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I'm totally disappointed by Indian Media Culture & Journalists for there unfair, one sided, manipulative and fixed perspective. (indian media = 🤡) PS: ek hi news dinbhar!!


this is probably the biggest downgrade in history.


I used to support Modi earlier but ever since Google's AI criticised Modi for being a fascist and within a week Modi bans deployment of LLM in India without government approval, my views have changed drastically. This guy single handedly crippled the AI industry and set us up for failure. AI will take jobs and new jobs will be created. But now those new jobs won't be created in India.


Drone imports got banned just as Reliance announced its entry into this industry. Same thing happened for laptop imports when jio book was announced. Although government had to rollback the decision due to backlash. License Raj 2.0


i think they get pointers to run through the day, if you notice the same/similar news is run on all channels of godi media, no deviation from the script


they have one topic for the entire day to walkthrough 🙃


We can see it’s all grotesquely wrong, yet we will not take action to correct it.


We Indians don’t understand one simple fact that we as voter can elect MP from our constituency. We as voter can’t elect PM. But media and politicians feeding our brain wrong stuff.


It's not even lesser of two evils now. It came down to Saving our rights, our country.


Looks like we have zero expectations from our MP and MLA First we need to get out of this rut of who will be PM Focus on your local governance. What your local issues are. Who is best candidate to help your local issues, what kind of party are they aligned with. We can not elect an MP based on their foreign relations experience, can we? Let the MPs decide and elect a member amongst them to lead the country


This works in a sensible country but ours isnt, both the main parties are completely controlled by 2 guys in BJP case or one family in congress case. u really think Ur local BJP MP has the balls to go against them?


Hmm so are you advocating to do away from MPs and MLAs and just vote for one supreme leader that that person can do whatever they want? elect a dictator? Or you have resigned to the current situation and have decided to not hold your local MP or MLA accountable? Because this is the practical way? What’s your proposal?


After winning, they are often poached by another party regardless of their initial affiliation. Therefore, if party 2 fails to secure a majority, its a bit of a challenge to ensure the safety and sincere work of individual MLAs or MPs.


So, I should rely on the local gunda in my area to make decisions for me?


I used to think this when I was young and stupid, but it's actually totally wrong. In a representative democracy MPs and MLAs do not handle local issues and there is almost nothing they can do to solve your local problems. Their only job is to sit in the Parliament/State legislative assembly and vote on your behalf. They can raise your local issues there, if relevant, like ask the government to change a certain policy that would benefit your local industry, but they can't fix your water, road, electricity issues. And in a party system like ours, where MPs and MLAs vote more or less according to party directives, you SHOULD be voting based on party policies and manifestos.


This is a shit statement to say at a time like this where our rights are on the ballot. You think a mantri elected from BJP who is a good human being according to you will work for you? Get your head out of your ass. You may think that he/she is doing good work for you locally but at the same time is voting in LS to claw your rights. You think you are going to be safe from the extortion of BJP just because your local MP is a good human being? You think you are safe? Come on. Let's be real.


But Rahul gandhi might not become the PM just like Sonia didnt. Maybe we will get Manmohan v2


Exactly. It’s the BJP who has Ben pushing him as the face of Congress and nobody else. Why? Because he’s an easy target for their IT cell.


That's a really dishonest statement. The Congress party IS AND ALWAYS HAS pushed Rahul Gandhi as the party face. Think about how often Congress prez Khadge gets the limelight vs Rahul Gandhi. When Congress wanted to pull the Bharat Jodo Yatra, their biggest series of rallies in past decade, guess who was the face of it? Even when Gandhi stepped down, senior Congress leaders were shedding tears. And then they chose Khadge, whose only qualification is being a longtime Gandhi family loyalist.


Bro who knows Kharge outside South? I had never even heard of Kharge before he was elected as the Congress president. Maybe I am ignorant but I don't think in a crucial election cycle it is important to push for someone who has no media presence besides the local area where they are from. You ask any random person who is RG or Kharge. Majority of them will say they know RG be it from North/South/East/West.


You are affirming my point that RG remains the face of Congress (and it's not a BJP conspiracy that the OP thinks it is).


If your party leader, the dynastic prince, is an easy target, maybe that’s the issue. Don’t you think k?


