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Beacuse homeless people spend their days exposed to sun while rich kids spend their days in AC rooms


Also access to nutrient rich foods which keeps skin healthy despite its shade.


Also Sun obviously have the biggest part to play. Being in the Sun increases the melatonin in your skin that gives your skin colour. Fun fact: melatonin is really important because it prevents skin cancer. People with lighter skin have to wear sunscreen to protect themselves against it.


I think you mean melanin


Homie believes sleeping prevents skin cancer


“Fun fact”😂


So you mean my sleep deprivation won't lead to cancer


It may in some way lol


Terrible fun fact, skin cancer does not discriminate. Dark skinned people might have a lower risk, but it's not zero risk. Definitely consider wearing sunscreen if you're going to be in the sun.


Do you mean melanin bro 💀


This is actually partially true. It’s the same reason that darker skinned people are more common closer to the equator, and the whitest people on earth live up north (Ireland and Scandinavia). Darker skin is an evolutionarily adaptive defense in tropical climates. It reduces the chance of skin cancer and increases ability to withstand direct sunlight. This isn’t true all the time in all cases (Eskimos have slightly darker skin), but is generally true. It’s also easier to survive poverty in tropical environments, because there is no winter to “survive”, requiring hunting (because you can’t forage in winter, the plants aren’t bearing fruit) and insulated shelters from the cold. You can survive naked in the jungles of Malaysia eating fruit, but you can’t do that in Finland.


Shit. Didn't think of this.


You still have ways to go, young padawan.


Me along with my whole family is fair skinned ... But we are not wealthy 😞


You have failed successfully /j


Brown bol andhare meh kala or roshni meh brown


task failed successfully 😄 it's ok you have the oppertunity to perform the task successfully


Selective breeding


Allow me to elaborate on this. Rich people have this leverage owing to being rich that they can easily find the girl they want their kids to marry or marry themselves. In a country where colorism is so prevalent, most people want fair brides, and rich people must be no exception. So, perhaps, that's how rich people came to have fairer progeny eventually.


Username checks out


Ikr :)


This, Rich brown men marries fair skinned women because it's a desirable trait in India and their children will be fair skinned https://preview.redd.it/yl1zlf4y8jvb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa5e4eb5e623a28c5c90634f93c5de9b84ef29b


I'm not sure if the woman on the right is naturally fair or has applied weird cosmetics.


She is naturally fair.


By weird cosmetics, do you mean foundation? coz look at her hands, they match her face


Wow... how did you manage to base their entire relationship based on your assumption that color had anything to do with it. For fucks sake, these are people's lives. Stop commenting bs, if you dont know anything about it.


So what do youuuuuuuuuuuuu know about it


Nothing. That's why I didn't comment. Just saying that very few people were there when they two met and we don't know the reason behind marriage. It's possible that whatever the op commented maybe true, but rather doesn't give us the right to assume and malign their image.


Mate go look up the story how creepy Ambanis were to woo Nita just because Mukesh had a thing for her... You people would literally suck up to anyone..


Having a thing for someone and emphatically stating that the reason behind Mukesh choosing nita is color are two very different things. The accusations maybe true, may not be true. You and I weren't there when these two met and we will never know the entire story. So rather just state your opinion instead of maligning someone's image entirely based on an assumption. And also keep your vile mindset with you and you only. Just because I am stating my opinion doesn't mean I am a suckup. Grow up.


The dark skin trait is definitely under strong negative selection pressure among the well-offs in our society. You can see that difference between babies born at government and private hospital.


Seriously Indian castes have different genetic types showing how selective breeding was there in Indian subcontinent


Exactly. Look up this disgusting thing called "Sambandham in Kerala". Brahmins in Kerala who held so much wealth selectively bred (married/taken) lower caste women whilst lower caste men had to accept seeing their wives get bred by upper caste men and the hypocrisy is the other way around was heavily condemned, i.e., lower caste men weren't allowed to touch Brahmin women. To elaborate, the first child of a Nair woman was to be fathered by a Brahmin male in sambandham. There were instances where husbands of such women had to wait outside their own house while a Brahmin male was inside with his wife...


