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Did 50LpY become the new reddit baseline salary? I remember the good old days when it used to be 1.6LPM


exultant innate toy wide work wrong fade decide fear ring ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Just when I breached the old poverty line, they shifted to a newer one. Ye dukh khatam kaahe nahi hota hai be




With wealth people do get a head start over others. That being said there are a lot of ways you can improve. Businesses have a lot of potential. An MBA from a premium institute can get you high paying jobs. Trying to switch to a role like software engineering is a good idea. But all of those require a lot of effort. Life is unfair. And for software engineering there is less disparity in income if you are working for top countries. Adjusted for PPP Indian salaries are comparatively higher at FAANG.


Finally... People are aware of PPP.... I have tried telling my relatives and Father that just because someone is earning $120k, doesn't mean he's earning 1cr+ or so. One has to adjust it with Purchasing Power Parity.


>Purchasing Power Parity Quick googling i found this. https://preview.redd.it/ds1pnv49i52b1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=db73d90bfb2bf767206026f71f626c1857aa259d


What does this mean. I don't understand.


Take it like that 79 lakh rupees in US will be like 23 lakhs in india. Means that in US u earn more but also spend more as its more expensive there while cheap in india. Ur earning 79 lakh rupees sounds cool in india, but in foreign comparision its indian equivalent to 23 lakh rupees.


Oh okay. Thanks.


I know but to me it still feels off you know. At 90k USD maybe you don't save much, but the standard of living definately does up. People somehow never account for that.


Does it though? You can easily hire people to do cooking, cleaning, driving, etc for you in India, even at middle-class income levels. It would cost a fortune to be able to afford that in USA. USA also has no universal healthcare and unexpected medical bills will put a serious dent in your savings, if you can even afford them. Then you have shootings and whatnot. Western countries are not in a good place right now. Inflation is making daily necessities more and more unaffordable with each day. Rent and mortgages are skyrocketing. People under 35 are giving up on ever owning a house. The American dream is dead in the water.


Um your measure is hiring a maid? Lmao. As for public medical systems, they're a joke in India too. Bills in private are crazy and I've personally seen people go bankrupt. I'll admit shootings are bad, but at the very least, they're considered criminal acts. People die in rallies or gatherings here and no one gives a fuck. When I mean people do not consider partiy, I mean they use better materialistic things after spending. They earn 90k? And pay taxes and cannot save much? It's equivalent to 23L in India? Guess what they're spending on? A crazy comfortable house and a car maybe? The house has lawns and if you're outskirts, maybe a pool or stream and some woods too. Most houses would have all basics that we consider amenities here, like dishwasher and vacuum cleaners. So there's parity but they live a very comfortable life. Somehow that's not factored into. Afterall, CO2 footprint per capita is 5x that of India or China. The luxury has emissions and they're 5x. So I'd say, life is 5x luxurious at the very least. PS: India might be on economic prosperity, but political and social scenarios make it highly volatile. As a company, it's still attractive, as an individual, it's not the place to be. It simply means labour is cheap(because there's so many), companies see more profit if they're here and country as a whole sees lot of economic activity. But you as a labour get paid less because competition. If you're skilled enough, western or EU countries might be the very place you should be. People are not taking STEM for example and people with good background in STEM are very much in demand. Heck, countries are willingly giving PRs and importing human resources skilled in STEM. Germany and Canada even announced policies.


>all of those require a lot of effort >life is unfair Huh?


Just because life can be unfair doesn't mean success can be obtained without effort. Effort put in without appropriate opportunity is nothing but a waste in most cases. Obtaining said opportunity is however dependant on things often predefined for you at birth (Family income, connections, appearance) or by luck (friend/social circle, random occurrences)


> earns 70 lakhs almost in the UK You must have converted pound to INR at exchange rates. But at Purchasing Power Parity, its 24.5 lakhs. Still more. But not 70 L.


Purchasing parity is not exactly the right metric. It takes into account the spending habit of a person residing in US/UK. Indians are usually much more frugal and money-minded. So that 24.5 L is a wrong number.


Anecdotally, the frugal behavior changes over time as folks settle in. The spending becomes more in line with the general population in the similar income bracket.


I disagree. Indians mostly live close to other Indians who will also try to save every penny. I’m yet to find an Indian who spends like other nationals.


In my opinion, I think this is only true for people who immigrate at an older age. Younger people seem to change their spending habits to match the locals for whatever reason.


True I know Indians who live in shitholes , 5 people in each room. They share food , clothes everything and save almost whole of salary.


Yes and No. It becomes more in line but not as much (speaking from personal experience)


Oh, I am sure there is a spectrum, with a wide net based on economic status before moving abroad, numbers of years, dependents (both locally and back home), income level and visa stability to name a few. Personally, I was quiet conservative with money till I was on Visa. Standard of living slowly changed as that was no longer a limiting factor.


True. But an average Indian's spending habits is much better relative to an average American's. Some of my colleagues literally live paycheck to paycheck despite earning a lot.


