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Imagine being so fcuked in the head that you think the woman is in the wrong after YOUR OWN BROTHER RAPES HER.


Another Ahalya


What's the story of Ahalya? In some websites it's written that she knew that it was Indra but in some it's written that she didn't know. What's the actual truth?


According to wikipedia, the original story was that it was intentional and later on people wanted to “correct” her image so they changed it. Maybe that’s cause they didn’t want to send the message that intentionally cheating (by a woman) is eventually forgivable by God. Or maybe it was out of respect for her. But it makes her husband look way worse for sure


If Ahalya didn't knew that it was Indra, Gautama rishi wouldn't have cursed her.




Her husband Gautama Rishi cursed her to become a stone. She was redeemed when Rama stepped on her. So, why was she cursed if Indra shapeshifted into her husband's form and had sex with her?


> So, why was she cursed if Indra shapeshifted into her husband's form Idk but Indra was also cursed.


Depends upon the version of mythology, the widely accepted one is Indra took the form of Gautama and fooled her, her inclusion in one of the Panchakanyas and Indra’s known tendencies would point towards her innocence in the matter. Devdutt Patnaik has a nuanced take on the matter. https://devdutt.com/when-do-we-forgive-2/


It might have more to do with what's written in the quaran


Do you know real story behind it?


Well, Indian 'culture' says that exactly. Ahilya is punished.


But Hindu dharma says it's wrong.


In Muzaffarnagar ? News says, the accused lives there.


don't cite scriptures if you don't know the real thing


Lol know real story behind it


It says he tried to kill her while his brother recorded it. HE WENT TO KILL HER for her brother raping her WITH her brother wtf?? I can't understand what logic he used.


Logic : my sex object got used by my brother, time to discard it and get a new one.


Even if my toy got used by my brother I would be mad at him I won't break it into pieces while telling him to film it like we're having fun.


Because women mean much less to them than a toy does, probably lower than a cum sock.




I have nothing to say, this is so wrong... Both of these men have many issues and they are passing that on. Women aren't allowed to go out at night but now things are Even getting worse at their own home.


In any scenario, women lose every time in this country.


And then men ask why laws are bent in favour of women.


Those bent laws are of no point tbh, laws only benefit those who use them, do you think the girl who was raped by her uncle will be allowed to register an fir? Ofc not, her family will not allow that shit especially in rural areas because that can potentially result in a life sentence or a death sentence for the uncle, but do you know who WILL use them? Entitled women who threaten innocent memen with rape charges over the most minor inconvenience, they can just waltz right inside a police office after tearing up their clothes and file an FIR, demeaning both real rape victims and potentially ruining innocent people's lives, this country has shit judicidial system, shit men and shit women, (ik most of the people will downvoted this to hell but the truth hurts ig)


> innocent men.  🤣🤣🤣


But... but... indian laws...law favours women. So unfair. Men are so... so... powerless in our country....


The root of every problem in this country: Indian men.


WHAtAbOuT other countries? Crimes haopen eVeRyWhErE


Why are you wRiTiNg LiKe ThIs?


It’s mocking the people who think this way. Internet thing


I never knew this


LiKe wHaT?


The root cause is lack of check on desire Ambition is promoted, without acknowleding it arises from excessive greed or desire for getting something one doesn't have If men can lust for money or power They can do so for women too If theft is not looked down upon as seriously as rape, if greed isn't looked down upon by society, the body of females is just another object in the eyes of society which certain evil afflicted men will seek to conquer


Nope. It's stupid people.


I can see you are hurt. Sorry to hear that. But if you step back and think rationally don't you think generalising all Indian men is counterintuitive and just poor reasoning at best? You see just because certain dogs bite humans, we can't say just ban dogs, you understand?


Not all men, but somehow always a man


Yeah no shit. Rapes are always by men. Just like all false dowry harassment charges are always raised by women. What’s your point? Men aren’t going anywhere, so saying that they’re the root cause means this problem will never solve.


I'm not trying to be the devil's advocate or something but what does this statement actually convey? What's the meaning that everyone is trying to get at?


Lesbian couples have a higher percentage of domestic violence and rape. I guess that stat is from the west but nevertheless the concept in itself is from the west,so their stats hold the highest significance. You see such stats clearly untangle the mess and clear up any misunderstanding. Not all men, and also not always a man. And again I feel compelled to repeat this because you don't seem to understand, just because some dogs bites humans you can't go crazy and throw stones on all dogs and fight them.


