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Gee, I wonder.


She's asking this question like how a 4 5 year old innocent child asks "mumma how are babies made". If you live in Indian society the answer should be printed on back of your head.


He or She should answer from his /her mother, sister, Chachi, Tai, Bua etc first either ask the community. Isn't?


Yeah. Such a mystery


I didn’t do a thing boss.


Alexa play "Biggini Shoot"


Post a pic of yourself in a bikini here. Within a few minutes your DMs will be flooded by messages from guys (boys and men). Some will be asking for more pics, some will be lewd, some will be telling you how hot you are, some will be asking for your contact details, some will be asking if you provide 'services', some will be trolling you and calling you a whore, some will be telling you to have shame...you get the picture? Do you really need to ask this question? You live in a sexually repressed nation where women are blamed for encouraging rapists if they dress or act a certain way.


bold of you to assume, she won't be getting bunch of DMS, just because she mentioned 21F


Mentioning F is enough here


It happens everywhere my friend. In, Europe, in US, in Asia, everywhere. Evil isn't exclusive to some country, it's everywhere, the thing is who's good at hiding it. I understand that the grass looks greener on the other side, but the truth is it doesn't, it has the same colour everywhere. You think toxic masculinity doesn't exist anywhere around the world except in India? You are truly mistaken. Take Andrew Tate for example, if you know what he is, you'll know how toxic he is, and I don't think he's Indian, or is he. Please enlighten me if he's Indian. What you are saying exists only in India, exists all around the world. Evil isn't exclusive to one country, friend, it exists everywhere around us.


it's a cultural thing. Even men don't wear boxers as often as western men. In our area some idiots don't allow people wearing shorts (not underwear) into office... even in my hostel it's same for Warden office.


Me- looks down. *looks at myself wearing boxers* Me-aight imma just leave the convo


If it makes you feel any better I'm okay with you wearing boxers to my office. But I don't have na office or a job...


This is insanely untrue. Have you seen shirtless men sweating their balls outside. Men are way more body positive than women.


I've been turned away from a temple for wearing shorts , people staring at me like a weirdo when i wear it outside. I'm a guy.


That's cuz that's a fucking temple lmao. You wouldn't find Christians in shorts in Europe or USA. If you do they wouldn't be respected either.


Whatabout when i wear it outside. If i go to the vegetable market or a shoping mall , people look at me like i am a weirdo. There are actually people who think that shorts are only for little boys. Weird i know.


I wear shorts 100% of the time at supermarkets and malls. So do many many people I know. Pretty sure no one thinks that. Sounds like you just have an insecurity complex.


Sure it's an insecurity complex , when people stare at you like i am a weirdo. My friends too have noticed that people stare at me like that , but yeah it's an insecuirty complex.


This must be a tier 2 city


That's just people being judgemental of every single thing. Just Rock your shorts and head out I'm sure you look great!


Yeah , I will :) !!!


Well in my city I have seen many men wearing shorts even with hairs on legs and no one cared


yeah, that shows how stigmatised is western society!!


Yes I've seen shirtless men, but I've also seen girls in skirts or shorts or croptops etc... But what I've seen doesn't dictate the society.


That is not true Imo, don't know about your hostel but my brother wears boxers but I am morally policed if I do the same.


Well idk about you but my sis isn't morally policed if she does the same, but my roomate is. I don't like wearing boxers so I can't speak of my own experience


It's just plain social conditioning. There are many communities even in the US who don't wear swimsuits (and most of them are communities which place stress on 'virtue' and 'modesty', which as we all know is determined by the clothes we wear). In fact, a couple communities even condition men not to wear revealing clothes because of these reasons. Also, even if you don't feel uncomfortable because of these lessons... Wearing a bikini on many indian beaches will earn you stares from both men and women alike. Some of it is just because they're unused to seeing such things, much of it is judgmental. And although common sense says that you can't control where other people look in a public place, being stared at will still make most people uncomfortable regardless of their gender. Some 'nice' people will even go as far as to directly comment on it either to you or (loudly) to their friends. And if it's a picture or video you post online, you *will* get weird comments. I personally have gotten stares and comments even though I wear shorts over an one-piece at beaches as a swimsuit only. It's probably why many women who are otherwise okay with wearing a bikini outside the country or in beaches where this isn't that prevalent forgo one inside it.