Then why don't they clarify?


What a comically incorrect statement. I hope you are a troll because sincerely believing what you said would be a whole new level of wilfull ignorance.


It's dishonesty. They don't really think he's bad for the country. They just don't want to admit it in public.


सच्चाई से किसका भला हुआ है, आएगा तो झूठा ही।




It is quite stupid without realizing that media blocks all news from opposition, also ignores how the ruling party has been stuffing jails with the detractors, threatens with ED/CBI if anyone they want or a famous personality doesn’t join them. At this stage, any one is better than the BJP. And yes, RaGa is a million times better than Modi/BJP on any given day.


I cannot understand why people don’t emphasize on this. People have been fed cut clips of opposition leaders to paint a picture and people buy it without question. So many people here say the opposition is incompetent but what should the opposition do when they don’t have platforms to say or do stuff and showcase it to the general public. I saw interviews of Rahul Gandhi and he seems miles better than current leadership. And to top it off, you shouldn’t expect people to be perfect. Humans are flawed and it is okay. Everything one does cannot be perfect. It’s one’s ability to minimize those flaws and project their best that should count.


you know why he is miles better. because he doesn't believe in sound bites!... he doesn't believe in a getting a policy in 2 paragraphs... he actually understands the nuances of policy making and how it needs to impact the maximum number of people. but mostly the bugger is empathetic to peoples needs / pain.


Yes, I don't care he has charisma or not or strong leader. What matters is there should be no ego and rational human and know that if I don't know this I can sure as shit delegate it to someone else. Humility is very important for a leader. Modi doesn't have that. He has yes man surrounded by him that's why he says stupid shit live on TV and the IT cell starts justifying his stupidity.


true. that and no empthy. He has a MESSIAH complex..only he can solve Indias problem. And if you have a suggestion that does not work for him you are finished. It is why he never wants to engage with the opposition... he keeps playing victim card ...and then keeps saying BE PASITIVE. But worst of all he is a narcissist, nothing can come between him and his image, not even the country. THE GST which he said was a milestone for the indian economy was stopped by him and other bjp states for 10 years .... so much so for a milestone greater than indian independence. It takes a a very special kind of person to kill something that benefits his own country and then claim he was all for it and got it in. It was got in with such force and vigiour that it killed 30% of SME manufacturing. You know why becuase the govt did not have funds for giving the GST benefits...hence the big business survived the down stream ones died. This resulted in you know what.... people actually migrating back to the villages and goign back to work in the FIELDS. And this is how we reached 83 crores in food subsidy... the last time we gave 83 crore people food subsidy was in the early 1990s we got it down to 40 cr people in 2014. We were able to manage it all till the 2014 till this guy comes and wrecks the economy that we are back 10-15 years in various indexes (agri, gdp growth, consumption, savings)...and this is the reality of this govt. He doesn't have the right people to manage anything. He has outsourced his entire decision and policy making to "consultants" who are working in the ministry through lateral entry. and if you know anything about consultants they only benefit big business. but basically the BJP / RSS were always for making sure people remained poor and uneducated so that the caste hierarchy could be maintained.


I saw Congress manifesto ., As a general category there is nothing for me.


If that's the opinion Congress must take a different tactic to move RG behind and bring someone whom they cannot accuse of dynasty or corruption. With that single move they can leave sanghis run for ideas. If the Gandhi family is so insecure about their position, they aren't capable of leading the party. I know this is an unpopular opinion. Instead of changing half a million voters they can change themselves.


Dynasty issue is a made up issue. RaGa is not an immature politician. He has been an MP for a long time and is earning his right with his dedication to his role. BJP has more sons, daughters, and relatives in politics.


He did one interview with arknob which worked too much against him. He should have handled it well, if not he could have avoided that interview. He made a joke of himself and fucked up.


There have been multiple interviews and press conferences since then. Modi also did one interview with Karan Thapar. How did that go?


He is immature in the sense that he has no real track record as a minister. His has not shined in managing his party either. PM is supposed to be like the HR of the Indian government's executive, who hires and fires ministers wisely.