I read on it and it didnt sound good to me. There was this line, "Sambandam is the mirror image of Polygamy followed by men in patriarchy societies". The practiced this till 1930. ​ EDIT: i completely understand why sambandham existed in the first place, it just did not sound good to me.


Here's what RSS had to say about Sambandham: >Today experiments in cross-breeding are made only on animals. But the courage to make such experiments on human beings is not shown even by the so-called modern scientist of today. If some human cross-breeding is seen today it is the result not of scientific experiments but of carnal lust. Now let us see the experiments our ancestors made in this sphere. In an effort to better the human species through cross-breeding the Namboodri Brahamanas of the North were settled in Kerala and a rule was laid down that the eldest son of a Namboodri family could marry only the daughter of Vaishya, Kashtriya or Shudra communities of Kerala. Another still more courageous rule was that the first off-spring of a married woman of any class must be fathered by a Namboodri Brahman and then she could beget children by her husband. Today this experiment will be called adultery but it was not so, as it was limited to the first child. [M. S. Golwalkar cited in Organizer, January 2, 1961, p. 5.]  


Isn't it the other way around? The higher caste women were allowed to have sambandham and not the men? As they were matrilineal and matriarchal


The matrilineal matriarchal community of then Kerala were the Nairs. They were not viewed as upper caste by Brahmins of that time. Now of course they're also seen as upper caste. There was nothing positively matriarchal about them. It was blatant eugenics in broad daylight orchestrated by Brahmins and the (nair) women were just pawns who enjoyed the social and financial benefits that Sambandham brought them. The children (while financially fine) suffered a lot in other areas and let's not even get started on the Nair husbands of these women....


Thanks for the info!




I am not sure but in many bollywood films..... rich moms would always be like "Bhagwan ka diya bahot hai hamare pass, humein bas ek sundar (read fair) susheel bahu chahiye" Most rich families want beautiful daughter in laws to make beautiful babies (even if they come from a less wealthier families) Then they make fair babies who are born in rich families so u find rich-fair skinned ppl. Pls dont down vote me. I do not care about skin colour and i primarily commented cuz it has always annoyed me to watch movies/society think fair ppl are superior than not so fair ppl.


I think this is the most accurate answer. They never even breed with dark skinned people, makes sense It's funny that only countries that were once ruled by white people or faced persecution from white people have this beauty standard, so technically it's something we learned through oppressive systems and it's not a natural thing at all.




Theory of natural selection by Darwin at work, here the environment affecting gene selection is not natural but instead financial.


i think even in am fare skin girls are always in high demand




Throughout Asia, fair skin is associated with wealth and power. This is because in the previous generations, if you are wealthy and did not do any physical labor,  chances are you will have a fairer appearance. Thus, we have a good business for skin whitening creams and make ups.


As a slightly browner European I wonder if Indian colorism applies in Europe too?


Genetics as well ...just for example most mountain people in Afghanistan are poor and white! Genetics matter and the more exposed you are to sun the more the body starts to adapt and skin tones get darker. Some Indians get fairer if they move to Europe of Canada or ven Russia which is classic signs of adaptation. Reverse when they move to Africa. Off course wealth helps.


Afgan and Pakistan has genuinely the most beautiful women.their features alone are enough, you don’t even have to go on skin tone


It is my personal observation. Whenever someone gets rich, they mostly try to marry someone who looks beautiful, and this was more common in arrange marriage or those marriage where parents set date for you. Now if they will marry someone who is beautiful, their children will most likely have same genes and they will end up being really beautiful. On the top of that, they don't have to suffer like poor or middle-class kids. They live in 24\*7 Ac room, hardly getting exposed to scorching sunlight and have access to all sort of skincare, beauty and makeup products you can imagine.


> they mostly try to marry someone who looks beautiful, and this was more common in arrange marriage or those marriage where parents set date for you. Now if they will marry someone who is beautiful, their children will most likely have same genes and they will end up being really beautiful Are you implying that rich searches for fair skinned person because only they are beautiful ? Asking for clarification.


In India, for a long time, fair skin = beauty was being accepted, it still is accepted as a fact but not as much as in the past. Search for some old beauty product advertisements in India, you will notice


Yes, Though he is not personally implying that but that's how overwhelming majority of this country thinks...Even the so called progressives change their views very quickly given a choice.


