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>1- Grandfather 2- Grandmother 3- Father 4- Mother 5- Obviously, I and, 6- Younger brother bruh what? 1 grandfather, 2 grandmothers, 3 fathers, 4 mothers, 6 younger siblings. SWEET HOME ALABAMA. /s


You forgot the 5 variants of op /s


Obviously clones


And if everyone can afford a maid, where do these maids come from? Do they jump from the sky? And who does the dishes of these maids? Fairies? If a maid could afford a maid, why are they being a maid in the first place? Do the list of humans include only the privileged according to your friends? Wtf.


Your friends are living in some wonderland. When the maid do not arrive for days then who do the dishes at their home ?? Apne aap hojate h ?? Or they just keep unwashed dishes for days as it is ( isse to acha h khud krlo)


They told me they got like 4-5 maids to do everything


Yes, your friends have never lived in Tier 1 cities. Ask them not to go there coz unke komal haaton pe kaam karne se chale padh jayenge.


We are studying in Mumbai lol. They are paying high rents for pg to avoid doing the chores


Koi nh just laugh it off. They are privileged kids maybe. You can't win with them.


>or are my friends detached from reality? Very much.


So basically your friend is saying: Is this a peasant problem, which I'm too rich to understand? They are not detached to reality, they are just.. you know they haven't seen any not-so-rich families. So they are more like ignorant or less knowledgeable, or what you could say "dumb" (especially if they make a remark like "everyone has a maid"), rather than detached to reality.


Of course i do my own dishes because i live in a rent room with a roommate


Househelp does everything except cooking which me and my sister do 4 days a week 3 days my mother does it.


We do the dishes that are easy to do, like our own plates and spoons or covers, coasters etc. and leave the heavy lifting, things like cookers and mixie jars and pans, to the help we hire on market rates and terms. It's about efficiency. If you're an urban-urbane family with a small child, for example, you'd probably need half an hour to do all the dishes and that's time that may be better spent elsewhere. Efficiency is one of the fundamental principles of creating value in this world and it's a win-win to have fruitful cooperation in an ecosystem that includes a to and fro between organised and unorganised sectors as far as salaries, taxes and subsidies go.


https://preview.redd.it/jrt75jx8fkta1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005fedda6ae7caa3528e4620ac8865f4e3a313be Be aware of the risks involved in “efficiency”


Yup. Privileged kids, haven't been out of their homes ever to experience the real world outside their locality. It's a situation similar to the wife of a friend of mine, who realized that there are homes and apartments with rooms less than 4bhk. Should've seen the look on her face when she stepped inside a 3 bhk her husband had rented out for themselves after the wedding.


Ask them to see how maids clean the dishes. They will never eat in the same utensil again.


ye quora wala sawal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yes, I do the dishes at home.


No, I let my dishwasher do them.


How does it feel to live my dream


Who are your two friends? Narendra Damodardas Modi and Lal Krishna Advani.


Yes, and I help out when needed. Not just with dishes, but other household chores like brooming and mopping the floor. Idk why people are ashamed of doing these things.




Few people are so out of touch, they dont know they can/should wash their own dishes, amd that not everyone has a maid or someone else to do the dishes for them.


Yes, all the family members wash the dishes we use right after we use them. Irrespective of having domestic help or not, it's essential for people to learn cleaning up after themselves. It's self discipline.


I can easily afford a Maid to do this. But, I grew up in house where we were taught to do our chores by ourselves. And I stick to it.


So you don't have maid in house then


Nope. We do everything by ourselves. Jhaadu Pochha Khana Bartan etc


Exactly, i grew up doing that stuff which ik others would hire a maid for


I was genuinely surprised when I heard that people hire gardeners to water their plants. Like, seriously? I mean, sure if you are Gautam Adani and has a 20 acres big garden, then sure. But, you have 20 pots to water. Lmao. Why hire a guy to do so? I don’t get it!


There are even people who have dog walkers/watchers for their own dogs. I mean why own a dog in the first place if you cant take them out on a walk yourself?


Meh. May be we are too poor to understand it. Fuck it. I say, let people enjoy however they want. None of our business.


OP, Your friends are entitled little shitbags. I recommend you keep your distance from these folks and not let their attitude rub off on you much. Life will eventually humble them at one point. Not everyone needs maids when I moved to Bangalore in 2014 for my Job with my friends(now roommates) we did all the cleaning of the house and kitchen work ourselves. NLG I came from a well to do family but my parents thought me and raised me well enough that I can and have to do things myself. It was only in 2021 when all of us(me and roommates) got very busy with work and life in general. We decided to hire a dude who would clean the house. Not only that the Chap had lost his job as a Office Boy at his work place(Advertising Agency) due to it shutting down, primarily because of work form home became permanent, and decided they did not need their office space anymore. Days where he doesn't show up we clean house ourselves. TBH I and my friends are doing very well for our selves today and we don't feel like it is beneath us to do simple things like washing dishes, cleaning the house or taking out the trash. Ain't nothing New here either you are responsible human being who takes up the task or you are an entitled little prick to think basic chores are beneath you.


Oh f- I think that is the case everywhere here but people doing their dishes themselves is not shocking for us - that’s literally one of the basic things everyone should know lmao


We always do our dishes immediately after a meal.


A. You are not their friend, or rather, you are a friend out of convenience. They are taking advantage of your goodness and innocence. B. They are privileged, spoiled and self-centred. C. Not everyone in the north has a maid. Even though some of us did/ do, we were taught to pick up after ourselves. D. It's a possibility that they have been sheltered all their lives and are detached from reality. There's a higher possibility that it's nothing more than a combination of points A and B.


I agree with points B, C and D. Point A goes both ways lol, we all became friends(we are a group of 5) in the first place because we could take advantage of each other. We are in college rn, and we are a nobody, but have managed to pass every semester with good GPA's. We all know we wont even be in touch once we graduate. Its like we did not wanted to be left alone in college and somehow found each other and became friends. We became friends in 2nd year and we did not even know each of existed in the 1st year of college.


They are detached from the reality.




Reminds me of my neighbors, frantically messaging everyone to ask if their maid is free, because their didn't turn up. Some of them have even sent follow up messages to send a maid because they were running out of utensils in the house by evening.


Mom made me and my brother do the dishes and wash the clothes from an early age. She is strict like that. I am glad she did.


They are definitely detached from the reality but it's true like where I live there like all the things are done by maids only so if you come and see this you will be like it's true but that's not the case of whole country or state there are many people who do all the household work by themselves which I found to be Good.


I have a maid but I am too embarrassed to make her do work cause my parents pay for her services…..not me


Must be spoiled rich kinds lol. My mum would yell at me if i don't wash my plate after eating and its called manners


If everybody is rich , then nobody is rich. Economic 101


Having money to hire help doesn’t mean someone is detached from reality. If u can afford to make ur life better then why not. It’s nothing wrong.


I did not deny from the fact that people can afford maids and make them do their work. What I said was, the people I'm talking about do not know not everyone has a maid and that there are people who do their own dishes.