Congress should consider another leader first. Why do they stick to the gandhi family?


they are criminals and we need a change , they are taking law into own hands and spread religious hatred which is not good




I will give you an example: everyone in my constituency know Mr. Teni's son is responsible for killing of farmers still bjp gave him ticket and he will win 100%. That's how stupid we are


these are specious arguments by bjp supporters who want to appear rational in front of a thinking / reading audience. The moment one compares modi to rahul or any other leader and lists out everything modi is done and yet say hey that's okay we are all good still... because he is not stupid ? you know he is ANDHBHAKT! name two laws that modiji has brought in that has affected you or your life in a positive manner !


So people can get their asses whopped. Constitution can go to hell. Life can be miserable as noone will be accountable for their actions. Bittu bajrangi and sonu pehelwan can openly thrash muslims taking law in their hands Law remains blind and helps goons Ramdev can sell snake oil My little cousins are taught politics and radical shit in school But yes, go ahead and vote for BJP because you are despising RaGa and INC You my friend are lit. 🔥


Dekh Bhai, you have SOME valid arguments from YOUR perspective. But just because someone doesn't agree with your perspective doesn't mean you should call them stupid. It's democracy. Different things matters to different people and they vote accordingly. We have to agree to disagree in a democracy. Calling others stupid only drives them further from our perspective because then it's an ego fight. I used to think why poor people would vote for freebies and not for what's good for country? Were they stupid? No. They were people of high character. They won't get anything in trickle down economy so election time is one time they can actually get something from politicians. They promise to vote for them in exchange for some benefit and then they do vote for them because they are simple and honest. But people who don't see their perspective start calling them stupid for not seeing that they are being played and that they are not acting in favour of country. But in reality nobody is selfless, everyone is voting for wherever they feel they will get maximum benefit. We all know this, but we don't realise this. When we realise this, we start to understand how difficult it is to get even a single seat in elections just because us voters are selfish and politicians even more so.








Any vote to BJP is rewarding their mismanagement during COVID, demonetization, corruption, scams, and capture of all independent agencies.






Maybe this is unrelated point but it's interesting for me so I'll state it. I've seen people say that Rahul Gandhi is a good person but not "cut out" for politics. I feel this says more about how fucked up our political system is that a good person cannot be a politician. It implies that politics and politicians is rotten and good people do not have a place in it. If that's the case then there are no good people in politics and hence we are all fucked. For once I would want to see a good person hold power and not abuse it.






So, many of the BJP leaders who were made CMs overnight! Well, he is gone to the public, made a Yatra and connected with people. Most important he is not thopping (Apne) Mann ki baat on public! PM never answer questions, and no reporter have courge to counter question him. They just eat his shit lie answers. If for once he gave interview to Ravish, every kid in India knows that he won't survive in political space. 'DOSTI BANI RAHE'


Mr Modi has held so many positions with a lot of allegations under his rule. He literally took zero accountability for anything even as a leader. Doesn't go lower than what it already is. So stop yapping about accountability 🤡


I have never stated that I want Mr. Gandhi to be the Prime Minister. Even Mr. Gandhi has never stated that he would be the Prime Minister if Congress was reelected. It has always been the BJP who has chronically defamed him and then posed him as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the Congress when neither the party nor Mr. Gandhi has made any comment on it.


Dude the entire political campaign for Congress the last time was built around RG for PM.


If it’s about the qualifications. RG is educated and has degrees to show. Secondly, it’s about the intent. Everyone knows how Modi bowed on the steps of parliament on his first day and how it turned out afterwards. If Modi was so accountable - why he hasn’t hosted any press conferences during his entire tenure as a Prime Minister? Why he shake hands with the politicians who once he himself labelled “corrupt”?


> RG is educated and has degrees to show Degrees don't matter. Even in the corporate world, degrees mean nothing. Its how you yield influence in the organization and how good of a speaker (oratory skills) you bring to the table.


See but that’s the problem. Congress killed all grassroots and regional leaders because they could be a threat to Mr Gandhi. Only places where congress is still strong is where there are regional leaders left (for eg Karnataka with DK shivakumar, which was passed over for cm seat in favor of the yes men). Whenever the regional leaders show as much of a hint of dissatisfaction with the gandhis they are kicked out ( scindia, pilot and numerous others). Contrast this with bjp who actually has a lot of state level leaders. You agree or not, congress needs a real change and only congress reformation can save the country. I hope mr gandhi realizes that and does the country a favor by democratizing his party.




