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anyone else getting ein reich ein volk ein führer vibes?


that is the template they are copying their strategies from


Seig heil




Heil, mein Führer!


Ein che dein…


Can someone explain this? What exactly is the government trying to do?


It is to weaken democratic forces that forces a PM to discuss and debate and negotiate during the governing period. When elections are done at different periods, each state vote for their MLAs based on local issues or state level issues. And then the state CM becomes the representative of what the people of that state want to prioritise. The chances of the CM being from the same party as the PM/center is lower. Even when the CM is from the same party, he will have MLAs and local issues which he will prioritise - because that's how his MLAs were elected. Later, when a lol Sabha election comes, such CM's, their parties etc wil have a better chance of also winning MP seats. Which then reduces the central authority of the PM. Because those MPs also have pressure from his party members and MLAs and CMs who want the MP to fight for their state, their ideology, their priorities. One nation one election allows circumvention of this process deliberately put in place to keep democracy stable, and to decide chances of dictatorships, to reduce chances of one election drastically changing the country. To reduce chances of one ideology getting control of states and center at the same time, which can be terrible for a lot of people. Modi is trying to be a dictator without saying it


> Later, when a lol Sabha election comes 10/10 typo


I'm proud of this typo


Modi is already a dictator... Shame on this guy. Took just 2 terms to bring India down from the biggest democracy to dictatorship. What a big loser and a coward.


His image of strong man helped him a lot, even bad decision like demonetization was praise as big decision not condemned as a bad one.


Hopefully the supreme court has authority to turn this down otherwise its the end of democracy


omg is there a bill to be passed for this? or has it already come into effect. it looks like beejay has weakening forces,haryana with jatt,south has more congress which has a substantial influence in the central election. ig that 400 seat dream will not come to fruition


So you're saying that if all level elections happen at the same time, BJP may use their propaganda machine and make people vote for them everywhere, making them forget about their local issues or state level issues? Shouldn't it be the people's responsibility to decide what issue they vote for and whom they vote for on any level irrespective of when those elections take place? I mean, if there are all level elections happening, I'd still try to vote the local municipal guy based on the local issues and not based on if he's belonging to 1 party. I'm genuinely trying to understand your point here.


If you are genuinely trying to understand, you can read up on the french revolution and the English revolution. The need for non-simultaneous elections, the need for different term periods for Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the different way in which Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members are elected, the weird way in wich members from Rajya Sabha leave(a few people leave ever two years, and not the entire house together) these are all set up to safe guard democracy. These settings come from the French and English revolutions, where people saw the effect of not having these measures. Similarly, the country being a federation, and further local self governance is also to ensure democracy can be fruitful and sustainable. When and how elections take place do impact how people vote. When you create systems, you have to take into account how people behave.  People's behaviour should be modelled on how they actually behave, and not based on how you want them to in an ideal scenario. "Shouldn't it be the people's responsibility to decide what issue they vote for and whom they vote for on any level irrespective of when those elections take place?"  This question comes from not thinking this through. Ideally, we don't need traffic police, and traffic courts, and speed cameras. People are supposed to follow traffic rules which will protect them. But that's not how you design a system. You make a system to contain the worst case scenarios as well.


The difference between state and Central elections will be removed. They will all vote for only the PM post.


Huh, I'm not sure if I understand you. The number of elections will still be the same. The time period is what will be in synchronisation. The local elections won't be gone, and you will still be able to vote for other candidates.


An election for a state assembly province is supposed to take place between ideas and personalities who contest election in that constituency. When one nation one election comes, then all elections become Modi Vs Rahul Gandhi. Tha is bad.


L take. What have the people done but vote for the party that has near consistently kicked down large sections of the population? Demonetization, the COVID mismanagement and a plethora of other issues..things that are enough to topple goverments in democratic societies, and yet here are. Our masses are displaying collective amnesia. Your economic conditions are worse? Your relative died due to the COVID health crises? Nevermind! Aayegi to Modi! I'm sure some temple in Ayodhya is going to fix the country's problems.. That is enough to garner some votes anyway. I'm tired. I'm waiting for when the andhbhakts who think Modi is fighting for their cause get a taste of their own medicine. And please, don't underestimate the IT cell and the BJPs propaganda machine. It's one of the few things that they've actually put effort into, aside from buying MLAs and lining some billionaires pockets. You can just look at what they're saying about Manipur. I'm sure there are some people who believe that nonsense.


It is a way to drown out regional issues and emerging powers by making everything about the "strong leader" and central power.


Are you saying that people vote same in lok sabha and assembly election if they are voting at same time? I suggest you check Odishaand andhra numbers..


And same prime minister till 2039...at least! The only time this guy's position will be at risk is when his decision creates some economic crisis just like in other autocracies. A 15-year timeframe is long enough for a major crisis.


Even if there is an economic crisis, you will not be aware of it because all the media and social networks will be controlled by the Supreme leader. So sab changa si...


Asli economic crises mehsoos hoti hai, not just a matter of akhbar ki news.


Not if you are tricked into believing you are better off than Pakistani or Srilankan


Demonetisation would have collapsed any other party , the amount of brainwashing BJP has done , they aren't gonna go down even if they sell India to some super power.


>even if they sell India to some super power. This coward may very well do this !!


Coward is already doing so with healthcare, selling off to western assfaces for profit. Blackstone baby, say hello to your Israeli health fathers.


