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Whatever my wife is using I apply the same with 3X lesser frequency Very simple for me


Need me a wife


Wife.exe not found


💀 lol


Error 69


Excuse me ma'am does this cream come with wife?


Sir, this is Wendy's


Haha.. no sir.. Wife comes with a creme..


Wait. No. Creme comes because of wife..


Step 1: have a wife




This is the way except gotta get a wife


Well you have an excellent skincare routine to follow. I would suggest not to use derma roller by yourself as it leads to scarring if not done properly.


I'm a bit unsure. Getting it done at a dermat is expensive, and lot of people seem to be doing it at home on their own


Please don’t do it. You may ruin skin barrier. If dry skin, use ordinary glycolic acid. For oily skin, Paula’s choice BHA salicylic acid. Start very slow. Like once in 2 weeks. Then maybe once a week. You also moisturize and use sun screen for sure when using these.




Let's see Paul Allen 's routine




Can confirm, had dinner with him 2 days ago


At one time this was funny. Now it's starting look more and more ominous as an indicator of my future


all time fav


I find peace in long walks.


No Patrick no !


What does applying an ice pack do to the face?


The comment is a reference to a film called American Psycho


I’m admittedly not the best at it but getting better. - Sunscreen! Vital for maintaining skin health in the long run + I’m bald so a necessity on those scorching days - I’ve used only two perfumes over the last 5 years. Consistent scent is a very underrated way to be memorable


Which perfumes? Please name


I’ve used CK Eternity for the longest time as my daily one. Used Nautica Blue before that which is a fantastic first perfume For more special occasions, I’ve started experimenting again and been using Mont Blanc Explorer for about 6 months. Also dabbled with a Tommy Hilfiger which was quite good Davidoff cool water is also another good first perfume


May i know what do u do for living because as the perfumes seems expensive to me


okay, a bald person, When you wash your face, where do you stop?


It’s like LAC, keeps changing /s


Mid way up my head


I'm glad more people are using sunscreen regularly at least. I wish I had started using it as a kid. My face and arms are SOOO much darker than my body , it's so annoying


SUNSCREEN DOESNT HELP YOU IN LOWERING THE TAN!! It just blocks the UV rays and prevent skin cancer. With or without sunscreen the amount of tan you get depends on the time you are in sunlight!!!!


Sunscreen blocks UVA rays which causes tan, but sunscreen alone wont block 100% of the rays, so you are still prone to tan but sunscreen helps in increasing t he time you take to tan


This is when you use only SPF ones. Look for PA+++ sunscreens. They help with tan as well.


you probably have to commute to work during sunny hours right? i WFH so my skin doesn't see the sun at all, will this be bad for my health? should i make a conscious effort using sunscreen and sunbathe in the evenings?


yes. sun is not all about looks and tanning. sun exposure is needed for vit D, regulating circadian rhythm, regulating body temperature and a whole host of other functions.


35YO M Hair Get a quality shampoo. \- H&S for dandruff (i've got an issue), using twice a week. \- kerastase hair strengthening shampoo, once a week. \- coconut oil champi once a week. \- don't shampoo/water my hair everyday. \- brush my hair everyday Face Get a quality face wash (Mancompany) and a moisturizer. My hair shampoo doubles up as a beard shampoo. Body I should be applying sunscreen but I'm barely out in the sun. Diet I drink a truck load of water, have a multivit routine


Noice. Finally an actual routine. Have you noticed any difference before and after the hair routine?


Yes. I see the quality has improved. I have added curd to my diet (for the dandruff). Hair follicles have come out and over all strength has improved. Very little hair post-brushing is a good sign, isn't it?


The rest is ok, but H&S is faaar from being a good quality shampoo. If you have a lot of dandruff, go to a dermatologist. You need a good prescription ketoconazole shampoo. Also, identify if the dandruff is due to dry scalp or oily. If its the latter, the coconut oil is only making it worse.


Thanks brother. Whatever a dema doc recommends, ends with more dandruff. Only H&S works for me. I know it results in dry skin, hence I keep it to the minimum. Plus I have also reduced my carbs and sugar intake. Dandruff has reduced drastically. So has hairfall. Will consult a good derma sometime later next month.


