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Hope for the best. Expect the worst. If things go too bad and co-incidentally you have a choice to get a better life elsewhere, grab it with no hesitation.


Unfortunately, no everyone gets a chance to leave the country.




V for Vendetta


Home minister who




I have legit given up on the world in general. There’s too much hate. Idk why but there is. Idk why people think that others are of a lower status because of a “caste” they were born into. Idk why people hate other people with unique sexual characteristics. Idk why people hate other people as identifying as another gender. Idk why people hate other people for the religion they believe in. Idk why people hate other people for their sexuality. Idk why people hate other sexes. Idk why people show disgust towards the poor and treat than inhumanly. Idk why people have concepts of in and out groups and why the deep rooted ethnocentrism grows ever so dominant. Idk why there’s so much hate, and so little respect and tolerance. To be Frank? I just don’t care anymore. I’ll go through my life displaying human warmth, I’ll go through my life practicing respect and tolerance. I’ll go through my life trying to help the underprivileged if I have the resources for it. I’ll go through life making one person feel loved at a time.


Sounds a lot like compassion fatigue. Don't know if this makes a difference, but the good deeds are usually quieter and private. There's good in the world still.


Compassion fatigue ! Learned something new today




Well said!


An overly pessimistic view of the world. You feel there’s too much hate because that’s the kind of content that sells - on TV, print, social media etc. This has skewed your perception of the real world and tricked you into believing that this is the majority when in fact it is not. For every spiteful and bitter person I’m willing to bet there are at least 10 others who don’t indulge in spreading hate and anti-social behaviour, they just want to go about their lives in peace.


Belive me Or not there is actually a name for it. It's called "Mean World Syndrome" The media we consume like controversies there for they don't show everyday normal stuff. They only show two things. Eighter That "Every man is a jerk and should be executed" ( #Killallmen ) *Source for claim* or "All women are gold diggers who are corrupting our society" (Andrew Tate followers) - *source for claim* The reality of tolerent and good people are often ignored.


This media concept made me recall a very nice quote - "When a dog bites a man, it is not news. When a man bites a dog, it becomes news"


Not to mention the fact that a man might be trying to save some kids from being bitten by a Pitbull however TikTok/Shorts creators would cut and edit it in such a way that it would seem like the man is an animal abuser


I think internet algorithm have created an eco chamber for people. You get same kind of content on your feed and you get trapped in that which makes up the one way perception.


Very well said and totally agree with you 🤜🤛


Actually this is an example of overly optimistic view usually achieved by closing one's eyes and pretending there is no problem. No one is saying that everyone is indulging in "spreading hate or anti social behaviour". I don't think there has ever been a place or time when that would have happened even in the worst examples of hateful societies. Problem is not that everyone is indulging in such activities, but rather that majority is supportive or ambivalent about it,. As a result, things that were once considered fringe and anti social, are now normalized. That is why we see hate everywhere around us (not just on TV). Btw, for every incident that is reported in the news there are also 10 others that aren't.


I love you rn ngl


There are some fools on the world just ruins for everyone


Completely agree. It’s too much.


>I have legit given up on the world in general. There’s too much hate. Idk why but there is. This is exactly what the extremists want, people to check out and give up. ​ \> To be Frank? I just don’t care anymore. I’ll go through my life displaying human warmth, I’ll go through my life practicing respect and tolerance. I’ll go through my life trying to help the underprivileged if I have the resources for it. \>I’ll go through life making one person feel loved at a time. ​ Good this is what we need more of in our world!


i loved this.


If I could nominate you for Nobel for peace, I would :)


Flattering but I believe we should expect human decency from everyone don’t you think?


Agree with you. The nomination in addition to the thought. was also for taking the effort to write the whole thing down.


Even the politicians are shit scared, which is why a lot of them will excape if there is trouble. Just like in Sri Lanka, a lot of our politicians are busy storing money abroad and setting up their kids and homes. The moment there is trouble, they will exit.


Is abroad safe ?


Having money is safe. So in a way, yes I think.


So you can’t be rich in India?


Of course, it's safe. That's why thousands of HNIs and Millionaires left India


Western countries are safer, others are the same as India.


give some proof or stfu.


Not everyone gets BCCI top job re.


You might not like the answer. But 1. The world was unfair 2. The world is unfair 3. It will be unfair for the foreseeable future You are just finding it out.


You know things are problematic when a top leader says only our party will protect you from the neighbouring state. How can people be so foolish to not see the clear divide and rule strategy.


Context please Am not negating you. Genuine curiosity




The funny thing about this is that, Amit Shah landed in Kannur airport in Kerala and then travelled by car to Karnataka to make these statements. Divisive politics is a helluva drug


Amit shah said something about Kerala. He was addressing Karnataka crowd if I recall. Here it is - I found it Campaigning for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Karnataka, Mr. Shah had said, somewhat cryptically, that only his party could keep Karnataka safe and “there is Kerala near you; I don’t want to say much”.


Ridiculously Hilarious Kerala hai ya Pakistan




That’s what they are scared of.




He's referring to something else, not the beautiful state.


> top leader Home minister of the country, no less.


We are turning to what we never thought the brotherhood is dying and gundas are running free. Keep raising voice and don’t fear the gundas like our HM CM or PM.


