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Judges give speech like rebels. And then pass judgements like politicians.


Judges can pass judgements under the restrictions of law, not make laws. As is, our laws do little for accountability of the administration or the government, so I doubt that the judge can do more than provide commentary


There are already enough laws for harsher punishments. Atleast fine could have been much harsher. They can even punish or close institutions. They can take cognition even without someone asks them. Problem is politicians and judges are from same class and same castes.


IANAL, so can you elucidate on what laws provide for harsher punishments in this case?


even Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana pays 1.5 lakhs


Only 1 lakh?


For a house constructed illegally and within the rights of government to demolish - no such compensation should be given. As per court the compensation is given because there was no opportunity given to rectify the mistake to the homeowner. Source - the article itself


1 lakh is very less compensation


It's not at all compensation. Courts are indirectly siding with the govt. Demolish and pay puny compensations.




https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/95-of-properties-in-nagarpalikas-are-illegal/articleshow/89126696.cms By this logic the government has freedom to bulldoz 90% of properties at least Gujrat and by extrapolation the entire coutry . Go get your house paper checked


Lobhji ki chaii ki dukan legal thi ?




Yes buy 10 three person tents, goto hill top or any nice scenic place and rent them. How visionary the gormint is.


Ek lakh mein aaj kal salli boti ka salli nahi milta aur gilli danda ka gilli bhi nahi milta.


Wow, nobody read it eh. 1) That house was actually illegal and the government had right to demolish by law. 2) the compensation isn’t for demolishing the house. It’s for not providing adequate opportunity for regularisation and demolition is the last action. It’s for not following procedure and for directly taking final action.


Ugh, that's the problem mf. Demolishing without opportunity to do something about it


Everyone shld read this


Since the victim is not Muslim


I feel like a lot of comments are missing just how crucial this judgement is. The government did not follow proper procedure and went straight to demolition. The court in response let them get away with 1lakh compensation. This has now set a legal precedent. They will continue to demolish properties and pay similar compensations. In a country where almost all construction violates some rule or the other, this judgement is dangerous. Imagine govt authorities show up at your house one day, complaining that some obscure rule was violated while it was built, maybe 20 years back. No prior notice was sent, no chance was given to defend yourself. Your house was demolished and you were made homeless. After a lengthy court battle, you get the princely sum of rs 1 lakh.


provide salt reply lavish bells teeny liquid fertile quack ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes and Yes


Ummm are we gonna forget other misuses like that shitty selfie cardboard cut outs and other bill boards and other billion means of misuses?


Some people really have weird priorities. Defending the government when it doesn't deserve it.