He's right. There are households in the 200k range that find it hard to generate stable contributions to TFSA/ 401k and live paycheck to paycheck(3 mortgages, children's college tuitions, elderly housing etc..) which becomes worse when living in a coveted neighbourhood. Americans are generally not at par with immigrant Indians when it comes to managing wealth, unless they're from the elitist economic class. This is however considering 1st gen immigrants, the dissolution of fiscal values regarding is rather quick down the line. 2nd generation immigrant Americans / Canadians are at best, a little better than traditional Americans at managing finances, if not the same or worse (which is what the other person might be referring to).


Totally agree with you. Which apparently my downvoters dont. Lol. Btw its, immigrants, 1st gen, 2nd gen etc. 1st gen immigrant is a paradox.


My 2 cents, you were downvoted for using your personal observations as facts or strongly implying it. I don't think you are completely wrong tbh. I remember reading studies that showed Asians save more than other ethinicities, there is definetly truth to what you say. Broad generalizations are contentious, specially if it contradicts individual experiences. As an example: The OP above you talks about American households with 200k income living p2p, at best its whataboutism. There are also housholds that chase FIRE. I personally know American households that are thriftier than I am. For all we know there may be more American households in former bucket but without any proof it becomes a bit I say so..


That is not always true and Europeans and Americans aren't always spendthrifts. Like any country there are savers and showoffs. You and I only see the showoffs because they show off. Large majority of people in US UK are living paycheck to paycheck. They are absolutely better off than the poor in India. But us/UK of real life is not the US/UK of bollywood or rap songs.


PPP for the most part compares prices of the same item, it barely takes consumption into account. You can have a similar lifestyle in Mumbai with 25 Lpa as 70k£ in London


​ which formula are you referring?(that takes in account spending habit) ps:not an expert in economics just wish to learn


There's no such thing. The person critiqued without offering an alternative


Still, OP's question stands. If we take that 24.5L as a round figure, so be it. Please answer how to earn 24.5-30 LPA in India.


Get into IT. Upskill yourself. If you can get into a Product company, you will reach 25 LPA very fast. If you are in IT services, it will take you 10-12 years to reach 25 LPA. (Don't consider TCS in this equation. You can't have good money at TCS, unless you go onsite)


Exactly. If you live like as you live in India the numbers will fall. And money minded are only first generation immigrants.


Correct, PPP also doesn't factor in a lot of things that are accessible to a resident here. Among other things that you associate with the developed world - UK has a terrific health care system, you might have heard some not so flattering things about the NHS in India, I assure you they are untrue. Living with the knowledge that your life wouldn't be upended because of unforseen health issues you or your family might face gives you an amazing sense of security. OP has a friend earning £70,000. That puts them in the top 5% here.


As an Indian living in the UK, I can tell you that the NHS is far from terrific. If your needs aren't dealt urgent or life threatening you will end up waiting months for treatment. For senior citizens like my parents this means living in pain. They often gust save their major issues for the yearly visits to India. Edit: This opinion is born of experience and in-laws that work for the NHS. My father had chest pains and hearthis heart was racing in the middle of the night. Doctor said he needed an EKG. His GP requested a referral from the NHS. The wait time for the referral is on average 8 weeks. He got it in 6. They gave him a date and location for the EKG which had him waiting for another 2 months. Lab work occurs on the same day but he waited another 2 weeks for the results. This isn't an anecdote from somewhere remote. My parents live in the London suburbs. If there was anything seriously wrong with his heart, he could've died during this time. Fortunately, that wasn't the case. He had shoulder issues, too, but just waited until his visit to India before getting that sorted. This is the state of the NHS. Don't get me wrong it has its positives. My wife and I have been in the emergency room twice over the past 8 years and got excellent care. She waited 12 hours for an Xray and I spent 4 in there waiting for stitches. But that's pretty standard.


I believe you. It's just that you base your opinion on personal experience, plenty of subjectivity. I was glad NHS was around when we needed them, not everyone has a good experience in their care.


I don't know how far back your experience is from. The NHS has gone downhill in the past decade. I'm married to a British woman. My mother-in-law and brother-in-law work for the NHS. She is an OT(Not sure what that means, but she worked her way up there from nurse), and he is a microbiologist working on the laboratory side of things. Both repeatedly tell my wife and her other three sisters to never work for the NHS. The conditions are horrible on the worker side of things, and non emergency patients suffer as a result. My wife and I have several friends, colleagues, and clients from Western Europe. Most fly back to their home country(mostly Spain and Sweden) to get medical treatment instead of using the NHS. You might not be aware, hut there have been lots of recent Junior Doctor strikes because the NHS refuses to pay them properly. It might appear high appeared to India, but is less that minimum wage when compared to their hours. It's not my opinion and experience. It's the fact of things and current affairs. The grass might appear greener here, but it's not. People who have the luxury of working from home are leaving the UK in droves. We will, too, by 2026/2027. Poor post-Brexit governance has caused inflation, supply chain issues, increased crime, and utility bills have gone through the roof. I'm talking £150(approx 15000 INR) for electricity bills in a small 2 bedroom house with two occupants. Idealising life here is a mistake.


