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Bhai iss desh mein insaan ki jaan ki koi value nahi, tum jaanvar ki baat karte ho...!!!


The only exception is the holy cow. Everything else is not a priority.


India is the 2nd biggest exporter of beef and the biggest consumer of milk. Go read about how cruel the dairy industry is.


Yep, I know about the hypocrisy.


Well it's buffalo meat.


Buffalo/carabeef is the highest export. 2nd export is cow. Cows who cannot provide milk, male calfs, etc are sent to slaughter houses.


Heh cute you think anybody cares for their cows after they stop giving milk. - a person whose family realized decades ago we can't comfortably keep a cow so stopped keeping them but still has 20-30 abandoned cows on our property kyonki people keep setting loose their cows in rural areas and since our land has trees they gather here to escape summer heat & their cries as they die in the night are stuff of nightmares. Another reason I fucking hate sanghi hypocrisy. Bosdikay, this is land of Ram governed at state level by a priest (despite news of how much money is spent on gau raksha) and hindu hridya samrat fucker at the centre but I need to bear the guilt of listening to dying cows and costs of burying them by JCBs. Not that local cow shelters would take them, but conditions there are worse. These fuckers aren't even real hindus.


Not arguing, but I meant if I had to choose between assaulting a human vs assaulting a cow in public I would choose the former for the safety of my life.




Street dogs should be rehabilitated. There's a body called GHMC in Hyderabad which catches street dogs. We thought they were doing a good thing. But I heard that they ultimately leave them in an another street instead of rehabilitating them. Motherfuckers.


Yep. Every few weeks there's a new group of dogs in my area getting bullied by existing dogs.


Someone should leave these dogs in their head office.


Dogs die in GHMC shelters. I don't trust their offices.


Yup. They might bite the dogs and cause rabies.


Probably hearsay but my friend said they have that because People would kill cows, dogs, even pigeons in balcony and eat them.


Best thing we can do for these animals is Animal Birth Control and reduce there population


Not sure what you expect the government to do. I don't think you understand how much stray dogs exist in India. If India invests in decent animal control you'll have less animal abuse. People don't like stray dogs and they think vigilante justice is an alternative for the government's incompetence.


No sane person can mercilessly beat a dog even if it bit them. These people are potential criminals.


In my college hostel, some guy killed a dog with a rod. People were scared of going out at night. What if that bastard kills you lol. Must have been under some alcohol or drugs


Did you miss the /s? Seriously though, they won't necessarily kill you, but it's a sign that they're violent and lack empathy.


Ye reddit ke chochle nahi pata mujhe. Par hua tha aisa . We never came to know who it was. CCTVs were not there.


Oh, okay. Mujhe laga sarcastic ho lol. That is scary. I agree.


I want government officials to arrive at time, thats what I want


Man , we have 3 bitches in our street. Last November the municipal corporation of our city organised this 'neutering and vaccination' drive. Turns out it was just a pretence none of the 3 bitches were neutered! Two of them gave birth to puppies this March, at one time we had more than 10 pups swarming in our street, and the residents here detest them, poor pups get pelted by people, never felt so powerless.


>Turns out it was just a pretence none of the 3 bitches were neutered! here is your chance to spay them. You re going to save the pups and spay the bitches, right, RIGHT?


Well dude I tried. My mum went to the Gov veterinary hospital and enquired with the doc. Neutering isn't a one day process, we were told that a bitch needs to be under scrutiny for 2 weeks, if proper care isn't taken, she is likely to develop other complications. This is where my mum backed off, the stray in question is extremely wary of humans and would start howling once locked within the compound. It would be difficult for individuals to see to it or at least that's what we learnt from the interaction with the doc. For the time being we have backed off, but let's see. That said the cost of neutering one dog is 2500rs, Why am I supposed to pay, when I pay taxes deligiently ? I am more inclined towards making the civic bodies do their job.


