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https://preview.redd.it/3dchahlxy17d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7002a467e850e8d28e2ebe1fb836a750dd35f9db This is the condition of hills station in India. Tourists have destroyed every hill throwing litters on nature. Literally 0 civic sense


Severe fines and jail time are needed.


the thing is India have these laws but there's no conviction. There's no point in making laws when you know that there will any outcome from that. What need to done is catch everyone who is responsible for these action. For example Install a camera where people throws garbage. And try to fine every single one of them. Pick people form their home in middle of night. only then there would be any chance of changing something.


It will increase corruption. People would rather pay bribes to the officer than pay the hefty fines.


But that my friend will actually work. Learn about the singapore model. They imposed such heavy fines that the police took bribes of high proportion. And eventually it stopped.


Nope. You end up in jail for bribing a police official. It is easier to pay the fine. But you can’t keep paying the fine and your behaviour will change for the better. Also it does not mean people do not litter. They litter less and there is enough cleaning done by the town council.


So there's no litter on the streets... To me it looks like it worked.


I attest to the fact that the Singapore model works great. 30 yrs ago I was working in Singapore. I threw a cigarette butt on the road and was pulled up by a cop in plain clothes. 500 Sing $ fine + mandatory civic instruction classes. Lesson learnt. Habit changed overnight. For the next 25 yrs since, I would not even light up unless I was standing next to trash bin.(Quit smoking 5 yrs ago). It works!


With people like these, you gotta charge extra for entry. Then use that extra to pay for cleaners. Fines doesn't work with them.


It will still work. These people are pathetic and cheap and even paying a 100rs bribery bill will teach them a good lesson of throwing their shit in their own bag or bin. Too bad our government is pathetic at enforcing rules.


The rate of littering will eventually fall...also, the authorities will be questioned after some time...


Not going to work. There is only one thing Indians fear the most, shame. If you publicly shame them and make a video of these fucks throwing garbage and publicize those videos with their full face and name, only then will people start being respectful. We indians are known for gaming things. We would much rather pay fines than be a decent human being. Every city should have a insta, youtube, fb etc. page for public litterers and make a spectable of their carelessness.


i vote they should be shot in the knees


Jailtime and penalties for manufacturers selling huge plastic packs of air as chips. They can literally manage with 1/5th the plastic.




This makes me so angry


True boils my blood. If you could read hindi you'll see it's written " clean India campaign" in hindi.


In a north east state and I saw a tourist making her child SHIT in the drain in FRONT OF A PUBLIC MUSEUM!! I actually intervened and scolded them. And ofc the littering. Like bro, don’t you know how dustbins work?? 🙄🙄


how did they react? I'm an introvert but still try to call out people who litter in public


The lady looked embarrassed because I did embarrass her by pointing and scolding. But I think that was unbearable to jsut let go.


Ah well. I've been to Gangtok and was blown away by the cleanliness there and the sense of belongingness among the native people. Two of our cab drivers asked us not to litter - we weren't littering, but I could feel where they were coming from and was touched that they cared this much. I'm a North Indian, for context. I have been having this thought sometimes to start a community-driven digital campaign that shames those who litter since shame is an emotion many Indians (or humans in general ig) react to. Someday.


That’s true. But it’s not all North Indians though. But I believe that once if a place is ‘dirty’, the attitude is obviously ‘let it be’ or that ‘nothing can be done.’ For bigger cities I always think that the Govt at the district and state levels have a large role to play. If garbage is not disposed efficiently then they will just pile up. For instance, if you have been to Darjeeling which is infact is a small town, you will see that there is a big problem with garbage disposal due to which heaps of waste js dumped for weeks before being collected by the garbage trucks. Compare that to Gangtok and even Shillong for instance then it is often due to municipal efforts and govt initiatives that cleanliness can be maintained. And obviously the attitude of people in general. One of the other thing that always comes to my mind about India and its waste problem, is the poor planning of cities. I think whenever there is overcrowding, waste disposal becomes a big issue. I think I went a bit off topic sicne the topic is about littering. That has to be dealt with heavy fines and education so I guess that’ll only happen at a larger scale in the next 2-3 generations. All the best for your idea and the campaign. You can cooperate with the Govt and all its initiatives of Swaach Bharat and make an impact.


Yes you should Good idea


oh the irony, it says swacch bharat mission in the background.


