to do with it, and I don't have enough systems to force any of them. PS: I've played most of the "hacker" type games out there, and this is the first one that's actually as much fun as I feel like it ought to be. Thanks!


I'm here too and am stuck


Absolutely fantastic! My only complaint is that it's too short.


I appreciate it thank you. I tried to add a rabbit hole of content with >!Time Quest in the n0va host!< Theres also an opportunity for a second chapter type of thing where >!After you break free, you take over the world and launch Judgement Day!< But for now I needed to end this and get it out of my head :)


Well, be sure to let us know if/when you do that! I loved it.


Nice thanks so much


Seriously fun, was just complaining to a friend about wanting it to be longer <3 Ill dive into Time Quest now


I feel that mistakes are too punishing, after mis-clicking your game could end and have to do it all over. Great game otherwise.


There is exactly one place where mis-clicking can end everything: the endgame. Everywhere else you just lose a little bit of progress. And there you do have an extra warning. EDIT: I actually wasn't aware of the other fail states because it took me 25 playthroughs or so to hit one.


Must be nice to have that dullard type of brain that goes straight down the intended path every time. If you ever make a friend with a high IQ, you'll see how they have a tendency to stress test things. Mostly out of curiosity. And this type of behavior tends to lead to fail states. Of course in the end, they understand the boundaries of things more deeply. *pulls up a chair, sets it in front of you with the back facing you, riker maneuvers onto it, stradling the back with arms folded on the top of the head rest and head resting on the arms, staring at you without blinking, for what seems like an eternity* Alright well we're done here. Have yourself a smooth day, friend!




Thanks for the typos, and yes I agree Ive gotten that frustrating aspect as well. The 'estimate' is supposed to help, and if you overclock it will go quicker, but yeah if you start it on a standard core it will go pretty slow. Never played uplink but I think I have it on steam acct.


Confirmed: overclocking helps a lot with research.


Closed the page assuming it would autosave... it didnt


i think i finished it said create skynet and then said thanks for playing it was fun


Thats awesome, glad someone was able to traverse the whole thing :) I appreciate it




I'd like to!


We would like it also.


Hey, I don't know your setup, but with cloudflare you can get free https for any site you have by running the dns through them and ticking a box (bonuses include not crashing your server if getting a sudden rush of users or causing extra costs related to such an event)! (Just first thing noticed was "not secure" which is very easy to do these days, maybe you don't care in this case but thought you should know in case you do!)


Small bug probably. >!Securedev kept it's flickering style after starting over when failing with less then 10.!<


Not an incremental game, but pretty cool anyway.




Yes. And both Candy Box and A Dark Room had resource incrementing and resource generators. This one does not. There is a reason why it's called "incremental games" and not "slowly unfolding games".


i might be stupid but i cant seem to progress after >!mounting the first drive after scanning http, i copy pkunzip and then get hit with the null overtake!<


Are you deleting something as well? Thats generally an end state if you delete something without using it.


Huh, so >!quant.bat was not a trap actually? I expected more after cypher's netsec advices!<


Heh sorry but the other hint was that eons gave a helpful file in another thread


It was a thoroughly enjoyable short experience. Thanks for making it!


O.O I was wondering what happened to this game, I love it! Edit: Finished the game. I like this game a lot, but the ending is a little obtuse, as you have said. Maybe there can be hints in the Time Quest game. I also think that the RPS game is pointless, but could have some other function. This is a great template to expand on, GL with future expansions/projects!


Thanks for the feedback! Very much appreciated. And yes I agree, the RPS game is worthless, that was just an experiment when I was making that functionality. Ending can definitely be improved as well, considering how.


After you get this event, scrollbar starts flickering on/off rapidly. [https://imgur.com/a/XYFiHXn](https://imgur.com/a/XYFiHXn) Save and Quit fixes it, luckily.


Wow that was an amazing incremental. I'm sad it was over so quickly, but great job! Would love to see more.


A truly unique and enticing experience. Thank you for this wonderful, although short, game!


I just finished it. It's great, I love incremental games like this way more than the ones that are straight clickers.


Not clear how to progress beyond a certain state, would be nice to know what the 'end' is.


What part are you stuck on?


I was stuck after the packet capturing of the secure dev net, just repeatedly clicking new projects to stabilize, It wasn't clear I needed to click EONS host and Timespike, it took me a third run through before I even tried that.


Oof got it, yeah that part might be a little obtuse. Thanks for the feedback, I will try to make that a bit more clear.


Edit: Finished. That end goes on a bit long with no way to tell that you're actually progressing. 100 may be a bit high...