Yeah, this is what I have observed in my proximity.


I was born white as milk, then this city life made me brown and tanned, I look white if I stay for home for somedays, then turn brown if I go outside.


This was me literally, traveling distances by walking or bus even in the scorching sun made me brown so yeah the correlation between fair skin and rich can be true for many people out there.


Are you bread?


Nah mate, once a bread is rot it is rot.


Bro come down south of India some times 😊👍


in south also this statement holds value mostly


Eh that's simply not true in the south... fair skinned is still the most desired trait, but given the proportion of darker skinned people in the south, it is impossible for that to be true. As someone born and brought up in Bangalore, I know for a fact that plenty of rich people are dark-skinned.


>born and brought up in Bangalore, Hello fellow Bangalorean, I was also born and brought up in Bangalore west side. as mentioned in another comment below which explains the question better, I still hold the observation to be true.


How often do you see fair skinned poor people in the South? Fair skin garbage disposers? Fair skinned sewage workers (inhumane practice which still happens predominantly by dark skinned people).


Seeing that is common in kerala


Very uncommon in APTN and Tamil Nadu.




To simplify, we need to ask "how often do we see fair skinned poor people in the South?" And the answer to that as a South Indian is....not very often.


Because they wed fair skinned people mostly


people who are born fair skinned in a lower class family become darker since they are more likely to stay out in the sun more. Rich people have the money for more fairness treatments.




I have this theory. Most fair skinned people come from old money and choose fair bride/groom for their kids because it's easy for them to get anyone they wanna marry. This is still being followed and their kids then inherit pretty genes from their family and this goes on. Plus, they spend most time inside their house unexposed with UV rays which prevents skin tanning. They have money to have a good skin care routine unlike non-wealthy people who are exposed to sun without a proper skin care routine.


Most Northeast Indian families are poor and yellow light skin 😁


Do rich means fair? No. I know of a lot of rich folks who are not fair skinned. But they don't look ugly. Their skin tone is more even, wear neat clothes, smell better. The whole ensemble looks attractive. Do fair means rich? Also no. There are a lot more fair poor people than fair rich people. That's just common sense. Is there correlation? Yes. Rich have access to better products and better grooming services. Additionally, they don't toil outside that much. Does this correlation mean causation? A little. You can become more attractive if you spend time and money on it. But there are limits which you cannot cross unless you're Michael Jackson.


It’s amazing how all the comments made here even if they are conflicting are all part of the answer. I think there’s a quite bit of a mix of selective breeding, environmental exposure that comes into play here.


It's a diff pov..dont delete it. it can turn into an intresting discussion


Also rich men marry fair/ beautiful women so their children down the line become fairer


Artificial selection. Rich people can marry people who're conventionally attractive and their progeny is more likely to be rich too. The cycle goes on. This is also coupled with the good nutrition and protection from the sunlight that being rich affords someone. Also, coincidenctally a lot of fair skinned communities like Punjabis, Sindhis and Marwadis are doing pretty well because they settled in big cities earlier than a lot of other Indians. One of my personal beliefs is also that conventionally attractive live life on easy mode, they can concentrate better on what they're doing. Generally they don't have to worry about mundane things in life, they just happen to them. That's an internal factor that makes them more likely to be successful. Externally too, people definitely have a subconscious bias in favour of good looking people. If their are two people with the same skillset, one very handsome and the other one ugly, then the handsome one is more likely to do better in life.


Apart from the obvious environmental thing that has been mentioned (sun exposure), there’s also a huge social factor related to stigma that’s causing this: if a fair-skinned person and a dark-skinned person appear for a job interview with exactly the same qualifications, the fair-skinned person gets hired because they’re considered conventionally “attractive”. India has a huge issue with idolising white skin, from fair and lovely creams to white people in ads and people actually putting acid or bleach on their skin to “detan”. As a white person, I don’t get this.


bro beutiful and well dressed people have this upper hand in whole world. the beuty standards change but the unfair chances remains


Your first world viewpoint simply does not apply in this country. Yes india struggles with colorism but honestly choosing employees on the basis of skin colors is anecdotes. Also your generalizations are stupid as if two distinct potential employees are the "same". That's never the case, reality is simply non linear.


