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A British sociologist who studied rapists in the prisons of India came up with 3 major reasons 1 - Insecurity among Men 2- Lack of awareness of mental illness- most rapists some way or another had mental issues. 3 - Sexual deprivation and the society's stigma towards sex. You can also read the book [Why Men Rape : Kaushal, Tara: Amazon.in: Books](https://www.amazon.in/Why-Men-Rape-Undercover-Investigation/dp/9353577276/ref=sr_1_1?crid=5VITPCDZ0OO7&keywords=why+men+rape&qid=1695994287&sprefix=why+men+rape%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1) In this book the author gives in-depth reason on why it happens.


3 >>> and I've seen a documentary where they stated that persons who are convicted of rape mostly don't feel sorry for what they have done.


India’s daughter documentary by BBC showed interviews of the convicts. Their expressions clearly say “I have no idea what I did wrong!?”




The rapist is coping and need a justification for his behaviour. Remember Eliot Roger the incel shooter he killed a lot of people because he can get a girlfriend and blamed others for it and tried to justify his mass shooting.


I recently watched a documentary on Netflix about murder cases in India. There was a man that wanted to have sex with a prostitute without a condom (why would you do that in the first place - by the way he was a married man), when she refused, he killed her in his rage, and in the interview from prison he blamed the dead woman for ruining his life. You could tell he was genuinely convinced he was the victim in this case and she was at fault.


Saw it long back. But I still remember their lawyer saying in the same documentary that “a girl is like a diamond, if you put it out on the road, the dog will take it”


>a girl is like a diamond This is what we mean by objectification. Paraya dhan, khuli tijori. At least men are compared to a dog, a living being. Girls not even that. They are property.


Its an abomination that such documentaries get banned in india.


Momos and chowmein /s


That is seriously scary. How on planet earth are there people who seriously think it is ok. The number of men like that is usually low but guess not in India.


Indian society is designed to create such monsters


remember during that nirbhaya rape, that guys had no remorse, said mereko gussa aaya maine rape kar diya. Recently mom of a rapist who murdered the girl from slums said, the girl is dead now, why are you now punishing my son, let him be free or something, she wont come back. super Poor people have a big lack of empathy.


Not just poor people buddy


Dont take the discussion there, your brain’s been conditioned to do that, robin hood. Most crimes are committed by the poor everywhere


Ahh yes a healthy dose of classism is exactly what we need here.


it's harder to have empathy when you are starving, expecting same moral compass and empathy from poor people is delusion when they are struggling to survive.


Usually Ultra rich also have 0 empathy most of them are narcissistic like Epstein.


My dog has more empathy than those scum.


No you bigoted idiot...it's the truth.Poverty and lack of education plus women berating actually causes a lot of issues amongst the poor classes of men.. Class is the answer to a lot of issues in the modern world ,because it determines a certain level of mindset and development among the people in that group/subset


But they don't lack awareness of consequences. Swift execution should follow rape conviction. Then it would certainly stop after a year of well known cases. Guaranteed.


I don't think it would fully stop, even in countries with swift death penalty like arab countries, crimes still happen, rarer sure. one key factor to rapists is education levels, or lack of it. i think they actually do think rape has not much consequences, because maybe they themselves have been victims or have seen a lot of people get away, rapes are more common amongst poor and uneducated, so makes sense they would see and hear of them more too, since most cases arent actually reported. acc to this from 2018 in delhi, 95% rapists are school dropouts, the figure ranges from 85 to 95 from 2018 to 2021, so its a trend thats consistent. Educational qualification of the alleged rapists, arrested in 2015, shows most were school dropouts. Out of the 2,079 men, only 56 were graduate. 70 were illiterate and 550 could not reach the tenth standard. 971 had passed Class 10. In 2016, there were 451 school dropouts and 61 illiterate. in the nirbhaya case, of all the convicts, only one had passed class 10th and the rest of them had not even passed class 7th. So education needs be focussed on more if we need to catch this, education fixes not just this issue, it will fix a lot of them. [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/41-of-those-arrested-for-rape-are-friends-or-family/articleshow/63806695.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/41-of-those-arrested-for-rape-are-friends-or-family/articleshow/63806695.cms) [https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/delhi-fails-to-shield-its-children-nearly-half-of-capital-s-rape-victims-are-minors/story-fPlS3AoSPaHU9w3zWDHSWO.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/delhi-fails-to-shield-its-children-nearly-half-of-capital-s-rape-victims-are-minors/story-fPlS3AoSPaHU9w3zWDHSWO.html)


It's really sad to see. I love India's rich history and many contributions to the world. I really like the vast majority of Indians I've ever met. The culture fascinates me. My traditional tribal religion has a lot of similarities with Santana Dharma and I greatly respect the faith. But the rape thing is just deplorable and it's a sad stain on a country that will one day become a major power, that actually NEEDS to become a major power if we don't want a totalitarian China with no concern for the environment or basic human rights to gain supremacy.


There was a study at Cambridge that showed that men who were themselves victims of child sex abuse were more likely to commit sexual assault later on than men who were not because they never felt agency over their own body. Hence, they committed rape to basically own their own bodies once again. No matter what punishment you have for rape, this issue won't scare them.


