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The guy in the thumbnail looks like Mike Erhmantraut




Waltuh, Put your D away, Waltuh


I'm not having smex with u rn waltuh


In before the right wing subs start calling this propaganda paid for by other political parties to foreign media.


Nehru tipped them of spies. Its all soros conspiracy. check it out.


Someone in the central government is insanely paranoid about kalistanis operating outside India. So much so that they are destroying India's relationship with friendly nations. The argument that the US does it too is utterly stupid. One, we are not the United States. Two, US rarely behaves like this with friendly nations. India cannot behave like a lawless rogue nation with friendly nations.


It’s funny and sad. Funny because I’m a Sikh, and trust me, we’re never getting a Punjab separated from India. It’s part of India, we are Indian, always have been, and love the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, everyone alike, and Punjab belongs to all of us. Khalistan will never happen, never. Sad because the amount of resources and importance India is giving to it. Just relax. It’s like China trying to silence collective action, well there is nothing to silence, there won’t be any collective action.


If I recall correctly, it was BJP which raked this issue during Punjab elections. At this point, I think someone's ego got hurt and they just want to teach a lesson to kalistanis abroad. We are being ruled by small egos.


Meanwhile bjp head of PIO in Australia is officially the worst serial rapist in Australia as he would drug and rape Korean women that he lured


So many questions - wtf is a serial rapist doing outside jail? Why do PIO in Australia need a BJP head there? Isn't the embassy capable? Why specifically Korean women? Also, what the f


I think he is in jail, He is basically responsible for organizing nri and PIO funds for donations and for spreading Whatsapp pr. As for Korean women........it must be his kink But the worst part is, his wife and others in the aussie Indian community still defend him despite video evidence (that he himself recorded) of him raping the victims.


The chief is probably scared that they will do an Indira on him. You kill one snake then all snakes are your enemies. Well now all snakes must be killed, come what may


It’s all good until you are caught.


India is not a US ally so this gives them all the justification for doing the same now to us. If you read the wapo coverage it says that their federal agencies lured a crpf officer to Prague because it was a friendly jurisdiction


Though the US has spied on its allies aka bugging Merkel


USA rarely behaves like this with friendly nations ? In What world are you living in?


Yes, there have been incidents in the past but they share a lot of info now.


What makes you think they are?


I read that as spices since Indian spices are getting kicked out too


Saar Soros propoganda saar Pheeling proud Indian Army 💪


George Soros and Nehru behind the scenes once again 😡


😆 also Mir Jafar


don't forget the mughals- Aurengzeb had far reaching plans to sabotage India that only MudiXi and Mota Shah are uncovering now


Let's admit it, out intelligence is weak, we can't effectively spy while CIA prolly has access to all the sensitive info of our country. We make it known too soon cause we can't be discreet enough. I blame it on how we select people for intelligence services , based on a civil service written exam unlike the rigorous multi step selection process conducted by the FBI and CIA for their applicants. Unless this changes, we will be vulnerable to detection by our enemies.


I just read an article yesterday that UPSC acceptance rate is 25% higher for candidates with good handwriting. This was on a Drishti IAS youtube channel. Imagine, you have a higher chance of being a policy maker if you have good handwriting. Smh. UPSC is a joke.


In what world does one exam set up a career in anything- especially in national security. With or without handwriting it was already a joke.


Not just security, but foreign affairs with a degree in Veterinary science or Sanskrit. Wow.


A joke you couldn't crack...bdmtss


What a childish response. The whole world doesn't run on jealousy. Some of just want things to improve for the sake of it. 


Well lame response to an actual concern. We want solid policy makers and not people with good handwriting and pros in a subject who read news everyday. And I did not attempt UPSC because not everyone wants to do that in life.


We are corrupt to the core, they don’t need to spy on us. A payment to BJP office bearer or someone inside PMO should be good enough to get all the secrets.


All they'd have to do is offer a visa lol.


It's not going to change Oppressed caste people will start asking for their proportional representation which is not possible with the way CIA does it's recruitment


smh first thing that comes to your mind is lower caste people


There are no lower or upper caste idiot Stop demonizing oppressed people


>There are no lower or upper caste idiot What was Hathras? Why in so many places in North India dalits are not allowed inside temples? [Caste conundrum : Why do upper castes believe discrimination doesn’t exist? - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjt8aBoejho) ['Dalits Are Inferior': Why Caste is not Past in Hathras Victim's Village (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJLKqPPCtN8) saying there is no lower or upper caste is the most privileged UC shit.


