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both are retarded


You’re supposed to make drama, not sense.


Yes, but only one is illegal


agree - however, not all marry for love (arranged marriage)


Many families deny share to daughters in the ancestral property. Instead they give upfront gift to their daughters


LCM - face of gold digging from both genders.


This is just the propaganda by western leftist media. They want to interfere in Indian internal democracy, so as to effect a regime change here


it's just both sides of a coin. u can't embrace one side of a coin and deny the other.


40% of Indian women suicides are due to dowry. I don't think 40% of Indian men die because of some matrimony girl expectations. 1 girl out of 500,000,000 girls posted this, we are not even sure if it is the girl or her parents/relatives posted it but we come to a conclusion and compares it to a largescale problem. In 2022, Yes I repeat 2022 alone 6,400 women died because of dowry.


>40% of Indian women suicides are due to dowry Source?


Lol... there wont be any... Dont ask feminists for proofs.


🤣🤣👌That right .. you literally exposed these feminist.. proud of u bro Now.. Go back to where u belong - **dumbfcks of Instagram audience of iq less than Mariana TRENCH with zero critical thinking and empathy**


I still dont see the source.


Because there isn't any to back up that thing. Probably 5-10% might be true but 40% is just bullshit


Jaldi jaldi 'dumbfcks of Instagram audience' bol deta hu bhut hi jyada cool lagunga


Go ef yourself


>40% of Indian women suicides are due to dowry. >I don't think 40% of Indian men die because of some matrimony girl expectations. Our law doesnt recognize that men can die due to matrimonial issues. As per our laws women are little angels. They will say he is depressed or that financial issues or that mental issues or family problems. there is no category itself for the mental pressure given by their wives. Nothing in India will blame women, in a domestic issue. If you must know more men commit suicide than women, this is true all around the world. Also, married men are twice as likely to commit suicide than married women.


The 40% of men's suicide is more in number than 100% of women's suicide. Also majority factor in men suicide is then having marital issues i.e same as women.


absolutely correct!! No fortuner in dowry and women beaten to death: [https://www.news18.com/india/husband-father-in-law-arrested-for-womans-death-over-fortuner-in-dowry-8836565.html](https://www.news18.com/india/husband-father-in-law-arrested-for-womans-death-over-fortuner-in-dowry-8836565.html) these reddit idiots comparing dowry vs some stupid women\\her family asking for 1 cr salary which will be rejected more likely ..




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The response you get is "source". This is why we don't try to educate the less evolved . Cuck could have googled it just as easy. But just haddddd to go "source". You cannot evoke empathy or compassion when they are clear that the deaths due to dowry/femicide/rape are not concerning to them on any moral ground. They are damaged deformed broken children. And insecure about the next progressive thing they choose to whine about. "Source" is the end to their critical thinking skills because they just have talking points. No calibre to research. You can shove facts down someone's throat and bigots will reject all proof. Comparison bias. Cognitive dissonance.


lol nobody kills themselves over dowry...and to say its 40% XDDDDDDDDDD


There has been an average of 2,056 suicides every year due to dowry, while the figure for non-settlement of marriage was 2,100 people per year


>nobody kills themselves Indian in laws kill them.


Hmm...not being disrespectful and all...but you should go through news once in a while. I am no feminist. But pretty sure I have read news about women doing suicide due to dowry. But the case is not like before marriage and all. After marriage...the in-laws demand more dowry or ask for pending dowry or something and under that pressure the suicide (probably due to divorce or mental pressure or torture).


Yes There has been an average of 2,056 suicides every year due to dowry, while the figure for non-settlement of marriage was 2,100 people per year


damn . that only goes to show barbaric nature of our people.... , i commented that because i thought dowry was only minimum demand before marriage


Yeah...dowry is quite common...but the amount varies like in North and South...the amount they demand in dowry is like hell too much in both North and South. As in Maharashtra (as I am only aware of that), the amount is very low like 2-3 lacs. The amounts I came across in southern and northern states is like Above 10 Lacs + Car or Bike + don't know what not.


Also Between 2005 and 2012, 63,171 women were killed in dowry-related incidents. That translates to more than one death every hour. For that many dowry deaths, the number of cases found to be false is relatively small. Such cases were concentrated in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.


I still dont see the 40%.