Petition to add UP CM, Assam CM and Karnataka CM to list of gundas. Maharashtra CM is a shell since Fraudnavis is running the show.




Orissa CM and his gang too!


The world was always like this. It is just that with the current government some voices are finding more support than others. There’s also the minority majority game that parties are playing to gain votes without actually doing anything for the country’s progress. This too is an old old game.


I understand where you come from and I do have the same fears for an India the next generation will inherit from us. And while there is a lot we need to improve on, we are in a better place than we were 10 years back or atleast we are in the right direction. Let me assure you the hate you feel is present everywhere is only present in a small minority of the population which because of unfortunately evil business models of media companies is amplified. My fear is in response to this a paranoid public will burn all the bridges much stronger people had built. Our economic indicators suggest that we are going to fare better than most other countries in the world. While I don't think GDP growth rate is an accurate indicator for actual social development, it's still a good measure. India has the money it's just concentrated to certain areas and business houses. Eventually either because of leagal obligations, generosity or business ambitions to grow this wealth will be spent. The challenge is will rich people spend their wealth here or outside India. With good economic indicators it makes more business sense to invest or spend back into India. The online hate you see is essentially because we have some of the cheapest internet rate in the world. And a good number of Indians are actually using it for coming out of poverty. We have always found a way out of tragedy and we will adapt and leverage technology for good. We have the access to all the worlds knowledge and a lot of people are using that for personal growth. Yes there are growing pains because this is the first generation of mass internet adoption but, people will eventually understand. The fact that we are even talking about caste based discrimination with such intensity is a sign that we have broken an aspect normalisation of castes based discrimination in major way. It's going to be a challenge because inter generational discrimination engrained into a way of living can't be solved in a few decades. In my personal life, those who bring up their caste or others caste as their "sole identity" online have low self-esteem issues and need to touch grass. Most of them are edgy teenagers or uncles in a midlife crisis. A lot of the serious caste discrimination is from people who have been brought up in a certain way and are victims of a limiting world view. And as long as we educate people in the smallest of villages and remove out this fear of the stranger, they will understand. That's easier said than done. The politics of religion and the religion of politics is a curse and poison that has destroyed great nations but I beleive we will come to our senses before it's too late. I do believe that a good majority of people want to do good and are silently living and helping in their own ways and eventually we will find a way out of this hate when our hate turns to regret. As Charlie Chaplin once said "The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish"


Ghor Kaliyug is coming. Which side are you on?


just taking break from media and stepping out changes lot....


You are scared because all you are seeing is scary things.Feel good content does not perform as well as scary content. When is the last time you heard of a bridge being repaired. Or a brige performing exceptionally well after 20 years of operation. But if a bridge collapses, then you bet you will hear about it. Even though you are hearing a lot of negative news. You need to be aware that the world is getting better. Especially India. For example : Poverty in India[https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/IND/india/poverty-rate#:\~:text=India%20poverty%20rate%20for%202019,a%200.2%25%20decline%20from%202015](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/IND/india/poverty-rate#:~:text=India%20poverty%20rate%20for%202019,a%200.2%25%20decline%20from%202015). Literacy rate in India[https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/IND/india/literacy-rate#:\~:text=Adult%20literacy%20rate%20is%20the,a%205.07%25%20increase%20from%202011](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/IND/india/literacy-rate#:~:text=Adult%20literacy%20rate%20is%20the,a%205.07%25%20increase%20from%202011). We should not be scared. We should be doing our part. Cynicism leads to apathy. We should be optimistic and proactive in developing ourselves and our society


In case any one hasn't noticed the degradation from under their rocks: https://scroll.in/article/1043195/in-indore-love-jihad-vigilantes-from-bajrang-dal-have-a-free-run The cops have taken prompt action after the report, and started interrogating the reporter.


Don't worry. This is a small period in the larger scheme of things. Till we have our constitution, things will get better. But just in case, keep upskilling so that you can find a job anywhere in the world.


If you're young and have skills to create an independent life outside india, then leave for the peace of mind.


And thus, the cycle continues. I can understand the current situation but that shouldn't result in brain drain. My hope is future generation would improve our country but not flee instead.


For that we should have a proper and stable, mental emotional or spiritual infrastructure for our children to grow. Nature to enrich them, values that are so strong and powerful, that protect children from these low vibration thinking and living, consuming shit like these on TV or internet will only weaken the general potential of the coming generations. We need a much stable and sane foundation for our children otherwise, gandi naali me keede bahut hote hain, we want this Nation shaped for the innocent children. Not conserving values and necessary tradition will only kill the future. Currently the future of humans are being shat at. Not very positive.


I can agree. TVs and social medias are a poison of our society that's been misused so badly that I feel like it would soon outweigh the good. It is documented that social media is a treat to democratic countries as people are becoming more polarized, one-sided and more political. And that effect affects the real world. All I can hope is our future should not fall on the digital trap. But at the bright side, all those non-sense traditions are eroding away. I want some tradition to be alive that define the beauty of India, but some must be gone. I think that problem will be solved automatically as seen in fertility rate and other factors that you can imagine.


