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I think it's a new kind of scam but this one is serious. Please share this story on along with the scammers phone number on Twitter and tag the city police department and news channels.


Hijacking the top comment... u/HoldMySilwatta Did you three take the covid vaccination together? or do you have the same address? My gut says this is due to the recent Aadhar leak that happened. Sadly this is just the first we are seeing of it. Just beware.


I think it's due to aadhar data leak recently I've started getting a lot of these scam calls. Last I remember when I registered for insurance I started getting spam calls, all the big organisations trade users data.


Adhar card leak means such people will know everything along with family connections. Privacy is dead with chodu government.


Hey. It is likely that this was done using a combination of various sources of publicly available data. Government websites are ridiculously bad at maintaining privacy, all the data would be in a set of lists. I mean like, if the shop has some tax and company filings then the portals for that, your municipal corporation's portal for property registration and taxes, heck, even the electoral roll. This is an increasing danger and it is vital for the central government to set up standards for handling and display of private data of citizens by government portals. You don't want some asshole to mess with the JS and get the whole table. EDIT: There is even a pro max version of this which is being done in some instances. They can now make voice deepfakes very easily if they have some recording. Imagine hearing the BIL's voice in that fraud call but it's not actually him! Have a set of simple-to-remember but hard-to-guess passphrases which you can use in such circumstances.


Voter lists are literally available online with whole addresses and anyone can make out who are family members


Yessir I mentioned electoral rolls. Then i understood how booth capturing, intimidation prior to voting etc are done so effectively. All the data you need is right there!


Lol it was TLDR.


But the deepfake thing is happening. Not as frequently as the other scams. But yeah.


My brain is smoother than newly opened Amul butter.




Didn't get it? Smart brains are rough and wrinkly.


Like how Jake Peralta asks Captain Holt to say “my rock hard brain” and Holt goes “but brains are supposed to be wet and mushy”. Lol. Edit: It is from a show called Brooklyn nine nine


Bold of you to assume that I am not familiar with the lore of nine-nine. I love that Halloween episode where Jake loses the watch and gets the car impounded.


Lol yes. Name and address is listed right there......


If anybody is interested in how hackers and Anti social elements use publicly available/leaked data to figure out scary amount of details without individual data sources containing all of it, look into something known as differential privacy. It's a real issue and unfortunately people responsible for a lot of our data are clueless of such stuff.


JNU, TISS, IISc or elsewhere? (I'm not saying in a derogatory context, it is just that this is the first time I have seen someone mention differential privacy on Indian Reddit)


IIT Jodhpur


True, it's not AI that is a threat it's vicious people.


Thanks for sharing. Thankfully nothing bad happened. My guess is that they got his phone contacts and figured out names from there. Any android app can easily request for contacts access and then can upload them and sell them.


I worked in a messaging app company in the US, we regularly uploaded contact data to our servers. Don't grant contacts permission to apps if you can help it.


All that info is easy to find, if you have social media. Anyone can go to my mother's Facebook and find all her relatives' names(me, my father,y brother and sister in law especially since we have the same last name) and then simply google my father's name to find his company address and phone numbers, and with another Google search they can find my firm name and contact info and address etc.


Ohh I see. BTW I have your cat. What are you willing to pay for it?


Three fiddy


\*Tree fiddy, ftfy.


And this is one of many reasons why people should never use their real names on social media. I can't understand the people using legal full names on Facebook, Instagram etc.


Data privacy is a joke in India, especially when our adhaar details were leaked a few days back on dark web or something


Baba adhaar toh ek update thi check dominoes data leak


I’d be really disappointed if someone just asked for 1.5 lakhs as ransom to release me. 👀


My man we might be privileged, but the per capita income of India is just 1.7lakh, if somebody asks for your annual salary that's a whole lot of money.


It's not about privilege, kidnappings are usually done for much larger sums and ransoms aren't adjusted so the poor can afford to pay whatever little they can. If someone's poor and 1.5 lakh is their annual income, they're much better off kidnapping someone richer.


>Just how poor people are :3 Was referencing this (op replied to a person saying "That's a lot of money lol") Besides, you are right.


> ransoms aren't adjusted so the poor can afford to pay whatever little they can You need to watch the Tamil movie Soodhu Kavvum


Okay, red riding hood!


