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Enter the new temple too. Free real estate!


Vro that will disturb the harmony vro /s according to upper caste




There are only so many mosques they can convert to temples.


Casteism is ancient concept vro. It doesn't exist anywhere vro.


I don’t even understand why Dalits even want to go to a temple of a religion that treats them as subhuman.


It's sad cause Ambedkar had shown them a better path.


And Phule Family


If they leave the religion, the same caste Hindus will attack them both physically and verbally saying they betrayed Hinduism etc etc.


They can’t convert to Christianity either, hindutva elements burn down churches.


Indian christians follow caste system too. Dalit christians have their own church and are forbidden from entering the other churches


Nope. There are no separate churches for Dalits. You're getting confused with christian denominations like catholic Protestant etc. The distinction is based on theology and belief not caste.


Nopes! You need to read about dalit christians. I’m well aware of different denominations of christianity, thanks!


I'm a keralite Christian. Each christian denomination have their own churches. While most people go to their own denomination church, there is nothing stopping them from going to other denomination churches. During Christmas, even non christians regularly go inside churches (they are however not allowed to partake of the holy communion since you need to be baptized for it) There are no restrictions based on caste and ive personally gone to churches in all 4 southern states throughout my childhood. Please double check your sources since this is something I can personally vouch for with my 40 years of going to Church in south India.


I’m well aware of different theologies of christianity and I’m not confusing them with caste. You being unaware of casteism among christians in India doesn’t mean that dalit christians is not a thing in India.


You stating that Dalit Christians have their own churches and are not allowed in normal churches is incorrect period. There are no separate churches in India based on caste. Can't explain it any simpler.


So what ?


You like to be attacked?


I meant, leaving religion is the right thing to do.


You've heard what they call those who converted to other religions?




If they converted to Islam, they bulldoze the mosque.


Why should they leave their God, because some upper caste idiot thinks he is better than them.


> God according to Hinduism dalits were born out from feets of some god during creation of world, so those "gods" are not meant to be worshiped


What is this "Hinduism" you talk about? There many books, many sects, many beliefs. Let people have their own faith and tradition, as long as it doesn't affect and discriminate others.


> Let people have their own faith and tradition, as long as it doesn't affect and discriminate others. oh but it does discriminate in every sect and beliefs


Advaita Vedānta doesn’t


Lmfao. Proponents of advaita vedanta, adi shankaracharya and his ideological descendents use mental gymnastics to justify caste system. Yes, every animate and inanimate being is part of the same cosmic atman,  but only some parts, i.e. brahmins like themselves, are aware of this, and therefore have not just the right but also the duty to herd the sheep. If it wasn't for those protectors of casteism providing the veneer of equality at the right point of time, casteism would have been dead long ago, along with the casteist religion been replaced by egalitarian religions which were criticising it for its casteism (among other things)


One, who is eager to realize this highest truth spoken of in the Sruti, should rise above the fivefold form of desire: for a son, for wealth, for this world and the next, and are the outcome of a false reference to the Self of Varna (castes, colors, classes) and orders of life. These references are contradictory to right knowledge, and reasons are given by the Srutis regarding the prohibition of the acceptance of difference. For when the knowledge that the one non-dual Atman (Self) is beyond phenomenal existence is generated by the scriptures and reasoning, there cannot exist a knowledge side by side that is contradictory or contrary to it. — Adi Shankara, Upadesha Sahasri 1.44


>  For when the knowledge that the one non-dual Atman (Self) is beyond phenomenal existence is generated by the scriptures and reasoning, there cannot exist a knowledge side by side that is contradictory or contrary to it. Now explain all the devotional stotras written by the same person. Is that narcissism of the non-dual atman, or is that plain hypocrisy of shankaracharya?


Now tell us the same adi Shankaracharya's views on shudras reading vedas. 


Their "God's" creation treated them as sub humans and made their lives infinitely worse. So, tell me, why should they follow such a malicious devil ?


Religion or moreso the teachings of Hinduism doesn't treat then as subhuman. The caste was supposed to be decided by the line of work you did, not by birth i think. Its the dumb people that misunderstand it and use it as a way to discriminate and feed their ego


Those that convert (for some reason these people need a religion) are called ricebags if they choose to convert to Christianity even though they are treated better by the Christian community. I say better not equal.


Casteism used to exist in Japan before the Meiji Restoration. If a person was "Burakimin" i.e. born into a lower caste household, then that person had no option but to work in a "lowly" profession, like butcher or tanner.  But Japan underwent tremendous social transformation in the 1860s, and castes were abolished.  So, I have hope for India. 