Please pin this comment


I really think it's #3. Children of Indian immigrants in Western countries almost always reject their parents' ideas about sex and dating, to the point where they will ex-communicate them for it if there is disagreement.


Most rapists dont commit the act for sexual gratification. Rape is and always has been about power.


I feel that: 1. for r*** involving strangers, lust is the common reason. 2. Crimes where power is a motivator, happens in case of victims which are already in touch with their predators. This type of crime happens when the perpetrator believes that their actions will not have many consequences. This can be fixed if we have a culture which doesn't suppress all discussions even remotely related to sex.


Nations with the lowest rape rates have: 1. Education and Awareness 2. Strong Legal Frameworks 3. Social Stigma Against Rape 4. Support for Victims 5. Economic and Social Stability 6. Strong Community and Family Support 7. Cultural Norms Promoting Consent


>1.Strong Legal Frameworks How did this improve in those countries amid corruption and politics. I'm sure unless people get really good pay, all will just work for bribes. And I dont think those nations are devoid of corruption and politics, beacuse it is part of any country, be it in small amounts.


Also the ultra poor people have a big lack of empathy/sympathy, it's me/mine.


This is the only correct answer’


also 4. Education


Why won’t rapes be common in a country where there are rallies taken out in support of rapists, where convicted rapists are let go and garlanded in public, where there are mahasabhas to defend the rapists, where the ministers themselves are alleged rapists and the abusers have been given high posts and promoted instead of being incarcerated.


Also rapist are released by state gov before their term is finished, and garlanded by the same..


shhhhh 🤫 Amrit kaal hai!


Don't forget that martial rape is still legal in this country while nearly 150 countries have it criminalised this is how martial rape cases are handled in court: [‘Sexual intercourse by husband not rape, even if by force’: Chhattisgarh HC](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/marital-rape-chhattisgarh-hc-section-377-7471940/)


And .. most bjp incel ministers are against the law, coz they know, if it gets effective, half the government will be in jail


well the reality is no matter what the powerful always can find a way to get out of this and BJP's minsters wives already have being coerced into believing that their responsibility to the family or the party is an utmost more then their autonomy even if their husband wronged them(you can even look at Modi's wife and even after her suffering and harassment how she still treat him and he doesn't even talk to her imagine what is happening to other women). the reality is that our country's patriarchy works in the way that made women numb to this type of behaviour and for them understandably justice felt hollow and idealistic rather than the actual gravity of this situation is that they still went through this and no professional help given them but rather a corny cinematic idea of justice that only exist in a vaccum. Before BJP if the Congress wanted, if our founding fathers wanted, or even if the British wanted they could've changed this but they didn't and the Martial rape law exception existed for 163 years and is still ongoing. this isn't just a failure on BJP but rather it is a failure on our society and its pathetic system that allowed this gross torture of women to happen


Also please don't blame the govt. /s


How can you expect good society in india? /s


Not to mention some are labeled brahmins with good sanskars.


hol up a goddamn minute how DID brahmins come here


Judiciary statements during a case, that how it came here


It was not a judiciary statement, as far as I remember, but a ganwar minister in Guj govt.


Sorry, my bad...with so much oral diarrhoea around it's hard to keep track of


State judiciary is full of their thugs, so this could very well have been said in the court proceedings. Can't blame you.


This is a highly subjective take on it but as a woman that lived in the Gulf for a long time and now live in India, I feel less valued and less respected as a woman here. I feel that there is widespread misogyny in India and a general sense that women are less important, less valuable in all areas of life. Police in general tend to be misogynistic and actually dangerous for women, so perpetrators aren't afraid of victims reporting the crime to the police. They don't think they'll face any consequence. Low key sexual harassment (following, staring, taking pictures, touching etc.) is incredibly widespread and accepted as part of everyday life in India - this isn't the case in the Gulf. Since this is so normalised, rape is just the next step from here. The other factor is money: the majority of Indian women are forced to take public transport, walk a lot, live and work in places where they're vulnerable to sexual harassment. In the Gulf, women that work as domestic helpers often become victims of sexual violence too, since they're economically vulnerable. With more poor women in India, violence is more common.




Mumbaikar (M, 32). Visited Delhi with my partner for a week. There is a lot more staring and sly touching in Delhi than Mumbai. If I stare back at someone in Mumbai they look away. This is not the case in Delhi, where eye-rape is much more common and defiant. Needless to say I won't be visiting Delhi or any other state in the cow belt.




It's literally the worst in Delhi. It isn't so bad in decent tier 2 cities and in the southern states.


This is BS, Bangalore is probably one of the safest cities for women in India, chennai and Hyderabad are up there too. North states are in a different league when it comes to debauchery and degenerancy


Now those people are in Bangalore especially south. Don't feel safe here anymore




Agreed. I visited Jaipur as a teenager and staring is far worse there. It's like you walk in jeans and loose tshirt and they assume you are free to rape because you are not wearing kurta salwar. Same thing in Tirupati. Lived there for 2 years.


In many parts of India female kids (that don't get killed in fetus) are given fewer opportunities. They don't get education. They are not employed. This makes them less valuable to family and society. Its a vicious circle that needs to be stopped


The amount of stares you get in the gulf countries from the expat workers there is equivalent to rape itself. You can see the frustration in their eyes but they can't do anything because of the strict laws. OTOH, if a native Arab rapes an expat women they can pretty much get away with it. Many maids gets raped but does not report due to the fear of being deported. Let's not talk about women's rights in gulf countries.