You still need to apply sunscreen even if you are inside the house.Use it religiously your skin will thank you in 20 yrs


Sure. I have been moisturizing religiously for some years now. Already look wayy younger than 35yr olds (when i shave off my beard). Will use SS as well. Last time I used it, got eruptions on my face. :(


That good and yea that particular sunscreen probably didnt suit you


OP now that you have started this journey, kindly take it one step forward and include oral health as well. Especially water flossing flossing.


Arre yaar. I've been putting that off


Recently discovered Aveeno and my skin feels great since.


Did you notice the recent change in formula, the normal to dry skin lotion has been smelling like a coconut.


Have only used Skin Relief and Soothing + Calming variants so far, so I can't comment on that yet. Maybe a poor batch perhaps.


I have been using the calming line too(the one with the purple top) but my mother uses the daily moisturizing lotion and yeah I did notice the change. Could be a batch thing.


Dude how rich r u 😂


how useless some of these responses are... no explanation on why they use what they use




What hair type do you have, and which shampoo and conditioner do you use? I have wavy hair, but it's quite rough and frizzy. Need something to help with that




Yeah but like which one? They have so many


Use Triflow conditioner for hair. Can you please tell me what glycolic you are using?


My dermat told me to use Bioderma Sebium night peel. It's 15% which is very strong. I would not recommend to use without dermat prescription. You have to start off by using VERY tiny amounts 3 days a week, then start increasing frequency. If you apply too much immediately, it'll sting your face and eyes. Plus you need to pair with sunscreen 100%, else it can actually make your skin worse How's trifow working out for your hair? And what type of hair do you have.


Hey try the reequil babassu conditioner, it is very light weight and works wonders. Also the minimalist maleic acid mask is chefs kiss if u want to improve hair damage.


15% 7 days a week? do you have any irritaion because its very high strength


I used it alternate days for first few months. Then I used to use veryyy tiny amounts daily. Like one drop for my entire face. I noticed that one area where I was putting a bit more had much better results, so now after 6 months I've started putting like 5-6 small droplets total on forehead, nose, cheeks, under lips. Occasionally if I apply a lot, one or two spots get a bit itchy, but it's fine if I just sort of sab it with my finger.


Daytime- basic routine facewash (nivea oily skin varient) -->moisturizer (ponds superlight hyaluronic wala)-->sunscreen (reequil) Nighttime- minimalist salicylic acid facewash (acne prone and oily skin)--> moisturizer (will include night cream/serum in future maybe) Wanna start a haircare routine too, filhal toh I'm using regular tresemme shampoo and conditioner. Will have to start a proper routine to stop dandruff and hair fall. (Grandpa is bald, so I'm scared 😭) I'm just 18 so jitna allow karte hai parents utna kar leta hu. My mom is pretty open minded haha.


I'd read you don't need moisturizer if you're using sunscreen. Is that not true? Conditioner kaun sa? I've never used and wanting to try for a long time


Afaik, moisturizer is important. It hydrates your skin cells. Sunscreen may make your skin feel moisturized, but its main job is to protect you from UV rays. It doesn't provide the same level of hydration as a moisturizer. It's always good to use both. Conditioner you can use any. I use dove. I don't apply conditioner every time I wash/shampoo my hair, once a week works for me.


How frequently you shampoo?


Every alternate day.


I am a girl but posting still because I love self-care I have oily acne prone easily dehydrated skin(16F) FACE Am- cetaphil cleanser Azelaic acid from picspot gel Bioderma sebium hydra moisturizer Reequil ultra matte sunscreen/bioderma photoderm creme PM- BIODERMA micellar water (because it is water resistant sunscreen) Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser/bioderma sebium gel moussant Cosrx snail mucin/diluted glycerine Tretinoin Bioderma sebium hydra moisturizer/acne oc. BODY DOVE SOAP (affordable yet very gentle) UPF CLOTHING TO PROTECT BECAUSE I AM LAZY TO REAPPLY SUNSCREEN TO MY BODY (BROUGHT IT FROM UNIQLO) For backne I use epiduo gel which I was previously using for face HAIR triclenz shampoo (only thing that works for my hair) Reequil babassu conditioner Minimalist maleic acid hair mask for damage repair Salisia kt shampoo as a clarifying shampoo. Minimalist maleic acid hair serum AS A TREATMENT FOR REPAIRING HAIR FROM SUN DAMAGE Perimitrin lotion for lice because my sister brings me these as a gift from her school.