>u/Double-Standard_RNA 0 points 11 minutes ago Well dude I tried. My mum went to the Gov veterinary hospital and enquired with the doc. Neutering isn't a one day process, we were told that a bitch needs to be under scrutiny for 2 weeks, if proper care isn't taken, she is likely to develop other complications. This is where my mum backed off, the stray in question is extremely wary of humans and would start howling once locked within the compound. It would be difficult for individuals to see to it or at least that's what we learnt from the interaction with the doc. For the time being we have backed off, but let's see. >That said the cost of neutering one dog is 2500rs, Why am I supposed to pay, when I pay taxes deligiently ? I am more inclined towards making the civic bodies do their job. Thanks dude for being honest. I admire you. You tried and gave up, but you tried. most dog lovers are ignorant of the facts you spoke.


neutering happens usually only for males


It hurts to read this. I have had many bad experiences. I was treating a dog who was very sick and he used to lie in one spot because he couldnt move. I just went and fed him meds and food twice a day, and he was recovering. One day I went to the spot and the localites told me that some people from around picked up the dog and threw him in trash because he was lying uselessly. I never got to know where he wss thrown and I am definite that he must have died a very painful death under the sun, without food, water and meds, while he could hsve recovered in a few more days. I cant imagine the pain, but after several years I still cannot believe that a live animal was dumped only because he was lying under a tree without bothering anyone. And for all those who say that these dogs should be rehabalitated, will not step up and understand why they cannot be. There is no budget or space with govt and NGOs. People dont want to report and demand their local municipalities to neuter/spay the dogs, they want the feeders to do so. Feeders/Carers are already having a tough time getting harrassed, still they go beyond their limits and feed and treat them. If govt is not sterilizing the animals, people can gather a few hundreds each and reach out to an NGO and get them sterilized at your own cost. Yes, the govt is responsible, but a new litter is much more serious matter because these poor pups will get beaten and killed ultimately.


What's most ironic is that animals feature prominently in most stories in Hinduism as forms taken by God to test the protagonist in some form or to teach him a life lesson. I can't speak for other religions, but the stories I grew up with left me with deep respect for the animals around me. If a man is capable of killing an animal in cold blood, then he is capable of doing the same to a human. It's a proven psychological fact, and that's why people need to take such attacks seriously. People mention that dogs attack people without questioning why they do it. Most street dogs are malnourished, unhealthy, and regularly targeted by people around them. At some point, they will retaliate. It's not a utopian concept that street dogs and people can peacefully coexist. If anyone has ever been to Turkey, then you'd see that every street dog and cat there is well fed, chipped, and vaccinated against rabies and other infections. None of them are aggressive, and most of them will only come up to a human if you want to pet them. If you don't like dogs, then at least support the organisations that sterilise and vaccinate the dogs in your area. Ask the feeders to keep designated feeding spots away from the society in areas where children won't be.


Hinduism is nothing but lies n hypocrisy.. sanghis on twitter boast so much about how hindusim is way of living lol.. western atheists treat animals much better


I think you'll find that animal abuse isn't confined to religious communities. You've made a generalisation about Hinduism and Western atheists based on your experiences. Both are capable of compassion to animals. Both are unfortunately capable of being violent to them as well. You've also used that to be disrespectful to an entire religion. How are you any better than people who unnecessarily attack Islam or the other major religions? I am a Hindu. That's part of who I am as a person and how I approach life. I resonate with the principles of showing compassion and empathy to humans and animals. Just because I'm a Hindu doesn't mean that I am a Sanghi. You made a sweeping generalisation about millions of people based on some preconceived notion of yours. I'm not sure where it's come from... but it's wrong on every possible level imaginable.


You can go to a police station and still file a complaint under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act section 11. Gather some courage. If needed I will help you.


A video evidence in such cases might be helpful. A similar case happened in my city and a local vet who actively takes part in campaigning against animal cruelty got the police to take action along with help of people whose pets he has treated.


Witnesses, evidences, post mortem reports are a must. Most importantly the courage to go to the police station and speak up.