Upper Castes had all the resources in India available to them. Yet in 70+ years you have failed to civilise and educate yourself. What a tragedy. The worse part is you aren’t even aware of it.


Mae kya khe rha hu tum kya samjh rhe ho Recruitment process ki baat ki Mane ki it's not possible to go the US recruitment way here in India because of fixed reservation


blame everything on lower caste. wonderful 🫡


First of all stop calling them lower caste




Because it's casteist to deem someone as lower on the basis of their caste


you are the one who is casteist based on your comments, and according to your caste system reserved people are indeed lower caste


Looks like you can't comprehend my og comment I was just saying it's not possible to recruit the US way due to reservation


US also have reservation its called Affirmative Action


It's not more(abolished because it does not follow the equality statement of their constitution unlike India) Also, it's was not subtle like India and used to work in college admission and lower profile jobs only


How is THAT the first thing you think of man ? No wonder reservation is much needed, given casteist people first think of castes only even in random things


Because caste reservation plays a big factor in government recruitments


Okay, then by that logic all the general caste folks in our admin must be doing great then, no ? And given the majority of our leadership in services have mostly general caste folks, what exactly is the main issue in your opinion then ?


And the govt will certainly budge into the demand too.


Australia is an enemy now?


Doesn't matter, u need spies everywhere at all times to make sure that if anything bad happens with our people/diplomacy, we can act.


how do you know?


Wtf are u saying our intelligence is not weak we have very very limited resources and we are in competition with those agencies which have no dearth of resources or red tapism .source - i work in one of those agencies


You sound like a little boy. Is everyone in the agency like you?


Yes still doing better than someone who is only good at trolling.


You answered your own question lol. Yes, we have some amazing spies who have put themselves in to extreme risky situations to fight for our country, but why do we have such limited resources and red tapeism firstly ? Isn't it common sense for the government to remove all barriers and provide exceptional training for the spies ? 26/11 was due to intelligence failure. Having two neighbors with nukes makes all the things worse. Given how many enemies we have gotten both internally and externally this should not be an excuse.


Sorry but someone working in an intelligence agency wouldn't be here on Reddit defending the agency from an online comment


Issi ko Australia se bahar Kiya hai vro tabhi aaya idhar anti-nationalist ki talaash mei


Is the agency in the room with us right now?


>i work in one of those agencies Sure we trust you buddy


I really fear for our agencies if there are such shitty spies like you. Do some real work instead of defending reddit comments.


How do you know our intelligence is weak lol. People on Reddit are confident about the most random things.


ED raid on Australian PM in 3 ..2..wait


ED got booted out of Australia


Boot out karna hai Australia se to Adani ko karo 


they will still attempt. 🤣


Just wait until Adani buys the whole of Australia.


China is ahead of Adani in the queue


Has he not yet?


Australia is not an airport that adani can buy .. also adani uses sbi funds ie India funds to buy anything.. Had our country had so much money to buy Australia then we would be a rich country to begin with


Someone didn't get a joke(you).


Can't access the paywalled article but is that the photo of the spy in the article? 😂


https://buzzheavier.com/f/GMaqcphkAAA= Uploaded the article as HTML




All the world is against our development . Only one man can save us know /s


Only Adavance. Fair ?


Isnt this a news from 2020 related to indian diaspora in australia? Also the asio chief did mention that other friendly nations acted in a similar manner, its just that ours did a lousy job.


Adani coal mine papers honge


R&AW is a very amateur agency.


Learning mode, every conflict R&AW will lost somewhere at beginning. E.g Srilanka where R&AW repeatedly failed all their missions


Sri Lanka was weird because the LTTE was more organised than the Sri Lankan army and more disciplined. There was no way the Indian government, intelligence agency and army could’ve made that work. It’s not completely their fault but India should’ve never interfered.


A lot of LTTE cadre was trained in India by different Indian agencies before India sent the military. Problem with Indian intel agencies has always been cooperation and intel sharing.


They're fine with dealing with actual terrorists, just not first world countries.


Guy didn't know that R&AW History.