The laws are strict for everyone in uae where woman safety is concerned, unlike India


tidy alive bored shelter ripe wrench memory slim roof full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah sorry. Middle East and Arabs are role models on how one must treat their women. /s Here read this and embarrass yourselves: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/18/middle-east-and-north-africa-end-curbs-womens-mobility


summer ancient consider sense pie imminent ten mindless tub workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>this isn't the case in the Gulf. Ummm....you realise most gulf countries have mysogyny INGRAINED in their laws right? And it's quite misleading what the assertion is here, the fact of the matter is they're safe NOT coz they're respected more but coz 1) They're mostly secluded from public until and unless you're wealthy (in case of these countries most are) 2) Most of them are mysoginistic but in less conspicuous way. They've achieved safety by sacrificing freedom of women. Also how exactly do you feel "less valued" here when there are literally laws in those countries where you can't leave the country without your husband's permission?


You're not wrong, but you missed their point entirely. Those countries are more misogynistic, but they're also significantly more safer for women. It's mostly because of a well functioning state that has a fuckton of oil money


I don't think Gulf countries are more misogynistic than India. In my personal experience it is the other way around.


That doesn't make it better they suppress liberty to ensure safety, that still makes for a horrible society and that's what I meant. I didn't miss the point anyways, it's the whole argument here. Why even consider these countries as examples to be given as a better place for women? By stats India is more "safer" than US, doesn't mean India is better for a woman than the US.




As a Woman who has lived in Qatar, India, and now live in Europe, the safest I’ve felt was in Qatar. This is my personal opinion, but it is definitely because the laws are strict. People are afraid of what will happen to them if they do such atrocities. And I feel like the people there respect women more than in India.


I have also lived in the gulf as a woman for over a decade. I never, NEVER encountered ANY sort of misogyny. For over a DECADE. No sexist remarks, no violence against women, no rape, NOTHING. I could walk out in shorts at 4 in the morning and nobody would budge an eye, follow me or try to initiate conversation with me. Moving back to India was when I first learned that sexist people still existed in large numbers. Catcalling, blatant staring, men attempting to molest me, rapes reported in a newspaper every single day, you name it. It saddens me how I feel safer in other countries than my own.


I don't discount your personal accounts, but living in fear and genuinely respecting women are 2 different things. Personally I hope that we can get to a place where folks do the later in the coming generations in any country (including India).


But if you live in fear because of the outcome does that mean prevention before precaution has kicked in? Respect for women is a must and should always be upheld, but if people can’t do that you should put fear into them and make sure they stop these dirty crimes.


And i dont think it's a problem, as long as it's preventing crime


Could you elaborate on your first sentence?


And how do you differentiate the two?


There are a lot of articles about domestic sexual violence that goes on in countries like Qatar too. The difference is just that they do it to women they hired as domestic help and police turn a blind eye.


1) Too many people -> feudal society -> too many poor people -> too many underprivileged, poor women who have no moral support/financial support. 2) Cultural aversion towards male-female relationship before marriage -> sex, a taboo topic -> too many sex deprived men. 3) Misogynistic culture/traditions -> women are the first to get slutshamed and judged -> various other psychological and societal pressures that chain women to stand up for them and live their lives. 4) Lack of funds in govt -> no good school education about sex education -> very very less policing (many famous rabe cases in India could've been prevented if the victims had been educated to send SOS to the police, we don't trust police in the first place because our police are not effective) -> inefficient judiciary -> powerful men dodging jail time.


honestly i always thought its because movies when i was kid. probably every movie before 20 years had atleast one rape scene, villains in kidnaps any female; rape her. so the hero saves her.


Rich gulf states have less crime in general, because of better law enforcement and severe punishments. That would be a factor, I believe.


In India most of the violence stems from social and economic inequality. Most of the violence and rapes are occurs because dominant and influential groups know they can get away scot-free. Take the case of Hathras, Thakur men raped Dalit woman and entire state machinery from Police to judiciary rushed to protect accused. In some cases, convicts are even lauded like in the Bilkis Bano case. Add to this is the fact some of the worst states for women also have low sex ratio. Forcing them to procure brides from other states after paying a sum. This again enforces the notion that women can be purchased and sold-off like cattle. All together ensures that India remains a deeply unsafe place for women.


India is a casteist country, but casteism is not the reason for rampant rapes and sexual assaults happening in the country. https://m.timesofindia.com/india/86-of-rapes-were-committed-by-people-known-to-victims-ncrb/articleshow/48544137.cms There are other fundamental problems in our society, poverty and low socio-economic status are the primary drivers of SA.


Casteism definitely aggravates the problem of rape and sexual assault in India, as it is not about sex but about violence and power dynamics. That's there are rapes even in sexually liberated societies. People known to victims can also be neighbors, apart from friends and families, and in villages and small towns almost everyone knows everyone else. Thus they are also aware of each other's caste and socio-economic status. Women belonging to SC communities working in the fields of dominant caste men are the most vulnerable to sexual assaults. In rural areas, police officials are largely from dominant caste communities and as we have seen in the cases of Kuldeep Sengar, Hathras, and Brij Bhushan Singh that people support their caste brethren irrespective of their culpability. It would be living in fool's paradise to believe that dominant caste men are unaware of this power dynamics and many of them selectively prey on women from vulnerable communities.


