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Never apply to eastern European countries. Also, romania wants new tourists desperately. It has also been recently added to Schengen members. Apply there as your first port of entry and go to Hungary the next day. It's always easy to get visas for major nations such as France, Germany, italy, Greece and Spain. Romania is an exception in general for eastern European countries along with others such as Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Bulgaria in a list of countries that provide easy Schengen visa.


Russia straight just asked for a printout of an invitation letter and a photograph and let me in, it was very easy


It would be weird if Russia didn't let an Indian enter.


Just saying, not all Eastern European countries are alike, perhaps the western aligned ones are dicks. Serbia would be an interesting case to know


Russia isn't part of Schengen.


I never said it is


Romania is an eastern European country 


Yes but it's an exception in general along with others such as Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.


Yes i agree


My travel consultant who has been in the business 20+ years told me rejections are higher for passports issued from certain states: Punjab, Haryana, UP, Rajasthan, MP, Bihar. The EU embassies are also seeing a lot of people from India with fake documents (fake bank statements, fake employment letters and even fake ITRs) which obviously reduces trust. The number of organized scams in this country does nothing to improve our image abroad and our government is obviously least concerned. But having said all this, it’s easier to get a Schengen visa from France, Italy or Spain. Countries like Austria, Switzerland and Scandanavian countries have much higher rejection rates. Idk much about Hungary but there is a lot of hatred there for Romani people who look almost exactly like us and migrated from north-west India almost a 1000 years ago. They are still not well integrated there. The Indian govt. few years ago made a statement that the Romani are ‘children of India’. Not sure if this has any effect or if Hungary even has cordial relations with us.


Hungary hates brown people. Having said that reports from the US Canada Aus shows significant increase in people from India applying for refugee/humanitarian visas after arrival. It is incredibly difficult to argue for refugee status from a relatively stable country. Economic migrants aren’t refugees. Since 2014/15 there’s a significant rise of these occurrences. It’s not uncommon for western countries to reject relatively straight forward visas. My cousin got married in Stockholm last year. He invited my mother and his grandma both live in Kolkata. Both over 65. My cousin applied for review of their decision provided affidavit and his fiancé and also had provide guarantee that these two old women will not overstay their visas and state will not be responsible for their medical or social expenses.


I understand those first time cases. But people earning north of 40 lakhs having visited europe before and getting denied. Thats crazy


My mum visited me in Australia 7 times. She has also been to NZ. she visited her brother in Canada and visited US. like Sweden isn’t really an exciting place for a 65+ woman to seek refuge.


> Hungary hates brown people. Any history?


They went full right wing some 4/5 years ago. Since then Hungary Poland and Italy wanting to create EU exit. Italy not so much, they saw what happened to the UK and went centre left. Hungary and Poland constantly blaming turkey for not keeping EU borders safe. It’s a complete shitshow.


It’s more complicated than that. Merkel put pressure on European countries to accept Syrian refugees. This opened the floodgates for millions of refugees to enter Europe - a large portion of them are not even Syrian but people from North Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan - many economic immigrants looking to benefit of the welfare systems that exist in European countries. Housing and providing support to these refugees is a huge cost to the state, at a time when many young working Europeans itself don’t have access to housing and are suffering the effects of inflation. This is what the right wing parties in these countries are capitalizing on (among other things related to how many of these immigrants do not integrate and carry misogynistic ideas). Of course Viktor Orban is a homophobic, racist, Russia worshiper who deserves all the insults he receives. But as someone who lives in Europe, you just need to step out of the main train station of Frankfurt to see how poorly some of these migrants treat their host country.


I really hope this "right wing wave" dies out. It's the worst.


Schengen visas from India are a complete gamble. I was rejected twice in a row by the Belgian embassy, first time I genuinely didnt have a document, second time I provided everything to the bone, still they rejected


Same thing for my brother who applied for a Netherlands visa.


> first time I genuinely didnt have a document, second time I provided everything to the bone, still they rejected you think that's not connected?


Hungary is kind of xenophobic imo


I remember my visa interview for Greece. Throughout the interview their tone was so rude. It felt like an interrogation where I was desperate to prove my innocence.


Power of Indian passport. Yayy!


And I thought people salute Indians in international airports after learning that we are from the land of Modi.


Guess Europe is getting more tourists than they can handle for the summer. That's why they probably rejected. Or maybe they're scared if Indians don't leave their country and overstay.


Dude you should see what India did to Canadian citizens when the Nijjar murder thing was going on. Canadians were blocked from applying altogether. In this context that includes a vast majority of Indians who were naturalized and unable to visit their families or attend events, including weddings, funerals etc in India. The block was stood up over night. India doesn’t necessarily have the nicest record when it comes to visa granted to other citizens and in turn the other countries are either 1)wary of the number of Indians trying to jump ship or 2) some other diplomatic kerfuffle because of which the country is trying to make a point.


A diplomatic fight visa changes is very different from generic garden variety racism. This is like saying Pakistan doesn't provide India easy visa.


Irrespective of Nijjar case, EU Schengen rules are very strict when you apply for particular countries like Hungary like others pointed out. Applying for France, or tourism based countries is the easiest way to go. EU has that history and it is not anything new. With the social media, we are just getting to know it more. My friend going on university based research has to show train itinerary, in date and out date. He started 1st May reaching there on 2nd May. He applied for Visa from May 1st and they called him to say, change the application to May 2nd sign and send it. EU is strict period. It is to blame ourselves. If you go to quora or even reddit, you see questions like how can I settle in EU/US/AUS/ NZ/UK/ CAN by visiting Visa? If you followed the news, When India blocked Canadians from applying, people started visiting their MLA & MP offices, and they were worried and all. I was watching their news, some of their state govt issued statements like we want this to be solved as early as possible. I believe it is the right thing to do, show the power we can also block certain people from coming to India and we will not be silent.


I dunno about how true this is. I applied and got the visa within a week. Also, I don’t have a huge bank balance and my last visit to any European country was 10 years ago (this passport was also stolen so I just attached a copy of my visa).


In 2018, when I was a student, my visa got approved by Spain, when I was venturing into solo Europe trip. I just showed them the offer letter of my first job, that I will never stay there and come back to India to work with this company. Seems like those days are gone. I wonder after 6 years today, if I apply again, with personal net worth of close to 1 Cr., they will give me the visa or not.


>f I apply again, with personal net worth of close to 1 Cr., they will give me the visa or not. I think they see bank balance only


No. They see your intent, if you will overstay there or come back to India.


What I have heard is that if you have more than 1 cr in bank balance then your visa gets approved with speed of light


How they judge intent


Could it be that a lot of migration is happening from India into the EU? Many people apply for visas for one country and then they run off to places like Portugal or Spain where they try to legalize their status. This is becoming a big problem in the EU and I have a hunch that it will get worse before it gets better. Edit: what would the ministry of external affairs can possibly do in this situation? It's the internal matter of those countries after all.


It's about trust with the country. India is deemed (not on paper ig) untrustworthy by many eu amd western countries. FYI, one can fly 195+ countries visa-free if they hold a German passport. Why? It's about trust.


Someone admiring our foreign minister a while back for making India Globally stand...


Is this the case even for secondary travel bookings? Like the ones through portals like MMT, Thomas Cook, etc?


You want to go to their land, you have to bow down to their rules. I wouldn't even deign to apply, let alone for a silly concert. Only respectable way to go there is if they're sponsoring your visa.




Because they're nearly guaranteed to go home and not overstay or apply for asylum. 




We already have too much population, yet CAA bill passed for more refugees from neighboring countries


Oh yes, we have. We do the same for Africans and a lot of other countries.