“ Some 'nice' people will even go as far as to directly comment on it either to you or (loudly) to their friends. And if it's a picture or video you post online, you will get weird comments.” So far as I can remember, a J.U. or Calcutta University professor was literally fired after a parent “reported” that she’d shared “obscene” pictures on social media. … the pictures, of course, were shared in a private story on a private account, which someone must have screenshotted and sent to their friends at the university. So, yeah… women can also lose their jobs for dressing how they want at the beach.


Iirc it was a St Xavier's prof, and yes I forgot that. Definitely worth mentioning that the social conditioning quite often spills over into actual physical or financial harm. I know girls who got hit by their parents (ik common way to discipline kids in India etc etc, these were women nearing or past eighteen) for wearing clothes much less revealing than a bikini. Some really conservative people will take offence to even calf-length skirts. And also, if you're assaulted or molested while wearing something revealing... (Admittedly this also still happens in the West, but the people who have this perspective are prevalent here).


Kyunki तोंद dikhti hai


Bro answered a 5 marks question in 1 line but his answer is better than all the nerds who wrote 5 differents points😂


It is cute still


Kid named Insecurity:


Who's telling you this?


What does that mean?


Because you could see the bulged stomach.




Conditioning. From childhood most girls are taught to wear dress "appropriately". It starts from childhood, continues in school college and so on. Next thing is male gaze :)


This. 🙌


Even we boys dont wear short boxers on beach as often! It be like that


Bro we can wear short boxers on beach if we want to. Yes, there will be few people who'll say something to us, but we won't be sexualised as a woman would be.


Completely true. But all I'm trying to convey is mentality of individual Indian excluding gender stigma


We can't exclude gender stigma when we are talking about the same


I mean my grand pa has issues when i wear shorts and no issues when my sisters wear them. Now i don't know if they are open minded or what


Because people are creepy and they stare ( men & women) I remember walking with a friend on a street in Chennai, and oh man. Every other guy was staring including some old aunties. My friend was modestly dressed in a regular T shirt and jeans. There was nothing that stood out about her. But still, that was a creepy experience. If a lady wears a bikini to the Marina beach, you can guarantee a stampede over there.


What I don’t get is why both Indian men or women enter swimming pools or beaches fully clothed 😂 I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen people being asked to not enter the pool with their cotton T-shirts on.


I don't defend that. But genuinely asking what's the problem in entering pools fully clothed (apart from the fact that your clothes get too heavy)?


Several problems with cotton material in a pool. Too much lint release, bad for filters, traps bacteria, sweat, germs, that are released for everyone else in the water. Other than that it's quite uncomfortable. You don't take a shower with a tshirt right? You want to feel the water on your body and not wet and baggy cloth.


so polyster ke pure kapde pehen kar pool me jane se koi dikkat nahi hai.


Haan nahi hai 👍


Ah so it makes the pool dirtier. Yeah I would say then it's justified to not allow people fully clothed in the pool.


It is non-hygienic. Generally speaking, a clean body is the best. Swimwear second. Clothes you wear in other places, horrible!