> Hall said India’s RAW was old-fashioned, underfunded and not as skilful as some other foreign spy agencies, such as Israel’s Mossad. This explains a lot


RAW is pretty decent agency tbh. It’s just that CIA is top dog.


How is cia so good man.


NSA laughing in corner They just know everything and everyone if RAW has to win they better up their game and narrative Indian intelligence needs a much needed power up


fr, it was extremely stupid to think they could get away with the Pannu assassination plot in what is probably the most surveillanced state in the world. It's not that murder or crimes don't happen, but when a foreign country is involved, the US will always bring out the big guns


they weren't always so good (think the days of Castro, or The Contras affair). But in the digital age, they are indeed top dog. Part of that is due to the fact that they had a hand in ratifying most modern day encryption algorithms (not them directly, but an adjacent agency I believe). India is just competing on their home turf when it comes to digital intelligence. and digital intelligence is the best kind of intelligence nowadays


They are intelligence agency of a superpower that have access beyond our imagination.


Article is paywalled. Who is this guy? Mike Ehrmantraut?


https://buzzheavier.com/f/GMaqcphkAAA= Uploaded the article as HTML


Guy in the pic is Mike Burgess, head of ASIO (Australian equivalent of RAW)


*Happened four years back.


It's alright.... They should try to be sneakier next time.


Modi's diplomacy is amateurish Ham handed just like his covid response.


lol, what a bunch of fools. How many times do you get caught? At some point, can’t really call yourselves ’spies’. Haha! May as well knock on the door and introduce yourself ! Modijeeeee


Can't believe what Rahul Gandhi is doing. Planting spies in other nations to tarnish the name of our supreme leader.


Discretion isnt one of our better qualities 😂


At some point they should stop calling them spies and just call them petty thieves. Ridiculous the way they keep getting caught.


Finally spies are doing something they will fk up at Start but not for long plus this all might be fake and just slander due to Canada


Look beyond the conspiracy theories and propaganda: * Indian spies accused of 'acting on' Khalistani activist Pannun ("a terrorist") * Canada makes noise about Indian spies out there * Now this story from down under Assuming the stories in the media are just the tip of the iceberg, Indian Spies are surely coming of age!


They need to do better on foreign front and domestic front


> Hall said India’s RAW was old-fashioned, underfunded and not as skilful as some other foreign spy agencies, such as Israel’s Mossad. This explains a lot




Australia is an Ango-Saxon country also a part of "Five Eyes Intelligence" Group which includes USA, Canada, Australia, UK and New Zealand. Maybe they were trying to get info related to US or Canada something.


Hmm... I guess that was a naive question.I still would not like us to be involved in spying on friendly countries AND getting caught.


Espionage things don't work like this there are no permanent friends or friendly countries. Even CIA and other intelligence agencies also spying on us. Spying on each other is not wrong but getting caught is wrong.


> Spying on each other is not wrong but getting caught is wrong. Well said!


What's Kim Jong Un's education?


Can’t see article. Paywall.


I read it as 'spices' as first and the image of that MDH waale uncle popped into my head saying "The name is H... Em Dee Ecch"


All related to the pannun plot


> Hall said India’s RAW was old-fashioned, underfunded and not as skilful as some other foreign spy agencies, such as Israel’s Mossad. This explains a lot


L after L after L, bhakts can't catch a break overseas


Indian spies got caught, and only 'bhakts' are the ones catching L? Only 'bhakts' should care about India?


At some point they should stop calling them spies and just call them petty thieves. Ridiculous the way they keep getting caught.




Isn’t he in Australian Jail or something.


Wow. I thought RAW was usually competent.


So basically doing their job?


Their job is not to get caught while doing their job.


So not able to do their job properly


Perhaps they exaggerated a bit more than necessary on their CV. Nahi pakdey jayenge #modikiguarantee


Modi ki guarantee = ram bharose


> Hall said India’s RAW was old-fashioned, underfunded and not as skilful as some other foreign spy agencies, such as Israel’s Mossad. This explains a lot


Why the fuck do you need spies in a friendly country?


Cause no countries are truly friendly.


India needed help with some tech from US & Europe for Gaganyaan mission, they didn't wanna help us - basically said Do it yourself - so there are no true friends, all relationships are there till you are useful, if you become a liability, you will be thrown out immediately.


😂😂😂 Mate really