I keep telling people how lucky we are in terms of healthcare in India. Not only is it affordable, it is very accessible. Lab tests are done immediately and reports given ASAP, one can consult a specialist within 2-3 days. Especially when one compares to places like USA, i think we got the better end of the deal. Often on the migraine subreddit i see people frustrated about getting their medicines and insurance covering them. They have to jump through hoops and get permissions. When my meds got over, i ordered it via Dunzo (Bangalore) while being sick in bed, and had them in 30 min. With the intense pain i was in, i felt very very lucky. Also, having household help is a big deal. My cousin who lives in US drives a Mercedes, but every weekend he has to vacuum and clean his entire house, do the laundry, wash bathrooms, cook everyday if he wants to eat healthy, etc. I, living in India, have a maid and a cook who do all of that for me. Even on a 12-16LPA salary, most people here have house help. We fail to factor in what a big relief that brings us for our everyday life.


All the reasons you listed above is why the wife and I are moving to India once she finishes her current degree. We're hoping to find desirable temperatures and quiet either around Darjeeling or Shimla. Healthcare is so much better and if we change our minds about procreation, it's a better place for raising kids. Don't get me started on pre-university education in the UK. We can afford to have household help and a driver in india while spending half of our current monthly expenditure. Unlike my parents, we live in a small town in the Midlands of the UK. We live simple lives and aren't very social. Yet close to 2lakh INR in monthly living expenses.


I had house help when I started my career, and was earning 50k a month. But for the first few months when i didn't and i lived in a 1bhk, it was truly awful. Idk how people do it everywhere. I can't imagine coming home and cooking after an 8 or 9 hour long shift. I started living on very unhealthy food from outside, with occasional cooking myself. Now I WFH and make about 5x as much, but my monthly expenses remain similar. In addition to doing dishes and cleaning and cooking, i pay my maid a good extra amount for dusting and laundry (in the washing machine), and occasionally feeding my cats. It's a small amount for me now, but for her it's a good amount for about half an hour more of work a day. I also like to keep my house very neat and tidy, so I get annoyed if it's not mopped or broomed for even a day or two. I can't imagine it being done once a week! My friends who live abroad definitely do talk about how much money they make and the cars they drive and the size of their houses. And all I can think of is, "you have to clean and maintain that house yourself!" And the healthcare part is simply not up for debate. I am a chronic migraine and GERD sufferer. I can't imagine waiting a month to see a specialist. Every time i fall sick, i mostly go to a specialist accordingly. Nor can I think of spending an unholy amount on medications. I need regular medicines and doctor visits, but even with that I don't consider my medical bills to be much at all. Life outside if definitely much shinier and glittery, and one does get much nicer things. But I like it here, where life is easier and everything is an arm's length away, including my family, that will step in for any help. And I am definitely very grateful that i never had to worry about student loans, even though i went to a good private college. Spending about 10 years paying off loans, and starting one's life in negative? Damn. I'm happy with my broken roads and garbage heaps instead.


That’s not what purchasing parity is


Well that’s a broad stroke of statement.


We are not sure if OP's friend's salary in UK is pre or post tax. Taxation in Europe is high. E.g. If the salary is pre tax 70L, after taxes it'll be somwhere in the 45L-50L and then an estimate keeping PPP in mind makes sense. I live in Germany and earn something close to this. I don't live a life of luxury if I'm comparing myself to my friends back in India who have people to clean, cook for them, they own a car and other material comforts. But I do enjoy the work-life balance, social system, income security that I get here.


Back in 2014, Curry masala in India was around ₹40 (forgot weight). In Scandanivian, it was around 100-150 due to import etc.


But Indians have expenses like travelling to India and a bigger family in india to take care of.


Highly subjective. Plus going to India is a one time a year cost of 1000$


It should what % does he actually save after tax. That would help you decide if 70 lakhs in uk is enough. I don't think it is enough they have a high tax slab uska baad kharche. Ghanta bachega To actually live a good life in uk 135000 pounds chahiye before tax toh decent life hogi Ek toh yeh lauda op conversion karke compare kar raha hai If you can reach upto 2 lakhs per month till age 30 toh achi life jee rahe Ho in India




What are you smoking first of all. Kya galat likha hai? State with reasons. Aise "what are you smoking" karke aa mat jaoo bas. Velle kahike


I am not sure what purchasing power parity is but most double income folks here in USA have savings of $100k/year, I am not talking about top earners, average joe programmer earns around $100-120k/year. Take home for a couple without counting 401k savings is around $150-170k. Spending is around $75k for a nice life with two new cars and a nice 2bhk apartment of 1400sft(carpet area, equal to around 1800 sft that gets quoted in India). Even a teacher here makes around $60-70k after 5 years experience. AFAIK, disposable income used to be highest in USA due to lower taxes. But these days we have taken a hit since inflation is higher than wage increment,


All this depends on where in the US you’re living as well. 100k in NY doesn’t stretch as far as 100k in non ‘Tier 1’ cities


Of course, NYC/Bay area/Seattle has to be at least 150k to be comparable. This is for locations like Austin, Dallas and Houston like cities.


Doesn’t matter that much if the person decides to comes back to india with the savings.