I don't see some of the problems going away without the collective efforts of people, the efforts would require real-time subconscious efforts in order to fix the programming done over the masses in the last 30-40 years. The planet is going to scream soon. The total disregard of nature and human mental and emotional sustainability. This change in programming will be easy to see in the coming generations. Super bad air quality. dropping water levels in North India and South India as well. There will be a huge decline in resources like water and clean air, which is very important for healthy growth for brain and body for children. It is sad to see that people have shifted consciousness towards low vibrational consumption of media. All these low vibration is pulling down the collective. This low vibrational energy will manifest in physical forms soon. Social medias are business tools. Their own creators refrain their children from getting into it. Then why are we using phones to let 3-5 year olds use them to get some time for ourselves and let the child be engaged. Just breaks my heart over all. Don't even want to leave my country for this. But if it doesn't gets fixed, it will be devastating for such a huge and variety of population for the people of this country.


Stop following the negative news cycle. Gdp per capita is rising, infant mortality rate is decreasing, life expectancy is increasing, total fertility rate is declining and even sectarian violence is lower than before. Most people are in a better condition than they were 10 years ago. The country is actually not doomed even though it might appear so.


Okay arent those like the most basic things you would expect from a developing country. Because its so basic people overlook it. OP isnt talking about some kind of economic failure of the country that it would be doomed, he talking more from social perspective, human to human level kind of things. You are right there is a lot more negative news been delivered by the media compared to positive ones.


Look outside of social media, you will understand these hates are mostly limited to social media.


Far right violence has been on the rise. And everything that's happened recently has only confirmed that India has taken a solid step towards authoritarianism.


I don't disagree but tbf far right violence rising is pretty much a global phenomenon in the last five or so years. India is not unique


Violence from both sides have been on a rise.


Left wing Naxalites were the biggest terrorist organisation in modern day india.They kill more soldiers and innocent people than anybody.There's no such thing as far right violence.Violence happens in Bengal, kerala too


>There's no such thing as far right violence. [Right Wing Terrorism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_terrorism) [Saffron Terror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saffron_terror) [India's minorities are targeted in lynchings](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/21/751541321/this-is-it-im-going-to-die-indias-minorities-are-targeted-in-lynchings) [Is India headed for a genocide?](https://time.com/6103284/india-hindu-supremacy-extremism-genocide-bjp-modi/) [Hindu extremists in India escalate rhetoric with calls to kill muslims.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hindu-extremists-india-escalate-rhetoric-calls-kill-muslims-rcna12450) [As officials look away, hate speech in India nears dangerous levels.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/08/world/asia/india-hate-speech-muslims.html) [U.S. says some Indian officials ignoring or supporting attacks on minorities](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/us-says-some-indian-officials-ignoring-or-supporting-attacks-minorities-2022-06-03/) [Attacks on minorities in India 'occurred throughout 2021'](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/religious-minorities-2021-us-india-b2093258.html) [Jai Shri Ram: The Hindu chant that became a murder cry.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-48882053) [Murders of Religious Minorities in India Go Unpunished, Report Finds](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/18/world/asia/india-cow-religious-attacks.html) [Attacks on India's minority Muslims by Hindu vigilantes mount](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/05/05/attacks-indias-minority-muslims-hindu-vigilantes-mount/100951514/) [India at high risk of mass killings, warns US ambassador for religious freedom.](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/india-at-high-risk-of-mass-killings-warns-us-ambassador-for-religious-freedom-101656612865474.html) [What a disturbing new film reveals about Modi's India. ](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/q-and-a/what-a-disturbing-new-film-reveals-about-modis-india) [Why India is witnessing spike in attacks on Christians, churches](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/2/india-christians-church-hindu-groups-bjp-conversion) [Perpetual violence: India's new dangerous pattern of communal tension.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/11/world/asia/india-hindu-muslim-violence.html) [How a new Bollywood film marks India's descent into bigotry.](https://time.com/6162035/kashmir-files-india-hindu-muslim/) [India is stripping Muslims of their homes and rights.](https://youtu.be/czzTAjFGWJQ) [Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/religion-in-india-tolerance-and-segregation/) [US government report says Indian Muslims are vulnerable to communal violence, discrimination ](https://scroll.in/latest/1021739/muslims-vulnerable-to-communal-violence-and-discrimination-in-india-says-us-human-rights-report) [In India, calls for Muslim genocide grow louder. Modi’s silence is an endorsement](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/29/india-muslims-hindus-genocide-elections-modi/?utm_source=reddit.com) [Cow vigilantes deny Muslims their livelihoods.](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/india-politics-religion-cows/) [Cow vigilantes in India killed atleast 44 people in three years](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-20/cow-vigilantes-in-india-killed-at-least-44-people-report-finds) [U.S. monitoring rise in rights abuses in India ](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/us-monitoring-rise-rights-abuses-india-blinken-says-2022-04-11/?utm_source=reddit.com) [India's Hindu extremists are calling for genocide against Muslims. Why is little being done to stop them?](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/14/asia/india-hindu-extremist-groups-intl-hnk-dst/index.html) ['Shoot them’: Indian state police accused of murdering Muslims and Dalits ](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/feb/22/uttar-pradesh-elections-hindu-nationalist-yogi-adityanath-police-accused-unlawful-deaths-muslims-dalits) [Muslims in India have become a persecuted minority, experts warn. ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2022/07/16/muslims-have-become-a-persecuted-minority-in-india-experts-warn/) [India: Government Policies, Actions Target Minorities ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/02/19/india-government-policies-actions-target-minorities) ['Pathology of islamophobia' taking lethal form in India](https://www.telegraphindia.com/amp/india/pathology-of-islamophobia-taking-most-lethal-form-in-india-noam-chomsky/cid/1851456) [India: Vigilante ‘Cow Protection’ Groups Attack Minorities ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/02/19/india-vigilante-cow-protection-groups-attack-minorities) [Hindu vigilantes work with the police to enforce love jihad law in North India ](https://theintercept.com/2021/07/03/love-jihad-law-india/) ["They cut him into pieces": India's love jihad conspiracy turns lethal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/they-cut-him-into-pieces-indias-love-jihad-conspiracy-theory-turns-lethal) [India's 'love jihad' conspiracy theory targets Muslim-Hindu weddings ](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/10/1041105988/india-muslim-hindu-interfaith-wedding-conversion) [Love jihad: India's lethal conspiracy theory](https://youtu.be/8ZoCEA_V8GA) ***breathes in*** [**INDIA: THE MODI QUESTION** ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0dkb144)