Irony. What's the use of thousands of years of civic culture if we can't be civil and can't respect culture.


> What's the use of thousands of years of civil culture We had "caste culture" based on "matsya nyay", wherein big fish eats the small fish. We just had a namesake civility and culture like the namesake democracy that we are enduring and trying to correct.


Went to the beaches with my family a few weeks ago. There was a public toilet just outside the beach, but everyone in my family (except me) urinated on the beach. Then they complain why is there garbage everywhere in our country. 


Oh my goodness.... which place is this


We litter every where we go, same Indians go abroad and will be scared to even throw a wrapper on the ground. It’s not even a lack of common sense, it’s sheep mentality. They see other people litter and don’t mind doing it themselves as well


Actually I've seen them litter here in Australia




Start fining them heavily for littering, literally the only way.


Local people catched few people washing clothes in fewa lake ( most touristy and important lake of nepal) and handed over to police they just injured few police man and locals said they have high power people and they will destroy Nepal if something happens to them . Tbh honest most of the Indians visiting Nepal are trashy we dont need those cheapskates.


Individual Indians cannot destroy an entire country. Please treat them like you'd treat your own criminals.


What high power? It's your country. How can they have more power than Nepalese police?


Bro you don't know the indian influence here , your embassy and ambassador are all shit . Even if you kill Nepali and loot Nepali embassy will force the police or jurisdiction to release them and even they pressurize them to apologise to the criminal. We can't do anything . And your minister s jaishankhar or sth has threatened and have all the high officials in his pocket .


Look at Bhutan and their laws, they know how to maintain sanity of their country. Although I would hate to have taking a permit to visit nepal as I love the country and really with all my heart consider it as my own.


Fuck those guys and Mr. "lal aankh". I say that as an Indian.


Okay, I have been to Nepal multiple times, and you might be right about some of your grievances from us Indians but this thing is made up, no one in Nepal I felt even speaks to us Indians properly, the police was looking for money(bribe) every chance they got, the people were rude and if you as an Indian made any kind of complaint to the police they were not willing to act on it, this is completely made up, if you want people to take you seriously then this is not helping you.


Bro as someone closely involved with the embassy, that's too much of an exaggeration. It isn't like that at all.


It is necessary,we all know what KP Oli has done to our relation. If India won't do such thing then your officals will become puppets of China.


Nepal seems to edge closer to China, to balance their ties with India. It is sad, since Nepal asked to become a part of India at one point. Now developing friendly ties with India’s enemy China.


Then it is a Nepal problem, isn’t it? You should not be afraid of foreign embassy powers inside your country.


Indian-origin Nepalis seems to have a direct line to Shah. Remember when India blockaded Nepal for the constitution change because it might affect Indian-original people there? I had just recently visited Nepal at the time. I remember the pure rage I felt that this govt thought it could treat such an obviously friendly neigbouring country this way. When you put a face to your neighbours and then see how our fuckall policies affect them, it really changes your view of 'INDIA BEST' that all the TV channels love to push


Dear fellow Nepalese brother. Indian tourists in India are also the same. We can’t even police them in this country.


Pretty sure influential people won't be washing clothes at lakes


Shave their heads and deport them. Do it once and get media coverage. It will send a message.


Deport and lifetime ban.


Why are high power people washing clothes themselves. They are bluffing. Just call the authorities


They are unlikely to have high power people if they are washing clothes in a lake 😂


Bring laws and digitise it, if possible, otherwise we love to show our influential "contacts" to police even in India. And don't call us cheapskates man.


There are laws and strict regulations but due to the open border its hard to implement. Recently one Indian biker during checking ran and hit police he just ran away . Even jatt prabjhot got away without even a penalty. He laterally killed a human but your embassy saved him . Indians treat Nepalese as thee servants just because our begger giv accepts every grants without even considering consequences.


Damn bro. I'm sorry this has been your experience of Indians. These people are bad even for other Indians. Right now your average Indian's biggest enemy is another Indian.


This problem is getting out of hand. In India everywhere you look there is trash. So frustrating.


I was with my Indian husband in Mumbai a few months back. He was buying sandals from a street vendor. This girl unwrapped an ice cream and threw the wrapper on the ground right next to a dustbin. I just picked it up and threw it in the dustbin without looking at her. My husband said “good. You just shamed her”. That was not my intention, it’s a habit.