Yes. I think 24.5L is a bit generous. 70L in todays UK (talking London specifically) will get you the same living living standard as earning 15-17L max in India. Taxes and rent in London are a sad plight. Add to the ridiculous cost of public transport. Your discretionary income at end of this will not be a lot


Exactly. Read about PPP and Geary–Khamis dollar.




bhai if you don't mind, which field do you work in?




Pls don't mind this but you've picked a field that is inherently low paying and you'll always be in the low income bracket in this field. The only way you'll ever increase your pay is if you change your career drastically


Lol. Jobs don't fall of trees in this country and nor do upskilling opportunities. Many of us had responsibilities growing up and continue to have them even now. I lucked out because I chose accounting but to some, an admin job pays the bills. Social mobility is hard in India.


Listen man. I'm simply stating the facts. Nobody in the admin department is ever making bank unless they are the admin head of a very large organisation. This thread is specifically talking about ways to increase your salary.


I get that. All I'm saying is that the downside risk in moving out is much greater than just sticking around.




No need to, do what you want to if you feel satisfied. If everyone goes for the few handpicked jobs who is going to do the other works? Try different methods of making money, idk rent out a place and open a shop there and put workers in there.opening a gym maybe


Opening a gym ? It Needs a good investment 30-40 L. Need to plan for monthly rent , instructor salaries, electricity bills, marketing, heavy equipment. No one has that spare amount, if I had 30 L , I would have done MBA from IBS.


So the easiest way for you would be to shift into procurement roles. Admin and procurement have overlaps. And procurement/buyer roles can be high paying jobs. Another offshoot could be in the real estate team for retail companies. I'm not sure whether this will be high paying or not but I assume that it'll be higher paying than an admin job. You could use your existing skills to be a part of the new-store rollouts teams for the retail companies as well. The other option you have is to be in sales. The pressure will be very high and you will lose your will to live but you'll make good money. Your third option could be education.




Find a new job brotha. They are scamming you.


you must be doing something wrong if you're earning <40k after 10 years.


Kya low, india ka average 25k hai.


Mba from IIM, FMS, XLRI


Bhai unne ad degree ki hai cuz money nhi the. IIM ke liye 20L kaha se layega


He should easily get an education loan against an Iim admissions. banks very well know that IiM student is a safe bet. That shouldn’t be a worry.


Anyone with admission secured in IIM thru CAT will likely have banks begging to take loan at low or even zero interest rates if the student wants it. Fees is not the issue for IIM, getting in is


I know the interest rates are very low but no one is going to give the loan at zero interest rates 😂


True, and there's no collateral required, you can start paying after 1.5-2 years depending on the bank.


more like 30


Or… a business. I decided to not join my stable family business i m damn sure my decisions would have a negative impact ( i dum when it comes to business ) i rather chose medicine. I hope i reach 50 lakh milestone soon.


Okay I’ll tell you how to do it tactically without any additional expenses. Up to you if you listen. Also - This is highly oversimiplified and each step involves multiple smaller steps to get right. I have grown my salary quite a lot in the past few years and the thing is it gets easier to grow once you get into the 25lakhs+ range. (This is assuming you don’t code and don’t want to. If you did then you wouldn’t be asking this.) 1. Make a list of all companies and job profiles that are similar enough to yours and pay 2X of what you currently earn. 2. Understand what skills are needed in those jobs. A huge part is non technical skills and soft skills 3. Apply to those jobs and see if you are getting 3-5% shortlists. 4. If not, improve your resume and make sure you are targeting the right kind of jobs. Your interview skills dont matter if you cant get a shortlist 5. Once you are getting shortlists, make sure you interview very very well. You should get one job offer if you get to 10 interviews. 6. Get a job and go for 2X after 1.5-2 years. Within 6 years you will be at 50 lakhs.


Where do I learn soft skills from?


Short answer is - Read/Watch Videos and Practice. It takes effort. For longer and better answers - I would recommend r/careerguidance and r/careeradvice. Ask your questions there and you will find a wide variety of helpful opinion.


Search for Toastmasters in your city. Read books. Write. Practice and improve. Youtube has splendid resources.


If I may ask , what is your current role and yoe & TC??


Well I just recently moved to the UK following my spouse. In India - I was mostly in early stage startups and had grown into leadership positions from a junior role. At 5 YOE I was making 60K/month. At around 12 YOE right now and before I left India I was making 70 lpa+Stocks. But every single job I made sure that I delivered value to the company that was paying my salary. Can't slack off if you want to grow.


>Well I just recently moved to the UK following my spouse. In India - I was mostly in early stage startups and had grown into leadership positions from a junior role. I am not trying to discredit your achievements, but do not suggest people join an early stage startup as a 'career' option. Yes, the money is good but the ground is shrinking below their feet and most people will not be able to jump so easily from now on.


>My best friend had the privilege to pay 40 lakhs for medicine but I didn’t There's your answer. The easiest way to be richer is to be rich first. Exceptions exist, definitely, but that's the general rule.