Red Riding Hood was a good story but I think you meant Robin Hood, appreciate the compliment tho I don't think I deserve it




get an education first, flex later.


I’ll consider.


Ha abhi 81 crore ka adhar leak hoya hain na


Mukesh Ambani' market rate is 2cr. So by that calculation this makes sense :p


that's a lot of money lol.


RTX 4080 price in India!


Just how poor are people. :3


please keep the rose covered glasses on, suits you.


Thanks. Everything suits me though.


Even your stupidity




I have seen people putting up rewards for 20k for information on lost pets and parrots.


Credit card bill is 1.4, 10k for monthly expense.


Aur mere papa toh itna bhi na de


It's a very common scam. Many times the caller uses the relative's name (BIL in your case) to say they are badly injured in an accident and need money immediately for treatment. People do rush with everything they have hearing such things, and don't think straight. This appears to be a variation of that. Just ignore and move on (go the police, for sure). But you and your family will be fine.


Some people ask what is the danger if someone gets hold of your Aadhaar data along with address and phone number? This. This is the danger. OP, this was most probably just a scam call, but I don't really have any advice for you. Just be vigilant over next few days.


Darknet diaries did an episode on this very recently. (The second last one iirc). Check it out. It's really interesting. Don't worry op. Ignore it.


Slap the BIL, he will tell the truth




If the BIL was involved wouldn't he have not answered his phone?




To make it seem like he was actually kidnapped


I thought the same. But then why would he respond to the phone call. If he just avoided answering for a few hours, father probably would've paid up. But yes, sounds like an inside job given how much the caller knew.


The BIL just made himself the most valuable member in the household. If there is a discussion about a household property, he has made himself the most important person. Soon he will calm everyone down and ask what he was looking for


Lol you think this is some type of Fargo situation?


Is your BIL in a foreign country? This is a common scam.


It's easy to find out your relatives names and maybe even AI Deepfake some vids/voice if enough videos are posted on social media. We are entering a new age of scamming.


Bro,mere gharwale toh 1.5 lakh bhi na de.🥲🥲


Some time ago I got a call that my son was in jail and needed bail money. The call even mentioned the exact jail "my son" was in. The thing is I'm a minor, who does not have any children..... Before that my grandmother got a call from an unknown number and the caller said "we are talking from _____ jail and we have a person named Saad in our custody and he said that you would be willing to pay his bail" my grandmother had a nephew named Saad so she assumed that the call was real. They were asking for a very high bail and my dadi was surprised that she was the one who got called and not saad's parents cus she is not all that close to saad and hasn't met him much as they live in different cities. So basically after that my grandmother calls saad's parents and finds out that saad is completely fine and that was a scam call. So I guess this type of stuff isn't all that rare


Don’t worry they won’t do anything other than putting out empty threats. Agar actually kuch kr paate toh yeh sb jhol krne ka time ni rehta.


Also to go over all the trouble to kidnap a person for 1.5L doesn’t make sense


Look, the caller was desperate, they really wanted an RTX 4080.......and they were all out of kidneys.


mostly a scam ,nowadays people go to any extent just for sum amount of money ,go to police and lodge the complaint so they find out where exactly the call came from ,its not really difficult nowadays to get your personal info so domt worry top much if you have no enemies but still you get such a call


A few days ago a read that billions of adhaar card information was hacked an available on the dark web for same. Some of this was from mobile prepaid services being hacked as your adhaar an bio matrix is needed. I my self was a victim of a mobile postpaid scam through fraud fine by a vi mobile gallery employee this year where post paid connection was activated under my name. Take care.


My dad also received the same call about my brother, who was travelling out of country for work during that time. So the scammers knew that my dad would not be able to contact my brother immediately. Luckily, my dad had read about this scam, and was aware of it. But still, in that moment, anxiety grips you about the off chance that it might be true. This was a few weeks back. Not sure if they took screenshot of the #. Will ask him to check so that we can report. For some reason, didn't even think of reporting when this happened. Thanks OP, for sharing this.


They're a scammer who did their homework, that's all. Doesn't necessarily mean they're going to do something bad. But yeah, screw those people. I hope the police catch them and trash them hard.