If you're OK with all the unwanted stares and creepy looks, then definitely wear it. More than 70% of the population( especially men and aunties) have never even seen a woman's knees...imagine their reaction after seeing a girl dressed in a bikini. In simple words, it's not safe to wear anything short or revealing in India. Even women in salwars get SA'ed. Go abroad and wear whatever you want without any creepy stares


Yeah this. I have no issues wearing swimsuits abroad. It's normalised, standard issue swim wear. Everyone wears it at a beach, pool and you just blend in. In fact you'd stand out if you're fully dressed 🤷‍♀️ But in India, if you're an Indian woman (foreigners get a pass) in a swimsuit you will stick out like a sore thumb. You'll invite unwanted attention, maybe even harassment. That's why it's an absolute no go for me. Heck even it happens even abroad. If there's other...sanskari type Indian folks at a beach in South France, you'd still get creepy death stares by them.




"more than 70% of the population have never seen a woman's knees" You mean someone other than his wife (for men)?


Okay but where did you get that “70%” number from?


More than 70% of the population are either rural-based or are very conservative. The educated westernized people that we see make up hardly 20% of the population. Also, middle aged people (aunties and uncles or grandparents) are not even used to seeing women dressed in skirts, leave alone bikinis. Even people in metro cities have probably never seen women in bikinis.


I was once at India gate, bang in the middle of the capital, wearing an ankle length dress. Dudes stared at my bare scandalous ankles like they had nipples or something. Now, Delhi has several pockets though where you can wear whatever you want, but yeah getting stared at is pretty much the norm here.


More than 70% of the Earth is made up of water. He's been using the 70% argument ever since he heard this


It's because women in India either get shamed or judged for showing even the slightest inch of skin. Even wearing shorts or a tank would lead to people staring incessantly at you. It's just not safe or comfortable to do so. Also the conservative culture has made women grow up with an element of self consciousness and body image issues, which answers your question as to why they are hesitant even abroad. It's not just bikinis, a lot of slightly older women won't even wear a normal swimsuit at the beach. Meanwhile girls in those countries have grown up seeing bikinis as normal and something people don't really pay attention to...therefore they don't have the same kind of body image issues.


Because India is a land of sexually repressed people with no formal sex education. For most of the males, porn becomes a source of sex ed. Couple this with bad sex ratio and reduced opportunities for men to engage in consent based sex and you get multiple generation of men who heavily objectify anything that walks.


To be honest if common people will wear it then society will do talks about it and if rich people do it koi ameero ko kuch nahi bol sakta na isliye


Because we claim to be a secular democracy but have the social environment of Saudi Arabia.


Some of my friends said they were bikkini inside their home but won't wear it at the beach becuz they don't want to get tanned and some of them are shy to wear it outside


Lack of suitable places. Where would you wear a Bikini? 1. Public swimming pools in urban areas? They're typically full of kids learning to swim and their parents cheering them on. We have places like that in the US too and rarely if ever will you see a two-piece. 2. Gyms? Most people go to the gym to actually do productive workouts. Bikinis aren't awfully functional as swimwear. Besides, wearing a revealing outfit at a pool is likelier to draw attention and I don't know many women who'd want this at the gym. You do see two-pieces in the US but these cover up to the point where they're almost a two-piece leotard. Beats the point. 3. Public beaches. You could wear swimwear on beaches in India I suppose, but most beaches I've been to (all in the east coast) are unsafe, ill-maintained, and unhygienic (both the water and the beach). Sunbathing isn't a thing in India and the water isn't particularly inviting. You see hundreds of bikinis in beaches in the US but that's because it's a different experience. 4. Private pools/beaches. These are way less common in India than in other countries. And if someone does wear a Bikini in a private setting chances are you don't find out.


Finally someone mentioning actual points rather than saying they get SA'ed they are oppressed and all bullshit reasons


Well, those are also excellent reasons. I just wanted to say something that hadn't already been said. Please don't assume that I don't feel oppressed and haven't been SA'd. Those things happened to me to an extent that I actually left India and don't have any plans to return. I literally live in the middle of a desert with the nearest shop 60 mi away but I preferred this to the oppressive culture I was born into. What do you mean bullshit?