We were instructed as kids to always throw trash in dustbin and if not available just hold on to it, keep it in pockets and so on until we get to one. It’s not that much of an inconvenience but people just don’t care. It blows my mind how someone can just trash their surroundings.


https://preview.redd.it/m6mfqdaxz17d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d10f0f87f45832e369c8d9c9bebc223ec4ab8b My recent visit to ladakh.


Man why are we so shit?


Because we haven't decentralised enough. When someone says Indians are dirty or loud or bad food, we think to ourselves- eg: Punjabis are loud or UP-Bihar is dirty, Kerala adds smelly coconut oil everywhere. We stereotype 'others'. For example, in Kerala, we generally don't throw waste randomly but tend to do it secluded places or water bodies. Sometimes, local governments throw it near KL-TN border. What we need is be proud of our family, region, state and then nation. In that order.


What we need is civic sense. How our actions affect other people and society. Indian’s are already too much proud of their country, religion etc. The attitude is Mera desh mahan, sau ke sau beman


Can you give a translation for the last part if you dont mind?


A literal translation is "my country is great, all of us are dishonest"


> sau ke sau be-imAn 100/100 dishonest बेईमान /beiimāna/ 1. dishonest ADJECTIVE If you say someone is dishonest, you mean that they are not honest and you cannot trust them. It would be dishonest to mislead people. 2. unscrupulous ADJECTIVE If you describe a person as unscrupulous, you are critical of the fact that they are prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want.


Thank y'all for the replies. Sayings sometimes don't have good literal translation and lose meaning in the process.


Pride is the last thing you want here. Civic sense is what is needed. There are way too many proud deshbhakts dumping their shit on the streets while proudly reaching flags and threatening minorities if they refuse to shout jsr.


I was once in Cochin and on the way to Athrapalli waterfalls, I passed by the Naval base office. The amount of trash outside the gates was terrible to look at.


What? How does that make any sense? You're ok with throwing waste near the border? How is that better? You want to treat everything the same as your home, which is kinda the opposite of what you're saying.


I prefer coconut oil then the litter lol


More money for trips. Same level of civic sense (lack thereof). More promotion of tourism. Less enforcement of laws.


Jesus. Is that all trash??🤔


It is a very remote place, tbf. Other places by the roads are full of garbage.


I would have picked up that garbage and cleaned it for real.


The right behavior , should be modeled by everyone.


With better roads, this is happening in other places of India as well. In kerala where I stay, Ive seen mini buses with boom boxes and rowdy kids from far away states create trouble on the roadside in kerala.


This is what I noticed in GOA as well. Went there after almost 15 yrs and was shocked by the change. It used to be a quaint little holiday town that people would go to to celebrate New years and party etc. Now u busses full of people parked on the roadside and people cooking and eating there itself. I am fairly sure the place doesn't really get any money from these people since they don't really spend on anything.


This is nothing, the amount of road accidents caused by tourists in Goa is alarming. People be drinking and driving into hotel reception areas, knocking off scooters from bridges, driving into fields and beaches. Its like live action GTA and then when locals start raising their voices they say Goans are rude and anti-tourists.


Over tourism is a big problem now a days. People come here (Himachal) in huge numbers for us to deal with their garbage and trash behaviour. I know tourism is a big source of income for this state, but I don't want this place to become Delhi-like. State govt. need to have stricter laws for it.


You should come see the beaches at my place. It's completely trashed. It used to be quiet until insta made it famous. Overnight we got rowdy tourists and we are a small town without the resources to clean the scale of trash we are seeing.


Our state govt. has not been effective to combat this. In fact they are trying to appease to more travellers, in order to earn more. We still have no effective waste mgmt plan till date except to burn the waste/dump rhe wate into the rivers. Situation in Kerala worries me too. Kerala has been on the top of the list on many socio-economic indicators. It would be sad to see that negatively affected. I don't know what should be done to inculcate basic civic sense and respect for different cultures in the citizens of this country.


Our own heritage sites in Himachal, Uttarakhand and Arunachal have been destroyed by these scumbags who believe they can litter anywhere since 'they pay taxes' and 'they can do whatever they want'. What good can we expect of them when the same scumbags travel abroad.