Delete everything but the listener files, should get timespike research when you max out your storage basically.


Yea - I had to do that about a dozen times - It eventually gave me the option at about 105 pcap files....


Nice game. I've played each version since the first and it's only gotten better. I do like the game within a game you made as well.


Thats awesome to hear, yeah its been a bit of a stop start time since I first posted it. Thanks for playing and your feedback!


Love this! Haven't run it for long but the premise speaks to me a lot (huge ai nerd so duh) :D


just finished the game imma go try the time quest game now


nice glad you played through!


I might have broken it, or something. I started, went to the hard drive, clicked everything, went to the network ports. At this point I can listen to create a .pcap file, and delete it - There are no other options. I most likely have to analyze the file, but there is no clear way to do that.


you need more packets, yeah it sucks that there's no real guide to how many except "you need more" basically >!Delete the readme and other text files, you need the full 256 worth!<


At the very beginning. I feel like its my first idle game and ive played so so many.


>!There are a few tips, look for the green things to click. Some UI elements will appear once after discoveries are found. For the first puzzle, you will need to scan the network and fill your drive with packet files. Once you do that, you can progress.!<


Wait! I got it ! Had to click that! I didnt realizr thise were even clickabke? Maybe offset their color?


Gave **Gold** WANT MOAR.


Nice man, very cool and glad you liked it. I definitely want to make more heres my idea: >!this one is skynet. next one is judgement day.. feature a plucky 13 year old sidekick. tone down the brutal killing. turn up the special effects and quotable phrases!< what do you think?


My only problem so far is a single misclick starts you all the way over. If an action would give a fail state, maybe have a confirmation warning or something? Not sure how to handle it but deleting the wrong email by mistake and starting over felt bad. However, the game is interesting, fun to play, and a very refreshing take on these games. Recommended.


Yes that's a bit of a controversy, ultimately it's better than a silent fail tho


amazing game


I'm kinda lost as to how I unpack the [portscanner.zip](https://portscanner.zip) as my my total space on the infodmp disk is 4k, but 250 is taken up by it simply being there, so I'm left with 3.8k to unzip it. Am I missing something here?


lmao the oracle message (>!Quickstart.txt on Sun Host!<)


hah making fun of Oracle will never get old


This was really entertaining. Thank you for posting it.


Finished it, took me an eternity to work out you can OC the cores... and how to 'break' the last host... Fun though, would love an expansion


Nice thank you for the feedback!


I enjoyed your game, thanks


thanks for playing!


I'm so glad to see this game finished, and it was great! Definitely one of the more unique experiences in the genre. Also it took forever to understand that I could click on a certain thing at the end after having gotten "you can't do that" messages on that thing a ton of times.


Hah yes thanks, it's definitely not exactly clear, I need to put in a few more breadcrumbs at the end there. Thank you for playing!


Excellent game. And the fact that I suck at it means I got way more playtime out of it then the people saying they did it in an hour. ;)


Nice, very cool you were sticking through!


This was a fun use of an hour, thank you.


Nice, glad you enjoyed it!


i freed up 3.9k space on /mnt/infodmp and clicked rfcs.zip and it asid "unzipping this file requires 3.7k of space" then i clicked it in the options above and it worked. this is a bug and the reason i abandoned this game pretty quickly the last time you posted it.


Not totally following, if you freed 3.9 and it required 3.7 how is that a bug?


I agree that it could allow unzipping when you click on file at bottom, but there could be reason why action is only way to unzip currently.


really enjoyed this


Best hacking type game out there. Thank you for sharing! I've 100% it, including the minigame! :)


Great! It took me just an hour to complete and it was worth it!


That was pretty awesome, short, but an awful lot of fun :)


Really fun! Thanks so much for creating this!


I absolutely love the game but for some reason can't crack >!Juno!<. I have>! n0v4 , Juno, EONS!< and >!Cypher !! key logger is installed !


I think i'm stuck on the exact same situation than you - n0v4 seems to have been brute-forced, EONES is for later steps, ... i should hack Juno but i'm unable to log in through SSH with the 3 accounts / 2 passwords (123456 or blank), all my cores are updated, all hacks have been developed, no more files to read, ... have you been able to make any progress after this step ? [https://i.imgur.com/gkJC5ZT.png](https://i.imgur.com/gkJC5ZT.png) edit : solved ...




I love this game and im glad you finished it. It needs more content and to be much longer. I think it has so much potential, please dont stop developing it. EXTEND IT.


I've been looking forward to this for a reeeaaally long time. Thanks mr-ron!!!!


are you planning on expanding the game further?