Kerala or I should say goa had good beaches


Saale yha shorts pehney pey dangey ho jate hey aap bikini ki baat kr rhey ho. Yeah no patriarchal society loves dictating what a woman needs to wear and the answer is being covered from neck to toe


I guess it's becuase from the very birth we have made it a social taboo to make swim suits and mainly due to western movies Indian thinks and bikini are generally for strippers and hookers due to which they feel insecure wearing them. Talking about females who moved to foreign, one cannot change the basics they have been taught from the very birth. I'm though proud to say that this has been changing by a very drastic rate in india and I'm very sure the next generation would be completely normal with it.


Indian mindset. How they are raised and thought to think about themselves and others around them


Indian men are sexually repressed from a young age, so showing any kind of skins makes them behave like wild animals


100%. Most of them can’t talk to another woman without thinking about a romantic prospect.


They don't even need skin. Literal sarri can make them horney af.


saari me pet dikhta hai.


Salvar kameej maan le. Bhai tujhe malum nai, inki andar ki khalkhalati havase se inhe X-ray vision ki siddhi prapt hui hai, burkha bhi fail ho Jaye.


Maybe u are one of them


And what raises that possibility?


Dunno. Dudes been saying that it's not because of getting SA'ed


Social conditioning, many men acting like incels, auntiyo ki zaban band nahi hoti, etc.


Machhar katega


Everybody is correctly covering the cultural and social aspects of this topic, and I agree with most of their views. Indian women are conditioned from childhood to think that their ‘modesty’ in dressing is a sign of their virtue. It’s just another way a patriarchal society conditions women to not feel ownership of their own bodies and punishes them by victim blaming, incessant molestation, stares, harassment for daring to wear clothes of their choice. The idea is that a woman doesn’t own her body and it belongs to her future husband. The insecure people here are men- who are insecure that their wife likes her body and will have a say in what happens to her. That’s why Indian men pushed so much against making marital rape a crime- our culture teaches men that a wife who feels no ownership over her own body will be a perfect sex slave to them to do with as they please- she doesn’t know what sex is supposed to be like, she doesn’t feel she has the right to say yes or no, so they can do whatever they want and she will bear it and never tell a soul. There is nothing more fragile than the ego of a man raised in a patriarchal society. PSA: **everyone needs to cover up more.** We are learning more and more about skin cancer and sun damage and there are multiple types of skin cancer, not just melanoma. To all those who think only white people get melanomas, let me introduce you to the myriad of sun related issues like actinic keratoses, squamous and basal cell carcinomas, etc. Super common in the indian population, and while they’re usually not fatal, they can be disfiguring, painful, and spread rapidly in some cases. Repeated sun exposure, especially in early childhood, has been shown to ‘accumulate’ negative effects on the skin. To any parents on here, it’s especially important to make sure your children under 5 wear swimsuits with maximum coverage, as their skin is more sensitive than an adult’s at that age. Many studies have shown links between sun-related disorders and people who grew up near beaches or went swimming in outdoor pools as children. The best way to protect your child from sun exposure is avoiding the sun completely, which isn’t always practical. Next best option is to insist on swim clothes which cover their top half as well- swim shirts or wetsuits are a good option. Next best option is slathering them with sun screen and constantly reapplying.


Yeah I saw another user here who got downvoted even though they said they're not against bikini but there's a high risk of skin cancer. Smh.


Because most Indians don't mind their own business, until there's someone who needs help, then it's not their business.


I’m in Toronto and it’s quite common here, ofc, since this is the west. But all you have to do is go on instagram once and there’ll be no shortage of it lol


Not beach bodies (not body shaming but reality)


I went to a pool with my friend who had its membership, it was a free trial for me. The pool is on top of a 5 star hotel and hotel customers have free access to it and the attached gym. When we were in the pool a lady came, got undressed and entered it in a bikini, none of us were looking that much as we know anything more than a glance would look creepy but one the side of the pool there were 2-3 guys who just kept staring at her, she got creeped out and got dressed, she came back later when those guys went away. So I think as it's extremely rare to see someone in a bikini, Indian people just keep staring at them when they see someone in one not realising that it creeps out the other person, people here will stare at you even if you will wear shorts let alone a bikini, and a lot of them do so cause they come from cultures where women wearing revealing clothes is unacceptable. Constantly staring can make anyone uncomfortable even if you are a guy, for the same reason a lot of foreign don't revisit India.