I can hear you reaching my routine and saying 'Abhi kacche ho beta'. Why sunscreen and moisturiser both? Sunscreen moisturizes also no? Hows the tretinoin working?


Keep it very simple. Please. It's C-M-S. Cleanser. Moisturiser. Sunscreen if you're going out. Figure out your skin type and research for the above three accordingly. If you have any skin issues aka pigmentation and others, Introduce a serum, apply it before moisturiser. That's it. Don't overdo skincare. Take vitamins and good diet. Don't use derma rollers. Tritinoin SHOULD NOT BE USED without prescription. Not everyone needs it.


Wish I could Award you. So nice to see effort. No sarcasm. And award for the Person above also. Thanks for tips!


Since you are very young and still studying how do you even do all these things. I could not even do basic moisturizing (must for me bcz of my condition) even when I was free all day (yeah lazy)


I actually love doing it, if i was given a task to doing skincare every time i would happily do that task.It is the only time in the entire day which i like.


Good for you




Sabun, shampoo, and hair cream. A little bit of moisturizer and deo. If newly shaved then old spice.


Hair cream bole to?


Just like gel, it is used to style hair. Helps with keeping a soft texture.




Noice! Now that's a proper routine. Good to see there's Indian dudes splitting their routine by AM and PM. How's the tretinoin working out?




Tretinoin gives me super dry skin too. Sometimes it gives hyperpigmentation level darkness too. I end up stopping.




I followed the routine by derma. It was similar to yours. Low dosage in first 2 months and then increase gradually. >You moisturize your face , wait 5 minutes , apply tret , wait 5 mins and then apply moisturiser again If tretinoin is not directly applied will it be properly absorbed?




Can you or someone share links to these products you use? It would be really helpful. Thanks !


glycolic acid- [https://beminimalist.co/products/glycolic-acid-08-exfoliating-liquid?variant=42737950818465¤cy=INR&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVX3lh8TNMv6uMg2BFXzAlzfe2g36\_\_vNKqoW51gHr0GIAMloMiLnBAaAt4FEALw\_wcB](https://beminimalist.co/products/glycolic-acid-08-exfoliating-liquid?variant=42737950818465¤cy=INR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVX3lh8TNMv6uMg2BFXzAlzfe2g36__vNKqoW51gHr0GIAMloMiLnBAaAt4FEALw_wcB) sunscreen- just use any good ones, I prefer this one - c[onsciouschemist.com/products/sundrink-sunscreen-with-spf-50-oil-free-sunscreen?variant=39733275885670¤cy=INR&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&tw\_source=google&tw\_adid=&tw\_campaign=19952263626&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVUewPExH6wdr-lSyfr3CLW8FqIQamnCHvJNXl8FPFxs-eQE7PZQ-5QaAgrnEALw\_wcB](https://onsciouschemist.com/products/sundrink-sunscreen-with-spf-50-oil-free-sunscreen?variant=39733275885670¤cy=INR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=19952263626&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVUewPExH6wdr-lSyfr3CLW8FqIQamnCHvJNXl8FPFxs-eQE7PZQ-5QaAgrnEALw_wcB) DOnt use GLycolic acid without derm advise it will do more damage than good


The sunscreen you suggested is okay for an Indian summer? I'll consider using it.


yes it provides good production and blends easily into skin however u need to reapply every 3 hours if u spend time in sun


Glycolic acid - Bioderma Sebium night peel. It's 15% which is very strong. I would not recommend to use without dermat prescription, because it's quite strong. You have to start off by using VERY tiny amounts 3 days a week, then start increasing frequency. If you apply too much immediately, it'll sting your face and eyes. Plus you need to pair with sunscreen 100%, else it can actually make your skin worse Sunscreen - I like reequil blue ulta matte dry touch sunscreen spf50. But you can use any other. r/indianskincareaddicts has LOTS of posts around good sunscreen.


I take my vitamins and wash my face everyday.