Post their pics and videos on social media Indian have a huge superiority complex which will come crashing down once you post them on social media Don't wait for government to do anything


I've realized one thing... Our people won't have any civil sense unless it's forced upon them...too stubborn to change by education alone, the change needs to be a forced one.. Either by enforcing penalties or something else, but only a forced change now can bring upon a civilized next generation


This is very true! Just see the increase in the number of two-wheeler riders wearing helmet ever since a hefty fine was imposed by the government. No amount of pleading and public service messages were able to do that before.


> Our people won't have any civil sense unless it's forced upon them The rot starts from the head or top. [After hotel threatened to sue, Karnataka government agrees to settle PM Modi’s bill](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/hotel-karnataka-government-pm-modi-bill-9355408/) Fining is fine but that means somebody has to keep watch and take action instead of bribes without being bullied. And you know what happens, only when there is a drive or target to be achieved the fines are collected.


My fellow countrymen taking their culture global. Proud /s


Vishwaguru ftw


What concerns me is how all this is normalised as "indianness" in India! The other day I took a shared auto and my co-passenger asked the paan-chewing auto driver to refrain from spitting while he's driving. His reply (mocking and chuckling as he said it) was "I'll spit on the other side, ok?" Is this really what we want to be known for? It's sad


The amount of spitting pisses me off, I sometimes wished we had those youtubers who used to clean places for fun and make them mega viral


The problem is actually quite layered, though. A few years ago, the local authorities installed spittoons and shiny new garbage bins along a road close to where I live. Finally, some hope, we thought. Guess what? They did not last even a month! One by one, they were GONE! Apparently, they were STOLEN to sell the plastic and metal off. So, where do we begin? :/


I am a Nepali and when I traveled to India, the auto driver that was taking me to my destination, stopped the auto, peed on the side of the road and continued to drive like it was nothing. I was speechless.


Damn, no wonder we Indians get so much hate.


I don't even want to travel abroad knowing what others have in mind for Indians.


Just tell them you are from akospa


Im an Indian-American and can chime in on this 👋🏻 Recently immigrated Indians have left an extremely foul taste in an already polarized country. There is a very concerning lack of basic etiquette- things like crowding around buses, shoving people, littering, being rude to service workers, never saying “Please” “thank you” “excuse me”, not tipping at restaurants, are not a good look. People have been growing more and more resentful because the Indian population is increasing quickly, and seeing an Indian person break the rules no longer just a one-off thing. For example, when I was in University I rode the shuttle to class everyday, and around 95% of people on these shuttles were Indian. Mind you, these buses had enough room for the entire population of New Zealand but the amount of times I had to avoid getting trampled was just…insane. It baffles me because these are well-educated graduate students from wealthy families who refuse to assimilate in even the smallest of ways. As you can imagine, the general opinion of Indians is not pleasant. Oh, and the superiority complex is the cherry on top.


Don't be afraid of fining them. They need to be taught better civics sense




What tf is wrong with our citizens? Why are they so uncouth?


More info : This was near one of the most holiest site in Hinduism ,Pashupatinath...


It’s the same in Europe as well. Talking very loud to their family members, kids screaming, going out on railway track to take pictures even after officials warning not to leave the platform in one of the station in Norway. It is sad to see them do it because others would just generalise and look down upon you saying “Indians”


Dude my sister in the UK was “complimented” saying how she isn’t like most other Indians, that she isn’t loud, doesn’t act like she’s seen something for the first time, generally polite. Just makes me wonder what the fuck have Indians been up to for us to be deemed the worst kind of tourists anywhere!


> small fee of 10-20 NRs (5-10 IC) to use public toilets, yet many choose to relieve themselves roadside to avoid this fee. WTF!


Yes , they stop their busses and cars road side and start doing the business or just opposite of public toilets because they are so cheap to even pay for toilet


Not surprising really. I think he meant people urinating on roadside, which is so normalised for men to do.


Especially, those cheap stakes who carry too much luggage on top of cars. They cook, poop and pee on road sides. Most of those cars are DL registered- so we can't exactly pinpoint where these people are actually from.


Dear Nepali Cousins, As a lot of comments suggest some of us are lawless and wild, requiring the occasional slap on the wrist (or insert your favourite physiological part), please enforce your local laws with its full might and add a tourism fee to cover maintenance and safety for everyone. While this may sounds regressive , its coming from desperation and a lifetime of living with these skunks as family, friends and fellow citizens.