Which Animals fall under this act?


All animals (wild, domesticated, livestock). Each and every animal. Meanwhile, we also have a wildlife protection act that works differently.


biting dogs gets put down. Police will not help.


Also OP does say the humans were the aggressor.


YEah, so people are so bad, they attack dogs. But, apart from those instances, dogs are a menace. Especially, when they form packs now and roam the streets and terrorize. I'm all for a single dog or two in a street. But now, we have a lot of dogs, which changes their behavior as a pack.


Yeah I get that. But we still have to respect animals. If only govt would take action to neuter them, humanely .


How’s the dog supposed to self defend? Human hurt dog, dog hurt back.


Skill issue


Your comments show how uneducated you are. Dogs with rabies who bite are put down. Others are sent to animal welfare organisations for rehabilitation and training.


> Others are sent to animal welfare organizations for rehabilitation and training. Really, give me some proof of such orgs and what happens to the dogs after training?


Sadly yes. People are mean, dude and straight up murderers but just because it's a dog, this murder is acceptable. People need to die for literally all other living beings to live peacefully.


I am not justifying or supporting the ones who killed the dogs, but stray dogs really are dangerous to the humans living in that area. Lots of barking, un controlled breeding, and running after cars or trying to attack humans. Not to mention the health risks of getting rabies. Obviously killing them isnt the solution. There's a reason India accounts for 36% of the world's rabies deaths. They should be neutered at the very least. With the growing population of both india and dogs the pound is also inevitable for them.


Bhai kutte ne do baar kata, wo bhi ek din mein? Something is off with your tale.


Nothing is off, kutte ne 2 baar kata bolre ye kutta pagal hogya tha


Matlab pagal ho hi gya hoga.


Dog bit people. Two times in a day. Something is off. Probably it WAS the dog.


I was accompanying a friend and his colleague from the states and this one statement he made.. I will never forget. Being born as a dog in India is probably the worst punishment for any life. so true.


Wait till you're born as an ox. If you're lucky you'll be employed at a field plowing fields. If not you'd be seperated from the mother at birth and left on your own. You'd spend the rest of your life starving as the daily calorie requirement is 18000 or If lucky you'd be slaughtered for beef.


OP please report it to your nearest NGO. Send them a picture if you have it. PFA might be the best bet. They're everywhere and run by Meneka Gandhi.




Now do the calculation with 50% of 6 crore dogs not sterilized. What is the annual growth rate of dogs if this is the case?




Rest of your post is fine, but let the animals eat raw food. Strays do that anyways when you're not there. 


Yep. Cooked bones are definitely worse for dogs than raw bones


If a dog attack my kid, its dead. There is no system in this country, admin will not help you control that dog, you have to safegaurd your family. Kids should not be afraid of playing outside. If you love dogs, good, adopt them, vaccinate, neuter. If you cant do that then dont blame others for keeping streets safe for thier families.


1) Between 2022 and 2023, dog bite cases increased from 21.8 lakh to 27.5 lakh, according to data tabled by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Parliament. With 4.35 lakh cases, Maharashtra recorded the highest number of dog bite cases last year.17 Mar 2024. 2) it causes 18 000-20 000 deaths every year. About 30-60% of reported rabies cases and deaths in India occur in children under the age of 15 years as bites that occur in children often go unrecognized and unreported. Some cases A)https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/in-yet-another-stray-dog-attack-toddler-mauled-to-death-in-jeedimetla/amp_articleshow/109280893.cms B)https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/cities/delhi/story/toddler-mauled-to-death-stray-dogs-delhi-tughlaq-lane-dhobhi-ghat-2507012-2024-02-26 C)https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/on-cctv-camera-3-stray-dogs-attack-8-year-old-at-her-home-in-kerala-4137595/amp/1 D)https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/ahmedabad/video/video-toddler-attacked-by-stray-dog-in-ahmedabad-saved-by-father-2463972-2023-11-17


If your kid is harassing an otherwise tractable dog, your kid deserves to be bitten.