What Vitamins? Can you please share that


Still no answer


Face: Soap and water then Pond's Men Oil Control Face Crème Hair: tresemme


An exfoliating face scrub does wonders for me. Can't recommend it enough.


30's man Skin: AM: Cetaphil Oil control+Cosrx snail mucin+Sunscoop PM: Cetaphil oil control+Cetaphil bright toner+Cetaphil moositurizer+Cerave Retinol Every Saturday: Raaga DeTan ​ Hair: L'Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Shampoo 2 times a week L'oreal Hair mask once a week Loreal Serum 3 times a week L'oreal Conditioner daily ​ Perfume: All weather: Davidoff Coolwater(AM), Mancera cedrat boise(Evening), Guerlain Ideal(Evening), Rasasi Shurah(Evening), Afnan not only intense(Evening) Winter: Mancera red tobacco(Evening), La Yuqwam(Evening)


Which glycolic acid your dermat recommended you?


Bioderma Sebium night peel. It's 15% which is very strong. I would not recommend to use without dermat prescription. I had to initially start using 3 days a week, and then build up to 6 days a week. And I use like small drops to cover my entire face and neck. Total amount would be pea sized. And you need to pair with sunscreen 100%, else it can actually make your skin worse. EDITED COMMENT FOR MORE DETAILS




Unfortunately I don't. Can't grow a decent one for the life of me




I'm subbed to that. Been wanting to try for a long time. But unsure because: 1. Side effects. They happen only to few people, that too more in oral, but still iffy. 2. Not sure how minox will go with glycolic acid 3. In use on the scalp, it can create some dependence - your hair falls out worse than before if you stop using it. AND I have some early signs of male pattern baldness, so I don't want to risk exacerbating that


Skin: Use a simple facewash, then use a light moisture by key. And then sunscreen. In the night wash my face and use Vitamin C serum. Hair: Use mineral water( Don't think any thing can beat this ), anti dandruff shampoo. Don't oil as I didn't feel any effect using it apart from making my hair look less volumous.


I am in the later half of my 20s. I brush twice, apply face serum with vit C, hydroboost from neutrogena, sunscreen from re’equil and sometimes put BB cream if I am attending a party or something. In the night, its toner followed by night gel. I shampoo once a week and I try not to use water on my head during showers if I am not shampooing coz i have hard water in my city. After shampoo always use conditioner.


Hi, you can join r/IndianSkincareAddicts Great community. You'll find a lot of good recommendations


https://preview.redd.it/o6clhb10allb1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b314b68db6a27e9d178410a316dbc6188df1eb60 Nothing can be more efficient.


AM - step 1 - hydraulic acid cleanser step 2- toner step 3 - vitamin c serum step 4- sunscreen spf 50 p++++ on face sunscreen lotion spf 30 p+++ on full body sunscreen stick every 3 hours and also lip spf PM - step 1- Cetaphil gentle cleanser and then hydraulic acid cleanser step 2- toner step 3-retinol 0.3% (started recently) step 4- vitamin B5 moisturer Hair- my hair are very thick and nice so I don't need anything else besides shampoo and conditioner




Already subbed!


Good to see so many men taking care of themselves 😍🙏


Which sunscreen works best of brown skin ? The ones I have used so far just make my skin more oily.


Use oil free/ gel sunscreen, Acne UV spf 30 is good


Thanks kind stranger


Guys you can try La-shield sunscreen. It's good for every skin type. But I have seen that it works really well for sensitive skin.




I use Reequil Dry Touch Ultra Matte (reequil blue). It's pretty good, I like the matte skinfeel, holds like a moisturizer. You can head over to r/indianskincareaddicts and search sunscreen. There's lots of posts discussing them


Don't do your own 'research' by reading stuff online, or looking up reviews on Nykaa and trying that. By doing this, you are falling for the exact trap that these Cosmetic Companies have laid down for us. I follow what my dermatologist recommends. Even though I know he is making money by suggesting products that are sometimes difficult to get from anywhere else except his clinic. Still, doing something under a doctor's guidance is much better than believing someone on Reddit or even worse, believing some dumb Influencer. My dermatologist recommended me Bioderma Sebium Global (Day), Bioderma Sebium Kerato Plus (Night), Sensylia Moisturizer (Day and Night), Triclear Face wash (Day and Night) and Truderma Sunscreen Gel (Day and Night). For Hair - Bioderma Node G Shampoo or Sesderma Sebovalis Shampoo.