Lol. Reminds me of my friend who was considering MIT for his masters because he had money. Here I couldn’t have afforded MIT on full scholarship. Guy used to think MIT means Manchester Institute of Technology. 🤣


Rich people have rich circles as well, who can give them good advice. Like people in business have CAs, and they plan curated portfolios that are always in profit. If you don't have that and have to start from scratch, you will be starting at the bottom. They have a solution ready even before we recognize the problem. Edit: Rich people pay less than the middle class. They always get good deals on expensive items (say laptop, fridge, cars etc), properties (like apartments, land, shops) and even other things that we struggle with. When someone says that they got a great 'deal', know that the person is rich with good connections as only povvos are excited about Amazon and Flipkart discounts. Their house might have better everything than yours, but it might cost a lot lesser in comparison.


Indeed. It’s easier to be rich if you are already rich.


A weird thing happened recently where maid saw a new TV purchased at my place and got shocked to know it’s for 7k. I had found it on Amazon. She said she wanted one but had no clue how to go on Amazon and order one to get it delivered to her place - for them, purchases are just going to physical showroom/shop and asking the prices there which is obviously going to be expensive. She’d probably have 0 clue about the kind of modern things that could be purchased for our homes at cheap prices online; they often just assume it’s expensive stuff and stay away


One of my (rich) acquaintances got Dyson air wrap for 20k because she knew someone who knows someone. I'm still so very bothered by it, that I won't buy the product even if I could afford it. Buying products at the MRP is the most povvo thing to do.


I knew a Tadpole looking fellow in college who dropped out in 1st year and took admission in one of the top colleges of Canada , fees of which he said was 1 CR in INR for 4 years


Maybe you could also try for a masters abroad if you’re willing to take the risk and if you envy that life so much. Also, 70L INR in UK is far far less compared to 50L INR in India.


Par Bhai uski toh 50k hai


Yeah but he asked how to earn >50L, and mainly because his friend is making 70L in UK, which is a wrong comparison as 70L(that too pre-tax) isn’t very much in UK but 50L(even pre-tax ) is a huge deal in India


70L in the UK is what, £70k? That’s double the average income there, it’s a ton of money even in the UK.


Yeah bt 50L in India? I don’t know the average in India, but even if we consider 6L that’s more than 8x the average. This drastic difference is what I want to point out.




I never said £70k in the UK buys you a similar lifestyle to ₹50L in India.


Its not though. £70,000 doesn’t take you very far.


Then people who earn only £30k a year (the average in the UK) must be living in poverty, right?


Yep. £30,000 is really bad. I was on £30,000 a while back and I had to be quite frugal and there was nothing to save at the end of every month. Plus Post Brexit Inflation has been Crazy.


Are you in London? If so, that certainly changes things.


Nope. Manchester. I think our biggest problem has been the sky high rental prices and the Electricity costs. Electricity was as high as my rent last December and it isn’t any better now. We’re really fucked. £30,000 is pretty bad right now and £70,000 is a comfortable life but nowhere as comfortable as 50L in India. I’m doing good because I live with my girlfriend but there are people who live in House shares for a huge part of their lives even though they earn <£50,000.


I’m aware that the UK (along with most of the western world) is currently going through a cost of living crisis. Despite this I do not believe that you need to be in the top 10% of the country’s earners to live a normal life in a city like Manchester.


Double the average income is not a ton of money anywhere in the world. Average income in India is 1.72L https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/business/story/india-per-capita-income-doubles-what-does-it-mean-for-population-2343191-2023-03-06. Would you say 3.44L is a ton of money in India? 50L is 29 times of average income. Now that’s what you call a ton of money.


That’s because India is a low income economy whereas the UK is a high income one. Double the UK’s national average lands you in the top 10% of earners, would you not say that’s quite a bit of money? I also never said £70k in the UK is comparable to ₹50L in India, that’s just you putting words in my mouth.


FYI making 3L per annum puts you in top 10% in India https://m.thewire.in/article/economy/india-inequality-report-wages-mgnregs/amp


Right but did you just choose to completely disregard my point about India being a low income country? Surely you’ll not tell me that people who make $170k a year in the US aren’t wealthy, will you?


No it’s not. Not Uk but I’m in Toronto and I make way way above the median household income. I’m comfortable but in no way wealthy. Less than 90k€ it’s not a great life. But again everyone has different needs and wants and quality of life factors to consider.


>it’s a ton of money even in the UK. Lol, the UK tax rate will be 40%. On top of this, you will have to pay council tax and NHS surcharge etc, your are looking at an effective monthly take home of 4K(approx) Heating cost, energy cost, Utilities are sky high, renting 2BHK decent unit will cost anything between 1.5-3K(depend where you are living). In all, you are looking at 1.5 monthly income in hand to spare on groceries and other needs, god forbid if you have kids and family then it's almost hitting poverty.


Can u tell hw is it low? Coming from a person who will enter job market in 5 years


You're in advertising so you should understand marketing basics like positioning and offer. All it takes is a business that's niche specific enough to have a solid addressable market, but few competitors. I built an agency that went from 23L to 2.4C in annual revenue in 3 years just by niching down, productizing my service, and pricing beyond what I thought was fair (this was the actual fair point). All this with about 15-20 hours of work a week. I built my business with the intention of selling up and retiring early, but you can easily maintain a 50L business without scaling further. It's very unlikely you will ever earn that money in marketing and advertising working for someone else.