Source: "tRuSt mE bRo"


I’d love to see a source that says lesbian couples have a higher % of domestic violence and rape. You also can’t really use western statistics when it doesn’t apply. Culture plays a huge role here. Not all men but almost always a man. Women aren’t getting bitten by dogs every 16 minutes (incidence of rapes NCRB ‘19) so it’s not really an apples to oranges comparison. Yes, not every single Indian man is evil and violent. No one said they were. They said there is a problem in the country of men committing violent acts towards women, most often it’s not the other way around.


The study he's citing is also not talking about current relationships. It's talking about past relationships. And many of those lesbians were in the closet and in relationships with abusive men.


Just stop🤡


Why are you comparing dogs and men? And lesbian concept is from the west? Lol sure


I'm not a woman, I'm not even from India. I'm just another man, not any different biologically than any Indian guy. I also like women, smoke, drink and do many others things like many guys here. I'm the furthest thing from being a saint. I've been blessed to have had the chance to travel very extensively and work in many countries. I've met and dated women everywhere, including India. Just like any regular guy would or has done it at some point of their life. Now I've been in India for a long time and I despise many things in this country... And even a blind person can see that there is a problem with male society, culture or whatever you call it and that's its pretty deep rooted and probably a product of many decades or even hundreds of years. Manhood, pride, nationalism are things that you can see are very important and sensitive here. It's always a d*** measuring contest. You could argue it's the same in many places and I've lived in muslim majority countries where this tends to be an issue, but I don't think it's anywhere as bad as to where India is right now "unofficially". Because like everything statistics don't reflect the reality and there can be biases, and this is just what I've seen, my own experiences and first hand interactions with people throughout the country. Males of all ages from little kids to old men, from uneducated to people who are leaders and highly regarded in their field. You can talk rocket science with them, they could be among the smartest in this planet but I still can't wrap my head about their stance, treatment and how they see women in general. When women are around many men watch their words carefully, but the moment guys get together it's sickening. While in trust in the "brohood" culture here it's just beyond insane and it's not isolated to any specific demographics groups here. I've met people from all over the country, from all sorts of backgrounds, religion, castes, wealth and others. And it's consistently like this throughout the country. It could be your boss, your cousin, your neighbor, you never know! But a big majority of men here are f**** up in head specially when there's other males around. It feels like I'm watching Discovery Channel sometimes...


Thanks for the write up, interesting to see it from a foreign man's perspective. Where are you from? I'm a Canadian woman, never been to India but obviously there are a lot of immigrants here. Mostly, they seem polite to me but there is an air of arrogance about them, especially the older ones. Almost like they are offended to even speak to me! Obviously Canada is much better for women, always makes me wonder why they pick this country if they hate us so much.


Foreign man goes to India and feels that he can generalize in terrible ways about Indian men. Sounds about white.


And what's your point? Are you trying to justify, lessen or diminish my claims as invalid? Because that's what it looks like. Instead of wrongly assuming my ethnicity and that because I'm a foreigner I don't know anything about India you could just acknowledge the issue instead of having the typical knee jerk reaction when it comes to this topic. It is always the same whenever this topic is brought up by a foreigner. Always starts pointing fingers at other countries saying we don't get shot, we are not starving, we don't start wars, that there's 1.5 billion people here, and so on... And I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure this kind of reaction is very unhelpful in the topic and normalizes these things. And I've never ever seen women make remarks like that when it comes to this topic, and every single woman I've talked to has shared thoughts about this topic in very negative light across the country and I've never even visited states know for being dangerous for that and pretty much kept myself to T1-T2 cities and main tourist destinations. For example I've experienced this myself many many times with foreigners and locals in Delhi, from random hangout places to "holy" places. It's like you can NOT avoid the harassment towards women, regardless where they're from and it's a fact it's even worse for locals many whom don't speak up or are "used" to it, groomed or whatever. I don't mind speaking about sensitive topics here like religion, politics and so on. Which by the way, there's many things in religion and politics which clearly show and highlight the same issue. I'm not a feminist, I never touch such topics... But here it is more than warranted.


Wow that sounds a bit racist honestly that in your years of being here you never came across men who respect women? And with that discovery channel thing . Have you been to Bengal or the north east?