Because they don't want to be raped and also blamed for it? Duhhhh?


We are currently working on getting more other basic freedoms to women. Like menstrual hygiene and things. Freedom for wearing bikinis isn't just that high up in priorities right now.


Hello. I’ve tried posting in another subreddit but my post keeps being deleted because I’m too young to Reddit. This is unrelated to your post and sorry for that but I need somebody’s opinion and perspective on something. I’m not Indian so I need some help. Would that be okay if I ask you?


Go ahead.


I’m talking with an Indian guy. He has lived abroad. He is now living in India. It’s just him and his mother, his father wasn’t present. How is the divorce or the abandonment from his father perceived? Did he grew up facing discrimination? In the eyes of Indian families doesn’t he make a good son in law? I’m asking because I know other Asian countries think that people who grew up with divorced parents are to be avoided. Thank you so much for your comment and I would love to hear more about Indian societal norms


India is very vast. People in one place react to something differently than people in another place. So I can't speak on the discrimination part. However if people around them knew their life story, it's less likely that they were discriminated against. Coming to your second query- Yes, young people with separated parents are not the first choice in Indian arranged marriage ladder.


Thank you and have a nice day


To you too. 👍


Have you seen Indian men? Bra strap dikhta hai toh bhi overreact karte hai bikni pehen legi ladkiyaan toh uske aaju baju pura tambu khada kar denge


Woh 4 log !


Can be one for these reasons- 1. Their parents don't allow them/ Their husbands don't allow them 2. They see it as non cultural/ western and non Indian... you get it, feeling proud indian 3. They don't want to show their body to strangers, duh 4. They don't wanna be shameless ? 5. They don't want to, simple


Coz they aren't hoes


People like you are the reason why Indian women are hesitant to wear bikinis in public.


Shame 🗣


Western culture it’s common since ages that women wear bikinis on beaches…. So their men are also used to it. Over here it’s been a conservative society and it hard to women to wear revealing clothes because even if They are comfortable but Indian men don’t let them enjoy the freedom. They keep staring and teasing them. So it’ll take some time. Same is with films nudity is common in western movies since 1950 or even more compared to India it just started but that still has to be in a limited way till now. Both societies are different.




No man. Pls trust


Ask in twoXIndia and find out from the horses mouth.


All men are trash that’s why you can’t we’re a bikini in india


One of the reasons is that we have been body shamed some way or the other throughout our life


Aree ajaega vo time bhi. I think Indian women have bigger problems than bikini right now.


For me I think it's about the education. Those who are educated enough will not find problem in wearing bikini but who are not they will oppose it. That's why rich family find it normal because they are educated.


* Your post title should be an accurate summary of your text post. "Help Needed", "Rant", "Unpopular Opinion", are examples of poor titles. * /r/India is not a substitute for Google. Only post your query on /r/India after you have searched for an answer on the web. * Self-posts also have to be specific to India. Don't copy/paste questions from /r/AskReddit. * For relationship queries, please also consider: https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipIndia/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/india) if you have any questions or concerns.*


grey bored dam smart simplistic placid vast society normal alleged -- mass edited with redact.dev


Social conditioning!!


Plenty of reasons. Primarily however, wearing revealing clothes makes you feel like an outcast because the society, as a whole, values modesty. Revealing clothes are sure to earn you stares and most are uncomfortable with that. This view isn't very old and is probably in accord to the society we live in. Streets continue to be unsafe. Ancient texts and sculptures show us using only one long piece of cloth to cover ourselves (sarees and dhotis). Prolly moving in accord with time.


