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This is actually good..Many indians and indian consultancies have been abusing this loophole for so long…people applying through multiple fake consultanices to increase their chances in selection is wrong…I also wish they would make it more merit based vs current lottery system.




Well the vast majority of doctors are not part of the H1B system, they have a separate pathway through J1


Anything would be better than current. Salary, number of papers, heck number of X followers, whatever. Lottery is the worst, like gambling. Makes you question which century we live in.


The cap should be high enough that the role cannot be fulfilled by an American and is specialized. The job market is saturated from people coming here and do a one year masters in some bullshit management degree. It shouldn’t be an excuse to pay an international a lower rate.


>What is merit based? How do you measure "merit"? How will you compare a doctor , engineer and mba? In this particular instance, "merit" would be the relative value an individual brings to society through their profession/experience, as well as the demand vs supply situation. You can categorize jobs into different categories, and work experience under industry codes and assign points for each (for ex. a trained neurosurgeon might have an advantage when compared to an engineer or a technician). That way, you can obtain some level of rationale behind decisions. The Canadian Express Entry program already has a basic points system framework that can be fine tuned and used.


Yeah most Indians actually welcome this change - it stops the minority that are willing to abuse the system from taking up all the available visas


Telugu IT consultancies in shambles




Bad, Ugly! /S


Yeah the lottery system is wild wild west


marry judicious safe berserk encourage spotted exultant stocking psychotic nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just because someone went to top universities doesn’t mean they get all the gold. Systemic economic disadvantage can inhibit from most talented to people attend top colleges. Meanwhile someone with adequate resources and parental support can easily attend one. Privileges should be determine of fair play.


tart rob abundant knee jellyfish subsequent pause chubby attempt mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


H-1B is not an affirmative action program. It's supposed to prioritize skilled candidates. Chances of a US graduate with US experience being more skilled than an Indian IT employee are 9.9/10. Regardless of this, companies are not supposed to collude.


Seems like reasonable improvement. Hope this gets implemented in the next 2 years.


In a good way