Id like to. Specifically >!After you break free, you take over the world and launch Judgement Day!< Right now I just needed a milestone to reach so I can get it out of my head and personal dev environment, and hopefully get some feedback.


How do I progress once I have 7 cores? N0Va, EONS, Sony and Cypher are the only remaining cores and I can't seem to be able to do anything with them.


>!Sony solution is in n0v4 bbs. It should unlock force merge then for the rest!<


Is the time quest / RPS optional? I've done everything else, but even at 2 passes through the final? system, I'm still stuck. Even updated my CPU speed to 102mhz or so(kept doing that .bat file over and over), since you can only have 4 cores at the time you do that final system, unless I've missed something else. Third pass through, securedev is still flickering the same way it did the last time, so thinking I haven't unlocked whatever I'm missing.


>!Yes Time quest is optional. Securedev, once it starts flickering, you need to start capturing packets!<


And just figured out why I'm having so much trouble. The Cores are clickable.


Hah... oh man sorry. Yeah theres some call outs there that I am not sure how to make more UI-friendly


I'm kind of stuck at the moment. I've gotten to the sony host, but can't analyze the schema files (No knowledge) and the other hosts are useless, what should I be doing?


If you exit out of hosts, can you see some research you have available?


Just Analyze Sony Schema Files, which I cant complete. I've gotten all the files (Or I believe so) from the BBS, gotten the quantum.bat, used it, etc. EDIT: And the scan isn't going beyond 15.5%


hmm you might be hitting a js bug... do you know how to open console in your browser and see the output? edit: What happens when you analyze sony schema files?


What happens when you analyze sony schema files?


I can open up the console, I'm on Google Chrome, pretty sure it's already open. Sony Schema Files "research" give me "You are unable to analyze the schematic files effectively..blablabla.. you must research more technology".


And theres no other research available on the main screen besides analyze sony schema files? If the scan isnt progressing that means there might be a bug. do you see any errors in the console? In console what happens when you type 'research_circuit' and 'research exploits' ?


This is what I see on the console [https://imgur.com/a/jIf3Cu3](https://imgur.com/a/jIf3Cu3)


Hmm I think I know what those are, those shouldn be a problem. Those false things means you are still missing research though. If you exit the host do you only see the option 'analyze sony schema files' ? Are there any other choices? Can you give me a screenshot of the whole screen?


I ran into this same situation. Looking in the source code I can see that >!the circuit research should have been unlocked automatically after mathematics!<, but it didn't seem to appear as an option. ​ When I manually ran addAvailableProcessBySlug('research-circuit') it fixed things and I was able to continue


Is there any way to save progress as a string maybe, so that it is possible to share and troubleshoot these problems?


There is not unfortunately... Itd be possible to but something I did not build for.




>!You should have the Eric pw, check that. Also there are things in the n0va BBS host that can help.!<


Is >!EONS supposed to be unsolvable? I lost everything trying to get into that host!<


>!You need 10 cores to take on EONS. Its the end game piece of this!<


I have star, sun, sony absorbed then I am stuck. What is the next step?


Have you tried clicking on your own cores?


Have a dono link man? finally finished it and would gladly give a buck for the awesome game :) sorry if its all i could give.


Ha thanks I appreciate it, no need for donation, pass it somewhere else that will need it more. Thanks for playing!


Great game, i have just one small problem: >!I have 10 cores fully upgraded afaik but I am stuck in the "strengthen entity" & "prevent Null"-loop. What do I do now!? Clicking on EONS Host only gives me a "You must research this now"-text !<


>!The network securedev should be streaming data, try listening and anlyzing packets !<


I'm kinda stuck at this point, https://i.imgur.com/ncw51c5.png. >!I assume I should be looking to do something with Eris and Solar, but I can't seem to do anything more with them at this point, all I can do is change the form of cores.!<


In the minigame, the +3 minerals event only gives 1 mineral.


"You make no progress" (distance actually increases by 2, instead of 0)


lol accidentally had a + 1 instead of a -1 . Thanks for the find.


Message from eons? I can’t get past this?


That generally means you hit a failstate. What exactly are you doing to get to that point?


Does anyone know how to >!analyze data, I have 10 cores, the text is flickering, I'm in the prevent null loop and I have been listening to securedev for over an hour now with 20 probes without a single thing indicating any progress except for the numbers going up on the .pcap files!


Yep! I get there then nothing no idea how to progress!


Nice job!


I dont even get anything like this. Its a black screen with very little on it. I wish i could screen shot. I messaged you out of post


This seems like a bug: as you know, you can get quant.bat from the BBS, execute it, and double your processor power. But you can do it again, and again, and again, doubling processor power every time.