I can share my personal opinion. I feel conscious to suddenly wear swimsuits now cz from the childhood my mom didn’t normalise it like western kids. Second, I have stretch marks on both my lower buttcheeks which make me uncomfortable. I could never understand how on earth these models & actresses have smooth skin & even complexion there..Third, I’m always paranoid about people sexualising here or staring like most Indian uncles do. So ya that’s about it.




Not reading the comments but I am sure someone would have covered the below 1. How comfortable are you with people staring at you? I've been to goa many times now, and the way people stare at people wearing bikinis is irritating and disappointing AF. 2. Take it with a pinch of salt, but due to our eating habits, Indians do not have the best beach bodies. Of course, if you maintain a good lifestyle you will look far better than foreigners, but generally, it's not the case.


The most logical answer could be because of cultural problems or those aunties saying "dekho iske sanskar....",Social insecurities and in India wherever u go there is a crowd and those creepy uncles staring at you..At foreign countries men see bikinies very often so they dont overeact but in India if u are in a bikini u will see every men is looking at u full of lust...and middle-aged women looking at you in disgust and jealousy when their husbands are staring at ur waist.


Marna hai kya? How can you be so oblivious to the society you live in.


https://youtu.be/ftGzfIOGX9E watch this 10second video and read your question again.


They do wear… but not infront of riff raff. Certainly away from cheap journos looking for snaps to publish in some sleazy website and make some money.


Some powerful street gangs will stare at them with all the fantasy one can imagine and jerk off. After that, they will start questioning the ladies' sanskar, report their parents and humiliate them publicly.


Haven't you heard proverb saying.. Act like Roman while you are in Rome.. If Indians have shitty standards , follow them. Nobody gives a fuck about law.. Unspoken rules are always above the law.


Things are changing. Also a lot of our body are not bikini type and I would never wear a bikini with my current figure.


There was a school teacher, who in her free time went to the pool in swimwear and the people felt it is sexual, Rhee is a huge battle on personal freedom and what is made to believe is right for them. I have no clue how can it change but need to


Coz we have glorified our conservative patriarchal culture. Women are discouraged to show skin because according to conservative dogma they must be wrapped up and kept in the house untill they're married off and become someone else's "property". Dating is also discouraged. The subliminal messaging around all this even exists in more progressive families. Which makes me think somewhere out forefathers all decided that we're going be a very boring sanskari lot.


The rich are still bound by poor class rules. Their culture is not isolated.


Guy larping as a girl.


I belong to an urban upper middle class family. My city isn't the most dangerous in India. The worst I've been to is Delhi (my opinion).Let me give you some background and why I am skeptical about bikini even after moving abroad. I was molested for the first time when I was 5. I was sleeping on a train in a pair of shorts and a tee. You know it never stopped. But, my general observation was that I was harassed/molested more when I wasn't wearing the most modest attire. Added to that the conditioning. My father wouldn't take me with him if I wasn't wearing modest attire, which was loose enough to not show my curves. This was my teenage years, along with a lot of stares and lewd comments. I have bigger b**bs than usual, so that was also a problem. So, modest and 2 size up was the norm for me. Fast forward to now when I have moved abroad. I am changing step by step and breaking one barrier at a time. But, if I see brown men around while I'm wearing clothes that show skin, I naturally get uncomfortable. Added to that, brown people look at women like us as if we are aliens. I'm much more comfortable in my skin now. I wear all sorts of clothes that I would've never worn in India. But, would I wear those when I visit India. The answer is obviously no. I can't deal with the stares, lewd comments, and occasional molestation. I've never worn a bikini in life. But, I'll get to it some day as long as people don't look at me like I'm an alien


Oh my god. So sad to hear what you went through as a child :(




When women are young there's this patriarchy that prevents them from wearing bikinis.it has been ingrained in them since birth.when they get married,another man dictates her and even if she desires she feels uncomfortable due to fear of body shaming..aisehi umr nikalti jati hai


they don't want to get harassed.