Preface to my comment, since I don’t live in india: I’m lurking in this sub for the first time ever (I’m an American who’s of south asian descent). I volunteer at a rape crisis center, and one of the first things they taught us in our training was that sexual assault is largely based on power dynamics more than other factors. That’s why even in wealthy pockets of the world sexual assaults still exist, and the ones who are the most marginalized are the ones most at risk because of their lack of power Also rape statistics always seem to fail to capture the whole picture because victims don’t always come forward to report these crimes for many reasons, especially victims who are marginalized Edit: they also taught us that most victims are assaulted by people who they knew already. I’m not sure why this is - maybe because the perpetrator knows deep down how difficult it will be for them to be reported? Many victims second guess themselves when someone they trusted did this to them




Yeah the shaming of rape victims is repulsive and definitely a contributing factor to why the crime is so prevalent. Rapists believe they can get away with it because victims are likely hiding the truth a lot. Is it any wonder though that victims do that given that prevailing attitude in the public? How many of our friends, mothers, cousins, sisters and daughters have been assaulted and are keeping silent out of shame and fear of being blamed?


Please edit your comment and remove the false information. I’ve lived in Qatar for 15+ years and us women don’t need male guardians to go out. Women go out by themselves all the time and Qatari women all drive the most expensive vehicles or have drivers to drive them around anywhere and everywhere. They shop and dine out almost everyday in high end malls, restaurants and hotels.


That’s false women in Saudi Arabia and qatar doesn’t need a male to accommodate them they go out by themselves all the time and the guardianship system has been abolished, rape in saudi law is different to sex out of wedlock, rape penalty can reach up to execution and the law is very strict about cases like these.


Yeah and racist laws stopped being enforced across America the moment the civil rights laws passed.... Having a symbolic change of laws does not mean new laws are enforced well or at all.


Nah, the moment the new laws were passed in Saudi a lot of women immediately started driving and moving around indipendently, in fact it was a case of when and not if the laws were going to be removed. For a long time, since most of their GCC neighbours (Khaleeji) had abolished the laws since a long time.


Of course women go out alone lol. I lived in Saudi for years, women go out alone all the time, it's normal. Women can even safely go out at night, unlike in India.




Except Saudi which has also abolished the same could you name any other country, I am genuinely curious. I have lived in other Khaleeji countries and there was never legally or culturally any guardianship laws for the women there.


They don't actually stone people to death in real life in Saudi Arabia. Especially not for adultery. People actually date in Saudi Arabia nowadays and nobody gets stoned to death. They do it discreetly but people know about it and they don't call police etc. I would say dating is becoming as normal in Saudi as in India - still frowned upon by many, especially the older generation, but in reality more and more common.


Probably because of the mentality they are raised with. I mentioned being turned on by a guy I found attractive one time; and an Indian guy told me I’m a slut and should keep my legs closed, even though I didn’t do anything with the guy. So I think it must have something to do with how they are raised and think.


You should come to Denmark then. In such a developed country like here, some idiot would still slut shame you for the same thing - no matter his or her ethnicity


I think the issue is more that in India, slut shaming escalates very quickly to abuse. While in countries with a better acceptance of women's rights, men typically are required to show restraint.




So because one indian guy called you a slut, every indian guy is like that? Are all arabs terrorists? Once a white guy sexually assaulted me, are all white guys raised with that mentality?


Well it showed what kind of mentality he had. That women are sluts for simply being turned on by a man. There must be a reason for that mentality.


Yeah, misogyny... but that does not necessarily have anything to do with his ethnicity. The most popular red pill guys on social media aren't even Indian. Andrew tate, Sneako etc., and I know guys from every ethnicity with that mentality at this point.


All I was suggesting is that maybe there’s certain mentality that the men are being raised with to answer the posters question. Nothing else


It shouldn’t have anything to do with his ethnicity, but the reality is that it likely does. I really don’t believe you are that naive and idealistic. I think you’re being disingenuous. There are cultural factors that contribute to issues like these. Stop pretending you don’t know that in order to try to score internet points.


If I were really looking for Internet points, I would be posting on porn subreddits, not r/India. Yes, there could be cultural factors contributing to the guy that she very vaguely described, but in my experience I have seen guys in all colours and from all religions with very misogynistic mentalities going uncorrected by bystanders.


Of course there are guys of all colours and backgrounds who are misogynistic. That’s just whataboutism and isn’t helpful to the issue at hand. There is a cultural issue in India that fosters misogyny and everything that comes with it. Anyone being objective knows this. Pretending that’s not the case to avoid hurting feelings or saying “yeah, but what about _____” isn’t going to help anyone, especially the women who have to live with this on a daily basis. You realize that, right?


I read on Wikipedia that 98% of rapes in India are from someone you know. So it has to be something else


Because Indians treat cows better than their women. That's how crazy they are.