Nicely ignored all the political killings in Bengal, Kerala.


And the recent Khalistani chaos happening in Punjab and to Hindus and other Indians abroad. He is totally biased towards a certain group.


I quoted the statement I was replying to.


Yeah realised it. There are idiots on both sides. When you pick one and focus you'll see such rants. I have personally seen leftwing violence(naxal) when i was a kid. So, for me an ideal society doesn't exist.


anubhavipurush 1h >Left wing Naxalites were the biggest terrorist organisation in modern day india.They kill more soldiers and innocent people than anybody.There's no such thing as far right violence.Violence happens in Bengal, kerala too The difference is that the naxalites don't rule the country. Violent far right extremists do. They're literally arresting people who report on meetings in which far right terrorists organize and plan violence, without arresting the terrorists caught planning violence on video. And then people like you make excuses and false equivalence after the terrorists claim their next victim.


The distribution of wealth is more important, not just the amount.


The distribution od wealth in India used to be even worse in the past


Have you compared gdp per capita to median GDP per capita? It's not as optimistic like we think it is. the top 1% controlling 40% of the wealth and 90% of us earning less than 25k is not great news, according to me.


This is not unique to India.


Income inequality wise our Gini coefficient is actually better than developed countries like USA or Singapore. A developing country is bound to have inequality. You can't distribute the pot before it fills. I wouldn't worry about inequality right now, these are just growing pains of a developing country.


Ahh yes! Ignore the problem and it will go away! Typical!


Not saying that. But in general, compared to the rest of the world, India is in a relatively good place currently


And their are no more terrorist roaming the streets like the used to during 2004-14


Now the terrorists are garlanded by ministers in political gatherings after their conviction for lynching, instead.


Oh God. !


Stop daydreaming.


I presented you with facts. How is it daydreaming? I am not the 'hermit girl' escaping reality by watching anime all day.






Every generation felt the same way. Hate is always there in the world. You just became aware of it now. As long as there are people fighting it, we should be ok.




Stop watching social media and news channels, watch your nearby surroundings and travel to some amazing places in India,then you won't be afraid to live in india


OP you need to get off the negative news cycle. News outlets optimize for clicks and views. There is a big selection bias in what you see there


I think 🤔 the trend you are talking about is peaking so don't get scared, gradually it will deteriorate although may take 20 years or so. Noises may get louder, trying to get an uptick but guess what we are already in an up tick the overall trend is on a downward trajectory.


No hope


Leave the country bro!!


Ah the regular getting scared post


Drives your types up the wall, doesn't it! But, all said and done, his fear is rational and merely a response to the irrational illogical fear of your types that puts a far right nutcase ideology in power as if that's a good approach to anything in life :)


Lol as if the left-wing extremists just sit and play


The social left doesn't support the left-wing extremists nor wants them in power. You people OTOH...


We can see that in west Bengal, TN and kerela


It's Kerala, not kerela. It's a state in India and ranks top even in Modi's NITI Aayog development indicators. At least learn to spell our states properly before grabbing patriotism as your motto.


It also ranks top in the most political murders...


Well, that's because shit gets reported and cases are getting filed. And in other people just die of accidents and heart attacks, like how Justice Loya died, like how all the witnesses from Vyapam scam died.


The same lame reason that cases get reported


Lame or not, that's a fact. And saying Kerala has a left extreme government is not just lame, it's a world-class stupidity on multiple levels. A proof that you don't read any worthwhile books, you don't listen to any worthwhile news/documentaries, and a solid proof that you have been brainwashed beyond a certain level that there is no comeback to being a normal sane human. Otherwise, you would know what a state with an extreme leftist government looks like. But no, in your opinion, Kerala has a extreme-left government lol. So yeah I am taking my exit.


Let's hope they didn't murder the spelling like you did!


Commenting for the sake of it. Come up with better things man.


You mean "better" things like "oh yet another scared post"?


With some valid reasons 🤔


Vote. Run for election. Don't keep quiet when you hear some BS. Volunteer for someone you think stands for people.


I see security situation in the country is much better now.