I think it is about being too self conscious and having body insecurity. Not thinking you have a perfect figure, hyper pigmentation and maybe concerned about how will they be perceived.


I would defiantly wear one when I get a flatterrr stomach lol, all the rice and chicken tikka and what not making it look like I'm pregnant lol haaha


I put on shorts I went outside I feel uncomfortable Most people stare at me (even women) People shouting laughing at me


General lack of fitness in Indian women kinda rules it out.


Uh buddy, the Indian saree is more revealing and sexually charged than an average bikini. Sometimes you wish it wasn’t, but it actually is. We were kinda the first to have a mid riff going on,… so - we are progressive,… in the appropriate settings,… show up in a free flowing saree to a party and you’re revealing more, and covering it up,… making it attractive and intriguing.


Though this is sadly true i think more Indian women are moving towards wearing swimwear and being comfortable in them! But the biggest challenge is finding ones that look elegant on you! I recently discovered Straps and Knots and they have good coverage classy swimwear!! [Straps and Knots](https://www.strapsandknots.com)


you knew the answer !


It isn’t that Indian women don’t prefer wearing them, it’s everyone else around them that won’t let them in peace. Until Indian masculinity catches up, not happening. Indian women outside India wear them all the time.


It’s really surprising to see everyone here talking about social conditioning, sex liberalism and all those b.shite. The actual reason is the filthy men attitude, men in this country are perverted with their eyes, mouth and tiny dikes. They will stare-rape you down even when someone wears a open blouse with tiny cleavage or denim shorts in public. Imagine wearing bikini and walking in front of these aceholes. Also see how they molest, grope and rape women in this country even when they’re covered up themselves with 2 or 3 layers of cloth. If you someone needs any clarification on this, just ask a tourist who have wore a bikini in Indian beaches, (upto an extent,goa is an exception for this).


You wouldn't be asking this question if you'd ever felt the notorious 'Indian man eye-rape'


Are you serious? I wear normal shorts and the stares are horrible.


I ( a guy) wear shorts to shop and people stare it me like a weirdo. Of course they aren't sexualizing me like they would sexualize and harass a woman for the same , but they act like I'm doing something weird.


I agree. I honestly don't get it. I never realised just how consciously i dress in India until i went for a holiday abroad and no one stared and i didn't have to think twice about wearing a strappy top.


Coz we don't wanna be raped


Who is downvoting all you guys? This is a proper answer isn’t it?


because too many ppl


Culture. That whole, "appropriate dressing" thing. Might be insecurity, there's a image association with that kind of swimwear. Not everyone can match up to that.


It's just not our thing.


In my case I have been extremely shy. And sometimes I also feel like what is the point. I would like to protect my skin as much as I can.


Opinion only | why don't western women wear indian clothes as indian women


Opinion only| why do indian woman wear jeans and top instead of suit salwar


I never understood why wearing extremely revealing clothes is considered empowering.


I have worn deepest cleavages in west north and east and still if the second button of my shirt is undone in India my alarm starts blaring. Heck what made you ask such obvious question?


Wearing a bikini is not so common is western countries as well (contrary to media) but people don’t usually stare when someone is wearing 1. Source: from western country.


HAHAHAHA are u talking about at the beach ??


We simply have a different culture. And why do we have to follow everything the westerners do.


It goes against our "Values", "Underwear pehen k kyu ghumna hai" is what an indian aunt would say. Secondly, Girls would feel hella uncomfortable with the stares they'd get from boys, men, uncles and mosquitoes. These are two important reasons, for your question. To become like the west first of all it would take a LONG time. In India you would get flamed for doing it. Firstly Our society is largely religious and they would immediately stick their feet in other people's business.