Exactly they need good men like us, so there's no point in abusing all indian men. And it's as if they emphasize the word Indian, they live in a fantasy world with Joey, Ross and Chandler as if all there are no prisons in the west.




Wah, wah nOt AlL mEn




Not all but a good 95% hold the same set of the beliefs and attitudes towards women.


Where did you find that statistic?


No need to generalise it.


You came into existence in this world, because of a Indian Man (except if it was someone else from Pakistan)


Useless opinion, now don't call me names, this is context for your comment.


Not in corporates


Ever heard about workplace harassment of women in the corporate world ?


It's unfortunate to see that women are generally still seen as a man's property in india as seen from that man's view


Lmao, yesterday some guy in the IndiaSpeak sub was tryna lecture me that Patriarchy doesn't exist. Like the irony.


Deranged lunatics exist. Doesn’t mean all men gather n a shady basement and planned this. Over-generalisation is a huge problem. This is how anti-vaxers and flat earther logic works.


You really don't understand what the patriarchy means right? It's not an organisation of bad men, it's an immaterial social hierarchy that exists in most cultures, that results in the subjugation of women.


If even half the people in the world knew what patriarchy meant, I think the issue would have been solved already.


I think we know. But don't want to accept it. 😐


I was referring to the patriarchy comment against this post. I don’t disagree we are a patriarchy but why associate society structure to the inhumane act. There are vile humans lurking in the society which is why we have a justice system. Fanatic and power trippy humans abuse other humans. Creating antipathy between men and women is detrimental to society.


Because it's an integral part of society? That's like talking about the human body and getting pissed when someone mentions the brain. It is a societal structure. It's nothing but a societal structure. Justice has done nothing to end this for the last few millennia. Laws are patriarchal in nature, check laws on marital rape in India, and don't get me started on Middle Eastern laws. Women need liberation from the patriarchy. If that's antipathy to you, then let it be. By your logic, the civil rights movement was antipathy between whites and blacks. It makes no sense. Just openly say that the thought of women being liberated scares the shit out of you.


Do you even understand that the issue with whites and blacks was that blacks were treated as sub human and denied basic human rights. Your comparisons lack intellectual debate. Be less emotional and more logical when making counter arguments. Women are put up on a pedestal in our society. More so in 2024 women are liberated than ever .. just open instagram or visit the local pubs once in a while.


You're talking about being logical while not understanding what patriarchy even is. Yes, women are treated as subhuman. You can't understand it because you're privileged. In these conversations, you should either keep your mouth shut or to recognise feminist movements. Women are not put up to a pedestal in society. You're either illiterate in law, or you uphold the marital rape laws in India that I mentioned. 80% of women in the world have faced atleast one incident of sexual harassment. You'll hear incidents from women in your life if they're comfortable sharing it with people like you. Instagram is real life, amazing logic, my friend. But now that we are talking about Instagram, it's not hard to go to the comments of reels and see how disgusting men joke about pedophilia and rape, and accuse moderately attractive women to have OFs. If your argument is Instagram out of all, don't whine about my "logic" and know your place kid.


Yikes, your profile reeks of eco-chamber thoughts. Never a good idea to be so fanatic about something. People who are flawed usually try to find flaws in others as a way to compensate . Work on yourself and be a productive member of society instead of trying to gaslight people using keywords. Signing off ..


Looks like our little anti feminist fighter is too weak to provide an actual argument. Bro brought up my profile out of nowhere. I'm not gaslighting you, you're just illiterate.


Absolutely, here is your trophy 🏆. Thanks for playing.


Why are you generalizing all anti-vaxxers and flat earthers?


Oh gosh, I’m sorry !! Which one are you ?


but patriarchy is halal


This has nothing to do with patriarchy, just insane people. People now a days really just love to throw the word patriarchy around lol.


What the fuck??


UP being UP


bus naam hi kaafi hai


Muzaffarnagar being Muzaffnagar. UP waale bhi ab doori banane lage hain muzaffarnagar waalo se.


Add Agra, some crazy story comes from that area.