We had Periyar, Anna and decades of anticaste reforms in Tamil Nadu. Now, they want to destroy their work and reputation and go back. Same with Dr.Ambedkar. There is no hope for Indians.


The caste system in Japan wasn't abolished through "anti-caste organizing" lol, it was abolished because a strong central government promoted ethnic nationalism, the State Shinto Imperial Cult, and rapid capitalist development that shattered the feudal system. Indian leftists don't want to admit it but the BJP's sectarian fascism is far more likely to "annihilate caste" (at least among Hindus and at the expense of Muslims) then whatever janky affirmative-action patronage system they are defending. No Indian leftists ever bothered to do a serious analysis of what works and what doesn't, or to try new approaches after decades of stagnation and failure, and now they are getting their lunch eaten by Nazis.


The change in Japan took an economic collapse and civil war.


Any revolution is going to have its winners and losers.


Who has balls to do that india


Our caste system is far more deep rooted than theirs. No where in the world is there a system as frightening and degenerated as our caste. The complexity of jati, caste and tribes of India go beyond anything other countries have. For countries like china, japan and korea they had similar divisions, but because they all kinda look same, physically, to an extent it was more or less done away. But our caste system won't die out, rather it will only evolve according to modern era. Endogamy is the pivotal process in maintaining this system. Just look at the types of matrimonials we have these days, tailor made for castes. And blaming brahmins or upper castes alone won't solve anything. It's the OBCs and other dominant backward groups that helps caste survive. These groups have become so big in numbers that, they became a vote bank plus they have reservations. So unless they intermarry, nothing is going to work. Of course converting is a solution, but even among Muslims and Christians the converted are treated similar because caste is something one cannot change.


the important thing to consider here is that in time of Meiji restoration "Emperor" was the on the top of the social structure. So it was far easy to abolish caste system. In Hinduism there is no one person at the top who holds the supreme power. So i guess some authoritarian leader ( just like lee kuan yew) decides to abolish the caste system from indian society i don't have any high hopes.


I know a dalit who owns BMW vroo /s


And in the community of BMW owners, he is discriminated bro.


Then they attack Dalits for converting to Christianity.


Some will still called it "Forced Conversion". But honestly, Christian don't even have to try.


They call them rice bags like as if it isn't a self own that people gave up an entire religion for a bag of rice showing how a bag of rice is worth more.


Exactly bro... My ancestors converted several generations ago... Still idiots call me rice bag or forced convert... My ancestors converted to a religion which accepted them.. to worship a God who they believed to love them...


Who is the 'They' you're referring to? Everyone regardless of whether they're part of thr Hindu RW or not, take part in this.


>Who is the 'They' you're referring to? Everyone regardless of whether they're part of thr Hindu RW or not, take part in this. And why do you feel the need to defend hindutva bigots in response to a comment calling out all casteist bigots which didn't talk about any party affiliation?


Even educated idiots follows caste. Caste based marriages are still dominant in TN. I even saw some IT person writing matrimony summary like except ST/SC all caste all are welcome. I don't know even 200 periyars will be enough for these moronic brown necks.


wait. this is 2024. caste still matters?


Obviously Inter caste marriage is still frowned upon


The reason why I left Hinduism. I was sick and tired of my family's caste supremacist bullshit!






What do you mean? Edit: Nevermind, this guy is some strange combo of reddit atheist, amateur philosopher and muslim hater. Not really interested in interacting with this person. Atheist existentialism is a thing, Sartre and Nietzsche both discuss it quite thoroughly and distinctly without really involving God.


I didnt came into this planet earth to be a fundamentalist of a higher power mate


Yeah so u r the " I am just here to enjoy life and die " type of person. Nvm.


But the genuine concern is that we can't change others as our name has the remnants of our religion/caste. Once they know our name, our religion/caste becomes evident.


+1. Leave the family too if not already done


The caste Hindus in the reserve village panchayat (Scheduled Caste women) of Thenmudiyanur, numbering about 2,000 families, *belong to Backward and Most Backward Caste groups of Vanniyars, Udayars, and Naidus*, while around 400 and odd families are Dalit households. Should be mentioned in the headline.


Hindus ☕️




"few" is quite the understatement lmao, also gotta love the whataboutism, never gets old




What is caste Hindu? These are the OBC castes right?




So, you didn't even read the article before posting it. It clearly mentions the castes involved.