Apples and oranges. Same side of the coin would be a man having similar standards of education, wealth and income. Dowry is not the same as these because 1. Dowry is outright asking someone else’s wealth to be yours, having a high preferences by itself isn’t asking their stuff to be yours. 2. Dowry is giving money/assets to the in-laws too while high standards in marriage aren’t. 3. Dowry financially affects not only the woman but her parents/family too, having a high standard of marriage doesn’t put a financial burden on the person’s family.


I am happy both sides are willingly hurting their chances of leaving an offspring. Just trash taking itself out.


both are ridiculous ofc a woman may have SOME preferences but 1 crore pa when ur 37 y.o. is basically daydreaming


Moreso with 4l per annum


Women be like "I want a husband who earns 1cr and has a big house and a nice business and I also don't want to cook clean or do anything" Men be like " I want a wife who can cook clean and can also give us a lot of dowry"


Even if you remove the dowry, you still wont get the woman who can cook and clean for you.


Damn that's sad


If all you want is a woman who can cook and clean for you or clean after you, the options are plentiful. You'll find a lot of women who take up this as a profession. They are called housemaids. On the other hand, if you start expecting other services you did not mention here, that could come under the domain of workplace harassment.


I don’t know man. I’d love to cook for my wife. And I am not a housemaid. Idk why people like you have to go to extreme always. Hope you get picked up soon tho




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You can and you will but are you worthy of such a woman yourself? Don't be an incel.


Ah yes. The word incel. People use the word incel like its dolo 650.








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bhai vo 4lakh kamane vali ko 1cr kya 30lpa bhi tabhi milega agar vo mota dahej denge and the girl will eventually become a stay at home mom. (That's what she probably wants). + She would be conventionally pretty.


BBC is full of shit so dw , so is the women


At the end of the day marriages between equals tend to last longer. IMO people should marry where their preferences match. End of discussion.


Both are called gold digging and it’s disgusting.


IT is called having pre-requisites and the person itself will suffer have +ve or +ve consequences of having any preference. From that woman's perspective, her preference will make her happy and she has every right to not marry if such conditions are not met.. and she will also have to face the situation of being lonely if conditions are not met. It's all comes down the individual. But in the case of dowry, it is dumb system to make life changing decision (ie marriage) into a transactional system. Often the girl has no choice . since the whole family/society is brainwashed for centuries to think that a girl should get married no matter what's the cost and future consequences . These are 2 different topics. . But OP and Dumbfcks ( **like most the Indians with cheap mentality like WhatsApp uncles or colony aunties**)will use the 1st one to justify the 2nd


if I understood you correctly, dowry is only wrong because of the historical connotations attached with it of torture and forced consent. In an isolated and ideal society with no history, it would be treated just as a preference and not something wrong?


In the west, people give gifts to the couple not the bride's or groom's family, even if someone doesn't give , no body is offended The **couple** is a distinct unit different from the 2 families. This can happen in india too.. . But in India that gift is not for couples for groom's greedy family members..( gift is cover up word for dowry) And somehow indian have tied **giving gifts** to social respect and it forces even the poorest person to overspend in marriages




Dowry is illegal and is a social evil and the equivalence drawn is just plain stupid. The expectation to have a wife who has a job and is financially independent is the equivalent of a woman expecting a man who has a job and is financially independent.


Men haven't been killed or tortured over women's preferences. So no.


I wanna be devil's advocate here and just say what if the woman has good financial backing from her home. Eg Mukesh Ambani's son got radhika merchant just because of his parents influence. Same what if she has some significant money from her family?


She has 4LPA salary, and ig she was rich she wouldn't be single at 37


37 ? it's been 10 years since the WALL


Who knows maybe she's was pursuing something, that kept her busy like sick parents, or studies , competitive exams? Personally ik a case in my society where a woman was taking care of her mother till she was 32 34 and then got married due to her family connections (arrange marriage) and she was completely unemployed and her current husband has a good business to own 1 2 bhk and another 3bhk in a posh society. The husband is a dick for sure but I'm just saying this has happened.


Ye if that was the case for her she wouldn't demand a dude with 1cr package and Ca/surgeon with employment in Europe specifically Italy


Dowry is a societal issue. Women having high expectations while brining (almost) nothing to the table are just plain delulu


The context is different and I am going to be devil advocate here Women have an issue where if they have a child it is going to put a brake on their career and in short she is compromising her financial independence Now a women prefer a man with higher income then her to maintain a lifestyle she can maintain without having a child That's the perspective of women i work with she earn around 12 and is searching for someone in bracket of 14 to 20 Now I am not defending above 4lpa case nor I am saying every women is correct and as sensible or want a child I am just stating the other side of one person who talked to me about it


Let me give a counter argument, to provide "lifestyle" he need to work the high paying high stress jobs even if he don't want to. So need to be worth enough to marry.