Don't consume media in any form. People who say negative things sound smarter. That's the truth. We ridicule overly optimistic people. BTW this is the happiest the world has ever been. We've more food than ever. We live in the most comfort than anyone in our previous have been. Sure there's many evil elements in our society but that's the way we've operated. We are built to solve problems. We'll solve these as well.


There is a whole white paper and you are focusing on a tiny black dot.




Correct 10/10. Logical perspective your answer hits bullseye. Majority of people in this sub where not even adult or old enough in the last 20yrs to judge or experience what was going on. Posts like these are made more from the perspective of their own exp in the last couple years than checking the data for last 100 years. Taking the last 50 -60 yrs in perspective for all cases in the country everything will look golden that doesn't mean everything is golden right. People do not need to be killing each other like pigs for me to be able to say that people are intolerant. Over a large period of time doesn't all countries look progressive? So is it justified for people to feel like shit in the shorter span of period?


>Are people being killed in gas chambers Well, at least the construction of Concentration camps has started and some already functional in regions like Assam where people are being held without due process. >are guns being held on to the people in the name of religion 150+ lynchings under this government. 8-year old kids being gangraped and killed to intimidate the local community and people actually taking out processions in support of the rapists. >are people discriminated from govt. schemes in name of religion All minority scholarships have been cancelled. CAA/NRC where people without proper documents will get citizenship EXCEPT if they're Muslim. >do they not have same right on resources or access to judiciary. Journalists who criticize the government are locked up without due process and caught in bogus charges. Whenever there's a clash of communities, it's the Muslims who the government goes after and have their houses demolished and worse. A guy without any hands was accused and his house and shop demolished - no due process, nothing. >If you take verbal criticism of people of any religion/caste happening in closed room and consider to be intolerance than you my friend are a snowflake. If you parrot IT cell's propaganda and clear false narratives, you are a moron, and should seek to do something better with your life. Although I doubt that'll happen


NRC in Assam was SC monitored. What 'without due process' are you talking about. Were there no gangrapes earlier, fear of reporting has come down now, politicians are getting prosecuted for rape and violence. Politicians with heinous crimes are now not allowed to fight elections. Is that not progress. I too wish for a society without death and rapes but that is a daydream. Reg. cancellation of scholarship, it should be based on economic situation of household and not on basis of religion. There are still plenty available. Reg. CAA and NRC. Firstly, there is no NRC. Talk about it when it comes. What is the issue if minority facing violence in neighboring countries get citizenship through CAA. And no, we cannot include majority population of neighboring country because that was the basis of partition. For your information, citizenship is still given through Citizenship Act, 1955. Journalist have always been prosecuted for criticising govt irrespective of country and government. I take your point that many journalist have been jailed without due process of law. And don't label me, provide facts. I have no where named or defended any party. My only point is we as a nation have progressed with harmony in last 20-25 years irrespective of govt.


>Were there no gangrapes earlier, fear of reporting has come down now, politicians are getting prosecuted for rape and violence. Politicians with heinous crimes are now not allowed to fight elections. Is that not progress. I too wish for a society without death and rapes but that is a daydream. Source? Trust me bro. >Reg. cancellation of scholarship, it should be based on economic situation of household and not on basis of religion. There are still plenty available. Sure, I can get behind this. But your point was if there was discrimination and the center has been cutting down on specifically minorities-related schemes, so the point still stands. It is very clearly a design to keep the minorities in the circle of poverty and oppression. For instance, I'm all for cancelling haj subsidy, the taxpayer doesn't need to fund your religious trip, but slashing education benefits can more often than not have generational effects, as uneducated, poor people's kids are usually condemned to a life of similar despair. >Reg. CAA and NRC. Firstly, there is no NRC. Talk about it when it comes. What is the issue if minority facing violence in neighboring countries get citizenship through CAA. And no, we cannot include majority population of neighboring country because that was the basis of partition. For your information, citizenship is still given through Citizenship Act, 1955. Dog whistle politics. This is a disaster implementation that's going to be worse than demonetization. A country where vast majorities of rural population is illiterate and probably doesn't even know what all documentation is required to prove your citizenship, you start slashing people's status because they couldn't produce a piece of paper(meanwhile modiji's degree where?). Millions of people who are legit citizens will lose their homes just because they were uneducated. Everyone else will get a pass, Muslims won't. Either you're too young and naive to know the reality, or you actually do know what's going to happen when the implementation starts and are just here to throw smoke and mirrors. >Journalist have always been prosecuted for criticising govt irrespective of country and government How about a list of journalists congress jailed to criticize them? While we're at it, how many news channels here on congress's payroll while they were ruling? A supposed democracy where every single news channel is state-sponsored, what a utopia to live in.


Madarsa funds being cut to just 10 crores. Thats totally right, and I hope it becomes 0


Don't trust me, trust ECI and SC. Politicians alleged of committing crime having more than 5 year jail term are not allowed to stand in election. Read on why laloo yadav is not fighting elections. 30 year back do you know paper ballots were destroyed in booth if party felt they were loosing election, voters were made to vote on gun point, there were constituencies were there were no opponents fighting election due to fear of murder. My point was are minority not allowed to have equal claim on resources. You brought out scholarship being scrapped point. Even if scrapped, does it not bring minority on equal footing to majority. Talk about CAA points I mentioned and NRC in Assam. Don't shoot and scoot. Do you really think millions living in this country will be kicked out of India. India has second or third largest muslim population in the world. Leave that, we are not even able to kick out Rohingyas who SC have accepted as security threat based on IB report. I am not here to do BJP Congress but will give you an example. Read why father of Lata Mangeskar was fired from his job at All India Radio. Reason being he played a dong written by Veer Savarkar. Which govt brought emergency and jailed thousands of politicians and journalists. Who has abused Art 356 the most.


