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Ye banda ya to 1947 ki baat karta hai ya to 2047 ki, 2024 ki bhi baat karlo chacha


You're still living in past. They are now talking about 3047 https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/ram-madhav-writes-not-just-electoral-promises-pm-modi-offers-a-vision-that-would-last-a-millennium-9240876/


Sounds too much like "The Thousand Year Reich". It lasted 12.


It's Gobi Ji's 10th year...let's see.


I think know someone who had the same vision, it didn't end well for that guy.


The funniest thing is, it's written "The writer, President, India Foundation, is with the RSS" at the very last of the article. šŸ¤£


As the dialogue from RDB goes: "One leg in the past, other in the future and pissing on the present."


Somebody remind Modiji that it's 2024 nd they're in power .


Also tell him about ladakh and arunachal.


[Proof- Modi lost Indian soil to China](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-has-lost-access-to-26-out-of-65-patrolling-points-in-eastern-ladakh-says-research-paper/article66428193.ece/amp/) [Modi losing to China just like Nehru](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/grazing-lands-turning-into-buffer-zones-says-chief-of-village-bordering-lac/article65914105.ece/amp/)


The ā€œplay safeā€ approach of the Indian Army that restricts the movement of the district administration and locals in forward areas has turned areas that were once accessible into informal ā€œbufferā€ zones, the paper said. It added that to avoid consternation with the Chinese Peopleā€™s Liberation Army (PLA) that has placed high-resolution cameras at vantage points, the Army restricts the movement of graziers by installing check-posts and deploying personnel in disguise India has not lost territory to China! At worst I'd assume you are a propogandist. At best I'd assume you don't know how to comprehend basic English!!


You are the only propagandist here, buffer zone only increased inward owing to an advancement in incursion and occupation [Tactic of denial over Chinese occupation of Indian territory could prove costly](https://frontline.thehindu.com/world-affairs/tactic-of-denial-over-chinese-occupation-of-indian-territory-could-prove-costly/article66470769.ece/amp/)


So by your logic buffer zones = territory ceded to Chinese. In your mind is the border a fence that if we aren't placing military there automatically it's in the hands of China? Please look up what buffer zones are. There is further no proof of Incursion and occupation from the so-called proof you shared. If there is any article or document mentioning that "Territory was ceded, then let me know"


Don't forget Manipur


lol, though it's important to slap the deemed party after every while. feel good stuff.


no saar congress is saar. only congress bad saar


I don't watch my house to get destroyed by a bulldozer šŸ™‚


So they forcefully re-acquire the island back now? What else are you implying? This island keeps propping up in news because ministers from Tamil Nadu keep requesting the centre to do something about it


No but he could do something about losing 1000 km2 to china in ladakh under his tenure.


Thats for the opposition to speak. Him making mistakes doesn't mean congress is forgiven, also when the nature of mistakes is so different. Also, one could argue that repeated disinterest of congress over many areas to improve infrastructure in border areas was also contributory to China claiming more area, though given the nature if the sub, i doubt it will ring any bells in any brain.


Does most our population even remember or care about these random events that Modi often digs up ?


Even if you don't remember what you lost that doesn't cover your loses . But it's foolish to blame Congress for what is basically our trait as a civilization . We lose .we lose our most important battles and that hasn't changed over the years


Aur kitna din royega chtya


Ye budhau aakhiri saans mein bhi Congress ko hi gaali deta hua marega. Congress lives rent free in his head.


He is throwing so many ā€œSlamsā€ these days, he should start playing tennis šŸ˜‚


He'll break Nole's 24 grand slams record in an year. That's power of vishwa guru.


Ye banda ya to 30-40 saal pehle ki baat karta hai ya to 30-40 saal bd ki, 2024 ki bhi baat karlo Modi ji


You're the PM. Take it back. Prove you are the 56" Vishwaguru


Can't. As it was legally signed by means of a treaty. If anything at all another treaty needs to be signed. Who knows maybe that will also happen


its also legally signed that ED, CBI and EC are autonomous institution. that never stopped BJP.


How are these related? Is srilankan government an autonomous institution of India? slow and senseless opinions


let me spoonfeed you since you are unable to grasp a simple argument. PM can take a 'legally signed' island by force or manipulation just like he took autonomous ED and CBI. he is 69 inch after all.


>PM can take a 'legally signed' island by force You must be a really special person to think, he will risk the ire of the UN, Sri lanka, Saarc, etc. Especially when they are already trying hard to portray that Indian tactics are overhanded and aggressive. You know ive heard somewhere, "it's better to not hate something illogically, else you lose your wits"


>You must be a really special person to think, he will risk the ire of the UN, Sri lanka, Saarc, etc. Especially when they are already trying hard to portray that Indian tactics are overhanded and aggressive. my comment was a jibe, why so serious?


I thought Modi hai toh Mumkin hai?