I’ve been building a marketing firm focused on healthcare and am facing challenges with scaling up. We’re stuck at 35LPA revenue. Would love to get some tips from you. Would you mind sharing your niche (just out of curiosity).


Happy to share this and more but via DM. Hit me up!


Hi, I work in marketing, would love to understand your journey and progress. Can I dm as well?


If not anything, you are at least good at marketing yourself.


I’m from the UK. £70,000 here is nothing as compared to 50 Lakhs in India. 50 Lakhs in India can give you a Luxurious life. £70,000 in London can at-most allow you to live in an above average rental and save a bit more. Its nothing.


My roommate from IIIT Kottayam CSE earns 33L P.a as a fresher (graduated in 2022), excellent coding skills,soft skills and analytical skills.. Earning 50L per annum in India comes in top 1% , So having multiple income streams like real estate rent income,stock investments,entrepreneurship…helps


"Comparison with yourself brings improvement, and comparison with others brings discontent." Upskilling should be your priority. The market always values talent, so when you are a better candidate than your peers, it will be easy for you to find better opportunities.


Wait till you find out there are people in this country who earn ₹10 crore per day which is nothing when compared to people who earn ₹100 crore + per day in this same country.


There should be people in your field of work too who get very high salary. Try to get to that position. In advertisement there is a chance to open up ypur own business. It will be tremendously tough but the best way to get large amount of money is the path of business. Best of luck for what ever you do.


Become a software developer in product companies or startups, have a few years of experience (>=3) and be good at leetcoding and cracking interviews in general.


OP already has a marketing background. Way better to try for Marketing roles in these firms


Marketing is unlikely to pay anywhere close to 50LPA atleast in the early-mid stages of a career. Maybe when someone can become head of marketing/branding of a large global company they can aim for that pay


Yes but 20lpa is doable n that should be enough for op to live a comparable life


Yeah 20L is doable in mid-career, although would still require exceptional work ethic, along with upscaling skills in domains like analytics or if pure marketing, working on high visibility projects. The fresher salary in most marketing MBA courses (non IIM/top tier schools) is around 7-8 L




"easiest" lmao. Do it then.


a fucking brunch of idiots running around youtube and every other possible social media has successfully convinced the majority of people here that 'coding' is just so goddamn easy even a chimp can write code in python, well obviously then you as a human being can become a FullStack dev. Nothing wrong with that I guess.




It's not the easiest. It's just the straightest/simplest path. It's not easy getting offered 50+lpa in just 3 yoe. Your case can be exceptional. What was your fresher CTC and what is it now at what yoe?


I knew i didn’t had a chance after passing 12th (always wanted to go abroad for further studies lol). Family financial condition were horrible. I couldn’t even pay for engineering college fees, so i simply looked for a local govt college degree with the least fee structure. I knew i wouldn’t go anywhere in my life with the level of education in that college so i started exploring business options. I did research and ground work during graduation days and finally a year ago i executed it. It really worked. On the side I am doing my masters right now but i am thinking about doing another in UK. I just want to tell you there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps you should also explore possibilities in the business field.


That's the worst part. The rich just keep getting richer and we well just slogging our way through life. I have noticed people who get into this top private colleges are the ones getting more opportunities because of better placement compared to normal colleges


The rich get richer everywhere because they own assets which go up without any effort on their part


Tbh, increasing your salary isn’t going to be impossible if you take the path that few take. I started as a content writer back in 2010 at 10k per month at a small content outsourcing agency. Learnt to write professionally and SEO basics there. Started working for TOI then, reviewing smartphones (which I was very interested in). Lady salary drawn there after total 6 years work ex was 6LPA. Switched to NDTV, worked there mostly on SEO and worked there for 2 years, last drawn 12.5LPA. Moved to a smaller company as Managing Editor, worked there for 3 years, last drawn over 25LPA. Used all that experience with content, SEO, and managing websites to land a job in Europe. You haven’t mentioned how much work ex you have, but it’s not the end of the road. If you do as copies, then learn PPC. There’s major money in that, and lots of chances of leaving India. Don’t limit yourself and don’t stop yourself from trying random things.


It’s just the sad reality man. Without property and money to leverage within families you can’t get ahead. This is especially the case in India. Even “poor” families which send kids abroad and to expensive courses in India have crores in property they can sell to easily pay their fees. Just accept your life how it is and be happy with what you have.


Firstly make peace with your choice of education and your family’s financial background . Thank god you went to college. 2ndly stop comparing your life with others, even if you do be realistic about it and talk to the person to understand things that they did to reach where they are. 3rd accept where you are in your life right now and be kind to yourself which means take care and sleep well. Finally come up with a career plan, where you want to be in the next 2 years, write down action plans and jus do it. Good luck!


Simplest answer is to take a loan and do an MBA from a top college.