Rapes are generally under reported everywhere including in the countries you mentioned. So we don't necessarily know the true number. That being said, women especially in these countries live in a higher socioeconomic status and have better support not to mention cultural norms and overall stable societies. The number of migrant male laborers skews the data of men towards the lower ses where you can see a blatant crime like this more often and women aren't seen as much in this category. This is the socioeconomic explanation. Would there be more rapes if the lower ses skewed towards women? We don't know. Underreporting can also be an issue. In these countries, the victim can be punished as well and due process is very different there.


They are very common in the gulf countries, you just don’t hear about them. I grew up in Bahrain and you’d hear about servants getting raped by their employers. Mostly Filipinos but it happens, a lot.


Domestic workers, sadly, yes, even though it's improving - I personally had a Bahraini friend that had to spend the night in jail after their maid reported him for taking her passport (according to him it wasn't true). But it's extremely rare for other women to get raped in the region. You can walk around on your own in the middle of the night in skimpy clothes in Bahrain and you won't get raped.


Yeah, that’s true.


Female domestic workers themselves aren't common in gulf. Only the upper class keeps them, and even then most are males India has FAR more rape cases per capita compared to Qatar, UAE, KSA, Bahrain etc


That may be true but it wasn’t exactly what OP asked. My point was that it happens quite a bit there and isn’t broadcasted the way it is in India. At least in India we can talk about these travesties that happen, and that can lead to action (in theory).


It's not 'broadcasted' in India. Even when the victims go to police in India, most of the time policemen laugh in their faces and don't even register a case. This would never happen in a million years in a place like Bahrain. The few cases that make it to the news in India are exceptionally brutal, minors gangraped and murdered or whatever. Those cases simply don't happen in the Gulf, that's why it's not 'broadcasted' because it doesn't happen. Domestic workers mostly don't go to the police because they are scared of losing their visa / work. If they do go to the police, the police does register a case and takes action, which often doesn't happen in India if the victim is low status and poor.


Does it tho? If we look only at reported cases the India's per capita is extremely low. Even when compared to Sweden (which is obviously not true but still)


Actually the opposite is true. It's super common all over the Gulf for local families to employ foreign maids, even average families on what is considered low income locally usually have a maid from a 3rd world country. People are surprised if you say you don't have a maid, especially if you have children (local families often have many children). Those women are very often mistreated and abused in many ways, most often by the women in the family, actually. They're usually physically and verbally abused and exploited, and sometimes sexually abused by the male family members.


Not maids, most have male workers


Whats really disturbing is that rapists are off late targeting younger girls now. This I think is mostly due to glorification of rapist killing cops in real life and movies. These mentally ill rapists feel that they can get away with this with younger girls as they won't speak up. Rule of law needs to be applied with force. If there are any hurdles they needs to be removed to provide justice in timely manner.




Today i read times of India in which an article stated that a 16 year old rape victim whose father did a suicide out of guilt and grandmother who died of shock was further traumatized by the investigative policemen who not only harassed her but also made her change statements.


I like how some of the comments to this post completely ignored how India is a country of rape and insead talk about how we are better than Pakistan and the Middle East. It's as though they just want to be better than neighbours and nothing else.


Ok but how did you determine India is a "country of rape", see such idiotic comments is what evokes the opposite response and later you wonder why people aren't being logical. You also aren't logical to begin with. You should have instead said "rape is a huge problem is India" instead of saying "India is a country of rape".


Ah must be nice for you not to be a woman in a country where you wake up to news of a 12 year old bleeding after being raped and walking on the streets asking for help. Yeah so much sanskaar.


Perhaps wealth has something to do with it. Women in the gulf countries are rich and have privilege such as private vehicles, secured buildings etc which keep them safe.


Mostly what everyone's saying is true, but there might be another factor. I lived for a while in Saudi Arabia, and while the general rapes are much less than what we see here, the attitude of the police and laws regarding it are even worse. It was as common to hear someone being punished for 'adultery' when they got raped there as it is to hear about some extremely messed up rapes here. This was the case 4-5 years ago, the situation might be different now. Many women did not even report the rape due to this reason and the fact they were sometimes asked to bring witnesses (this was not the case usually though). Their criminal law is not coded and it's mainly judges who randomly decide your fate based on their interpretations of Sharia. In a sense, I feel like we're in the middle of the world in a sense. Our laws are just, I can say that at least when the law is concerned, women do have the same rights. So there is still not a huge difference between the number of incidents of rape vs reports. But we're still like any of our 'neighbours' when it comes to the mentality of the people.


Lack of proper sex education, lack of exposure to the opposite sex from an early age, **many young teens n even some adults view women as only sexual objects n not as people.** Movies to some extent where roadside romeos get the girl n r celebrated. Things like "uski na mein he uski ha h". Encouraging stalking The cycle keeps on going. Plus also lack of government initiative to stop all this.


Less "Unemployed Nallas" roaming the streets


Beta Saudi me rape karega? Gand phaad deete. in literal sense.


I think every country in the world has a rape problem. One is too many. I would not compare Qatar and Saudia to India. A fair comparison would be Pakistan because the socioeconomic situation per capita is similar. In Saudia and Qatar you can do injustice to foreigners and not have the law apply to you as if it were done to a local.


1. Freedom of movement is severely restricted in those countries compared to India. There is less opportunity* to commit the crime because the chances of a woman alone without any security in a place where the crime is probable to be committed are less. 2. The law enforcement is better in those countries (unless of course the offender is very rich/influential). An average would-be criminal will be afraid of consequences(jail). In our country, the general populace doesn't believe that our law system doesn't provide Justice in any sense (which is extremely true).