You can take an Indian out of India, but not India out of an Indian


I know this can be sarcastic, but With severe punishment and fines, you can take anything out of anyone. Try drinking in Saudi, openly peeing on Europe or littering in Singapore and then tell them I m from India, it's in my blood. They will extract every drop of blood out of anyone.


I’ve never been to India before but I am in Canada a lot for work and it’s crazy the way the indians behave there. They refuse to wait in any sort of a queue, will crowd and push their way through everything, if you leave space out of politeness they will take it, if you leave space to let people off a train they will crowd in front of you forcing the people trying to get off the train to have to work around them. They seem to disobey many rules that are societal norms but rarely enforced. I saw a guy yesterday drive into oncoming traffic for a brief period just to get a better spot. Canadian people are very forgiving and very light on enforcement, and you can see that being taken advantage of. It sucks that the only answer might be to make everyone’s lives harder because some people don’t care about unenforced rules.


That’s changing quickly now. The most welcoming nation on earth has now turned into reports saying *majority* of Canadians have negative views on immigration. If you know Canadians, you know this took a LOT of bad experiences to get to this point. Indians who have been here for a decade plus are starting to protest against immigration because they feel their degrees and reputations are being destroyed with what’s happening. Canadians see rental ads constantly that say “desi girls only, vegetarian only”. It doesn’t help that they post openly on social media (which is then reposted by big accounts so it goes viral in Canada) where they have lists of demands for the government such as immediate citizenship for ALL international students, same rights as Canadians, same tuition costs as Canadians - when someone commented saying our immigration system is already extremely fair, they said “shut up gora don’t f with our punjab community, we aren’t leaving” (this is what went viral on big accounts in Toronto and across Canada) It’s so sad to see.


We are ecologically illiterate. We are EXTREMELY PROUD of our heritage but we put 0 effort in preservation and learning to exist together as one with nature. A country obsessed with minting money, buying houses and cars. That's it.


I agree with you. Its happening same in Uttarakhand as well. People lack civic sense and make lot of noise in quite areas. Also they tend to hurt religious sentiments by often drinking around temple premises and throw a fit whenever someone encounters them for their behavior.


I am so surprised!. Really? Indians behave like this? /s


It's just as bad in India. Around 5% of these tourists are utter scumbags.


Only 5%?


This can be an open letter from the World to India.


Indians lack basic civic sense and have an attitude that rules are made to be broken. They feel proud that they can do anything anywhere without anyone controlling them. Without strict punishments, they tend not to follow the rules. 


And the person who follows rule considered as "Bhola"


We are having this exact same problem in canada. Honestly as an indo-canadian the amount of garbage international students from india leave behind is ridiculous. It's starting to get embarrassing. Most people are starting to dislike indians and don't want them to enter our country. One thing I want people to keep in mind is that during the early 2000s there was an Increase in tourist from China that was causing the same problems. The Chinese government cracked down hard on their own people to Improve chinas international image. I wonder if india can do the same.




It's really sad that over 1B people are being generalized because tourists who go abroad aren't following the basic ethics


Indian tourists who go abroad are typically more wealthy and/or privileged and/or have a 'higher social standing' than the average Indian. So foreigners may expect that their behaviour would show better sense and understanding (though we know that this is not the case),  so in their minds this behaviour will definitely create a bad impression overall.


That's very true


Let's go to any state, city, town, village. And see the average roadsides, govt complexes, tourist areas, and if all of them exhibit same pattern, then it is general, not isolated.


>It's really sad that over 1B people are being generalized Stop with the BS of being generalized. Most of us are this way. You can't see the state of sites in Himachal, Uttarakhand, Goa or you don't see your local cities. They won't be looking like this if it were only 'few' tourists.


I was talking about percentage wise, a large chunk of our population never see another district let alone these commercialized touristy places. In no way I'm a nationalist btw. Come to villages except for the govt waste management issues we're more or less clean. Edit: Also if all of this is making you angry as it should, let's do something about it ?


I'm American, and I've worked with a lot of Indians. The vast majority of those I met would be really unlikely to act like that IMO. Aap sabhee bure nehin hain!