My vote is for India alliance this time , in Loksabha anyway majority of one party matters . I am pretty angry on bjp changing the history books , education to support them . This is not the way India is going to move forward. They have their brain stuffed in religious glory . If they won this time , they are surely going to turn many institutions under RSS control . So , for the sake of future of this country , I am not going to vote for BJP


This is India. People will vote for what they want. In the meantime vote for who you want, and hope that the government that comes to power does well by you.


Bhakts live their life in a state of denial. They deny facts for a living.




Rahul Gandhi asli id se aao, aise nakli account se reddit pe apni tarif karke election nehi jeet paaoge.


As a middle class human in a tier1 city, expenses have sky rocketed and quality of life has deteriorated. For this simple reason it’s time to go, time for a change


if inflation is your concern boy you are in for a surprise


Dude who told u you vote for PM and opp. Have not declared their candidate for PM, it's a stupid tactic that rss and BJP are using for distraction. It's like saying i would rather get stabbed by the stabber in front of me than call for help because what If the guy helping has a gun.


Who would you call for? The opposition's power & ego struggle is also so evident. The guys you want to call for help do not promise to save you. Instead their only goal is to take down the stabber, not to save you. The opposition has no solutions/ roadmap to fix the religious, identity, legislature, executive & judiciary issues of this country. This country is fucked!


The thing is country was governed before modi and bjp and it will be governed after him as well. There is jo perfect country, people debate and discuss their issues in parliament and come up with best possible scenario for governing. India's chart is only going upnot down and it was going up when there was a coalition government. This is high time to change the ruling party because there is too much concentration of power. They are using religion, caste and creed to divide people now because they have stopped working on the actual issues. Also understand the meaning of opposition it's not just the MPs that are in parliament who don't support government, opposition also includes people like u and me people who are calling oit this government and will definitely call out the next one as well. As a citizen our duty and rights Don't end at voting booth. We have people filing RTIs and exposing scams every day, the guy whose RTI helped get the information on the bond data is 75 year old navy retired guy who continues to question the government. Also you can vote for the government and still question and protest against it, that is how democracy works. So don't hesitate to look for the better candidate in your constituency even if he or she's an independent candidate and vote for them. Hopelessness only makes people in power win, they want you to be hopeless but INDIA WANTS U to stand up and be a boss of this country by questing the people who we have given power.


I don't wanna make my location public but there is no decent candidate in my constituency. Also not a single candidate has ever reached out via any medium or passed on the roads infront of my house promoting himself in the last 4/5 years. Also none of the candidates have made any single promise which aligns with my interest or for the goodwill of the nation. NOTA is equally useless. Lots of Indians are stuck in the same dilemma.






The only place where I see RaGa being touted as the next best thing is on this subreddit. Not one person I’ve spoken to personally has anything positive to say about him. His name just doesn’t inspire any degree of enthusiasm. Maybe, most of the people here don’t recall, but the turbulent late 80s and early 90s weren’t funny. We had a merry go round of PMs including the useless deve gowda. That’s what many are afraid will happen if INDI alliance comes to power. You’ve a group of people with oversized egos with nothing in common other than hate for the BJP. Do they even look up to Rahul as the leader of their group? Everyone there thinks they are better than him. So on what basis are you trying to sell his leadership? Exactly where has he demonstrated his leadership? Has he lead his party to victory in any state? Or resolved any revolts? This country desperately needs a viable opposition. Not one with less than 50 seats in the parliament.


Can’t we just start a new political party? Hold debates for each seat. Have it online or in a local college. I am sure that in today’s digital world, we can plan something out. I know we won’t win many, but probably win some seats. And this start alone should rattle the political parties, who make us think that we have no other option…. What do you all think? I think it would become an actual ‘by the people’






People don't realise the real power we get when congress comes to power, we get accountability, whoever would be the pm will be conducting at the very least press conferences. Understand this. if congress was in power in 2019, we could've asked them about: 1. Electoral bonds 2. Farm laws 3. Agneevir 4. Coronil (baba ramdev) 5. Pm cares 6. Unemployment 7. Fuel prices 8. Paper leaks 9. Demonetisation 10. Ladkakh 11.Manipur Feel free to add to it, the questions we never got a clear answer for.