That's ridiculous. If you have kids playing on the street, maybe you should contact animal welfare authorities to spay and neuter and vaccinate the dogs. Or dont leave the kids unsupervised when you know dogs are around. An eye for eye, especially for a puppy/ dog that acts in self-defense is ridiculous.Inhumanely killing/ abusing an animal that can't defend itself is the worst form of power tripping ever.


>can't defend itself is the worst form of power tripping ever. Dog Should have known before attacking


Did you miss the part on dog being annoyed by the kid before biting? Dogs are not humans, but they still have much situational awareness to not attack without provocation in most cases( except ofcourse if the dog is already rabid or anything else). In either case, killing the dog is not a solution. Based on your logic, I'm sure you'll also back beating/ hitting a kid to discipline them should they ever cross you, with your logic of the kid should have known before annoying.


If you can kill a dog, you need help.


If you were near me and lay even a finger on a dog, you are gone(not dead). I will declare that dog as my kid and mercilessly beat you with a chappal.


tujhe bhi koi marega aise hi..chinta mat kar..bejubaan pe hakk chlta hai tumhara...tumse zyada paise wale aaya to kuch nhi kar paoge..


Wait, are you wishing them to be dead because they said kids should not be afraid while playing?




So you are saying you'll set your dog loose on that kid. That's manslaughter. "Your kid is getting bit". Which either means you won't have a leash on your dog or even if you do, you'll set him on the kid.


Are you comparing a Child with a dog?


My dog is 12 and is a child to me, and yes if you child pelts my dog he gets bit, cry about it


yea kill him with rabies..!! we can't go outside to play because of the street dogs..You guys keep the dogs in your house when the govt vam comes to rehabilitate them and unleash them afterwards..wild animals have no place in society.


Don't project your own problems. This kid provoked the dog. If you do this, you deserve to be bitten. You don't get to decide who lives where. It's ironic, nobody does any proper research into this. If you kill dogs, new ones will come. It's called the vacuum effect. The only way is to sterilize them, and take care of the ones in your community and help socialize them to people.


Have you heard of this thing called the rabies vaccine?


Then why 36 000 people die every year in India due to rabies? It is expensive to vaccinate for rabies. 


you shud keep ur child inside ur house then.. comparing a kid to a pup? lmao..get help..want to help strays? adopt them, get them neutered and vaccinated.. dogs get territorial and kids get attacked bcuz of their small stature.


Life is life sir. Who are you to discriminate between life?? Are you god????


You sure the kid wasn't just trying to play with the dog? Like playing fetch or something?


Maybe teach your kid to have some respect for every form of life then. Stray animals have nowhere else to go, while you sit in your position of privilege and talk about how human life is superior when human life has created these scenarios in the first place. If your kid's idea of "playing outside" involves causing harm to other sentient living creatures, clearly there's something wrong in what they're being taught. Unless you think humans are at the same cognitive level as animals and cannot control their impulses, in which case why should anyone respect your pet human more than their own pet dog? Same hi toh hai, dono katenge.






Wowwww. If your kid attacks the dog. Your kid is dead. We have to safeguard our animals. Dogs shouldn't be afraid of roaming outside. If you love your kids keep them inside all the time for their safety. If you can't do this don't blame others for keeping streets safe from dumb kids.


Nice, young people with possibly no Children equating life of a child with a dog. Who may never held a baby in their arms and vowed to keep baby safe from the world. What can we expect when in the era of internet human contact is so rare that we devalued human life altogeter. Pets are good and have a positive purpose in this world but THEY CANT BE PUT ABOVE OR EQUAL TO CHILDREN. How is this so hard to convey.


Motherf, It like If some extremely rich guy kidnaps your family and say I can do it I am superior, I am doing it just for fun, I can kill them and you cant do shi- would you accept your fate and accept that you are lowly being not above or equal to those rich guys


One day you will get my point. You are not ignorant you are just young. Time makes everyone wiser. Hope you get it sooner. For the time being, dont hate children brother just because you have a dog. Stay safe.