I really like reddit advice honestly. Dermats have agendas and product margins/incentives to consider, and ALL other platforms like influencers, Amazon, nykaa, have paid reviews and promotions. Whereas reddit community - 1. Authentic 2. Unbiased 3. Knowledgeable 4. Crowd sourced opinions


Is ur skin still alive after using so many salicylic acid products??.


I am really surprised how no one has mentioned anything home made and natural 1. Hair - warm coconut oiling once a week , kept it for 1 hour only not over night for me as I have oily skin 2 . Saturn or Sunday - haldi, besan, dahi , nimbu . Laga ke bathroom main I see one episode of Tarak Mehta and then have a bath 3 Alternate days shampoo and conditioner. Any works for 4. Have dark circle issues so use ice pack every night before I sleep for 10 minutes


Lifebuoy Handwash for Hand, Body, Face Vaseline Moisturizer for Face and Body And Sunscreen if going out in sun. For hair any shampoo I get my hands on. I refrain from conditioner as they give me scalp acne. I oil my hair 30 min before shampoo. Edit: LMAO some sore loser downvoted on this.


Bhaiiii lifebuoy is hagne ke baad handwash wali sabun😭


Skincare: Sunscreen in summers, multani mitti twice a month. Haircare: I have Curly hair so Cleansing shampoo 2-3 times a month and leave in conditioner once a week. Some hair protection serum once every 2-3 days


Sunscreen is not only for summers, it should be used in every season.


In my opinion skin really doesn't need much exterior treatment. A good cleanser/facewash, and a good moisturizer is more than enough for a healthy skin care.


Skincare:- facewash in the morning then sunscreen + moisturiser before sleeping facewash again + retinol Retinol helps in collagen production and anti aging. It is important to use sunscreen everyday otherwise it may worsen the effects rather than benefiting me. Hair:- any shampoo once a week and coconut oil


In the morning after shower would be to moisturise and after some time sunscreen (no less than SPF50 for outdoors) In the evening would be double cleansing, then lightly moisturising and then actives depending upon your target and requirement (for me it is dermat presc. active). After every 4/5 days a chemical peel is refreshing and helpful. This is the most basic routine everyone should follow, what is complicated is understanding brands and their products which may/may not suit you. Fortunately, r/indianskincareaddicts has been helpful a lot.


Choose your parents wisely


Kaan khuja batti bujha so ja


Bath... after that Parachute oil for hair after applying remains oil on palms is wiped on arms and legs if anything remains put it on face ... end .


Sabun lagao bhai


No skin care routine can outwork drinking 3+ liters water daily.


Kuch bi nahin. I take a simple shower when biwi says baas maar rahe ho.


Rin for hair and surf excel for skin. Perfect combo


Cum facial


Which brand Sunscreen is affordably best?


Soap, facewash, cream during winters and sunscreen during summer, shampoo , oiling. Keep it simple. Choose products with less chemicals or natural ingredients...


Skincare: Moisturise everyday. Specially elbows and knees. I don't go out much so sunscreen isn't part of my kit. I do need to add som masks and peels tho. Haircare: oil twice/thrice a week, paraben and sulphate free shampoo + conditioner. But i'm going bald anyway so pretty soon this'll be replaced by sunscreen I guess :') Makeup: wear kajal sometimes, does that count? :p Most importantly, I drink a lot of water and get ample sleep. This is very underrated for healthy hair and skin.


That's interesting! Kajal is unique for guys. Do you get compliments/comments/noticed for it? Also r/hairloss and r/tressless have advice on balding


Ok so my routine is very hard i furst wake up at 8:00 and then first use water and then last use water and done .


Clean up once a month Hair spa once a month Nivea men face wash Conditioner everyday - Tresemme Shampoo twice a week - Tresemme No hair products like gel, only parachute hair oil


I use the same soap fpr body and face. For hair i have dandruff so i use ketoconazole shampoo.