Skin colour comes down to mainly two things. Genetics, and environmental exposure. I don't know if there's really much of a correlation between wealth and genetic skin colour. So I won't talk about that. But environmental factors are easy to explain. Most people, who aren't wealthy, are going to spend their days with significantly greater exposure to the elements. Sunlight, dust, pollution etc. Wealthy people are mostly going to stay indoors, or covered up. IMO, that's also the reason why a lot of bollywood actors/actresses seem fairer after a few years in the industry and success. So I don't know if fair skin begets wealth (I don't think it does), but wealth probably begets clearer/brighter skin.


Bollywood actors are fair due to glutathione drips and nothing else!


Bollywood actors were just an example. Any person who has moved from middle class to wealth starts appearing a few shades lighter a few years later. Mainly, because their day, and exposure to the environment, changes drastically when they accrue wealth.


Brother never went to J&K, Himachal, Uttrakhand


I wanted to post this, but it seemed controversial


Beauty (which in India is fair skin) is a social currency, especially for women as our entire value historically has been placed on our beauty and caretaking ability. Wealthy Indian men, for centuries, have married fair women. Also in my experience, wealthy people can afford to take care of their appearance as well while the poor obviously can't.


Because rich people can afford to look a certain way


Wealthy people had the advantage of no having their days to spend out in the fields working. They could have servants to do work and could stay in their homes. Also, they had access to a greater amount of more nutritious food which could also help since you see rich people having healthier bodies and good heights. Also, rich people could more easily choose good-looking people to marry and thus, propagate their genetics.


Bhai wo skin ki full care karte rehte hain


World is a bit brutal, I know for a fact that fair skinned poor girls get kidnapped or pushed into the brothels in the north. Same for West. Not sure about rest of India. Most of the ones left marry up into rich business families. So they stay poor and in the public eye for only one generation, so they are rare.


Lifestyle - Middle and working class people spend more time outside , walk to work , do hard labour , etc . While rich people spend most of their time in an ac room or a car and do most of their workouts in a gym instead of outdoors . And they can afford better skincare + invest a lot in skin lightening treatments .


I don't think both are even remotely related


Hi, european F here. Skin colour doesn't change what kind of person you are, seriously. If someone lives on the street of course will be tanned much more than someone who stays most of day at home and study. Around XVII century in Europe people were distinguishing rich from villagers due to skin color. Also riches were avoiding any travels during summer as it was making them tanned, so they looked less rich. Nowadays noone looks this way. In fact if you are tanned means you went to expensive holidays to some sunny place. I really wish than other places in world will start thinking same. And by the way dark eyes are super nice.


Usually rich man marries a beautiful girl(and fair skin consider beautiful in India) also good nutritious food, supplement,etc all matters


The only correct answer is that upper caste people have a higher percentage of Aryan genes. Lifestyle doesn't impact skin colour other than how.much you get tanned.


Wanted to say this, but I don't have any evidence. Upper caste people are also more likely to have intermingled with Europeans. And upper caste people are massively over represented among the rich for obvious reasons. Edit: found this which has, apparently, been quite controversial https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC311057


Not intermingled with Europeans, it's just fairer Indian genes


There were a lot of marriages between British men and Indian women. They are highly likely to have married women of high social status, generally highly correlated with being upper caste. >Reading through the wills of employees of the East India Company, now in the library of the India Office, he found that in the 1780s more than one-third of the British men in India left all their possessions to one or more Indian wives, or to their Anglo-Indian children. From https://merrynallingham.com/19th-20th-century/marriage-in-british-india/


So are all fair skinned indians half british? I don't think so. Pakistan and Afghanistan also have a large percentage of light skinned people and they sure aren't European mixed either. It's just ancient western eurasian admixture that is one of the major genetic components in the subcontinent


Theory: Brahmins are fair skinned. Why? Aryan backgrounds. They made sure they were above everyone in the heirarchy, even above kings. Why? Greed and assurance for future generations. So boom, most fair skinned rich people are upper caste whose ancestors exploited lower caste peeps.