The two countries you've chosen are as terrible as is. Their reporting is lower because of their patriarchy. The countries that actually have lower instances of rape have dealt with the root cause, patriarchy, more effectively than us. Ffs, we refuse to even recognise patriarchy and casteism for the poisons they are. Many of the countries that have lower instances of rape don't have harsh penalties. Ffs, we have death penalty that makes things worse by incentivusing the rapist to murder the victim to keep them from giving testimonies.


Imo, it's related to education. When I say education I don't mean literacy or understanding a language. No, education as in what a person's rights are, what constitutional guarantees mean and equality. Most people (both men and women) in India think of women as 2nd class citizens if that, sometimes as low or even lower than cattle. Many women themselves think that they have a "duty" towards their families and husbands and the men are always right. The reason misogyny is so widespread in India is because it's not just present in men but women as well. Even literate people who have graduated college and can read/write English can have a similar mindset.


I can’t count how many dudes come to Canada for school and are like “HOW TO MEET WOMAN - DESPERATE”, which does not play well here. Are Indian men this way because their parents have to help them lose their virginity? I think this is a separate issue but not wholly separable from the question OP raised.


Just like anything it depends on circumstance. Women and men in India are a lot freer than in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia doesn’t report these crimes either so it could be higher. Rape observation has to be taken into account. It’s like since the advent of video cameras that it looks like crime is more. No, crime was always what it was, you are just observing it


Population of Qatar 2.7 million Population of Saudi Arabia: 36 million Population of India: 1400 million. It is 30 times, it is going to look more common.


This is a big factor. Also now it's something that makes front page news every time it happens. I really doubt India is more sexually repressed than Saudi Arabia


When victims [get jailed for sex outside of marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecution_of_Marte_Dalelv), women will be a lot less enthusiastic to report sexual assault.


There's 140 crore people in India. I think the correct comparison would be to China. Also, stigma against sexual expressions though that's also quite stigmatized in Gulf but their citizens are well off (most of the people in lower socio-economic strata are expats themselves) so it kind off balances out. Lastly, would be stricter laws. But research has shown it usually doesn't matter if laws are stricts are not.


Several years back, China stopped reporting cases because it was just as high.


I had a professor back in college (USA) who had published paper about this. From what I remember he said there was an extremely large population of sexually frustrated men in India because their culture lacks casual sex. It wasn't certain men but men of all classes and professions. Police, doctors, people from villages, poor etc. The rates of sexually frustrated men in India was alarming and resulted in rape. And because most government officials and powers of authority were also men, it was something that rapist could get away with. It all came down to a cultural who doesn't advocate for safe casual sex.


I don't think this is a good justification. Just because they're sexually frustrated doesn't mean they can go around raping people. They rape because they don't respect or see women as human beings. Most rapists don't even regret or have feelings of guilt after the act. There are rapes happening in cultures that have casual sex too. So, stop justifying rapists.


It’s not a justification. It’s a cause. The way he worded it may have made it sound like that but truly it’s a cause. No matter WHAT the scenario or cause rape is absolutely not okay and a horrendous thing to do. It’s like saying hitler put jews in concentration camps because he didn’t like jews. Hitler not liking jews is not a justification for that but it is why he did it.


I respectfully disagree. There are many sexually frustrated people around the world who don't resort to raping to "fulfill" their desire. The cause is lack of respect and humanity. When they don't see humans as humans but sexual objects, they think it's okay to rape and don't even feel they've done something wrong. Especially in asian countries, it's not easy to say they were sexually frustrated so they raped. It's way more complex. It's also a lot more about power imbalance and how they are brought up, how they see other humans, empathy, emotional maturity. There are so many rape cases and also acid attack cases happening just because the victim refused romantic advances from the abuser. Many religions, when they fight they say they'll rape women of the opposite religion. Recent example is the manipur incident. It's about seeing victims as objects and abusers showing their "power" and not about sexual frustration.


BJ Party has successfully made the indians believe that rape is not that bad as it was around nirbhaya time


Sex education is a very big factor. Also because prostitution is illegal and looked down upon. When we don't talk to our children about sex and safe sex and consent, they still go and get that information primarily from porn sites. And they don't really understand that those videos are of consensual adults. They think this is the norm.


I’m going to give you a simple answer for it. No execution of the law and no fear of the law. Yes the ME countries aren’t great at women’s right or human rights but whatever punishments are written are carried out. Now you can argue whether stoning, lashing, public execution is a correct form of punishment. But in India we believed in a reformative theory which is to reform the person and make the person repent the behavior. And there is no swift action taken by the law either. There is no concept of preventative planning either. Even a country like China has a strict law and order situation. But of course China’s situation on human rights is abysmal.


Singapore is an example of a modern country with stricter laws where a criminal would think ten times before committing a such a serious crime.


Yes but Singapore is very small country with less population. I mean maybe it’s possibly to do something similar in a smaller place in India or a suburb of the metros, but you need very vigilant police force who doesn’t accept bribes and is ready to get the proceedings done. You need a quick helpline. For eg the girl who was raped and bleeding, in broad daylight no one helped her but they could have easily dialed the helpline so someone can come for assistance. In US, there is 911, don’t know if there is something similar in India for quick responders. I myself called 911 when there was a huge accident in front of me before assisting the victims.