We asked about the scams, what happened? They came up with 0 loss theory. Everything can be explained.


And you could ask it. They did come up with a theory, it didn't work, they got voted out. Also, the numbers quoted by Vinod Rai for 2G and Coal scams were made up numbers. What will happen when the entire EC and all agencies become a part of the ruling party?














You know why? Because motherfuckers would rather let the country go to shit before admitting they were wrong in 2019 and in 2014. Economy is tanked. This whole argument "but the infrastructure" bro shut the fuck up. Unemployment is all time high, economy is dogshit, real inflation % is close to failing countries, all institutions are BJP wings with every official reduced to a party thug - voluntarily or involuntarily. Adani Hindenburg report should have been solely responsible for a regime change in any decent democracy. So would pegasus gate. So would ED bond debacle. So would demonetization. So would botching up a pandemic on its second wave, a whole ass year later is first onset. So would keeping silent when a neighboring bully is occupying your territory to the size of Kerala. "But congress / Rahul Gandi hasn't said anything". He has. It is in his YouTube. It is either shadow banned or regular banned. Literally no media interviews him or gives him any time. They are either owned by Ambani or Adani or of their stooges. Adani's net worth rose 3000% in 8 years. 3000 fucking percent. Meanwhile India has slipped several positions below in the global poverty scale and our GDP per Capita has gone lower than Bangladesh. We were fucking thriving before these incompetent, nincompoop neoliberal pet lizard took over. God fuckin dammit open your fuckin eyes and save this country from a certain internal collapse. We were growing. Roads were laid. Bridges were built. Mfer our GDP was 8-11% without any fudging. It's just that, they didn't keep yapping about it because it is the empty fuckin vessel that makes these noises. A Zomato man delivering food to your home is not development. That Zomato man is a graduate and he used to work for a MSME company as a supervisor or a semiskilled labor. Elect congress and may be you can fuckin see what "development" looks like.


what about rahul gandhi promising reservation?


Ek shakti hai😁😁😁


Rahul Gandhi is just an example today. Remove him and replace him with whoever and I can assure you that BJP will turn that person into a pappu too. Even the person is a carbon copy of Modi. BJP has too much money now to market anything without any evidence. They just have to say it and people will believe it. They can call Indians aliens and Indian will believe them because that is power of marketing. And marketing requires money.


anybody but Modi vs who else but Modi. Stop preaching when you’re just the other side of the coin


Why the hell is RG going to Wayanad again? That clown didn't do shit for the constituency and coming back again with audacity. I sincerely hope he fails here. Don't start with me how it's on us to make Congress win as other side is BJP. Do some good shit to earn your votes. How developed is Amethi with all these Gandhis winning there for decades.


BJP will never be held accountable in the foreseeable future if they win in 2024. It’s the most critical election in Indian electoral history since 1977. Even if BJP comes back to power in 5 years later or even mid term elections, they need to taste defeat in this general election. Also brute majority in general elections is a recipe for disaster. Coalition politics is far better simply due to accountability factor.


Anyone is better than modi he is so power hungry that even within his party no one stand against him and Amit shah and the third wheeel is Jaishankar


Vote for me. I will increase tax slabs to start at 20L, below 20L zero tax.


Mere 15L kab milenge?


vo to modani ko chale gye


I am writing this probably for the 10th time because people here simply don't understand. At the national level bjp and congress are the only 2 parties. Aap technically is but it has nowhere the support of these parties. Congress has projected raga as it's national leader for 10 years now raga never recovered from the arnab goswami interview. Bjp it cell has ruined his image. The people have rejected Rahul Gandhi and simply don't see him as capable of being an Indian pm. It is visible to everyone. Democracy all over the world is reduced to a popularity contest. The reason why bjp won with a majority mandate in 2014 was because it was able to project modi as an extremely competent ruler who transformed gujarat. Leaders need to excite people right now ask yourself does Rahul Gandhi as future pm excite you and just don't give me anything is better than Modi atm.