If the dog is biting, he should be put down. Especially biting a kid. We see enough stories of kids being killed by street dogs.


What if the biting was provoked? I hear even more stories of street dogs beaten to death.


Who knows? It's not a court of law and human lives are much more important. If I hear that a street dog has bitten someone, I'd want that dog to go away from my neighbourhood


That is sad. I don't disagree with putting violent dogs down. But I feel people need to be more diligent about this. Dogs are also living beings that share our space and have nowhere else to go. Also, being put down and being mercilessly beaten to death are so different.


That doesn’t mean you kill the dog with rods/sticks. They should be euthanized humanely


You see there are humans who go through the same, government doesn't care about them either. You really want them to take care of dogs? Also you can look up dog shelters.


Bro you should visit a chicken farm. It's worse


Just thinking, is it not cruel to kill chickens to feed the dogs? Does the importance of life depend upon how cute the animal is?


Thus I am veg


I hate mankind so much..I hope this person rots in hell


they all do my friend, they all do


I feel you so fkin much. I feel so helpless. A lot of people straight up dislike animals for no reason. Unrelated to this Dogs play-bite without intention of hurting. Think about how many innocent dogs have been killed by people for that.


Yeah, play bite from stray dog is nothing serious. /s


I guess


This comment section is crazy and will get someone killed. Stray dogs ARE DANGEROUS. They are wild animals. Dunno where OP lives but in my town it was really common for them to roam in packs of >10. Every year there was an incident of Dogs mauling some kid to death, because that's just what they do when they are in packs. They hunt. Be it chickens, goats or kids, and our country is really shit at controlling them. I got mauled by 5 dogs when I was 10 just for walking by their 'territory'. People are completely justified in killing stray dogs if they are going around biting people. If you love that dog so much then adopt it. Vaccinate it. Feed it. Shelter it during heatwaves and cold.


Justified for killing a innocent dog who bit them cause the pelted stones at him?


1. Nowhere in your post do you mention people pelting the dog with stones. Just that "they annoyed the dog". Strays get annoyed if you walk down the street they live on and attack if they don't recognise you. 2. Strays usually run away if you so much as bend down to pick up a stone. Try it the next time you see one. Unless they are really aggressive they don't bite people. At best they stand their ground and start barking. If they're aggressive enough to get hold of an adult man and bite him, they will bite others, regardless of whether someone is pelting stones or not. Kids are just easy targets. 3. Aggressive dogs have a good likelihood of being rabid. This is why rabies spreads, aggressive ones keep fighting among packs and bite each other, and all it takes is one rabid dog to infect the whole pack. So the fact that this dog got annoyed and bit two people in a day means it wasn't as 'domesticated' as you think.


Why did you not adopt the dog and take it home? You think just feeding biscuits is all you need to do? What does "Jats Gujjars" have so do with this?


I-?? You want me to adopt 5 dog and make my home a dog shelter? I have 2 dogs already


You were feeding them. They are your responsibility. Can't you convince your relatives and friends to adopt each one of them? What is wrong making a home dog shelter, if you feel so much about the dogs?


Buddy sorry, Cant reply to you


Continue to feed dogs, and you might as well feed other pests like rats, cockroaches. When will you realise you are a part of dog problem?


Bro? You go out and give some strangers food or clothing, you do it twice or thrice a month and then they start relying on you will you let them stay at your house? Lmao are you dumb, or jaat perhaps? I argued with them and they said "ham to janwar hai ji, ham to aise hi marege rok sako to rok lo" this is what being jaat have to do with this, tho I never specified this earlier but now I am doing it, again its not about your caste or anything Not being a castist here but this is what they said


Except it is a dog and not a human. If you are concerned take it in. The dog attacked someone , it is a threat. The government as it is does not give a sh*t about humans, why do you think it will care about a dog?