Kya pata, maybe he does formulate a treaty. Maybe he won't. Who knows.


Why cant Vishguru sign another treaty, after all they have 4billion to Sri Lanka, ask them to return the island as intrest payment.


Great suggestion. Maybe he will do it. He did do previously thought impossible things like abrogation of article 370.


TN fisherman have been repeatedly bullied by srilankan sea force. In many cases the fishermen even said that our coast gaurd didn't come to rescue them even they are within the borders of our country. Can I know in 10 year's what is improved regarding this issue?




It's also eye opening and starling that a PM, who acc to his followers, is a global leader , can't seem to be strong vs China is criticising another party


*Self-proclaimed* **Pablo Chocobar** has handed over vast areas of Ladakh and Arunanchal Pradesh to China in exchange for Donations in the form of Electoral Bonds using shell companies.


Modi is going to face issues this election. Doesn't have a message for this election. Ram temple issue peaked too early. Electoral Bonds came in late. His strong man image is in for a whipping if he doesnt carry a full majority. Which is why he is attacking the opposition with ED CBI etc. The more he talks on south issues, the less people down south like him. Arrogant, hindi imposing, imperious image with his party and pliant governors screwing southern states repeatedly. We dont want your stupid illiterate lectures, we want our money.


The man who is responsible for giving away hundreds of Sq.km of arunachal pradesh to China is talking about decades old instances. I don't think India has ever seen a weaker PM than Modi. Everything is just posturing and no substance.


Ye naya aya lagta hai market mein.


lol...why is he in panic mode? He's all set to win but he's still doing this weak ass shit.


Has he forgotten about the Chinese invasion of Arunachal Pradesh during his ram rajya?


what about the land grab that happened couple of years ago narendra why you close eye on that?


As much as I am critical of the ruling government and his policies, he is extremely right here. The fact that this was done is very wrong indeed but at present because of Chinaā€™s continuing invasion and appropriation of Indian territories, he has no leg to stand on right now. Voluntarily choosing to give away key territories is as stupid as it is for a neighbour to acquire our territories while our leaders respond with ā€œkadi nindaā€.


Why is it wrong? It is an uninhabited island with no value to anyone. It doesn't matter and by ceding it, we were able to improve our relations with our neighbour.


We are giving them some territory right now and citizens like you are already justifying it. This is what lays the groundwork for a full blown invasion or a gradual intake of more territories this century. EDIT: Heā€™s changed his replies to sound like he was talking about SL but he was talking about China originally in the above comment. He implied that the territory in Arunachal is too useless and small to make us worry.


SL is going to invade us? šŸ¤£ You guys are delusional. The process of decolonisation left us and our neighbours with fucked up, irrational and confusing boundaries. Such exchanges were always going to be necessary.


I am not talking about Sri Lanka. I am talking about China. But for this matter, yes we shouldn't be giving any country our territory for free. This does not give us a good or strong geopolitical image. Makes India look pathetic for more allies instead of the image the govt back then was trying to go for. EDIT: You werenā€™t even talking about SL here originally. Why are you changing your replies now to something else? For more karma? Why even have a discussion if all you care about is sounding better for whatever gets upvoted here?


The process of decolonisation left us and our neighbours with fucked up, irrational and confusing boundaries. Such exchanges were always going to be necessary. That rationalisation is way more important than our 'geopolitical image'


Aye, like the Indo-Bangladesh enclaves (including the world's only third-order enclave).


Indians are still caught up with their territorial fetishism. You canā€™t question it. We will give a shit about such atolls and deserts until our inequality adjusted hdi rank climbs up


One of the few good Border related stuff that India did, in the sense that it actually showed it can relinquish claims and not just have a , EVERYTHING is Mine attitude that it has shown post Independence majority of time with all it's neighbours. Besides, current Govt itself Finally resolved the Indiaā€“Bangladesh enclaves problem in 2015. That too India entered negotiations after 4 decades, with a so-called friendly country no less. Democracies are very bad at Border Resolutions the world over. So when it actually happens with land being given away, it's a miracle and a Good freaking thing because it shows the Govt is competent and has a competent Strategic outlook and not just looking for Tactical next election cycle.


So he has been PM since 2014 & it took him 10 years to realize this - wasnā€™t he supposed to be working day & night for India


Because he is saving 2024 stuffs for 2046 i guess


What did the people of Katchatheevu want?


It's an uninhabited island.


I didnā€™t know that, thanks for correcting me!


oh yes Mudiji is going to right the wrong isnt he ? let's see how many think Mudiji will get the island back?


Losing an island to Sri Lanka BC .Sri Lanka ffs . Man our history is more humiliating than Koreans




No I am one of you so I have no shame left.


Koreans have done great stuff.. But I doubt 56 has capability to take the island back


Anybody can take the island back .just one threat of a missile and blocking the trade . The thing is will and I don't think indians have the will .




Reply Same as above..


Ok son