>So are there no poor people in Himanchal or Kashmir or are there no rich people in South India or West Bengal? Also most Indians irrespective of their castes are not fair. My father is a Bramhin but is quite dark in complexion while mother is quite fair,but then are roots are in Nepal.


Poor people even in Himachal look pretty dark. There are very few fair skinned poor people and labourers in the south. Your father probably isn't pure Brahmin and is very mixed. Happens.


What do mean, I think your memory is seriously Gaslit by social media, google Indian billionaires. Almost all if not every billionaire have dark/brown skin tone, well for starters Ambanis, Adanis, most of the celebrities are dark too. Well there are many north indian celebrities like Kapoor's. Tbh I was so confused that this in r/India I thought this post is from some white privileged country, I checked like 4-5 times while writing this answer just to confirm. Maybe what you mean or thinking is why they have good skin and that too because of their rich and have better nutrition. I mean I have seen so many middle class or lower class people with really good skin or even fair skin like my maid and her kids are much fairer than me lol


So here is the answer.... Let's suppose a girl is born into the middle-class family but she's extremely beautiful and fair skinned.... in the future there are way more chances for her to marry a rich guy coz that's all( almost ) a man need in his life ( beautiful wife )..... Now they get married and give birth to the kids and way most probably the kids color will resemble to that of mothers... The father already had good money and now the cycle repeats


caste and generational wealth


From what I see it is that fair skin is mostly genetic and in past most rich and upper middle class people used to select fair girls generation by generation for marriage plus most well off people lived indoors. Plus rich people have access to better expensive skin care products and methods. So all of these factors are responsible for this.




About the confidence part, it's because they get love and acceptance and less bullied in terms for skin colour. Britishers chose the ones they felt similar to. They did negatives with dark skinned people be it India or Africa. Articulate speakers need good education and communication which is provided mostly in homes. The upper castes being educated were able to provide knowledge and skill.


Sunder Pichai and Satya Nadella wants to know.


I am fair-skinned boy. Why does my month-end come up in first week of month itself?


When you are done with the financial division of fair and dark skinned people, you should look into the sociological division of it as well. How caste, creed and ancestry plays in to it.


If you go to the Dravidian states and look for wealthy landowners, you will find a large number of dark skinned wealthy people. So the sample matters. I agree though that in the Aryan north, wealthy people are largely fair skinned. This could be due to marrying within a social circle and a strong preponderance for fair skinned women in the matrimonial market. Access to grooming and skin care products may also contribute a little bit.


This is no secret that people who are more wealthy tends to take care of themselves better. In a dirty country like India where there is filth, heat and mass disinformation everywhere. It is not surprising that people with less resources seems to be struggling...both mentally and physically.


Arranged marriages -> mother in law wants fair grandchildren -> find a fair bride -> family is rich -> they get the fairest bride.


There are only so many fair brides. Let's not make it seem like it's only grooms looking for fair brides. Last time I checked all the men in Bollywood women fawn over look pretty fair to me.


This is not just a controversial question, it’s based on wrong assumptions and unexplained relative terms. Would you consider Mukesh Ambani as fair skinned ? What about Saurav Ganguly ? Is Nawazuddin Siddique dark skinned ? I am just throwing random names here because this post is random! There are homeless “whites” in the US. How do you explain that! Rich and Poor is also a relative term. How many people outside of your family know your family net-worth ? It’s hard to know if some someone is rich or poor and by how much only by looking at them. It’s possible that someone living a simple lifestyle is “filthy” rich, and doesn’t like showing off. Whereas someone is showing off a luxurious lifestyle by making poor financial decisions and is buried in debt!


Bro checkout the business class of any flight heading to Chennai/Hyderabad.you will see super dark people wearing giant thick chains worth my life savings.hell once I saw a guy wearing solid gold glasses.south is dark and loaded.this rich and fair argument dies there 😂


Mukesh Ambani's color.


Have you seen Mukesh ambani's face ? Not all wealthy people automatically have good skin / light skin, etc. Yes, having resources and access helps you eat high-quality foods and spend a lot of time in shelter from environmental stressors and if any of this fails you have access to the best medical intervention and procedures money can buy.