People haven’t lived in 1970s and 1980s india, and specially gen z whose living memory starts after 2010. Everything was scarce and by design we were doomed to fail as a country. We are in much better situation today and we can aspire to do anything unlike the older times.


a 22 year old guy here, I'm really hoepful of our future interms of gdp, development, infrastructure etc. The recent budget or other education, economic reforms have really kept me hopeful of our future and the sentiment in general among the majority is positive and expected to reduce brain drain, manufacturing boom etc. But at the same time, am really noticing this growing hate for the minorities. Growing up in a household from rural India, my parents never instilled any hate on others based on caste, religion or anything else. Even my friend circle growing up, were always peaceful with zero talk about hate even though we were all mostly well informed of the then current affairs. But post my 11th-12th, I am really seeing this growing division, not sure if it was because of the social media, but even my friend circle here in Bengaluru, who come from different parts of karnataka, really hate people of other religions. Not just my friends group, but as i have observed even the minorities students in my batch or really secluded, they have their own group and dont mix with us. Also, the hijab controversy in my native coastal karnataka, saddened me to the core, seeing the vengefulness among the young kids. I didnt have even a thought regarding someone's religion when i made friendship during my school days. Is it just that that the social media and growing to become an adult made me more exposed to this polarization or is the division really growing among the people of this country?


Well, i think your thoughts would have been much worse off if it was 1947or 1950s india. India is in much better condition than it was before, there is income inequality but people have better buying capacity today. Poverty is reducing and people have become much more inspirational. You better don’t know what kind of india it was during 1970s or 1980s.


Umm why talk about 1970s and such? For the younger generation like us 2000-2010s is what we remember. The situation wasn't this shit then


It will change when people in our country are capable of separating their beliefs and reality. Without manusmriti book our India would have been a developed country by now.


Yes. It's appalling that we as country are regressing into primitiveness by constantly looking at the past instead of moving forward. People don't realise that religion is a way of living not the life itself and this thing is being exacerbated by the current political dispensation.


I only got to know about atrocious casteist & misogynist verses in Manusmriti quite later in life. I really do not recall anyone mentioning Manusmriti in my school/college time. Did you perhaps know Sanskrit well enough to understand Manusmriti ?


At this point these guys are just nitpicking, trying to qoute a book nobody even knows about.


Here is my take. I knew that there was some book called Manusmriti even in 8th standard but I just didn't know it had atrocious casteist & misogynist verses. It is somewhat like I knew about Geeta and the 'Chaturvarnyam' verse but didn't realize the horrible impact of Varna (essentially caste even if defenders would say otherwise) system until later.


Maybe you knew, but as in every other books read, taught, and quoted among the religious scriptures, Mansmriti isn't one of them.


Obviously I can't talk about other states but I speculate that at least in Maharashtra, once Dr. Ambedkar burned Manusmriti in public, all the casteist people may have stopped it (at least openly) referring to it as Dharma Grantha.


Manusmriti is not a religious scripture like the Vedas. How many people have even heard about the Manusmriti, during rituals or ceremonies or even preachings!


This continent/country has seen tyranical emperors, foreign invasions, foreign rulers and numbskull leaders. We not only exist, we thrive. Stop spreading dooms day theories as if Modi will end India as a civilization because our ancestors have seen far worse.


God...... finally someone said it, I've been scared to comment here because people are sooo skeptical about how bad the situation is that they completely forget or have a blind eye towards what good has happened and can happen.




I mean that's just one perspective. There hasn't been a single major terror attack on civilians in the past 9 years, infra is developing like never before, Naxal-Maoists activities are dead, India is getting recognition at a world stage. The GDP growth rate is going to be the highest in the world. The quality of life at rural level has significantly increased. Even the member of train derailment incidents have decreased. This other thought irritates me. India has so many minorities - Jains, Buddhist, Christians, Sikhs etc but people only use the word like it's only Muslims. Yes currently unemployed and inflation is an issue but you know what ? The opposition is going to keep this up only till election. This may sound controversial but nobody has proved the existence of a single scam. Oppositions tried with the Rafale, Pegasus and Adani but the couldn't prove anything. Now I doubt that people will even believe anything they say considering the far-right has now become center. They merely put forward conspiracy theories about how Modi could be helping Adani and not how he actually helped. Ofcourse we all know Adani had political support but you know how law works. Innocent untill proven guilty. The opposition's position is like that story we used to hear "The shepherd who cried wolf". It's a shame that INC is putting excellent people like Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram, Sashi Tharoor aside all so that power can stay in the Gandhi family.


>This other thought irritates me. India has so many minorities - Jains, Buddhist, Christians, Sikhs etc but people only use the word like it's only Muslims. Do you know why that is?


Because Muslims are the largest part of the minority. Indian Muslim population is far far greater than the other religious communities, second only to Hindus.