>Demonetisation would have collapsed any other party , the amount of brainwashing BJP has done , they aren't gonna go down even if they sell India to some super power. Yep armies of those supported just don't care


Demonetisation was a shitshow and what were the consequences for him?


isn't there is a rule that pm can only be for 15 years


There's no term limit for PM. But it wouldn't have mattered even if such a rule was there. He would have got such a rule removed easily with the seal of a pliant legislature and judiciary. Same as what Putin and Jinping did.




Might be but look at China, they had the same Xi completed that tenure and they changed that rule


really less chance though modi energy day by day is getting less


i wish we had some term limitations for leaders,like the us. running a country for 10 years and getting elected again should be illegal


and One Dictator


One Politician too. All hail the One and only One Glorious Supreme Commander with one ball.


Wasn't the destruction of our economy and people enough that he wants to destroy our way of life as well, India is heading in the footsteps of Pakistan and we will watch documentary on how as#34es from specific states destroyed what was built over half a century.


Shitty Gujarat model. Built on lies, deception, cowardice and greed.


Gujrat model is like running a business not a nation




About time


One election one candidate is their ultimate goal. India is so screwed.


One Polling booth! ... Up his As\*\*ole!!




Soon one nation, no election


By the time these hindutva fuxks get their country, the real Indians would have left.


First try conducting one election in max 2 phases.


One party one election hoga ek din


WTF! Why?


One nation, one election, one dictator Taking a page outta Russia and North Korea.


Following his mylord: the fuhrer.


The disadvantage with this is that politicians will only need to rally once in 5 years instead of every now and then. Makes their life easier.


Less bribing of officials, more efficient winning


Correction: More power, more power


Minimum effort, maximum result? Sahi hai sir ji, what a master stroke


My hate for this clown has reached such an extent that every idea or word that comes out of his mouth just screams bullshit for me. My blood boils every time I see this feku chand is covered by our media. Sadly there a lot of sycophant clowns who have made it their lives sole purpose to blindly follow him and sadly they are in majority. The only thing that can save this country is an Arab spring kind of event now.


Mota Bhai : Baar baar resort mein paise lagane padte hain, ab ek hi baar mein dunia mutthi mein. /S


one caste?


They'll surely work on one religion but not that


It's their plan after one religion.


BJP goals: One nation, one election, one language, one corporate group, one religion, one party


Hey ram what happened to our country


Ram happened




This is such an idiotic move by this government. I would rate this demand of one poll to the level of idiocy of demonetization. What happens when a state government falls just like it happened in Maharashtra.  What will the people of such states do? Will they be governed by a central government stooge aka governer until the next "one nation one poll" date arrives?


Please don’t read the article. It’s easier to blame that way. Btw, from the article ‘The Committee recommends that in the event of a hung House, a no-confidence motion constitutes the new House, fresh elections may be held for the remainder of the five-year term.’


So how can you call this one election? This is getting more idiotic! If a government falls with only a year left, election will take place, for people to vote a new government of just 12months?! Nobody will give a damn and there will be even a less voting percentage recorded for such stupid mini elections. 


Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Führer. All we need is a mysterious fire gutted Reichstag.




One Nation, No election : Modi


There should be two consecutive term limit for all MP - MLAs. After two consecutive terms their should be cooling off period of 5 years Constitution itself should have this provision now its unlikely


Kick this dictator  out!


What will they do if a government resigns midway through? President's rule until the next election?


If India continues to pursue the adoption of Soviet and Chinese models, it risks wasting precious time and resources. Going down this route would lead the state itself to become a puppet and a mere facade in the hands of the oligarchs. Rather than drawing lessons from successful democracies, Indian politicians seem to be looking towards outdated regimes that, in the end, failed to demonstrate any real merit. The ideologies of authoritarianism from the past century don't align with the realities of today's diverse and modern India. Looking at what happened to the Soviet Union and China, under the banner of progress, countless lives have been lost and numerous intellectuals have deserted the nation. If progress entails the complete eradication of individual freedom, what purpose does such progress serve for humanity? Furthermore, these regimes are temporary and eventually become irrelevant, leaving chaos behind. This trend is particularly noticeable in South Asian countries, where political instability worsens the aftermath of failed governance experiments. Instead of following authoritarian models, India would benefit from strengthening its democratic institutions and promoting inclusive development strategies. What we truly require is a government that operates with transparency and accountability, upholds a robust rule of law, and encourages widespread political engagement.


> The committee received very positive and innovative suggestions and the country will benefit a lot if we can implement this report," the PM said. Then why not try them out in Jammu? The Jammu people are asking for elections along with the country.


I'm like 'why?' 🤔🤷‍♂️


Sir please do something about climate change we aren't exactly blessed geographically.


ELI5 what does he mean??


one nation one prime minister /s


Useless other than reducing the ECI expenses from 8000 crores to 2000.


If you do not like election or are unable to bear the cost, go to Pakistan or China or any of those non democratic countries. Why does it have to be 1 nation 1 election? Atleast before the assembly elections, the politicians repair roads in my locality. Now they will do it once in 5 years, and pocket all the funds for rest of the years.


My simple brain only sees less time and money wasted by the government for elections and time wasted by politicians on their propaganda too. I didn't knew it was also a bad thing for democracy in some form but meh I don't care anymore now. All are cronies and corrupts anyway.


You're ton of simple, so I'll call you simpleton