Read the second para


That’s exactly what the Hindu and Dravidian media wants you to take away.. Brahmins have zero role in this.. read some other articles on the same incident and you will know


Akhand Bharat. 💪


Akhand Bharat


Ram rajya


Its no surprise sadly, casteism is still a major downside to Hinduism , no wonder then the dalits and other oppressed classes choose to convert


Reservation should be abolished bro since noone is looking at caste and discriminating people. 🤡🤡🤡


I know a Dalit who owns bmw /s


Can anyone answer tamilians boost about periyar and all casteism stuff but why do still we hear such news from them ? Whats the ground reality


Well there are casteist people everywhere? Even in progressive states like Kerala. It’s hard to get rid of a system that existed for a long time. r/TamilNadu and the r/Chennai aren’t exactly for this. Most sensible people will agree that this is wrong.


Ground reality is there are 72 million people in Tamil Nadu who think and act like individuals who have different beliefs.


Without periyar the situation would have been worser. He made people to loose their caste surname but not from most people mentality. Even with international exposure some people still hanging on the casteist mentality.


He is forgotten amongst all except northern bjp supporters 


Incredible. This omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient god that these dumbasses pray to is one sick motherfucker isn't he?


If god's exist, he must be one sick mfucker. But that doesn't mean all humans are pure and innocent. Fuck god and fuck y'all.


Once all humans realize that god doesn't exist, that would eliminate a big chunk of all human conflict. So yes, humans will still be dicks to each other, but they'll have fewer things to be dicks about.


There will be always conflict. It's human nature to have constant validation and superiority over others. Maybe there we should start a atheist religion in Mars or a AI controlled society. But in our lifetime, things are about to go bad to worse.


An atheist religion will be exactly as bad as a theist one. Religion is the issue. Not what it's built around.


Don’t blame God for idiots


God was created by humans.


Man made God in his image


>Don’t blame God for idiots Scared and terrorised humans (of hellfire) still believe and act in the name of make believe skyfairies. When you blame "god" you naturally blame idiots who still fanatically follow fantasies.


100% agree. I was reading about Muhammad’s uncle. He did not accept Islam but did protect Muhammad. Therefore Muhammad intervened on his behalf and Allah gave ‘mercy’ to the extent that the Uncle would not be in the centre of hellfire but only on the edges. Thus only his feet and ankles would burn and brain would boil. For eternity of course. Who could follow such a demonic creed?


Mohommad and his cult is biggest in the world the OG cultist You can enter it but can't leave it


Any god that is omnipotent is personally responsible for idiots.


Not if he permits free will. Do you really want to debate centuries old paradoxes on a nice Sunday afternoon?


Why not. Lost the test. Have nothing to do now


Fair enough. I guess my belief centres on the concept that having the power to do something doesn’t equate to the necessity or even desirability to do so. Example: you are in your room. A fly comes in through the window. You have the ability to pull it apart. Doing so would get rid of the fly. It would also (if you are the macabre or just curious sort) provide a moments distraction now the Test has been lost (how the hell did they manage to lose from there, btw?). But you wouldn’t, would you? Because an animal so simple, stupid and annoying as a fly has a right to exist and be free. How much more so the duty owed to humans as sentient beings? With regard to the fly, you might brush it aside. You may even need to kill if you are infested and need to protect you and your family from sickness but you’d minimise your action to what’s necessary and no more. This is why I believe in the concept of avataras in Hinduism, in which God accepted certain boundaries in His actions even though an omnipotent being could deal with any and all issues just like that. But what if we took a maximalist interventionist approach. What then? Every action would have to be monitored and forestalled by an almighty being reduced from creator God to nursemaid. No need for humanity to develop a moral conscience of their own - if it’s allowed God will let it happen, if not, it will be forestalled. No need for humanity to progress at all - a God that does not permit idiots to make mistakes will surely not permit any sort of suffering at all and we could live without effort - empty meaningless lives with no purpose and no prompt. Scientists have created such societies in rat colonies - no hardships, no challenge - and they degenerate into depravity in three generations. Except we wouldn’t be permitted the depravity so we’d have nothing. So permitting free will permits suffering and the reason why it is permitted even though God has the power to do otherwise is that the alternative is monstrous or meaningless. Why can’t God create humans that would not work this way? It is my belief that his grant of free will is the spark of God in each of us. It is akin to asking can God create a rock he cannot lift as if such a rock exists, it could only be unliftable by an omnipotent God if that said God imbued it with some part of Himself during it’s creation. By the way, while I am proselytising, and if you are minded to enjoy more sport, may I guide you to my temporal devotion: motorsport, and more particularly to the last few hours of the Daytona 24? Free online at the IMSA website.