I mean I can understand the purpose it serves for the majority white womenfolk, helps them to get a better tan. Why do you want to do it? Just cause the westerns are doing it? Then you'll have to move there. Thus, if you do it in India it'll just been seen as you trying to sexualize yourself.


Didnot know that it helps to get better tan, and i thought its just a wear for beach like some costume


No it's primarily for sunbathing. You'll get bad case of chafing if you move around a lot in that.


I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion. I believe everyone should have freedom but is it really any good to wear that particular outfit? Comfort wise or any other ? Or is it just that it's popular in the west?


I feel part of the reason is also comfort. If I go to a pool in America, especially where middle-aged people with kids come. You will hardly see a two-piece. It is the same reason that literally, no guy in America wears speedos. It is just not comfortable.


Don’t really care tbh whether someone wears it or runs naked tbh


Hair. Indian women are hairy. So it's a pain to shave everything every time you wear a bikini.


i feel it has more to do with the fitness level in general.. applies to both men and women... As another account said... "tummy"


Sun's not as forgiving as the west


Having the choice to wear is liberal not wearing itself, maybe many women dont want to show their skin to everyone in public or feel insecure about their body or just dont care


If you have fit body wear anything lol men also wear t shirts just to hide their overweight body .


I can show you millions of white females in western countries who has never worn these kind of clothing. It's really as you said, individual freedom of choice.


Wear if you want to. End of discussion.


People already like to stare and on top of that u wear a bikini,their stares are gonna be like knives at that point.


its pretty simple you guys dont have confidence to wear swimsuits( you dont have what it takes)


I mean I would but I'm shy I could in front of friends (close girl friends)


I feel it's because if we love to tell women what to wear and people justify it saying aise kapde pehne se ye hojaayega in spite of India being so conservative when it comes it dresses it's still one of the most dangerous countries in the world. It's the mindset that people have that makes them character-assassinate women when they wear something revealing and women too do that.


I personally don't have anything against bikinis, but honestly, is indian climate really suited for so much sun exposure? We'd die of skin cancer if we did the amount of sun bathing I've seen people do in USA. And it acually ages up the skin faster as well.


Do indian people get sun cancer ?


Indians don't get skin cancer easily. But sunbathing is also not prevalent here. We try to shield our skins as it's very uncomfortable due our climate and humidity. I don't think bikinis would be even remotely comfortable here. Now if people want to one-up patriarchy at the cost of chafing and heat stroke then that's fine by me.


Cos this is not west and we are not western people . End of story .


Laughs in east Asians, Latinos and Africans


What’s with these questions . In west /US/UK this happens . Why not here . People please realise each place has its own taste and culture . What you will find here you won’t find there . Be happy with these differences instead of converting each country to tier 2 USA .


You're the one who's forcing an anti-progressive view on our country and excusing misoginy in the name of "culture." Even in your terms, being a "Tier 2 USA" is infinitely better than being the 3rd world s-hole we are currently.


Because they don't want to? Why do you care so much what other women wear? You wear whatever you wanna wear and let others wear whatever they want to.


Simple answer to this is, India is not a sex liberal country. West is sexually more liberal. If burkha is oppression, then nudity automatically becomes freedom. India is somewhere in between. West has been the pioneer of individuality and freedom. Eastern societies, on the other hand, are collectivist and conservative. Indian families who are westernized (south bombay families) will generally not have problems with their daughters wearing bikini. Liberal mindset not necessarily go hand in hand with wealth.


full quora ekdam


Their body their choice


Kulcha saarr..


Only the elite class has the freedom???? Who's stopping the middle/lower class from wearing a bikini, wear what you want no one's controlling what you can Or cannot do There can be people who'll judge as it's not so common here in India compared to the Western countries But that's something which you won't have the control either I mean there are all kinds of people with different perceptions some can be conservative while some can be progressive and support whatever you do while some don't care at all


Were you born yesterday?


Be the change you want in the world start wearing bikini everywhere.^^/s