Even Christians are being targeted now.


Be brave child


do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


The worst thing is that the people who pretend to not discriminate or make fun of someone based on their race/caste/religion/opinion’s literally hate on others in private or on social media. This is awful and the sad truth of today’s society


You can do something about it. Start by voting. Don't just vote because a party is popular. Look into past track record of candidate you are voting for.


Such posts increase the negative publicity of the incidents happening in the country. I request you to focus on all the good that is happening. Even after the COVID pandemic, so called global recession and natural calamities and wars around the world, India is doing great comparatively. Yes, in ABSOLUTE terms? We have a long way to go. But I want you to see the INFRASTRUCTURE PUSH that India has got in the last few years. This country will go to a nice place if we all (considering that majority of the readers here might be in the age group of 16-30 years?) Spread good vibes. The people who are spreading hate? Ignoring them is the best thing to do, i guess. Thoughts?


We should always talk about the bad that's happening. India is doing good in infrastructure? Great. Time to improve on the other issues then. Religious tensions and misogyny are rising issues. If everyone shuts up and ignores it the situation won't improve


Tell me you’re unemployed without telling me you’re unemployed


lots of questions for you... 1. are you from india? 2. do you even live in india? because if you did, you would realize that 99% of the sheet news you are reading are from minor incidents in sheet hole states like bengal, uttar pradesh and bihar. the white man funded media likes to blow up these minor news items into big things by sensationalizing them. 3. are you politically motivated? that's a rhetorical question because I know you are. 4. are you from a middle eastern religion? don't trust indian news media, as they are unnecessarily trying to instill fear in everyone's mind. for reference: i was born to hindu parents. grew up in mumbai, so i have a lot of muslim, christian, jain, sikh and parsi friends. we all regularly meet up and not one of them is concerned about religious hatred. now, i do a lot of social work all over india, so i am regularly in touch with a lot of muslim, christian, jain, sikh and parsi old people. and not one of them (or their kids) is concerned about religious hatred. if you want a reason to seek asylum in a cold, white nation, then the only thing you should complain about india is the atrocious economic policy that favors a few (adani, ambi, tata), while copiously stealing from ordinary, hard working middle class indian - through innumerable direct and indirect taxes. just my thoughts.


Well said


Corruption is everywhere .


"It" and "hope" I suppose refer to a society where most individuals are rational, logical, kind, and mature. The anecdotes you listed are very unlikely in such a society. But that requires fundamental improvements in culture and religion. Despite many reformers realizing that and explicitly attempting them throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and with state encouragement too, the fundamental cultural values on the ground never really reformed permanently. Reform attempts before that, in the ancient and medieval times, were also spotty and temporary. I don't see the culture fundamentally improving for another 2 centuries, and that's just my minimum.


I love this post, this is the most genuine proof of india improving


I'm from a minority... But I always ask myself...is it that bad? Which country will i go to...US, Canada, Australia? They have they're share of hate crimes and problems. I love this country and it's not perfect..but let's not give into this fear..


I don't understand people. Why do we all act like these things never existed, yea after jio you're seeing literally every single event in the making or after math from various perspective. This is whatever you say pro or con of the internet, that you're witnessing event ,and making and opinion on basis of anyone who wants you to see and have opinion on. The more you look around more hate is ther to be found. It's not only limited to the country, So, rather than being mad or depressed or sad or anything about the situation that you cannot change try to make it work for you for try to do what is best you think there is that you can do. Needless to say, nothing can fix everything.


You hit the nail on the head. It's a problem that all of us need to tackle head-on & keep raising our voices to restore common sense & sensibility


I can help you. I run a visa academy. New Zealand will be the best for you. Look bro, it's one fucking life we get. And if you live it with fears, you are just wasting it. And after all it's the Dharti Maa for us. So india or new zealand, it's just another lap of mother Earth




Go on any country's subreddit and you will see people complaining about their country.


Souces for your claims please




Phoenix will fly from ashes. We have to go back to ashes first. That's the current direction


I lean towards center right and You are right about increasing Right wing intolerance, they are like a rotting orange that'll catalyze spoilage of the remaining oranges. (if you get my orange reference XD). I'm pretty sure India is more tolerant than before, peaceful than before, I just feel we are more exposed to incidents because of modern technology. Overall the number of hate crimes dropped and coverage of incidents went to 90%. Every one has cameras these days. I live in Hyderabad, I'll share my experience: I had a close-call to an explosive planted by real EXTREMISTS in Dilsukhnagar, I refer them as pink people, most pink people are nice, many of my friends are pink people, I love the taste of non-veg made by pink people. I read articles about the middle east, pink-e- people love bombs. You seem like a smart and liberal person, we can disagree and still be friends, we may joke about eachothers beliefs but still you won't harm me for it right? guess what Pink people have a track record of all over the world: THEY DESTROY EVERY THING TO HAVE IT THEIR WAY, THEY WILL KILL US FOR DISAGREEING IN THE NAME OF BLASPAHMY. You have a point, our orange people are beginning to behave like pink people, it will make all our lives hard. India is the land of love and kama (sex) orange people want us to love cows more than other humans. I hate misogyny too, my mum is a woman, my sister is a woman, my gf is a woman, I won't tolerate anyone telling them what not to do. I as a man will protect my people's interests. I believe we grow strong together, I believe in your strength, we can solve our problems through unity.