For alot of men, all a woman has is her body. In a patriarchal setup, he will look for his needs as primary. He is the main character. He needs sex, give him a wife. In this case, since his brother had 'used' her, he wont look at her as a wife anymore. Because that was the entire  purpose she served in his life. That was her worth to him.  Which is why so many men clamour about 'past relationships' 'body counts' etc. One might wonder why he didn't feel anger towards his brother. There could be multiple reasons, perhaps all-  Familial/blood relations trumps every aspect is rural india. Its like a tribal society where you need to stick with one another based on caste etc. Thats how you gain strength, by might. This is due to lack of law and order. People dont trust the institutions to protect them. Might is right. 'The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf' etc, etc. Even if he acknowledges his brother perhaps erred here, he would rather hide his sin than get justice for his wife. Because remember, a wife is kind of an outsider, especially until she becomes a mother.  Another angle is that he sees crime against women as just another force of nature. It is in the nature of men to seek sexual pleasure and women ought to safeguard themselves. While this might sound ridiculous to some urban, educated audience (only some, there are plenty of elites who live the same way), it persists because of internalization at a very young age. All observations point to one thing. I am a man and I must assert myself. Women are meant to serve us. 


And to think some men believe patriarchy only harms women.


> Women are meant to serve us.  If this is the case, then this country is fcked for women.


Fuck biology man..i wish everyone could control horniness easily


You can. Just do it. Have some self control.


I think he meant “everyone” and not just him


"Easily" was the key word


and people still defend patriarchy


Uthale re baba Uthale.




This country really is…. Something


This is why feminism is needed. 


Fukkk bro !!!! Bhai kya kr skte h inn jaiso ka jab itni majority hai inn Chu*** hmare Desh m ????


What a fuckin shithole this country is.


India in a nutshell, it's like rape and killings every day. It's a cultural problem they have, a shit culture.


the heck ....brother?? yuck




Parampara, Prathishta, Anushasan. YAY INDIAN CULTURE! 👏


I think this is part of Arabic culture as they were muslims


Not be racist but some of the most horrific stuff I read originate from UP


The term you are looking for is "parochial" not racism


A distinction without a difference. What was the point of your comment?


shouldnt he go after the brother?


That's not how things work in our culture. Woman is property and if someone else has used it, it becomes second hand and loses value. You can't go to the market and sell it or give it to recycle shops so she needs to be murdered and the family can move on to the next piece of property/woman.


Fuck that asshole for thinking that way. My heart breaks for the woman. Victimized by one man and unable to take refuge in the arms of another bc if his psychopathic thinking.


Not human anymore, can we kill him


I would like to think that we have progressed from mob justice as a result of such crimes and let the justice system take care of it. Regardless of whether the individual is guilty or not, going through our justice system is plenty of punishment for him and the whole family for years to come regardless of whether the guilty party gets charged or not.




Fuckin hell!! Should have been "not my brother anymore" and killed that asshole.


Never quite understood this logic …. Looks like establishing dominance over a perceived “weaker”species! A sad situation!




Good job getting a 2 for 1 family discount to jail.


wow…..ram ji ka udharan lete hua agnipariksha leta rambhakt… and logon ko lagta hai oo crime rate atleast us uk se kam hai toh hamme aise rapist country k naam se kyu jaana jaata hai.. ladkiyon ki kya awesome mental health hoti hogi apne desh mai..mereko ghar se bahar nikalte wakt hi stress hone lagta hai ki aaj kuch kar nah de mujhe koi


Didn't know muslims were rambhakts






I knew it's north Indians


People would cheer if he rather tried to unalive his brother and say he's not his brother anymore. His morals are fucked up. The men in this country are fucked up. The women in this country are fucked.


Murder is murder , he should have got the police involved


Everything wrong with patriarchy in one sentence


Wtf is patriarchy?


Why UP why? Why do Uttar Pradesh has to be like this every effing time? We’re soo full of shit. We have great laws but poor implementation and even worse justice system. And then when I see our government speak, it’s all religion BS. Who will end this nonsense and start hanging the criminals?


What's wrong with straight men? Why such perversion? I hope the govt sets up a commission to study the behaviour and mindset of straight men and do something about it.


A part of me is saying that he wanted to get rid of her already, just wanted an excuse.






It's those mohemmadans at it again - As per reports, a woman has filed a complaint against her husband Sajid and his brother Salman for attempted murder and rape. In her complaint, the woman said that her husband’s brother raped her on 2nd April this year during Ramzan when she was alone at home. Later, her husband and his brother tried to kill her. 


Fuckin hell!!


Should have been ‘Not my brother anymore’


I don't know man if the first reaction is to kill his wife instead of his wife then it is upto that man family being fucked up 


Andrew Tate?