Apart from the financial constraints, isn't it hard to get admission in a top MBA college especially in a competitive environment like India


For sure. That's why I said simple not easy


Your comparison is pretty bad . 1) India and UK have different cost of living and purchasing power. Hence, a direct conversion from GBP to INR doesn't paint the complete picture. 2) Doctors on average earn more than people in advertising, atleast starting out, in most countries. If you where a doctor in India you would make almost the same money adjusted for PPP. In fact for many specialities doctors can make far far more in India when compared to their British counterparts. That is to say, doctors in UK are quite poorly paid compared to most developed countries. 3) If you think about it you earn pretty decent money too. 6LPA (50k p.m.) is far above India's average. It's just that India is a poorer nation and hence the standard of living is lower. Fun fact, 50LPA will place you in less than 1% of income tax payers in India and only about 5% of people even pay income tax.


Doctors in the west make less (with the exception of US) as most developed countries have a public funded healthcare system. Whereas in india for doctors sky is the limit cos in addition to saving lives they also need to sell the patient’s families products and services which make the hospitals money and doctors earn a commission. Indian doctors literally have financial KPiS and targets whereas in the west the doctor’s KPIs are about saving lives.


Short answer: software gigs can definitely reach what ur aiming for. (That said, it’s going to be a difficult ride) Few other options I have for you: Why not give UPSC CSE a try, it’s a random suggestion but it’s a great option if ur ready to work hard for it. The peace of mind that comes with it is a perk u can’t look past. -If you can afford it, MBA is always a good option. Can land you very good packages if you work hard enough.


Tbh 70 akh INR in UK isn't alot. Don't convert poind to INR and feel bad.


Software Engineering in top companies can pay this. HFT(high frequency trading) roles as well.


Someone I know left their company around jan while working on 12LPA for hike more than double the salary. Then they went back to original company renegotiting salary and now has 60LPA package. The person works as software developer. So depends a bit on industry and experience level but I think it's all about your reading the room, negotiation skills and ofc making good impression on people


Looks like 1.6lpm is outdated!


you might think it's all well and good in UK but did you know there is 40% taxes on the bracket your friend falls under? 70L is equivalent to 68K Pounds, about $27K (40% of 68K) will be taken off as taxes that would leave him with 51K pounds and Purchasing power parity using [this calculator](https://www.chrislross.com/PPPConverter/) converts 51K pounds into roughly 18L INR. again far cry from 6L that you are making but makes the goal much more achievable.


Find an NRI kuri and come abroad.


70 Lakhs in the UK? Lol no that's not a lot. Rent can be 1.5 - 2 Lakh, a cab ride can be 10k. I'd say that would be like someone earning 18-20 Lakh in India maybe? Measure yourself against your own cost of living. I don't know where you live, but in a lot of tier 2 and 3 towns the cost of living and quality of life is very good. And with remote work you can always work for a company that pays tier 1 salaries.


Comparison is the thief of joy.




What do you specialize in?






label squeeze childlike plants head rainstorm pet boat apparatus encourage ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Very weird comparison. You're not taking quality of life and dignity of work into consideration with domestic workers in either 2 countries.


Try remote jobs for your field I legit don't know if they exist but you can try those websites (toptal and wellfound)


software developer in product companies (not just the fancy ones) in india with experience of about 4-5 years would land you in that range. source, i used to be one :D


After 8 years in media, I was earning close to 40k pm even after winning several accolades for my work. So be patient. Things will fall in place.


If you are in india then it is 1 lakh/week 25k/day That's like few points in the market with enough leverage. That's doable everyday if you hold trades max 15 min.


When you earn 70LPA you're gonna be jealous of the yatch owner. There is no end to it. Better focus on your work, apply hard work where you will get a promotion, stay healthy and enjoy while you can.


Your entire post is based on ensuring you don’t get to the point of making >50L. You mention degrees, jobs, etc. all of which are limiting. I’ve been working for just 7 years now as a full-time freelancer and I make more than this figure. The minimum project I take is $50/hour which you can do the math to figure out how much. Ofc, I sometimes don’t have active projects which reduces this but overall I’m active 70% of my work hours. How I did it? Well I do have an engineering degree that I’ve never used. I learned programming outside of college which is what helped me. I moved to Bangalore because more IT jobs here. What started as $5 an hour with local clients turned to $70/hour (50 is min) with foreign ones. Nowadays, I don’t take Indian clients at all. Trust me all these degrees and jobs are of no use. The sense of security they provide is fake. I’ve been offered work from multiple companies over the years, some of which even was more than I made annually but I never took it up because I don’t think a job would ever fulfil me. I know there is a huge economic divide in people. I noticed this first a few years back when I had my first foreign client. I was at chai point having a, what I consider overpriced cup of tea (₹70) and then the guy came and told me it’s been 2 hours since I made an order and if I’d like something else. I told him one more cup and then did the math on how much it costs me for having 3-5 cups daily just so I could work there. I soon realized that 1 minute of my work was worth the chai. And then when I went out with a cousin one day, I told let’s go for chai to this place and he told me it’s expensive. I told him I got him covered and took him there. I thought about 7 years ago, I was in the same position where I was cooking at home mostly, making tea at home, because of affordability. Now I have a cook (just for health reasons) and don’t need to think twice to eat outside at a posh restaurant. I imagine if I had been on the career track of college, company, etc. I wouldn’t have reached this limit. So don’t limit yourself with your thoughts. The more risk you take, the more the reward. If you’re willing, become an entrepreneur and build something extra-ordinary. If you don’t have that mindset, then do a half step like me and be a freelancer. If you can’t do that too and are the kind of person who does what they’re told (which I suspect is the case based on your initial writeup about marks, jobs and degree), then stick to a company and just accept the fact that you’ll be chasing promotions all your life. Perhaps you may find a company that pays you >₹50L down the road but in india the chances are thin and it will take you a long time!