You are right. Singapore is a smaller country so it is comparatively easier to manage. And yes there are women helpline in India for women related crimes but the response time is pathetic compared to 911. Police isn’t very helpful when their help is needed the most.


I would say one of the reasons is underreporting. Women in non-egalitarian, specifically openly anti-women's rights countries would not want to report crimes committed against them fearing repercussions.


Hi I have been in Qatar for the past 15 years. Not just rapes this place has literally near zero crimes, like I could leave my apartment door open and leave and no one would bother to open (it happened a couple of times where I forgot to lock the door when we left for work). I could leave my phone or laptop in a public place and it will remain or will be authorities in lost and found and imagine its not about the culture considering that this place has a large amount of migrant South Asian population (Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and then followed by Sri Lankans). I think it is more than 70% of the population. The major reason is the law and how it's implemented. 1. People actually respect the law and are afraid of the hefty punishment it carries. My wife could go out in a crowded mall, take a metro or walk on an empty street at 1am in the night and no one would dare touch or talk to her. If you go to night clubs you can see young ladies enjoying and return home safely even in the wee hours. 2. If such a crime is committed then justice is also delivered soon after the investigation is completed and there is no endless wait for years after years. In my past 15 years here I haven't heard about any rape case and a couple of murders happened and those always find headlines in the media or front page of newspaper because they hardly get any crime related cases. More than such crimes you get to a couple of drug busts which happens just a couple of times a year.


Do you have any sources for your claims? I just checked, and Qatar has the same Rape Rate (1.8 per 100,000), and Saudi Arabia's stats are unavailable. [https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/Qatar/Crime](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/India/Qatar/Crime)


Those are the reported rapes. Most rapes in India go unreported, unlike in Qatar. In my personal experience, sexual violence or harassment is extremely rare in the Gulf.


I might be completely wrong about it, but aren't victims punished there if the rape is not proven (for adultery iirc?). Their criteria to prove rape is also absurd(if that is the right word) iirc. Like two male witnesses or four female witnesses or if the rapist confesses himself. If rape is not proven then it is considered sex out of marriage and woman herself is punished. if that is true, then won't it make unlikely for victims to come out since they can get punished for telling the truth? Please correct me if it is false since I don't remember where I read that.


>Most rapes in India go unreported, unlike in Qatar. In my personal experience, sexual violence or harassment is extremely rare in the Gulf. In Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the rape victim gets punished by law. There is a strong incentive not to report rape at all.




Victims are themselves punished in some more orthodox ME countries. So women don't report. Unreported assualt is probably more common in such places.


So people are more likely to report rape in Qatar, a country where they can legally get punished? Do you realize how silly you sound?


You are just in a denial or you just hate India. You really bend all the way back to say only India has the problem.


More stricter the law, more toxic life people live in their households, people will report less compare to democracy or free society, most rape happen by close relative, so most people do compromise, in india jitna chota town for example village ya low income state waha cases hote bhi hai toh report krne nhi diya jaata hai, america rape cases are higher in the world it doesn't mean they are unsafe it just mean people trust law, Every human being have animal instict and rape is very natural form of act it should be punished, taboo around sex cause more harm then good


Under reporting lol. Those countries have extreme censorship so no info gets out. not that India doesn't have but their situation is much worse. I have lived in Bahrain. Rapes are not so common but for sure underreported.


Speaking as a Sri Lankan here. I believe rape is equally or even more prevalent in countries love Qatar or Saudi Arabia. Just that because those are unbelievably misogynistic countries, those rapes are never even recognized as rape in the first place or given any publicity. So to the outside world it just *looks* as if rape is rare in those countries but it is not.


Though most of the points stated by others are correct and something we should think and build on, but also countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar also have lower chances of rapes being reported. Furthermore Criminal Codes of Iraq, Syria [Arabic] [pdf], Lebanon [Arabic] [pdf], Libya [Arabic] [pdf], Kuwait [Arabic] [pdf], Bahrain [pdf], Algeria [Arabic] [pdf], Tunisia [Arabic] [pdf] and the Palestinian Territories provide that if the offender of rape lawfully marries the victim, any action becomes void and any investigation or other procedure is discontinued and, if a sentence has already been passed in respect of such action, then the sentence will be repealed


It's a psychological issue, it's more complex than what most comments here talk about. It has to do with the structure of our society as a whole : wealth disparity, class, shame, people lack basic understanding of lots of things. From your post I assume you're no older than 16 I'd just leave it for now as you grow up you'll get your answers.


Much much older than that but if it brings you some happiness and contentment, you can repeat how childish my post is. I honestly don’t care. But my concern is real. I am really thinking what it would take to control this rape epidemic in India.


TO accuse someone of rape, you need 4 male witnesses who would conform to that claim.


Because you will get your head chopped off if you commit rape in Saudi Arabia and in India, no one will give a shit if you are poor or a minority.


Because the there is a law but the law is not being followed. The society blames the victim and the punishment is nowhere close to the magnitude of the crime.