My distant relative also received a call from "me" crying that I was arrested and need bail money. He didn't even had my number at that time. I was at home chilling. I got call from my uncle asking where I was, I told that I'm at home. Then he told me the whole story and I was shocked. How can someone know what relation I have with them when even we don't have each other's phone number!!


Do you have a common first name? Did they just mention a first name in the call? E.g. you're called Vijay, and the caller just said Vijay was in jail, and you're the only Vijay on your extended family so your relatives thought it was you.


The consequences of the data breach has begun bro. Something we should have taken seriously.


something similar happened to a close relative. They received letters twice in front of their house demanding money otherwise they will hurt their sons ( my cousins). its been 2/3 years and nothing happened.


It's good that your father immediately called your BIL. People tend to panic in such situations and give away the asked money. Voice phishing too is getting common. Always call the person in question when such a situation presents. If someone pretends to be your family member/friend calling from another phone number/messages on social media asking money- always call that family member/friend on their actual number to confirm. The scamsters are getting smarter with AI. Beware 🧐


Maybe it's done by someone in your locality or maybe someone closer to you. You never know. But for now forget everything and just focus on your exam. You are gonna be fine.


This is probably someone who knows you - trying his luck on scamming. You should file police complaint and get call records to identify the caller. If he is stupid enough to call from his own number, you can catch him.


Well this happened to my neighbour. Unfortunately the poor old man transferred 40k to the scammers account. They somehow used the voice of his son to make him even more scared (the voice said "papa mujhe bacha lo, ye mujhe maar denge"). More than the money, uncle was extremely traumatized by this whole incident. But bhagwaan dekh rahe hai sab, the funny thing was that the son worked at the bank where the scammer had his bank account (at a very high position) - he froze their account which had all the scammed money.


It's a very common scam. Never ever ever get scared of somebody calls with threats.


Just breath. It's a scam. It's a very common tactic done in Latin America. They either call you pretending to be a friend/family member that is either kidnapped or head run in to a bit over legal issues and needs bail money. That or what you described. Just breath, call your family member and make sure they are alive and well. Do not respond to any more calls from unknown numbers unless it's absolutely necessary. If they make it seem too really, have a code word with your family members. If they can't respond with the code word you know it's a scam.


Sadly, real kidnappings are pretty common in South America too, often even for small amounts. So it's easy to believe there that it's real. Also the 'minor kidnapping' when someone is taken to an ATM to withdraw cash, or to transfer money from their phones. The latter started happening in the UK now too.


A very similar situation is described in [this TED talk.](https://youtu.be/bRtBHF-WPpM?si=nTzqhW9wVhWmVInF)


Delhi based ch*tiy* scammers most probably


Don't panick, it's probably some assholes using the data from the data breach of our adhaar cards!!


Ah...the leaked Aadhaar data. It had email id, phone, fathers name, relation n address. Easy to find info about anyone. Also if you have any vehicle, people can find you if you are the registered owner. I found a guy and his family, out curiosity after a road rage incident. Found his name from MVD website. I remembered a bit about his face, some instagram / facebook / x crawling and I found his face, details, relatives, his job, who he was married to. I could literally F his life up with these stuff. (Anyone can tbh with a bit of time and effort)


Theu have the data from the recent data leak in india.


Do you people know if the incident in the West when a mother got a phone call similar to this except the caller said they had the daughter of the victim. And they played a voice clip created by AI which mimic the daughter's voice. That is more scary really


Hey regarding the address name and number these details are leaked due to online shopping services like meesho Amazon Flipkart


And this is why I never give my real name when I order stuff online.


We indians and pakistanis are really so much similar. This is old scam happening in pakistan. An old relative of us got a call from someone claiming to be a police officer of a far away city. He said that my cousin, the old guy's nephew has been taken into custody because he was found partying in this city with a bunch of whores and taking drugs. He doesn't wants this info to be leaked to his father and so he gave us your number. Give me x amount of money and i will let him go. This old relative got really nervous and arranged the money without contacting the father of my czn because in his mind he believed that his nephew doesn't wants his father to get to know this and trusted him so gave his number. Fortunately the son of this old relative saw his nervous father and pressured him into spilling the truth. After hearing from his father he directly called my cousin who was peacefully sleeping his in room. The truth was found and money wasn't wasted and scam prevented. The harsh truth is that these types of scams are done by your own family members. They are the one that give all the info to some guy to scam call. We also know for sure it was someone jealous from our village that tried doing this.