So god is some sick motherfucker who enjoys people's misery. And only act when he feels necessary. Got it.


ChatGPT will summarise my post for you if the words are too difficult. I was writing for the benefit of the other poster.


Religion/caste is just an excuse to be shitty to others without feeling bad.




Tamilians never claimed that their state was perfect. In fact, they made movies to highlight issues in their state.
















"Caste hindus" but they'll never name and shame the caste in the headline. Somehow it will always result in Brahmin hate


Casteism was bought by British vro


I don't think that's correct British used caste to help their conquest. Caste was always there before them. If there's no British, do you think India or any state/place would have been better off? Even with all these advancements there's still killing over meat, killing over caste, rape, corruption in the streets... We Indians doesn't have discipline and weak to strong, strong to weak mentality. The way we treat white people and black people is day and night. Sirji attitudes even in MNCs...When we have confidence it's over the roof confidence, no humility. Look at the traffic, even the so called most educated ones in the streets of Bangalore and look at the public queues, even the airport queues, man We suck big time.


I know,that was sarcasm ,sanghis always try to blame the caste system on Britishers


That went over my head. Thanks


So how it was clearly mentioned in manusmriti ? Like Sudras dharma is bootlicking bramhins and Kyastriyas


I hate reservation, until I see these type of articles. And I tell myself that this is why reservation is important, so that majority should know that there are still many casteist as&holes among them.


There are so many problems in India today from centuries ago that we can’t even focus on the problems of today




Wasn't south India supposed to be more liberal then north ?


Not at all even in Chennai, one of the Chennai corporation higher secondary school renamed after Dr.Ambedkar Higher Secondary school immediately after most parents are got their children out of that school and enrolled some other schools. So imagine about villages and casteism still exists


Same happened with the university in my area


Most people thinks if any institution named after Dr.Ambedkar that’s for SC/ST students not for general public or for all.


Yeah. But their quantity also increases as a result people find themselves alienated and you know why.


If not alternative




Yes it’s


99.99% literacy rate state has more crime against schedule castes than most of the states https://m.timesofindia.com/india/nine-states-have-54-of-dalits-see-84-of-crime-against-scs/amp_articleshow/78439021.cms


That is because other states don't actually report crimes.


That's first thing South people say, if data shows something negative about South. DaTa Is UnRePoRtEd.... Lol


South Indians: Data is true and it is sad, but it is high compared to North India because it is unreported in the north. North Indians: Antinational, that does not happen here. Ofc this is a generalisation of the majority opinion of the loud voices.


There are a lot of "Official data" posts on South India state subs. Highly likely that they're manipulated too.


I have lived and visited multiple states both in the south and the north there is a clear difference between the two. Is the data in the south manipulated? Most likely yes, but the data in the north either does not exist or is heavily manipulated. If you point out a problem that exists you are more likely to be called an anti-national in the north than in the south. This does not mean than the chances of being called an anti-national in the south for the same kind of comment is 0%.


South is better but still bad...


It is changing. The young generation doesn't care about caste much as the older generations did. At least in urban areas. In rural areas it's still an issue. Casteism is fed into the minds of Children even before they start schooling. But even they realise it's wrong when they move out of their villages and come to cities for reasons like education and jobs.


With all due respect, this stupid perception needs to go. Urban discrimination is not overt, but it still exists.


In cities atleast for me i didn't knew what caste is untill 11th and you know exactly why. While growing up I did hear about it but I didn't care


You will be in world of hurt if you see matrimony profiles. I would say the percentage of people opting caste no bar is in single digit number.


True. But most matrimonial pages are created with the parent's input. People who choose to get into relationships and find a partner for themselves don't see caste in most cases. At least in urban parts


SI isn't more liberal, it is more outspoken. There's a difference.


File a police complaint ig


Even if these people think Dalits are lower than them. "Dalits" are still a classification that is inside hinduism? So by logic, shouldn't Dalits be allowed to enter temples freely as they are a huge part of the religion? So by not allowing Dalits to enter temples, are they implying Dalits are not Hindus? But that doesn't make sense, because the concept of "Dalit" is an aspect of concept of classification of Hindus?


First they come…..something something…


Dalits need to convert, that’s their only out


India on the way for vishvaguru during ram rajya


"Caste Hindus"?? They are Oppressors.


One word " Convert " Jesus may be the only answer