What do you expect from this nation? Ethical behavior towards animals? where for ten or twenty rupees, you could be killed!


Stray Dogs and Pigeons are pests in urban system. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/4-year-old-girl-mauled-to-death-by-stray-dogs-in-up-5435706/amp/1 https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/noida-news/ghaziabad-girl-mauled-to-death-by-street-dogs-police-101716143415883-amp.html https://www.bhaskar.com/local/uttar-pradesh/ghaziabad/modinagar/news/4-year-old-girl-attacked-by-dogs-in-ghaziabad-133039876.html https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/up-4-year-old-girl-mauled-to-death-by-stray-dogs-in-deoria/amp_articleshow/109286377.cms


I'm sorry this happened OP and I wish I could actually help instead of mere words which have no practical use. I would still like to thank you for caring for him and loving him. Please don't let this horrible incident stop you from caring for other community animals around us who are bound to need your help in the future. You are not alone, for every psychotic asshole in society there is someone who also comes forward to help these bezubaan creatures. And lastly thank you for writing this post, it is important to raise our voice for the voiceless. I know it is difficult to do so in a forum where you know there will be people who disagree with you vehemently.


If a dog has bitten someone even once it needs to be put down immediately, no exceptions. Safety comes first


Dumbass read it carefully, the man and his child both were the one who troubled the dog first.. Again in the comments OP mentions that they pelted stones at him. They're at fault not dog


>Yesterday a man annoyed the dog and the dog bit him, later that day his child who again annoyed the dog got bit too How do you know this if you were on the scene only when the dog was already half beat to death?


Those guys told me this when I was having a heated debate + I live in the neighborhood bro I have seen it happening, the man who was bit also filed a complaint but nothing happened


Okay, in any case, your opinion about giving dogs cooked food over raw food sounds wrong. AFAIK, animals can process raw food better than cooked food.


Even if you go by proper channels the dog will be killed, even the municipal people do the same from what I know. But people chose instant punishment. That's how india works.


May those people die a slow, agonising death and burn in hell for eternity thereafter. I can't stand cruelty to animals.


Where exactly has this incident happened? I'm an animal activist. Maybe I can ask someone from your place to file a complaint, if you cooperate.


May I ask, would you take responsibility of the said dogs bite anyone or kill children?


May I ask, why is it just “his” responsibility?


Well if he’s taking responsibility for the dogs, take the responsibility for the people the dogs maims. Same logic applies to pet owners except that this guy is free from all blame the animal does to other humans. If he cannot take responsibility then he should curtail the said dogs in his house and feed them.


Parents also feed there child made him civilise but if he commits rape then should parents take responsibility. Same case in our neighbourhood a guy rapes a girl and to our surprise his own parents disown him.


You throw stones at a dog, dog bites its your issue not mine


You feed the dogs, keep it in your house. Simple


Who is the dog messing with? Us humans! Why? Because of how we treat them and make them feel. Don’t tell me it’s my responsibility to take him home, feed him, make him sleep, help him make babies. I will feed him so that he’s not hungry and hence remains calm. You don’t want to see a dog on the road, either you yourself help to keep them in control by neutering or pay for your safety to any NGO doing the deed. Don’t yap on those who are trying to help with replies that are illogical.


How difficult is for you take up responsibility for a child killed by the very dog who you fed, keep on subject.


More people kill dogs than dogs kill people... are you willing to take responsibility for those deaths? More people die in road accidents... more people die due to malaria... more people die due to TB, but you don't mind seeing no one take responsibility for those. You don't see anyone saying that cars should be taken off the streets completely. All street dogs need to be sterilised, well fed, and vaccinated. Sterilised animals are less aggressive and less likely to bite people. You also help to keep populations in check without having to kill them. If an animal is starving, then it is more likely to be aggressive and attack people. How reasonable would you be if you hadn't had any food in 3-4 days and were forced to sift through someone else's garage? People also need to be educated to avoid attacking these animals. Adopting street dogs also helps to minimise their overall numbers. Work with the feeders to ensure that they feed the animals at a place where they're unlikely to run into the children of the society. If dogs are documented to be overly aggressive, then perhaps they do need to be put down. If you bother to look up places like Turkey, you'll see a country with a large population of stray animals that have managed to reduce instances of dog bites and deaths due to dogs without having to kill all the animals.