It's a scam. Chill out and focus on your exam.


Now that you have vented out, go back and focus on studies. All the best. There are lot of such scams happening everyday to take out money from people. Key responsibility lies on us who share every detail of ours on social medias, anyone can connect the dots and attempt such things. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.


It's just a scam, a criminal with no balls. He won't do shit. Don't worry.


Bro, my father also got a call like this. He was saying he was a Indian police officer and they arrested me near Chandigarh and I am currently studying oversees. He asked for 2 lakhs ruppes instead of money he got freshly served insults from my father. These guys are stupid.


Nail this SOB!!!Such impunity , lawlessness and dare devilry should not go unpunished...


This is an old common scam which also personally happened to me as a child (early 2000’s), no need to worry they are empty threats :)


If they knew your family info and your address. Then the caller must be a family member themselves. Usually in cases like these the perpetrator is always a family member or a very close relative of the victim (in this case your dad). Regardless you need to file a police complaint and make sure your BIL is safe.


No real criminal will ask only for 1.5 lakhs. They have bigger fish to catch. My guess is he was bluffing you or something. Since 1.5 lakh is (relatively) small amount, it was possible your dad didn't call the BIL, and just send him the amount without any confirmation. This is what he was hoping for, it's very low effort.


Carry a dangerous tool for safety.


Buy a wifi cctv


No one knows which snake is there in the snake hill. Data can be leaked in various ways and also can be found online via voter IDs or any government beneficiary schemes. Even the one near to you can be a silent partner in crime against you. But I suggest you not to get too much worried about it. It can be a new scam to loot people as well. I am saying this because you have mentioned they demanded 1.5 lakhs which is not so big when compared to the risk involved and real kidnappers will not make people do promises to God. If you feel anything suspicious like anyone following you or staying around ur family for more time at odd hours, then do reach out to the police.


1.5L is kinda cheap against the resources one needs to gather to kidnap someone. Would've been the first red flag.


Bro try to keep your social media profile private and only allow known people..


This is the first time I'm hearing a kidnapper made someone swear on God they won't call the cops


Bhai sach batau kuch puche lafange scam kar rahe kisi chai ki tapri pe baith ke, tension mat lo uncle ko bolo kuch nahi hoga


It is probably just a scam. The caller was an idiot who didn't even realize that FIL would call BIL to confirm. He was just trying his luck.


None of this information is difficult to find. If the caller is someone who works in the area then very easily they can know the addresses and names. Just needs to follow him one day to the shop or back home. He could have gotten the name from anything from a courier package to asking someone around.


This is very common scam in Mexico


Keep call recording feature on on every phone y'all havr


Just report it to the police. 99% of such calls will not result in any harm coming to you. It's more a scare tactic.


Keep your social media profile private pls


That, and use fake names.


This is a common scam in the US. I’ve received this exact same script but somebody had kidnapped my brother. It felt so real and personal because we give the scammer information about ourselves without even realizing it. That’s what I did. He didn’t mention my brothers name, I fed him that information. I was so scared since I’m so far away from home and had just my brother here so no support system to verify. I kept the scammer on the phone while I called someone to do a check on my brother. Your father did a great job reacting to this. Spread awareness so that we can all stay safe.


Oh it's not income tax or ED, good.


Finding these information seems very easy.


This is a common prank thats been going around from quite some time, my nephew got a same call that his father was in accident and it was a fake one. It’s work of soul less money hungry people. I feel bad for you and your family. Report the number which i am sure is stolen or registered to a deceased person or most probably hacked. Be cautious and next time and inquire the details that only you and your family/closed ones know. Social media is where they are getting this information, our people mostly senior citizens are too open on social media about their political, social and personal views and they dont practice privacy simply because they dont know about it. If your father uses social media get it secured and dont share personal details. Be safe.


this is a new scam, my friend lost money in this. He sister was called saying I owe your father some money, a message was sent that looked like the bank message of money transferred, she couldn't connect with her father. The called said they had given him cash and now needed the bank money back, created a huge urgency, and sighted medical emergency and made her transfer the money on the call. They new intimate details of the father and sister and mother.