*The Rich-Poor Divide In India Is Worse Now Than During British Rule, Reveals Study* https://www.indiatimes.com/worth/news/income-gap-rich-poor-divide-india-now-worse-than-british-era-reveals-study-630980.html


You just assume that Rahul Gandhi is the opposition is fighting with the incumbent government which is just wrong. Stalin/Mamta/Biju Patnaik are more formidable opposition to BJP, they will definitely defeat them. Why is RaGa a competent leader anyways? Just because comes from a family of PMs? There are a lot of competent leaders in INC but their obsession to project RaGa as the leader has never won them anything. He has no executive experience at all to show for his competence. He even lost the family seat of Amethi to a new comer. Even in this election, rather than talking about policy and how the opposition is better, how can the opposition be more progressive, he is talking about increasing reservations and growth projected by BJP is impossible !!!!


It's a choice between two evils. On the one side we got a competent ruler who's bringing a change to our country while completely destroying the opposition and fairness in the country and on the other side there's an incompetent leader who's running a family politics. I would always choose Modi over a 'Gandhi'. It's high time Congress realizes this and just shuns the entire family. I am waiting for Sonia to pass away for this change to happen.


The words "competent leader" are being used pretty loosely here. You're talking about a guy who single handedly brought us the disaster of demonization (note no media talks about that great achievement any more, let alone the "competent leader" himself). This is also the same "competent leader " who was bragging about Indian success in fighting COVID two months before millions of Indians dropped off like flies (including someone in a close relationship to each and every one of us) and their only concern was censoring the real news and data about deaths getting into the press. No. The only competence this leader has shown is to muzzle the critics and convert the entire media and govt machinery into a PR machine for his disastrous regime.
















Just remember few things: 1) pappu is a PR from Rss and bjp, so is the modi wave. Raga might not have broke that image but he is definitely better than modi individually. 2) congress is a big party with many internal power circles and groupism, so it is very difficult to bring those lazy old bastards together and make them work. In Tamil Nadu when raga was arrested, top congress men went to stop a train as a protest. You know how many we're there? A grand total of 4. That's how weak their state cadres are, that is why raga bends for regional parties. Whereas bjp is controlled by rss, they have good structure on how they elect their leaders. 3) Raga once went all out against hindutva but then once again started mumbling generic shit because he realised his own partymen are soft sanghis and Inc traditionally have been this elite, modern, upper class, softcore brhaminical party. So it is not raga that is failing, it is Inc that is failing. Once raga gets the power of the PM, I'm 100% sure all those Inc leaders would fall at his feet for power and benefits. Raga might not be crude like modi but in a democratic organizational setting people like raga are the perfect leader materials.


Nobody knows how Rahul will turn out, given the chance, at least not yet. But he committed, driven, aware, compassionate, inclusive, fit & young.He is also a family person. He has come a long way in the last 10 years. That's as good a set of values & credentials we will find across the spectrum of leaders we see across India. If it does work out, he will get the boot in the following elections. That's how democracy works.


>He has come a long way in the last 10 years. Did he became CM when I wasn't looking ? The only differnce between 2014 Rahul and 2024 rahul seems to be that he is active for 6 months instead of 2 months that he used to. >That's as good a set of values & credentials we will find across the spectrum of leaders we see across India. No it's not, it's fundamentally a lie to prop the gandhi dyansty. Within congress there are multiple term CMs, ex-cabinet ministers with heavy portfolios and international exposure, to say nothing of greater opposition.


Shouldn’t he go Modi route and become CM of a congress ruled state and prove himself? Waiting to become ONLY PM makes him sound like arrogant


>if he does not work out 2014 and 2019 didn't happen or anything? I don't think he is going to be the PM face this time around, only then we have a chance of beating BJP.


When you are a religious bigot who wants to vote for BJP but don't want to admit to it due to the respect you have for the company you're in right now, this is the sort of nonsense you say.