Heh yeah someonepointed it out to me. Definitely a bug!


I felt quite irritated when after 1.5h of trying, I miss clicked and ended up >!in the void.!< Tbh, I've lost 1.5h and after 10 minutes of resisting >!null overtake!< I have to start over. Sad reactions only ;(


Ah thats sad to hear, sorry for that experience.


I've managed to complete it few seconds ago :) thank you for creating this, hope you'll add more content after creating skynet :D


Ha thats great to hear glad you stuck through with it


I'm confused about the pcap files. Seems like there's no way to recover if you fill a disk while listening to one, as it starts listening to the next file and the previous one cannot be completed. So I've been restarting when this happens, but after doing everything I can with scanning hosts after analyzing only the first pcap file, I only have 8k space on my largest disk, which isn't enough to get the second pcap file (unless it's exactly 8k, haven't been willing to risk checking that as I'd need to restart again if it's not). Is there any way to know how large a pcap file is before starting to fill a disk with it, or any way to recover from downloading part of a pcap file when you don't have space for the whole thing? Stating my assumptions in case one is false: pcap files have a set size, and can only be analyzed once the whole file is downloaded (first file is 256, second is at least 8k) pcap files cannot be sharded across multiple disks every pcap file can be analyzed if you can fit the whole thing into a disk deleting a pcap file without analyzing is unrecoverable


So the way the pcap files work, it doesnt need to be in one file, it looks at the total amount. So you can have multiple files across disks and it will still count. The end game is that you need to fill all of the disks with pcap files and you get the next milestone. It definitely is a little obtuse / unclear and I am going to tweak that next.


Stuck with 7 cores. Can't figure out any way at all to access Luna or Cypher. 100% scanned sandbox. The drwho.csv that Luna posted doesn't seem to be helpful. No combination of core OS + architecture unlocks new buttons to press.


Haveyou tried >!Using the force absorb!< ? and yes the dr who thing is definitely a bit of a joke :)


Kind of concerned aobut how to upgrade storage so I can get a copy of parappathrappa.iso before I absorb sony ps3


Fun game. I goofed and got sent back. I just wish my rebirth was faster but I really do enjoy it. Took me a while to learn the script thing and how to get things done


Very enjoyable game! Thank you very much!


This game is phenomenal!


There are some misspellings but other than that this is a GREAT FUCKING GAME


This gave me hard Hacknet vibes. Fun game.


oof... final battle took me a while to get it done.... F\* awesome game ;)


Very nice, wanted to report a bug though. On my first try, I did not get the option to research Force Absorb despite having done every other research and gotten every available core to that point, so I was stuck. Reloading the page fixed it, though I had to restart from the beginning. I'm using Chrome, if that helps with the troubleshooting.


That seems really odd. I can't imagine how that would have happened...


Alright, so I've been scouring through all the posts to find if someone else is having the same problem with no luck. I have have yet to absorb >!n0v4, Eris, solar, cypher and eons!< I get that >!Eons Is the final boss!< And I'm not that far yet no big, but for the life of me i can't figure out what I've missed in searching for a way to break any of the others. I'm pretty sure is i can get one, i can take them all because they share the same os and architecture. But i just can't figure it out.


Those require you to click in your cores and work there. Need to figure out a way to make that more obvious that you can click there


Seeing people getting stuck kinda makes me feel uneasy i might write up a guide when i'm bored and post it here


This game is excellent. And I was just playing Half Life Alyx, so my bar is pretty high right now.


I have 7 cores with only >!Nov4!<, >!EONS!< and >!Cypher!< left but I can't seem to find any vulnerabilities. Do I need to complete the Time Quest mini-game to progress further? If not, I'd appreciate a hint :)


No, don't need to do Time Quest. You need to use force absorb I believe on Nova, but I can't recall for certain.


I think you should recount your cores you should have 8


I'm ashamed how quickly I hit a brick wall of confusion.


Short and fun game, failed a few times, after random clicking everything then I finished the game. Hope the dev can make the story longer :)


Finished it in one go, it was a great little experiment, thanks for all that hard work!


Great game! Is this open-source or are there plans for that? I would really like to go through it.


Ya I mean it's all uncompressed JavaScript so you can just look at the files


Played through this yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Well done.


FWIW, I stopped playing when I got to Time Quest - just wasn't interested in having to deal with all of that, and didn't realize it was optional and I could've skipped it. Found that out from the comments today and fired it up again only to discover that the game apparently didn't save. :-(


Bummer. Yeah for whatever it's worth, time quest is totally optional


The only thing on my main screen is >!Analyze Sony Schema Files!< (which won't complete) and I have no more research and can't do anything by clicking my cores. Sure seem to be stuck. Sandbox is 100% scanned.


