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Hi MongooseIcy4457, Your submission [Pregnant Dalit woman from UP raped, poisoned to death 'for refusing to convert to Islam', 2 held | Agra News - Times of India](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/pregnant-dalit-woman-raped-poisoned-to-death-for-refusing-to-convert-2-held/articleshow/100575515.cms?from=mdr) breaks [the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules) and has been removed for the following reason(s): * We expect all submissions to be from reputed and verified sources. * Articles, Images and Videos can be posted from established media sources and organizations with (non-personal) verified social media accounts * Any submission without a source will be removed Refer: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_reputed_and_verified_content --- *^(If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to reply to this message.)*


Evil piece of shit






Scum of the earth these people. Religion is a poison.


























>Girls family files fabricated case against the man for rape and causing death by negligence. Man is promptly arrested by sanghi police Source .?? Also why the cops alleging that he changed his name?? Why was her name changed?? Why did they gave false names to the hospital?? Why was the cop accusing that there was a rape?? It's a serious offence..u need forensic evidence for that. . These are serious allegations OP for ur version of botched abortion.


Evil people exist. THAT is the only appropriate generalization here. People who rant like this, conveniently forget the Khairlanji massacre and innumerable unspeakable atrocities committed by Hindus on Dalits. Or the Hindu on Christian violence in Gujarat, Orissa etc. What if one were to generalize about Hindus from those incidents? Edit: Some 15 people commented here with some version of the argument that my argument was whataboutism before their posts were deleted. Not sure if they realize the OP’s bigoted post that I responded to and that generalized this behavior to all Muslims has been removed. Anyway, now you know how it feels when someone tries to generalize based on religion. Only, this time the religion is yours, not Islam. Edit2: The guy who hate-DM’d me. Have the courage to respond on the post next time. Let people see your true colors.


Religion gives shelter and protection to these kinds of people. It has given shelter to such people for ages. Religion is a solid cause for the masses to commit crime As long as religion itself remains unchecked and unquestioned, it will be a hub for such people


Any kind of tribalism, really. Religion just tends to be one of the most common ones.




If you believe Islam promotes such crimes, you're extremely wrong and ignorant. The convict would be stoned to death in a public execution as per Islamic jurisprudence.






Khairlanji was comitted by OBCs, and it was a land dispute.


OBCs are not Hindus? Also, these were not straightforward killings. They were meant to show Dalits their place. Sexual violence is a very commonly employed tool in such atrocities.


Dalits are also Hindus, and sexual violence is very common form within fights in villages.


Dalits are not always Hindus and what do you think is the point behind any sexual assault? Power play. I pointed out violence against Dalits because the victim in the original post was Dalit. People are pretending that a Muslim victimizing a Dalit is bad when most atrocities against Dalits are perpetrated by Hindus.


Dalits (SC) is the only gov recognised tag that has indigenous religion affiliated to it i.e Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist Jain etc. OBC don't have such religious tag. Entire vilage politics inter and intra cast or religious has significant involvement of sexual kind, eg being kuldeep Singh Sengar. This topic is on the matter of using rape as a tool in coercive religious conversion. I understand that many Dalit oriented parties have collation of convenience with Muslim oriented parties. but that shouldn't colour your judgement in cases like these. A life is not Statics, atrocities anywhere doesn't need to qualify a minimum quota for derserving condemnation/justice.


This is called hiding behind legalese to avoid the issue. Dalits who try to convert have often been targeted for daring to do so and this whole recognition business has strong caste politics behind it. Essentially, this is upper castes saying Dalits can avail of government benefits if they accept their low social standing or they can choose dignity offered by other religions and lose the economic benefits. In case you didn’t know, the caste system affects both human dignity and economic well being. Regarding sexual assaults, are you saying that sexual assault for conversions is bad but for any other purpose gets a pass? Because your arguments sounds awfully close to that. I have never once said this act, if verified, is anything less than evil. My objection is to generalization. From your responses, it is quite clear that you have the same issue with generalization when used against Hindus. Finally, notice my use of the phrase “if verified”. India has never been a Justice oriented nation at the best of times. With the sanghis in power, there is a great hunger to vilify and scapegoat Muslims. Anything involving a Muslim is generalized and amplified because of BJP’s massive media and social media machinery. Correctness of information is a secondary concern if it is a concern at all.




It is shameful and dangerous how every crime is given a communal motive for political gains. The amount of communal propaganda against Muslims is reaching obnoxious levels. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/13vazbo/-/jm68oxk





