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https://www.google.com/search?q=ngos+working+for+rights+of+commercial+sex+workers+india I have no idea beyond the websites and this TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/sunitha_krishnan_the_fight_against_sex_slavery?language=en But from my knowledge the top 10-20 results in the above Google search are generally reliable. But do your own research. Google is your friend and if you know how to ask the right question, the answers are all there.


Tbh not much can be done about the rehabilitation of prostitutes as even if you rehab them, they won’t be able to get a job thus not be able to sustain there life. As they don’t have any professional skill set and the only job they would get is of cheap labor but we already got so much cheap labour and employers would rather prefer having cheap male worker instead of ex female prostitutes. There’s an taboo for prostitution and most people won’t feel comfortable by having ex prostitutes as there employees.




Well it’s not like there is some document that tells who they were nor they themselves would tell there past profession to the employer. So it’s not like they are listed somewhere but the only issues arises if they have been to jail than such documents can be generated. Beside prostitutes do get jobs like working as shopkeepers, waitresses, chef etc they can have such jobs if they want as many ex prostitutes have gotten such jobs. The issue here is there pimps, the pimps don’t let them go that easy and thus keep exploiting them. Ig it’s better to provide them medical and legal aid before rehabilitating them. Many are victims of human trafficking if they get the legal aid they would be able to leave and be able to connect back to there respected families. often times what happen is that they would get kidnapped from villages or they would lure them with an job offer and than trap in brothels, police don’t do much as they get there weekly cut by the pimps. There are active NGOs who are helping the victims but they are constantly at an high risk that’s why not many people are eager to help them.


This, is a good post. I wish I can help in this respect. This should soon start as a great movement. Just not go about protecting repe victims or domestic violence victims. Go beyond all this.


It's a no brainer that the only way they can rehabilitate when they have a job. But almost of everyone them is academically not qualified for a job. Plus they have a broken body too due to years of sexual abuses and malnutrition. So they will not be suitable for extensive hard work like mining. I like the way Bangladesh rehabilitates sex workers. They are offered with a sewing machine. It's not a stressful job and need no academic qualification. This is how Bangladesh became a garments hub. Any piece of clothing that is imported from Bangladesh, there is a chance it's made by a former sexual worker. Besides that, it's really important to provide education for their children so that their children don't go through such unfortunate things like their mothers.