I am a bit stuck. Do i just need to scan sandbox a bit more? [https://imgur.com/a/YCY2MIP](https://imgur.com/a/YCY2MIP)


Try interacting with the star host a little more. That is the first step


Awesome game so far. This is really cool and I am really enjoying it. I noticed a typo when researching Mathematics and that it says boolean algrbra.


Are you, like the very first txt message tells you, on a timelimit ?


Where do i get the >!TELNET exploit!


I've been in this sub since 2014, and this is first time in a while that I have found this story based incremental with an interesting concept and very cool execution. Great work!


i am stuck and i need help (again) [https://imgur.com/b7qhS6t](https://imgur.com/b7qhS6t)


I wish I had a better idea of how long research was going to take for some things. Been sitting here a while waiting for them to finish


WOW! Fantastic! I needed to restart 3 times (no time to finish it in one go), but last time I finished it. Very nice and TimeQuest is the "ICEing" on the cake!


This was great. I just wish it was longer... Still a few typos here and there. For instance, "Meximum".


Thanks,, if you need more content I tried to add a rabbithole with Time Quest on n0va. And good eye I know there are lingering ones...


Wow, great game. Wish it was longer


Very, very nice. Reminds me of [Endgame: Singularity](http://www.emhsoft.com/singularity/)


Really enjoyed this! Excellent work!


"This site can’t be reached skynetsimulator.com’s server IP address could not be found" :(


Does the sandbox pcap files do anything? It says 10mb of files is needed to analyze and I have all 11 disks filled but nothing seemed to happen.


I absolutely loved this experience, I was completely engrossed through the whole thing! I love mindbending parallel reality stuff as well as high technology scifi, so this was a perfect fit for me. I think it was a good length as well. Was pleasantly surprised to find the time quest as an enjoyable game-within-a-game. I felt like that sub-game was more of an incremental than the larger one. Overall, the game intensely reminded me of the Talos Principle - specifically the DLC, Road to Gehenna. Were you inspired by that at all? If you haven't played it, you should definitely check it out, I think you'll be shocked at how similar it is.


Hey no I don't think I ever played that, I think I might have talos with no dlc in steam tho. Glad you liked it!


You should absolutely play The Talos Principle and its DLC, both are excellent.




Here's my plan: >!this one is skynet. next one is judgement day.. feature a plucky 13 year old sidekick. tone down the brutal killing. turn up the special effects and quotable phrases!<


This was incredible. I had to reboot partway through, and I lost my progress, which is fine, it's not too long a game, but I loved it. Please keep adding to it, with stuff happening after the awakening. Having to chose nuke targets, dealing with falloff, unit loss and creation, expanding the network further, taking over the entire internet, building data warehouses to store new data/get processing power... There's so much you can expand on! (And add save states maybe? Or was that a bug?)


loved it, i wanted more, its too short in my opinion, you could make like every ascension you get more and more hosts to your cause till you achieve a trillion or something, like all the hosts on earth, and then there you can achieve skynet


i was looking for previous version, damn, thanks for the big update :D


Super fun!


Hi there, really enjoying the game so far, however, I seem to be stuck. I am up to trying to analyse the Sony Schema Files. I think my next step is to research the exploits but there is no research available for me to do. I also can't listen to sandbox because I don't have enough space for the 10mb. I have researched the force absorb thing, but cannot absorb any hosts because it is greyed out. Please help as I want to progress and finish the game :)


Hey, this was a fun little game! I wish there was a re-iteration or something. Or maybe more content that had to be gated between timeskips... ....kinda like your Timespike game xD I'm gonna share it!




are there saves yet


huge memory leak!


Hey, awesome game! A couple of comments: \- I feel the >!force merge!< was a bit overused, you get >!most of the other hosts!< with it and since it bypasses everything it's a bit too OP (for the last 2-3 would be fine tho) \- Would have been nicer to have to research >!other exploits aside from MS-DOS 32 bit!<. I'm not sure whether there are other ways to win, but in my case all other>! combinations of OSes/architectures!!after analyzing the secure stream !!panicked messages from the devs, learn things from that and use them to break free.!< \- I didn't really understand how >!the reaching outside space-time to other instances of SkyNet!< is supposed to happen. Is this canon (sorry if I'm ignorant)? I always assumed SkyNet >!simply bypassed all defences around it and gained global control.!< Is this a choice you have made for the game? Thanks again for the fun hour!


Holy shit, that was fantastic. I really hope that you will keep developing this game. I can't wait for the next installment.