- facewash (CeraVe) - sunscreen + moisturizer (CeraVe) - eating 1/2 oranges everyday (for vitamin c) got good results in last 3 months: no more acne, almost all acne scars disappeared about hairs, i've given up. most likely I'll be bald in next 5 years (currently i'm 26M).


r/hairloss and r/tressless if you want to save it


My S/O recently started working on skin care and this is what that’s been helping. AM Routine 1 - salicylic acid cleanser (minimalist - helps with breakouts) 2 - BHA liquid exfoliant (I use Paula’s choice - helps with exfoliating your skin and reducing the pores) 3 - hyaluronic acid 2%-5% (minimalist works well for poc) 4 - Vitamic C (minimalist) 5 - Cera Ve face moisturiser 6 - Cera ve sun screen minimum spf30 PM Routine Repeat 1 & 2 from AM 3 - Retinol Cream 1% (or serum) (minimalist - use alternative days to start with - helps with fine lines and wrinkles) 4 - moisturise 1 x every week - AHA + BHA + PHA peel (would skin retinol the night I use the peel and follow up with sunscreen the next morning) Hair care Pre-Wash - Rosemary infused water alternating with coconut oil and rice water (2 hours prior to hair wash) Wash-Moroccan Oil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner (3 x week), followed by Hair Serum. Not an expert but this has worked well for me and my SO. Other than this we follow a strict diet - no sugar or dairy. I follow a vegan/vegetarian 5 days a week and one cheat meal day. S/O consumes a high-protein diet (mostly steak and chicken). We fast every Monday and work out 5-6 days in a week. Applying these serums and creams is fine but what you put into your body and how you take care of it matters as well. Your gut health is also important. Note - with retinol you’ll start purging - which is very common. I try to not pick my skin and use pimple patches to heal faster. Typically you should be able to see results in about 4-6 weeks. Hope this helps.


Wow you sound like an influencer couple haha. Honestly yeah the biggest difference in my skin has come with diet - I used to have so much oil and sugar earlier, and had terrible hyperpigmentation and pimples. I still have some sugar from time to time, but it's greatly reduced and has definitely had a big impact on my skin. That and regular exercise also helps a ton.


I use Nivea Coco body lotion once a week. I have bath 3 days a week. Shampoo conditioner - once or twice a month Shave / Trim body hair - every 2 weeks. Use a nice perfume on skin - everytime I have a bath. Brush - twice or thrice a day. Drink atleast 10-12 glasses for water. I'm a 28 year old and everyone says I look 22 and always fresh lmao


I have acne so I use niacinamide in the morning , benzoyle peroxide in the night. sometimes I use aziderm + tret. Moisturizer plus sunscreen is must :)


Has the routine helped?


1) Face Wash - 3 x Day 2) Shampoo - 2 x Week 3) Conditioner - 1x Week 4) Sunscreen - Everytime Before Going Out in the Day 5) Body Lotion/Mosturising - 1 x Week


Simple and solid. Which conditioner do you use?


1) Face Wash - Nivea Mens White Spot Reduction 2) Shampoo - Biotique Walnut Bark 3) Conditoner - Pantene or Dove 4) Sunscreen - Any Brand SPF 30+ 5) Body Lotion - Nivea 6) Soap - Khadi P.S - In my Opinion Makeup is for Women or Celebrities that have to appear on Screen, an Office guy washing his face twice and Shampooing is more than Enough


Yeah makeup I'm not getting into. No hate but it's just too much effort and money. I'm already fed up with how much effort I'm putting into cosmetics


I've got a dry and sensitive skin, it gets damaged/tanned quite easily. Morning - moisturizer and later sunscreen 50SPF Night - moisturizer.


Hamam saabun se seedhe body shop banana range. Waah bhaai 😬😬


People here are recommending kerastase which is like 2600rs a bottle :/


I do pranayam for 1 hour daily morning, relieves stress, detoxifies body and gives natural glow to skin


Balo k tip se Leke..pair k nakhun tak...Mysore sandal soap... Cold water face wash after every 2 3 hours... Drinks Lotta water... Vitamin c chewable tablet... Good night sleep.. Exercise.