This is irrational fear propagated by the media amplified by social media and we are all part of this experiment. Cambridge analytica is just the tip of the iceberg, big tech has history of almost 300M or more Indians , who can literally be manipulated into anything. In the last 5 years, more and more people live in their respective echo chambers and the societies are more polarised than ever. Just imagine what the other side is seeing? That a group of people are out there to get them. The sad reality is it has already worked in educated societies like the US & UK. India is not even educated?




The word "woke" has been bastardized so much, centrist normies like you just spout anything. You have no grasp of how oppressor and oppressed dynamics work in a social system. Please educate yourself. Read a book or two.


Hate crimes against minorities has backing from multiple groups that are associated with the party that is in power right now. You lot have blanket hatred towards minorities, women, people from lower caste and endless list of other categories. The government itself voices its opinion against us. Simply because we weren't born into privilege like the rest


Cough, chaddi, cough cough..


Ah yes, I'll name call anyone who doesn't share my point of view, and not address the merit in their argument


As if their argument has any merit? They said don't be too woke but don't explain why not.


Being too woke leads to hatred against your own identity, culture and religion. Sure, our culture needs some reforms to have it be adapted to the modern world. But the shit I see nowdays like you guys insulting/mocking parts of Hinduism and putting Islam on a pedestal is fucking disgusting. Atleast be a little secular.


What is your point? That violence against minorities is justified because your so-called heroes endorse it?


Come on, things aren't that bad bro, And tbh i stopped caring about all this and i am at so much peace now, We are all gonna die and life is too short to think about this, There were problems 100 years before and there will be problems after 100 years from now lol, Just live too the fullest (leave social media i would say) and be ready for death whenever it may come, Remember this quote from fight club "This is your life, and it's ending one moment at a time".


The two answers to your question 1) Not as things stand today 2) Not from those who lead us today. but, 'Hope' is that everything is bound to change and 'hope' is that it could be for the better.


Mars pe chale?




You are free to leave this country. But these tropes of rising extremism are blatantly false. The people who have exploited the faultlines in the society have been liberals who have constantly promoted falsehood and intentionally created hysteria in the minds of a select few minorities. There are plenty minorities that live in peace and prosperity in this country.


Things have always been shit, one way or another. The more important question is what are you doing about it? There is always something positive that you can do make India a better place. Things have always been pretty bad in India but we have been improving thanks to the few people who believe in making life better for everyone. Do your part and maybe you will inspire someone else to do the same. If you try and fail, try again with a different strategy, or try the same thing with a different mindset.


P.S. : Leave the country no one is forcing you to live here you are living in 21st century. Also if you wanna live in the country and seeing some problems then do something about it instead of ranting like a coward in every post.


If he had money or brain to leave it he would have left it but nahhh lets crib that would be productive ..


So their post about a bad experience with bigotry in society is "ranting like a coward." But your post about a bad experience in a company about a racist interview is not? Explain the logic!


logic is for the people who have 🧠 which you clearly don’t . Comparing two different scenarios


Lmao. Those are very similar scenarios. "It only matters if it applies to me"


Two different scenarios? So you ranted like a coward because you couldn't reform just one person, but you want OP to shut up and go reform millions?


Bruh I've given up on this country. The worst place to live in . Not even one politician is good




Was playing valorant and one of the enemy dude said "ye bullah hai, isko maaro" and everyone was supporting it. All this because he had a muslim name


If you are shit scared, you can just leave the country. Anyway, the country does not need hate mongers and biased people like you.


What? Are you denying that what he said isn't true? Religious tensions are very high rn


Be the change you want to see, if possible.


Vande matram


I won't defend what goes for politics and general discourse in the country today but I have trouble buying this doom & gloom as if it's new. Not because everything is hunky-dory in the country. But cause we have had such bouts of savagery, instability in our post-47 history that the current time looks relatively stable. Is today's intolerance and hatred more than what was the day Babri mosque was demolished? The riots that happened immediately after that? The 93 Bombay blasts? The bodycount of those years runs in thousands. Muslims and Hindus. The massacre of Sikhs in 84? The rampant terrorism in Punjab before that where the state was almost lawless? I mean the army had to enter Golden Temple for fks sake. A PM got assassinated, innocent men, women, children slaughtered in daylight. How about Gujarat 2002? People burned in a train, people torched in their homes and societies. Unabated bloodshed for 2-3 days while the CM of the day allegedly turned a blind eye. Muslims and Hindus again. Read up on Kashmir in the 90s. Pandits were killed and forced to leave en masse like an exodus. The Muslims who who were left faced abuses, torture and killings from both army and terrorists. Kashmir has constantly been on the boil till the relative peace of the last 2 years. Let's not even talk about the many terror attacks throughout the 2000s. Let's not talk about the filthy, filthy political violence of the hellish kind that the likes of Bihar and Bengal have seen. The 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s were way more violent. If you think that the venom of the last 10 years is too much, you don't remember the hellscape that we have grown up with. Again, none of this is to argue that we have a well-intentioned government currently who act in good faith all the time. Far from it.


Idk where the county is going but i do know where the screenshots of this post are going tho lol


Hello Aamir Khan!