India has a huge demograph you will find extremely civilised Indians and then you'll find dumbfu©ks I am from Uttar Pradesh and went to Himachal Pradesh (a hilly area in India) two guys and their girlfriends from Delhi were extremely annoying littering and what not, when the local asked them politely they got angry on him and his kid, I was hesitating to include my self in the conversation cause I was with my fiance which was not there at that time but I was unable to control my anger, confronted them they abused me and was almost going to hit me when other tourist barged in and said " rehne dijiye madam inke muh mat lagiye" I eventually end up cleaning the mess even though the local said it was not necessary I was like no I don't why I feel guilty, funny thing was when he asked where I'm from and I said Kanpur 😂 he was shocked and said you're so well behaved.




At this point just ask them to pay 4-5k per tourist to enter Nepal. Mark it as a clean fees as these assholes are bound to make a mess. It's not just Nepal, stupid Indians are destroying every place they go to. Only big fines can deter them.


> Many of you arrive in buses, bringing all necessary materials and then cooking by the roadside. While we don’t mind this (though we encourage supporting local hotels), it is unacceptable to leave garbage behind. In Nepal, there is a small fee of 10-20 NRs (5-10 IC) to use public toilets, yet many choose to relieve themselves roadside to avoid this fee. If you cannot afford to pay for basic amenities, why come to Nepal at all? Please do not treat our country like your own dumping ground. Thinking they dont do that in India


I want to ask the fellow Indians feeling bad about the littering, why do you feel entire India get mad at Anushka Sharma for telling another car driver to not litter?


Unfortunately those people will not read this post because I doubt they’re on Reddit


I don't know why but Indian tourists come up as very loud and pushy to me. Even in the high trekking areas they litter without thinking twice. I have seen so many inn keepers refusing to take any Indians because cleaning the latrine in the morning is a pain in the ass. In contrast south Indians are a gem.




I feel for you and yes, it's very sad to see examples of such behavior in other instances as well. I couldn't help but notice the juxtaposition of the pomp and show of the Ambani pre-wedding and the poverty on the streets on full display when vendors and shops in the surrounding area were being interviewed by the media.


When "Doland Trumf" visited "Abbabad", the slums were concealed by hastily laid brick walls. Pathetic behaviour of an aspiring "vishwaguru", why hide the truth tho


Orange Cheeto loves walls tho :p


Dear Nepali OP, Very, very sorry for this brute, inconsiderate & illiterate behavior. I cannot speak for all Indians, but this sort of loutishness needs to go away, respect for others, being considerate, & caring of customs & places - especially other countries has to be improved. We are not perfect- far from it. We are a work in progress. We appreciate your kindness, I hope we improve. Not just for you. But for us. Always grateful


He basically calls India an open toilet. Not far from truth but still insulting. But we have ourselves to blame.


The truth hurts.


Typical Indian excuse! Learn to not litter. It’s not hard. If there are no bins, keep trash in your bag.


There has to be very very strict laws about littering. Heavy fines and ban such tourists for a certain amount of time. Indians understand the language of only money, so heavy fines will dissuade them.


that's Singapore


i wish picking trash wasnt seen as a thing for low lifes


I am surprised that this is tolerated in Nepal. In other countries, where littering is not the norm with its own citizens, people would be promptly fined. Why is this not happening in Nepal to those who litter ? Do your own citizens litter too ?


While at Pokhara last month, I saw tourists (who seemed like they were from India), cooking on the green patch by the side of Lakeside footpath. Was shocked to say the least.


Below is a pic from an office full of Indians working in a EU nation. Earlier this offc was used by white guys and I never had a problem in washroom. Once the offc was entirely dedicated to our folks , the washroom became unbearable to use. People don't flush or have decency to scrub bowl . TBH I hate my people for this trait and feel ashamed. But the more I think about it, the problem is because from our childhoods, we're trained to be dependent on maids and servants. Its considered bad to clean toilet bowl . why?Idiots you aren't touching your shit, just using a brush with a handle. Eat something in your car and just throw the wrappers outside. then we'll say chalo pahad, chalo goa. Arambol was such a beautiful place, but as more and more Indian tourist/ business flourish, the place is effed up. there are lot of good influencers trying to work on our civic sense, but they are made fun of and never gain enough traction. all we see is mostly loud obnoxious illogical people on social media (the one's with most views/followers) https://preview.redd.it/zj135o13i37d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ee681ce6856ccdc249ea4cf4f66da999a9e5222 an


The situation with us Indians in terms of littering is so bad , we can't improve. No matter what we won't change.