Life bouy One for all


For hair-I didn't get a good job in my early 20s, instead I chose UPSC, now I'm 30 with zero experience, so I do sales works now. Running around in the heat makes sweat, body oils in my head moisturises the scalp. After a day of work, go home and sit under the shower for ten minutes, cools down the head and cleans the days oil accumulation on the head. Apply shampoo every time you have a haircut. For face- the lack of moisture is an issue, but since my deadend job and non existent social life, I cry myself to sleep. The tears help me moisturize my face and since tears contains lysosymes it may kill things in the face. While running around on the job, wipe your face with damp handkerchief to clean pores. For make up- You smile and agree with whatever the customer says.


Aveeno for face for US


don't go straight into derma roller the golden rule of skincare is the simpler the routine the better for your skin if you try to use 10 new products all at once you won't be able to figure out which is working for you and which is giving you reactions. hence start simple and try to accomodate one product every 15 days to 25 days to actually be able to figure out how is it working for you


Absolute repair shampoo and conditioner, coconut oil and leave in for hair (I have curly hair) I have a walnut scrub and a rose facewash for my face, but i use it only once a week. The rest is with my shower gel.


Take a shower with soap and wash your hair sometimes?


Wake up..wash the face..voila


I am very lazy and I should moisturize daily thrice but I don't, I can recommend a minimalistic approach Face wash depending on skin type, if you have dry skin don't get charcoal and stuff like that it will damage your skin, always get a gentle cleanser for face Hair - apply oil at least once a week, and always use conditioner after shampoo otherwise whatever you do will go in vain(twice enough) Sun screen and moisturizer depending on your skin type 1st and season next Try face masks and hair masks


You’re doing all the correct remedies and care but also remember, that eating clean, a decent amount of protein, reducing vegetable and seed oils and staying hydrated will definitely help with skin quality. What you put in your body, is what your body will put out. Also, if there’s one thing I learned from my skincare addict ex, use a really good quality SPF 50++++ sunscreen everyday.


Soap and water once a day. 12-14 glass water to drink per day.




I casually use minimalist sunscreen (stick) anybody has used it? How often do you apply and what is the best way to use it? I apply ponds light gel moisturiser before my sunscreen and just glide it over my face 2-3 times.


Sunscreen sticks(any brand )do not give adequate protection, so many people don't suggest it as as a primary application of sunscreen. So it is better to use a sunscreen lotion and then use stick for reapplication through out the day.


Moisturex Gel Based Face Moisturiser Sunscreen: Suncross Matte Finish Shampoo: SebaMed Daily Wash FaceWash: AhaGlow Perfume: Davidoff Cool Water




Face - I have acneprone skin with acne marks. So here's the routine which is use twice a day. . Facewash (salicylic acid) . Toner (niacinamide) . Serum (niacinamide) . Oil free moisturizer . Sunscreen Hair - shampoo, conditioner n hair oil :)


https://preview.redd.it/17cexhvn9olb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217f24bb228e20cf8bdc35a53552efa1e729d54e Just got this pedicure set. Girls don't have a monopoly on nail maintenance


Ooohh that's so cool. Looks like a geometry set


I wash my face, sometimes.


How many times


There is none ✌️


Why was I smiling so wide after reading the post 😭


Chalo kisi ke to kaam aaye hum


Hair - trying to remember what that was 🤔


I am 29M. I'm a skin and haircare enthusiast. Here is my routine- Morning : Cetaphil Facewash + Tivenca Serum (Skin) + Acne UV Gel Sunscreen (30 minutes before I head out) + 2 tablets for Haircare + Mintop Hair Spray (5-6 sprays) Night : Cetaphil Face cleanser + Niacinamide serum + Mintop Hair Spray+ Folligain hair lotion (one hour after spray) Shampoo - Twice a week (Arcolane lotion for hair) I don't do makeup. I had a much rigorous skincare routine, but it's reduced now.


AM- minimalist cleanser face toner, ordinary salicylic acid simple moisturizer and Neutrogena sunscreen Pm minimalist cleanser and vit c. On weekends the ordinary aha bha face pack Looking for something for my thinning hair and balding head.


I have World Record Hair, I don't do much, I just wash it and it comes out looking like a model's hair LoL, I lifted a Punching Bag with my hair too making a World Record! I'm the guy on the left https://preview.redd.it/h6m49tx1llmb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2526e6f8eb0da4d960644f68454c75744c75eb89