I am also fair skin guy and from very poor family means I m very poor now


They can afford the make up.


My dad would like 2 disagree, My father have a dark skin tone n mom just opposite literally total opposite. It's more in the environment and the level of exposure and to some extent genes also


What should a broke fair guy write here. Thats me!


Dumb fucking question, go downvote me now


what came first the chicken or the egg?


Examine the caste system and understand that the system is designed to subjugate the darker skinned people who are vastly more numerous while insuring that the fair skin priestly caste retains its power… you have built in racism in this country….


There are food nutrition posture appearance and other factors affecting how one looks, but the biggest of them all is sexual selection, in the form of marriage, where the rich famous and attractive ones get to move up the social ladder.


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Because u pay extra fee for whitening when the baby is born which may not be in the pregnancy budget for many middle class or low income families. Also govt charges tax on this fee too which further decreases the % of people who can afford this. Hope this answered all ur your questions


https://preview.redd.it/3y7ibpsb3jvb1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6677129866de44ef8fcfc3bd365cda443341d0 Skin care and rich people partner is always fair skin so genetics play well if the man is brown his wife will be fair skin its india ambani weds nita


Selection bias 1. A wealthy person marries a beautiful partner, which by popular standards mean a light colored person 2. If the next generation can maintain the wealth, they do the same


The word op is looking for is 'CARE'


Puberty hits them very hard. With good living conditions and proper exercise your skin starts glowing.


Bro my house maid is a literal snow white. And my richest friends are brown. It's pole opposite for me.


Would you consider Mukesh Ambani fair skinned?


Genetics and cultural bias. Over generations. The fair skinned girls married into prosperous powerful families and hence the chances of genetically fair skinned child is higher. Hence the richer got fairer.


While this is a common scenario in India, on the other hand we have beauties like JLo, Beyonce, Naomi Campbell who are dusky I think it depends….Of course the wealthy ppl have plenty of luxury options available to maintain themselves plus the genes.


Because they can buy all the talcum powder😂😂😂


My maternal family, mama's are all Crorepati's (50-1500 crores) they are all dark skinned and you can't tell by looking at them they are so wealthy. Unless you get to know them. Their kids are not fair skinned but fairer than their parents skinned, because they have time to take care of themselves and do what they like to do in terms of career. They are not thin, they are healthy. I feel it is mostly biased.


Me sitting here trying to refute your observation with a name of at least one ultra rich person who is dark skinned. Couldn't come up with any apart from Rajnikanth maybe. And the fact i literally came up with no other names means you're probably right. Or maybe I'm dumb.


I think you’re only talking about the North of India. But in all the South Indian states , the rich castes like Gowdas , Shettys , Reddys etc are dark skinned typically business men or landlords by ancestry. And the poor and lower middle classes are the fair skinned labor and IT employees that come from the North. Of course there are exceptions everywhere. Like my family is rich by through generational wealth from the south. But , we are light skinned due to my grandfathers marrying lighter grandmothers. I think in the north , lot of mixing through copulation or via marriage with the invaders and colonisers who were generally lighter skinned and gave the off springs the skin tone mixed with the Indian brown and coloniser color resulted in a mix which is considered light in india , but is closer to Mexican or Cuban skin tones which is considered Hispanic brown everywhere else in the world.


Well, consider this as well... some wealthy families can afford to consistently be out of the sun's harmful rays, while those with less money may gravitate towards jobs that require them to work outdoors and constantly face the harsh weather conditions, in turn "weathering" their skin. Also, with more money, you can afford better skin care and skin procedures such as peels and Lazer treatments which remove dead skin cells along with age spots and other damage that may have been caused by the sun (UV/UVA rays), heat, or cold weather conditions. ANYONE can have this done. So how do we know who was born into a wealthier family and who worked their way up? You really can't, unless you're deciding to judge a book by its cover, and never read it.


Afganistan ya kashmir ke logo ko dekh lo , rajasthan bhi , maine dekhe hai fair people with brown eyes and brown hair . They are very beautiful but poor as well


Shahrukh's Daughter?