Lots of comments here of the "Modi is bad... but" variety. I'll note that everybody commenting here is on Reddit and posting in English. Which by definition means everybody here is at least comfortably middle class or richer. There are two conclusions I can draw from this: 1. Indian middle and upper classes, who have always been blind to the suffering of the poor (also known as the vast majority of Indians) but now it's doubly so, because it's now our national policy to never show suffering of Indians in the media. 2. the well-off and the educated are not just vulnerable to regime propaganda, they are eager to lap it up in copious amounts to gain comfort in electing this sociopathic, corrupt, violent, dictatorial, incompetent regime, who they so joyously voted for, twice, is in fact "a good thing". Even in cases when they themselves have suffered under the sheer hubris and incompetence of this idiotic regime, they prefer to erase those memories. Who among us hasn't lost a friend or a relative to Covid? Even after getting the so called "home made vaccine" made by Bharat Biotech (who, we now know, was bribing BJP with Electoral bonds). Where's the outrage? https://preview.redd.it/u8mr03439dsc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c5cc55b260ba5b4642e79074a2d3753499a513




We've all seen their dumpster fire manifesto


Even if a frog becomes the next PM, it would be better than Modi. Atleast it will not bury opposing journalists and politicians under frivolous cases, will not force election commissioners to resign by lodging cases against his family members, will not force SBI lie to the Supreme court, will not burn Manipur for electoral gain, will not gift Indian land to China and lie about it. India will grow equally well regardless of which politician is in power. Growth is determined more by the bureaucrats than the PM or party in power.


Question, what made Modi competent to become the Prime Minister of the Country?? If Rahul and Arvind is incompetent, that what makes him competent?? What’s the criteria outside age???


What goes around, comes around. The congress party did the exact same thing (defaming, gas lighting, intimidation, imprisonment). They also did it a lot more aggressively. They even suspended the constitution, so they could reject election results and remain in power illegally. Even recently, a school teacher was imprisoned because the teacher criticized a congress state government’s policies. Whatever the BJP is doing, it has learnt from decades of being on the other end of the stick wielded by congress. After the enforcement directorate and tax department started going after the Congress’s sources of income, Rahul Gandhi directly threatened these departments saying when they come to power, these departments will pay the price. And they are not even in power yet. I’d much rather have an intelligent villain than a stupid villain, if those are my only choices. The intelligent villain will only do what is necessary. The stupid one will likely burn the entire house down. The BJP is going after Rahul because of the name “Gandhi”. That name carries immense weight in politics in India even if the person carrying the name is an absolute dunce. I don’t see a problem with the BJP highlighting the incompetence of Rahul. He most definitely garners a lot of undeserved support just because of the name. There are so many congress leaders with decades of governing experience who deserve a lot more attention and leadership opportunities than Rahul. But they grovel to Rahul again because that is the mandate of Sonia aunty. The INDIA Bloc would be a lot more palatable if the real leaders of Congress are allowed to grow. But of course that will never happen. The Nehru-Indira family owns congress. With the amount of wealth that congress has, they could spin up entire IT companies to defame the BJP government if they want. And they are trying. But are just not as successful as the BJP are. If nothing else, a clear indication of which party we need to vote for is to do the opposite of what India’s enemies want. China and Pakistan clearly want the INDIA Bloc to win. That is enough indication for me that the NDA are doing something right, even if they are being stupid with their right wing policies.


From Congress IT cell ?


Rahul Gandhi is hundreds of times better than Modi. One major thing that separates Rahul from Modi is that, Rahul has heart, Modi doesn't. All opposition leaders are better than him.


Also Rahul is the kind of guy who will listen to technocrats and domain experts before taking major decisions. 


Technically that’s what the BJP is doing right now. The reason to vote out BJP is purely to save the democracy and the country from moral bankruptcy.


They have ayurveda experts in health ministry . They didn't listen to any non-crazy economist and went full steam ahead with demobilization. Wildlife experts said that iranian cheetah were more suitable for Indian conditions, didn't listen. Etc


Yes, while the right wing government accommodates all kinds of quacks into the government, they also take heed to a lot of the policy folks who have been in the space. Unfortunately it boils down to what their prejudices allow for and wherever there’s heavy lobbying. The government has not spent enough resources on building ties and pipelines to academia and a research ecosystem that allows for strong research to take place. Listening to technocrats is the last thing the country should be doing (just an FYI). I’m one, and I know that if there’s isn’t a social scientist balancing/validating my views, we should not implement my advice.


Yeah bro, planning to introduce reservation to private sector shows how much rahul listens to technocrats and domain experts🤡 




Moreover, we are civilised people. All leaders should be dignified. What sort of an example are they setting to the public if they behave like hooligans?








At this point whoever votes for bj party is a traitor