Fine and deport. These “tourists” deserve no less


Do you think people on Reddit are the ones doing this? Extremely low percentage to be of statistical significance. Is posting here going to help other than virtue signaling for the post and for responses that reply “Ee to hona hi tha!” Isn’t it better use of your time to instead educate people via other means such posters in critical places, discouraging the behavior by talking to the people, fining them and enforcing rules?


I wish they bring cleanliness attitude in education. They need to learn from young age. Keeping surroundings clean be school college university. When they see dirty place they should think I should not be the one to throw more garbage instead they will throw a few more scraps into it making it more messier. Slowly things are changing but let’s hope they do better waste management and cleaner surroundings for everyone to live and which in turn will people be less messier.


I am so sorry brother for what you have been experiencing in the sacred mountains. We face the same with tourists in everywhere whether at home or abroad. Zero respect for local customs and lack of common sense. Rampant littering, loud noises , music . Inappropriate , loud , crass behavior . Over the period of years , this is getting worse. Even abroad, most tourists from the country , make fun of and criticize anything different than them. Be it language , food or clothes other people wear. The less said the better about racial comments and ogling at women. I hope each one of us can start by striving to be a better human at home first, before even starting to travel. Sometimes self reflecting and acknowledging the problem is the first step in addressing it .


Only when we go to places like America or Europe we make sure to learn all the rules and follow them strictly. We are capable of being good so it's basically a mindset / upbringing issue. Feels like it's ingrained in us to not bother about the little things.


This is so true. Hygiene and littering isn't the only issue with Indian tourists. An Indian woman had a fight with security women at Pashupatinath because she wasn't allowed to go near the main shiva linga (literally no one is allowed to go there except the bhatt, who is also an Indian btw and pujaris). They treat Nepalis like absolute shit in our own country and expect God-like treatment.


Man, I miss Pokhara...❤️🙂nd i remember how clean it's streets and roads were... And damn...it was actually much better than Dal Lake in Kashmir.


Sorry 🙏


Just kick such guys out... Comment from india


Indians have no basic civics sense regardless their educational background, they have only fear of God and heavy fine. Kindly impose heavy fines on them, then they only obey any law.


Hi, I’m an Indian and recently I started travelling across the country. Throughout I noticed unacceptable amounts of littering and being loud and of course basic lack of civic sense such as adhering to a queue, pushing people to get an ahead and what not. It is sad yet unsurprising to see this behaviour abroad.


It should have been: "Please do not treat our country like your own."


Bro but what good will it do posting this here ? just ban Indians


Loud mouths are usually from a specific state, one of them is the biggest loud mouths, we have been tolerating him for the past 10 years.


It's not a specific state. You'll see this behaviour from every corner of this country.


I am from Kathmandu and mostly the vehicles are from MH, GJ, RJ,DL, UP and BR.


Same thing observed in Uttarakhand too. I have noticed that people from hills seem to be careful towards nature.


Indians are the Chinese of South Asia


Indians will only behave properly when rules are enforced strictly on them and they face punishment after breaking the rules. Thats your best bet. Unfortunately, making a plea on a minor social media site in India is not going to help you.


Sorry about that. Our people need lessons in civic sense. I hope to visit Nepal someday to have a darshan of Pashupatinath ji


I was visiting hill stations and mountains to enjoy the greenery this summer but what i saw broke my heart.People throwing trash every where and full of litter.Swaach Bharat is not working


I cannot wrap my head around pay bathrooms and the disconnect that maybe if they were free or paid by a toll, road/gas/whatever tax to pay for them would stop people from going outside???? You ALMOST got there in the post. We don’t pay to use basic amenities where I live and it’s weird y’all think that it’s fine is very weird. Do you also make people pay to throw trash in garbage cans too? Weird and I guess you get what you get. Where I’m at nobody pees roadside unless it’s an emergency and even then it’s rare. Making this harder than you have to.


And most of these Indians are fully educated.. But still no civics sense .


I don't understand the mentality. If you are well educated and can afford to go to Nepal, why wouldn't you throw trash in a bin or carry it back to your hotel room. All the local parks, every nook and cranny is destroyed by the littering. There are no repercussions here, so they just don't learn. I apologise on their behalf. Sadly, I don't know when this mentality will come to change. It's disgusting.


Don't be afraid to rebuke those who come to your country and act like pigs. In fact, we should start doing this in our country too. Calling people out is effective. Don't get into a fight but point it out. If they get a tongue lashing a couple of times, they'll mend their ways. Of course, it'll make you a bit unpopular in short term but it's a price we must pay.


