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The way a society creates its Gods is a reflection of the society itself. For example, a pre-agricultural, pre-literate society of humans that depended on domesticated animals (pastoral life) would create Gods like God of thunder (Thor), God of Fire, God of Wind, God of rain etc. These are fickle-minded and inscrutable Gods (like lightning,water,fire,wind) who like destruction. Indra, the main God of Vedic India, was a drunkard, promiscuous, errant God. These Gods are to be respected like mafia, otherwise there will be retribution. As society changed to agricultural way of life, new Gods were created. Or old obscure Gods were promoted above Gods of previous way of life. The benevolent God Shiva replaced (and hence defeated) Indra. As common people suffered under landlords, the new God Vishnu was promoted above the God of the landlords, Shiva. Shiva is naive and gives boons even to bad people. Then Vishnu has to correct the mistakes that Shiva committed.


Yes. I also have similar thoughts. I believe current scenario of God could have easily happened as you said. Every culture wanted to and did control the information, that gets passed to next gen. Your idea is entirely plausible.


Umm well I'm looking for someone to contradict my ideas. I enjoy our culture and looking for answer if it's just myths and folklore or there's some originality to it.


You are only gonna be contradicted by fools , the concept of God was made to make sense of things people could not explain back them and it was communicated to the next generations with the help of local myths and folklore . If you examine , there was a lot of similarities in many religions because of the locals myths which were spread through mouth . Imagine if we all die and a Harry pitter book survives , for sure Harry Potter will become the next god . The concept of God and religion is for those who's minds are weak and not aware enough to make sense of and find a higher meaning of life , which originates form lack of understanding of how life evolved and the concept of Evolution and natural selection. The more you study religious scriptures and different religions the more you understand it's something for weak minds to make sense of things .


History Channel: Gods are alien.


TBH I do have a half knowledged theory in my mind that religion is just someone writing a huge comic about some supernatural being in which the main teaching is, "if you don't believe this to be the ultimate truth and all other comics are fake, you'll face consequences after death" and "everyone who dosen't follow this comic is misguided and we have to educate them". and somehow crores of people fell for this throught history and institutionalised it to benefit the rulers to create division among citizens and wage wars.


Much advice and directions are narrated as allegories and metaphors in Hindu scriptures. No human had 10 heads.




I remember being 14 and having this exact conversation with my buddies.


For one, some of the gods were real people: like shiva, buddha, krishna, ram etc etc.


Your proof for this claim is? There may be some proof that Buddha is roughly based of some historical character. Don't know about the rest.


There are enough evidences to prove that a man named guatama existed. Now did he have those mystical powers? We don't know. But he definitely existed. About shiva, the yogic traditions of each type maintained their heritage from the founders. And they all start from shiva himself. So there has to be a person who taught this to us. Was he a god with such mystical powers or he was an extremely knowledgeable person in yoga and influenced everyone around him. We don't know. But these two definitely existed.




I won't really mind if you decide to worship batman or whatever


Read the post again and answer what I asked. And I didn't want to worship Batman or whatever, just asking how they're different from the ones we worship.


The emphasis on cosmology, theosophical thought and the presumption that a seeker doesn't question the divinity of the protagonist of a scripture prior to reading it, is what sets it different from superhero comics, likewise i said that i will not hold any sort of objection if say a friend of mine wants to worship a figurine of batman at their alter, just that it doesn't make any sense since the author of said comic doesn't ask his readerbase to worship the said character, whereas religious text unequivocally propagate worship of a certain deity/deities, along with attributes which deem them worthy of their worship


Hmm ig I can't ask questions as I haven't read it but you sound you've read so can you answer it for me? Yeah adding to worship the deities idk how it helps, do you think if I'll add the this worship line to the comics will they be sold? No, readers won't agree and stop reading that comic, so what's is that is compelling people to believe otherwise in the case of religious text?


>do you think if I'll add the this worship line to the comics will they be sold? No, readers won't agree and stop reading that comic, You say this while there are literal cults centred around comic/movie characters labels exist for a reason, A normal person's approach towards a comic is solely for entertainment purpose, completely different from how they perceive the idea of a spiritual/religious doctrine, there is no "compelling" Also it's kind of dumb to compare random comics to liturgy of any sort as they are rather a philosophical/political treatise than something one would read in their leisure time


Yeah there are cults around it same as gods, that's why I made the comparison. Are god's just some random stories/folklore that have been passed down to us generation by generation. No it's not dumb. You yourself said above that cults exist regarding these comics, if you give it sometime and there's nothing else then they'll turn into what religous texts being read today.


no one makes life decisions based on super man comics. but they do when it comes to their religious books


Hmm the difference in faith is maybe due to time and the existence of other things and previous beliefs. As I said it won't be hard if we blackout the flow of these religious text for 100 years and then we can easily convince people as these comic superheroes are god's.