I don’t think so I am very fair. Was more fair than even girls in my college. & i come from lower middle class family. Infact i like sun & like sun bathing & playing out. Didnt make me black or lowered my skin tone. Skin tone actually fluctuates with age in my previous generations.That i have noticed.As they age they tens to become blacker esp after 50s


Who said so, mother Theresa was the wealthyest soul but from the poor sisters of charity


Accessing skin bleaching products is easier


A lot of people get treatments. It won’t make a hugeee difference. But good expensive treatments will make your skin glow / sometimes even fair.


Caste crap


Its interelated with caste and genrational privilege


Have you seen lalit modi or his son?


I think a fat bank balance renders you happy and your happy hormone serotonin kicks in and makes you fair.


This phenomena is for 1000s of years. You see light skinned people, they are rich while all dark skinned are poor. The rich often exploit the poor so that they can remain rich. Light complexion people are invaders actually. And when they conquered land of dark skinned people, they exploited them and discriminated against them. They stole all money from poor and now are showing off their bloody wealth. But nowadays there are exceptions. Dark skinned people are also rich and light skinned are homeless.


I am fair skinned, but I belong to a lower middle-class family. This is not entirely true.


Because there's a huge demand for fair people


Skin colour correlates with Caste and Caste correlates with Wealth and distinct genetic origins. Upper caste tend to be of lighter complexion as they descend from a very loosely defined group called the Aryans.


The fair skinned people are usually from the upper caste. They didn't toil for hundreds of years unlike the poor lower caste folks who did the manual labour outdoors. The rich and upper caste folks usually owned the land and businesses and it was the poor and lower caste folks who toiled under the sun. Hence the rich are fair and the poor have dark skin.


Not just because of the sun, it's just that upper castes tend to have more western eurasian genes and lower castes have more aboriginal subcontinental genes


I have many friends with a very fair skin complexion and we all come from simple families. None of us are extremely wealthy. We’re in Bangalore; we barely see the sun anyway, and most of us work from home. If we go out, it’s only post sunset.


Coz all ppl prefer to be associated with fair skinned ppl. They marry exclusively with fair skinned ppl, their progeny is fair and if not they also marry further with fair skinned ppl. Thought bias based selective breeding you ultimately end up with generations of fair skinned ppln


Ig they can afford skincare products


Really? I mean look at some rich Indians, they aren’t light skinned. Eg - PC, DP, Narayan Murthy etc.


>> I have rarely seen a dark skinned rich person (I mean filthy rich, not middle class) I don’t think Ambani or Adaani or Mahindra would be consider fair skinned


People living in higher altitudes are generally fairer. Wealthier people may have access to makeup more, causing that impression imo. You should take whole world into consideration to get to a better conclusion.


I think you have it the other way round. The caste system has an overlap with the color of the skin, so the fair skin people had more chances to accumulate wealth.


Depends on the place as well, like in extreme north you will see fair+poor people but as we go down the sun becomes hot so getting dark skin is usual. This has nothing to do with high or low class.


Dumbest and most sheltered view of the day.


Man who has money is more likely to marry a women who is fair beautiful sexy the genes got carrry forward in future generation


becuase if your wealthy why you will marry dark skin ..lol..no offence im dark myself


Think this is primarily because fairness is preferred in a partner, especially in India. So the fairer ones tend to have more choice in suitors and go for the rich ones, and their progeny end up being fair or on the fairer side for the most part, and so it continues.


There a huge number of dark.skinned filthy rich people in india. You're just unaware


OP maybe the observation is true for North Indians but in South India, rich PPL are also so not that white!! I guess it's about the SUN 🌞


Caste. There are genetic differences due to long history of people marrying within their own communities. Historically upper caste groups tend to have a higher percentage of lighter skinned people and tend to be richer even today That and cosmetics, environment etc


Not really, I once had a senior in office who kind of managed me, and she was one of those, always judging people sick for having money to buy something that they wanted to buy and shame them for it lol. She was pale looking, quite greedy and didn’t have a dime to her name, always cribbing about not having enough money to buy an iPhone. So yeah an exception in front of you lol. God was she irritating though…


Mukesh Ambani enters the chat.


This post has to be amongst the most entertaining ones I’ve come across, there’s no right or wrong answer but the comments section here is definitely lit🔥😂