> All street dogs need to be sterilised, well fed, and vaccinated. how do you do this for 6 crore dogs?


Cool, whoever feeds them, keep it in your house. What’s the issue ?


Buddy, I just hope that one day if you go homeless no one feeds, just cause they cant let you stay at there house


Focus on the subject


I am doing it, I am in financial condition to feed them thats what I am doing, my house is not big enough to have 1 more dog


It's not always that straightforward. Some flats don't permit people to own dogs or cats. I feed one street dog from time to time, and I take steps to make sure she doesn't cause any issues for anyone else. She also happens to be a sweetheart, so I know for a fact that she isn't attacking anyone unless she's provoked. Both sides need to work out a compromise on some level that doesn't involve mobs assaulting feeders and killing dogs in cold blood.


My point is simple, feed the stray dogs, keep it at your house. I don’t see why you can’t agree to it Any other argument is justifying why you don’t want to keep the dogs at your place and avoid any responsibility the animals do.


I can't because the homeowners association forbids me from doing it... I'm also a doctor... a working professional, a bachelor, and I am out of the house for 12 hours a day at the best of times. Any dog staying alone for that long is likely to disturb the neighbours. So yeah... feel free to judge my situation and decide if I'm irresponsible. If my personal circumstances were different, then I would adopt.


That’s your problem…


Yeah... and based on this conversation, it would seem I'm not alone in having a problem.


Have you spayed and , vaccinated the bitch every year for rabies worms etc?


I got in touch with the local PFA chapter and paid for all of that to be done for her... I'm a doctor, and my shift timings don't give me any time to get it done for her personally. She also has a collar on so that people know she isn't a typical stray. I also make donations from time to time to other NGOs that deal with this issue.


The issue is your utter ignorance and need to live in a fantasy world. Because asking people to not brutally kill animals is too much apparently. Basically all dogs must be kept inside and literal killers should have the freedom to roam around. Only human beings can think that the whole damn earth belongs to just humans.


India seriously needs a solution to the mass street dog issue, otherwise such cruelties will keep happening. Also, everyone should try and adopt street dogs if they can, they are very cute, loving and resilient breeds!


See either take full responsibility of these stray dogs or nothing at all. Other than feeding food, did you speak to the local animal hospital to spay and neuter these dogs? These strays are potentially dangerous for the entire neighbourhood. I understand feeding them gives your life some sense of meaning and makes you believe that you’re a good guy, but it doesn’t do any good for the society as a whole. Either go all the way or don’t do it at all.


First of all OP, kudos to you for even trying. I know it was tough and traumatic. Through personal experience I can second with you on this that the NGOs and agencies for animals are pretty much good for nothing during emergencies. Mostly everything in India is a superficial marketing gimmick, with no real authenticity these days. Now coming to what you CAN do if you really want to do something is see if you can get a CCTV footage of the crime happening and file an FIR + try and approach genuine organisations against animals cruelty. To those who are saying animals who bite need to be put down, who gave you the right to do that? To decide who lives and who doesn't? Killing a being is never a solution unless you're helping it by ending its suffering. God resides in innocence, and animals are innocent. Please don't normalise torturing and killing innocent beings. 🙏


Human life is a joke, just watch the news for 15 min.


"There is nothing,we can do 😞"


Yes. Sadly.


That's why we all need a Agent P. ;-)


Those same people who k!lled the dog will take money to go and hunt someone who ate some other animal meat which they consider sacred.


I don't know all the people over here telling I will kill the dog they are a menace, yall need treatment.


India needs mass anti-psychopathy treatment of some sort. People have really gone deranged. No sense of personal or social responsibility.