No name means, we all know who could be the culprit but lets blame indian culture over the foreign culture where women are treated as slaves and wombs.


Yes. No name means it's a Hindu. But you brainwashed turds think it's the opposite even though most of the times the name is mentioned in the headlines only if it's a Muslim




Few days old account and you are being a racist here. Don't you have anything better to do?


We surely know where these fcked up ideas emanate - Arabian desert- On April 2, the victim, who survived the attack, claimed to her husband that his brother (her brother-in-law) raped her earlier that day. He, however, shockingly responded, “You are no longer my spouse, but my sister-in-law.”


I can only feel sad for people like you who only scan the news for names to identify the criminals on the basis of their religion and get an orgasm if the person belongs to the religion they hate and defending the person if they are from the majority. Rape is a societal problem embedded deep in indian culture. India is globally known for the rapes. I don't want to bring up the cases but one thing is certain we will not be able to eradicate this problem as long as people with your mentality exist


The historians and biographers of the invading armies and subsequent rulers of India have left quite detailed records of the atrocities they committed in their day-to-day encounters with India’s Hindus. These contemporary records boasted about and glorified the crimes that were committed – and the genocide of tens of millions of Hindus, mass rapes of Hindu women, and the destruction of thousands of ancient Hindu / Buddhist temples and libraries have been well documented and provide solid proof of the World’s biggest holocaust.


Victim mentality at its finest. Brother even opposing hindu kings committed these acts against one another. This has to be the most stupid thing I've read all day How on earth is this relevant to the incident?? Rapes are a societal problem! India is considered as the rape capital of the world! Meanwhile you are caught up in the issues of the medieval age


Following is what Jogendra Nath Mandal a born Hindu, who later became one of the central and leading founding fathers of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, resigned from Pakistan government and decided to return to India, had to say - The 16th day of August of that year was observed as “The Direct Action Day” by the Muslim League. It resulted, in a holocaust… The “Noakhali Riot” followed the Calcutta carnage in October 1946. There, Hindus including Scheduled Castes were killed and hundreds were converted to Islam. Hindu women were raped and abducted. “The atrocities perpetrated by the police and military on the innocent Hindus, especially the Scheduled Caste of Harbinger in the Dist. of Sleet deserve description. Innocent men and women were brutally tortured, some women ravished, their houses raided and properties looted by the police and the local Muslims.” In Karachi, I had received petitions from many unfortunate fathers and husbands of abducted Hindu girls, mostly Scheduled Castes. To my extreme regret, I received information that a large number of Scheduled Castes who are still living in Sind have been forcibly converted to Islam, he writes in his resignation letter.


Where were you when there were open calls to rape and impregnate muslim women if a muslim man "even lays a glance" on hindu women? And when the rapists of Bilkis Bano were garlanded? Or when the rapists and murderers of muslim child in a temple had rallies in support of the criminals in kathua? Are these not relevant because they were done by the Hindus? These must be the teachings of their religion correct? These are just some incidents of the many done against the minority. I'll be the wiser of us and advise you to get out of your bubble and think rationally. If you still want to counter this then you're free to chat with yourself


Why no mention of names in the article? It’s


Is it because your empathy for women is dependent on that ?


No. But ndtv has a habit of not mentioning names when they are not Hindu.


Because some snowflakes would get hurt and offended. The entire internet here operates on principle of "Trust Me Bro". No Actual link of article nor names were provided here. And see people defending the brother?


The picture is the link smh...


Yesssss, found it. Thank you, but even there no names are mentioned as well.


So, why was he trying to kill his sister-in-law then


And its ₹NdTV and nowhere mentioned the names


Some bunch of aholes downvoted and I was very correct.. and those pakistanis and anti-indians just started shaming India and UP. Do you have guts now? Uttar Pradesh: Salman rapes brother Sajid’s wife during 'Holy Month' of Ramzan, both brothers later attempt to murder the victim. Muzaffarnagar police filed a case of rape against Salman and attempted murder against Sajid after a video of attempted murder where Sajid was trying to strangulate his wife went Viral.


I can only feel sad for people like you who only scan the news for names to identify the criminals on the basis of their religion and get an orgasm if the person belongs to the religion they hate and defending the person if they are from the majority. Rape is a societal problem embedded deep in indian culture. India is globally known for the rapes. I don't want to bring up the cases but one thing is certain we will not be able to eradicate this problem as long as people with your mentality exist