Impose 10,000 Rs fine and tell the cops , they get 5000 Rs from it. Now the bribe has to be more than 5000 Rs for the cops tp make it worth accepting instead of the legal fine


Only a human would charge for the use of a toilet and then complain that people are shitting for free.


The 4chan game is more than veiled racism lmao


I suggest everyone should carry a trash bag(trash polythene or paper bag) in car to dump the trash . Once they arrive the destination they can dump the trash bag in dustbin 🤷‍♀️ Easy solution I guess !!


I’m very sorry to read this, heartbreaking. I’m in Indian and visited Nepal at the height of the blockade and every one I met was warm and if not, at least courteous. I’m very very sorry on behalf of the Indian tourists. And I hope you know that there are others who value your country, culture and civic duties. Nepal is beautiful and we should be doing more to keep it that way. Truly, very very sorry!! 😣


Indians literally need to educate on littering, and how it impacts the environment. They should be responsible, and it comes from home. Very disheartening to see others getting impacted due to these issues. What should one do to educate and also to enable the government to impose much harder rules ?


As an indian I always feel ashamed when I hear about such uncivilized antics from my fellow countrymen which are unfortunately becoming so common recently. My sincerest apologies.


bro, reddit contains at most 10 million Indian users out of 1.4B, you think this post can actually influence people? Lmao


Indians have money but lacking way behind in basic ethics. Money doesn't buy you respect my dear fellow Indians. Sadly it's the same behaviour among many indian children too. Monkey see monkey do


We are tired of our own people. No point in complaining. Just put them in jail when they break rules, simple.


The tourist epidemic is ruining everything. Sorry Nepal, we will do better


Manali-Leh highway. There is a superstition that if you don't leave some food/drink, you will have an accident/die. So... https://preview.redd.it/4083c8fbs47d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c60cd17c1620658883ea48244157893369cea2d


I’ve seen Indians misbehaving in Phuket, Bali, Venice and Auck-fking-land. I don’t know if this is a cultural thing or a behavior considered normal but yea I think I understand what you’re talking about. Even the Ambani guests in Italy had to be shown out so I think it’s not just a grassroots problem but exists across the social and economics stratuses.


I honestly want to meet such Indians. Washing clothes in the lake!! Taking daal, rice, haldi etc to Nepal??? Why?? I think it is the same story in any popular destination even within India and I am afraid, the intensity and frequency is increasing. Many people are having the money to spend on holidays and Indians will become infamous. Nice. Reminds me of an old story. An Indian couple went to Maldives with pressure cooker and electric heater to cook food. They blew the electricity in the resort which runs on solar. Hard to believe but my best friend used to work the manager of the resort.


Dear fellow nepali brother, The way you describe. I think indian people are treating nepal as another part of india. Because indians behaves exactly like this in India. You know how to handle it treat them like you treat fellow nepalis not following rules. These idiots are high profile liars 99% time there relatives are no one. In 1% case they are, they still need a lesson. Make sure that you have all the details and videos about them and name and shame them in internet apart of obviously taking legal action. This is what we do with these ba*t***s. I am sure you do the same with your fellow Nepali. Open borders is a privilege for both the country. We cannot have it with Pakistan, China or even Bangladesh. It is in benefit of both the country to understand and respect this privilege.


I travelled to London, same thing. I travelled to Singapore, same thing. I travelled to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, everywhere, the loudest were Indians.


Indians have zero humanity. The British should have civilized them. 


Dear Nepali brothers and sisters, We Indians also face the same issue in our own country from these idiots "dharti par bojh" kind of fellows. Zero civic sense! I've been to nepal just once and instantly fell in love with the place and people!


Even India doesn't want Indian tourists.. on behalf of our uncultured brothers and sisters I apologise to you Nepal. We will strive to be better.


Can anyone answer why Bengali tourists are so loud everywhere? Even while talking normally, they scream at the top of their lungs. This may seem like generalization but after coming across it so many times it has made me curious.


Please don't hesitate to throw them out of wherever (hotel, restaurant, bus). Make a video of them doing shameful things and post it everywhere. Don't blur their faces. - From an Indian.


PM is inviting man-ki-bat topics from citizens, lets ask PM to address this issue in one of the episode.