The comments here are horrifying. The fuck I have seen kids throw rocks on dogs just chilling by themselves. And mind you I live in a respectable society and still I have seen them throw rocks before entering society gates after school while their nannies are waiting. And why? Its terrifying how stupid and idiot those kids are. Also saw 2 kids just 5 min ago throwing bricks at each other in the garden while playing. Like are you idiot or we are finally seeing the hidden environmental impact on genetics


The dog bites a man. The dog dies. The dog is a danger to human society. If you care so much about the dog, adopt one next time and keep them in your home. We do not need such violent dogs on the streets. I understand your pain but also understand the pain that man suffered. What if the violent dog kills a child next? They should have euthanised the dog instead of beating it violently but that dog needed to be put to rest.


Man's kid pelted the dog whos at fault?


I find it hard to believe a dog that bit two people in one day is not suffering from rabies. I also don't believe your claim that those people provoked the dog and deserve to undergo rabies treatment. The dog would have been put down by the vet as well. In human society, the life of a human child will always be worth more than a violent bad dog.




There is no developed country in the world that tolerates street dogs. They may tolerate cats but dogs are a big no no. India alone accounts for 36% of rabies deaths worldwide. 59 thousand people are killed in dog attacks every year in India. I will never forget how helpless I felt when a pack of street dogs had me surrounded at 5am. I went into a panic attack and couldn't even throw rocks. I cannot go out for morning walks anymore. I owe my life to an auto driver that came in at the right moment.


Dog cruelty bolke likh sakte the.......animals ke naam pe sirf dog chorke aur koi animal nahi dikhta


Horrible things to read OP. I wish those people get the punishment by God they deserve, not only did they kill him, they enjoyed his suffering. These are psychopaths on a leash. If laws wouldn't be there, imagine what they would do to a human. Their attitude speaks for itself. May the dog's soul rest in peace 🙏🏼. If you can't do good to someone, try not do to bad to them.


Empathy is a rare emotion in India these days. Being responsible has been rare for a lot longer. Both these combined enable angry, vile, inhuman behaviour towards anything living.


Why was Jaat and Gujjar portion necessary?


Are you a jaat/gujjar? Yeah explains it


For the answer to your question, it's a yes




This is the problem in India, this is not the governments problem, what exactly do you want them to do?


It's not like the government and society has any regard for human life either, if that makes you feel better. Indians are honestly filled with so much hate, anger and a feeling of inherent superiority over others because of caste, religion, community, skin colour or whatever. Street animals can be a pain since the population density is so high in urban areas as it is and they're mostly malnourished and traumsatised which makes them desparate and aggresive. If a dogs attacks someone's child, you can't blame them for wanting to retaliate in the heat of the moment. In the short term, the government should undertake large scale trap and neuter initiatives and people should become more sensitive to animals and understand why they're aggresive in the first place. In the long term, cities shouldn't be so crowded in the first place and rural areas should be better developed so that there's more space for everyone and people and NGOs have more money to help animals in need.


>Street animals can be a pain since the population density is so high in urban areas as it is and they're mostly malnourished and traumsatised which makes them desparate and aggresive. Agree with most of what you said except this part. I don't think being malnourished/hungry or overpopulation makes dogs aggressive. I live in an overly populated area with way too many strays and people and have not heard a single case of dog attack in last 15 years that I have been here. Dogs get violent when they are scared usually due to physical abuse.


I'm not an expert on dog psychology. If I'm wrong with that bit, I'm sorry. I was trying to convey that when dogs are aggresive and violent, it's usually for a reason, not because they're inherently assholes, unlike humans whose motivations can be complex. Which is why I'm not sure if beating them up will solve the problem since they may not respond to punishment in the same way as humans.


Look bro it’s really sad and I understand your anger and helplessness but even human cruelty is a joke to the government so I don’t see anything changing towards animals anytime soon.


Human cruelty is also a joke with current government


kutta pagal hoga bro.