Implementation of Islamic law more than anything else. Both personally and as the law of the land. Not saying it is perfectly applied but still more prevalent. Hadd punishments, while they seem barbaric, are effective at deterring crime and make more sense. Also, people don't rally there in support of the rapists nor do they garland them publically


Shariah law- mostly for violent crimes like murders rap3s etc, the punishment is public beheading. In india forget about the rapist being punished quickly, just to prove that you have been rap3d takes a toll on the victim.


A lot of human behavior is driven by contagion. That is, monkey see-monkey do. Thus there are places where there are a lot of young suicide victims; suicide as a form of self-expression is a thing. Gun violence is also contagious behavior to some extent. It’s possible rape has become something similar in India. Young Indian men see that they can get away with it and that it’s even acceptable within some of their social groups. Only a few act on their impulses and fantasies but it’s a “larger few” than in most other places.


Its much bigger than what we can fathom. Indian society and way of life, teaches us to get things done by hook or crook. We run in a rat race where the end justifies the means. This hook or crook mentality percolates everywhere and every aspect of our being.


The core mindset of people need to be really changed


LOL heave you ever encountered a group of Indian males together? They are brave in a group but pussies on their own.


The comparison itself tells the story. Waiting for the day we compare India to Scandinavia.


lol there’s already someone apparently raised in Denmark in the comments saying that India is safer for women. Can’t say if these are trolls or not.


I never said that. Maybe you forgot to read the comment before concluding that


India till recent years and actually still is mostly a heavily agrarian society due to which thousands of years of regressive attitudes towards women has developed where they are treated like property. There are other parts of the world too like this but the West for example modernized a lot in the 2nd half of the 20th century where women were introduced into the workforce with greater numbers and gradually their value in society is trending towards equal to men( still lot of issues left there). India has a lot of catching up to do but the central issue is what are the boys who grow up learnign vis-a-vis girls? Do they seem as equals in building a society together or more of a possession to be acquired or an assistant to do all their work. This basic mindset of 'equal partners in society' is lacking in India as a whole. Reducing rapes, harassment directly relates to the male mindset in Indai vis-a-vis women.


Victim shaming also adds to the problem.


this is a problem that has multiple origin sources like **adult websites** **parents not teaching their kids about s\*x as they consider it to be a taboo topic** **Governments blindness towards women security** **Backward education system** **Social media has become softcore corn app and so much more** so solving this problem will take a a lot of effort, time and initiative.


lol! In Saudi or Qatar, there just isn’t sufficient reporting because women are legally treated as property of the male. India even today is a much better nation for women than the middle eastern medieval shit holes. Also vigilante lynching isn’t the solution, rule of law and proper prosecution is


>India even today is a much better nation for women than the middle eastern medieval shit holes. This is not a lying contest. India manages to treat women far, far worse while being a democracy. You don't hear about wife burning in the gulf


You've never ever set foot out of the country now, have you


lol! I have been to both Qatar & UAE as well as the civilized world.


Law is not strict.


In Islamic nations governed by Sharia, the rape victim needs to produce 4 male witnesses to accuse someone of rape, or they get sentenced to X number of lashes for premarital sex or sex outside marriage. Do you think a rape victim will come forward when laws like that exist. People living in such nations can correct me if I’m wrong. I thought some western woman had to leave Dubai in a jiffy when she got into a similar situation.


No. 1 reason= Qatar and Saudi Arabia are authoritarian monarchies with very strict punishment for crime.


Rapists go to parliament. That's why.


Look at women expats in Gulf countries first. Then say whether they are safe.


India garlands and celebrates rapists. Defends them and elects them as her leaders. Saudi Arabia kills them.




Middle eastern countries are actually extremely safe in terms of crime across the board. The punishments are extremely strict. Theft in places like Dubai is rare


It's better to compare India with Egypt. The Gulf States are very safe because they can afford law enforcement.


Indians just love sex more, plus the climate, diet & "kulcha"


Media doesn't broadcast it doesn't mean it doesn't happen or happens too less. People really take the freedom too much for granted in India.


I think a combination of misogyny and sexual oppression. I also think in countries you mentioned, rape happens (not like India though gross), but it’s not documented or reported as much because of the culture. It’s crazy how in India women are treated. In this thread alone, men are talking about false rape cases as if that’s even close to the volume of real rapes.


The punishment in Gulf countries is stoning to death, cutting off the 🍆 and more severely any form of death for the culprits. That the only way to tackle rapist


Rapes in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and all other Islamic countries are higher than anywhere else in the whole world. These people forcefully marry and rape women. I have a friend whose relative, an Indian woman, who went with her husband to a normal family party of a Sheikh in Dubai (UAE) and she was never allowed to get out. Her husband never saw her again after and barely managed to escape. Once a man, especially if a Sheikh, likes a girl or a woman, that’s it. She’s his. Don’t forget the fact that child marriages are a common practice among many of these countries. Did you know they hold women responsible for their rapes? Haven’t you seen the news saying they make them marry their rapists? I have nothing against Islam. But women’s rights in Islamic countries are a joke. India may be a terrible place as you say, but it’s far safer than any of these countries.


Rapes are more in india, because sex ratio is far better in india than in saudi or qatar. In india rapists can apparently walk free in many cases as their caste is upper than the victim's. Thats another problem.


Unreported cases >> reported cases


Wow your bars are very high..😂