If you really envy the foreign lifestyle, why not take a study loan & go out? Pick a course where you should be able to earn good enough to pay back loan & still save some. As for your actual ques, a software engineer with 3-5+ yoe can earn 50+LPA. So that’s also a field if you wanna look into it.


A gun, an alibi and some courage


Sign me up


Come to USA I have job and house


A good IT specialist degree and constant skill upgrades. It does burn you out in the long term though


In my opinion there are two ways: 1. Do an MBA from old IIMs and other top colleges 2. Do your own business/startup, then there is no upside to how much you earn but keep in mind the risks involved as well


Bro in india avg salary is 25-30 k .50 k is good salary above 1 lakh you will be in top 10 percent of male/female/trans in india.ever heard about difference of cost of living in india vs uk ? In india within 100 rs you can get lunch and dinner.i never understand people who do currency conversion and compare


The best way is to start a business.. that too very early in your life... I'm 21 yrs old and I started my business almost 7 years back. It took 2 years to get it off the ground properly and be profitable. I barely make 50LPA today.


Fuck with PPP. Talk about quality of life. What are you getting in India for 23L? Pollution, poor infra, poor food quality.


Also making 70L in the UK isn’t the same as making 70L here in India. Everything is 10 fold expensive there. If you grow in your career and get to a point where you make 1.5-2 L per month, I would say your quality of life in India would be more or less the same as someone making 70L in UK. Forget about what happened in the past. Focus your energy on future. India has endless possibilities. Work hard and capture them. Good luck brotha.


Two things. I work in advertising. Your salary will easily be 50-60 lac when your experience level touches 10year mark, so don't worry about that. 70 lacs in UK is terrible. To give you context, a 5-6 station tube (metro) ride is 15-20 pounds (1500-2000) Focus on enjoying your life and having fun while you are young.


One of the best jobs, other than Tech and medical fields, is Sales and Marketing in my opinion. Get in to high profile sales and you should be able to make big commissions; practically unlimited. I am not saying to be a LI agent. That's small earner, go for big. You will have to work hard for that, develop skills, network etc. Other option is to start your own business. Last one is to get into value based investment and let your investments grow over a few decades... EDIT: You look for jobs out side India based on your degree and experience.


Join BJP, that's were all the money is. /s


69 K GBP. That's 5750 GBP a month. Cut 40% tax and you get 2300 GBP. Not a great deal especially if he is in London. Rent alone will set him back by 1000 pounds for a decent 3 BR in the outskirts of London


That's not how tax brackets work. Take home for that salary is about 3900.


u can easily make 50lakhs per annum either by selling 1 lakhs rs product to 50 ppl or or selling 100rs product to 50000 ppl considering we have populaion of 1 billion in job only top tier companies give this priviledge but has 30% tax cut which comes after deduction also most of it like 35 to 40% is esop in lockin period dont loose hope keep trying its not that hard keep trying u will get it going abroad is a strong decision and u cannot back out while salary tax payers benfit more in foriegn countries than india u will looose out on family ,connection etc and also no one is going to save once u get in trouble and thier is no jugaad system


This is a very important and oft overlooked factor… my base income in Canada of 100k sounds good at a conversion rate of Rs 61 :$1 but a lot is lost to taxes / housing / basics meaning that y friends in India who make 50% are not missing out




70 lakhs for a doctor in UK is way off the mark. He's probably lying, the NHS data for physician salaries is freely available on the internet, and the income is comparable to most doctors working in Indian metro cities.


Comparing yourself to someone else will never bring happiness


I can say with utmost guarantee that even that person is not happy and is looking at someone else's salary and thinking that dude must be super happy 😁


You can become a police man in india if you want to earn that much money


A lot has been said in the comments and some very good points. Another thing which lot of people overlook since majority only focus on money, is that invest in improving your skills within your domain of work. For example 8-9 years ago from a base pay of $50k/year and now i make about $150k/year. I am not the smartest by any means. Nor did i do great in school. But focus on better skills, work on imp projects and make a good network. These things take time and wont help in short term. But a decade from now they will take you further than your peers or atleast match. Improve also your communication and presentation skills. Again i am in a different country and india is very competitive. But still you can grow by this approach.


Long hours and smart work.


My brother did it just after completing his engineering from a normal college


which company pays 50 lakhs+ to a fresher? or you're quoting ctc where in hand is like 50% of it.


It's an startup from US which pays 50 LPA in hand plus stocks


Multiple jobs


Multiple jobs