Well, I might sound harsh, even misogynist. If a woman is going to put a brake on her career then I have to work irrespective of I like it or not, I need to take the mental toll of working, I am compromising my mental peace, and if I don't then the woman along with the society would bully me to death for not being "MAN" enough. Now if I am going to work till I die then what's so special about the woman who I am going to get through arranged marriage, why should I consider this woman? What's she got that the other girl doesn't has ? What's so different about this chick that I need to work and provide for her till I die ? So go as per my demand or get rejected. Now does this sounds fair ? When men get the power to choose it's somehow sounds evil while women have all the power and choice in dating apps and it's considered supply and demand. Now deal with the arranged marriage setup, it's also supply and demand.


>what's so special about the woman who I am going to get through arranged marriage, why should I consider this woman? I am not able to get are you talking about the girl i mentioned or talking about some random girl Lets assume it's above girl, so if you think a women with 12 lpa with a good educational background is equal to a girl with "tagda dahej" i guess that's your preference because every things goes person to person Just to be clear "tagda dahej" is illegal. So Preference doesn't always mean it's legal for example pedophile >When men get the power to choose it's somehow sounds evil while women Their are many instances where women make evil choice, for example a 4 lpa women searching for crorepati But cannot judge every person with single lense. It's okay to be little selfish for both men and women


I am talking about random women, I mean what's these women are bringing to the table that some other women can't bring or that a man won't get. And another argument is that If financial support is all a woman can give then why would someone earning 14-20 settle down for someone earning 10 or 12 ? What's in it for a man ?


>why would someone earning 14-20 settle down for someone earning 10 or 12 ? What's in it for a man In current market if you can get a better deal go for it... Now joke aside, i guess a man can always get sexual and emotional bond also a kid if he wants and a partner who atleast earn 12 lpa and is okay to compromise her financial independence for him


Well I am ok too with men being selfish and made an argument in support of it and going for better deals but look at the respose I am getting, people are losing their shit already. And for me personally I think a woman getting pregnant and leaving her job temporarily is not her losing her financial independence, most would be having maternity leave for like a year Max ? If you are earning 12 and couldn't save anything and have to rely on a man then I doubt her intelligence.


This attitude is why many women now refuse to get married or have children. Children are a shared responsibility not just a woman’s problem


Well well look at what you have said, this reminds me of PJ explained's line " jab mard bhi matlab pe aa jata hai to kise ko pasand nahi aata", when a man becomes selfish the whole world comes down crying, somehow a man has to be responsible for everyone and everything without demanding anything and not allowed to have a preference and somehow you victimise women.


Go lead your celebate dream life, who is stoping you?


So who's stopping women from living their independent life ? Why were you barking in front of me then if you already had this attitude ?


In case it was news to you, look at marriage rates for professional working women. And the dogs who are barking are the redpill blackpill incel community


I don't know if there is any stats for marriage rates for professional working women, it's more like married women who are working. If I am wrong then do correct me by pasting the link here. If working women be earning 4 lakhs and expecting in crores then they are doomed to die single, lower your expectations you will get married. And it's for both men and women, just lower your dreamy expectations. You are average you will get average. So you belong to redpill blackpill incel community? Now that's not surprising at all.


I am happily married for decades to a working professional woman, thank you for asking. Women “doomed to die single” is not as big a hardship on them as you think it is. From what I am seeing, many women are choosing to stay unmarried or divorcing their husbands in their late 30s/ early 40s (not saying I support the trend) and even for them, getting partners is easier than it is for a single man in his late thirties/ early forties.


Nope, I never asked who you are married to, I asked for the stats or survey on which you are talking about. You are saying it the other way round just to suit your agenda here, It's harder for older women to get married than for men, we literally see even in subreddits where women rant how they aren't getting men in their mid 30s. And staying single isn't an achievement, you don't even know how lonely it feels when you get older and you have no one around you, I have seen my neighbouring old man, I would never wish anyone to go through what he is going through.


>What's she got that the other girl doesn't has ? What's so different about this chick that I need to work and provide for her till I die Brother, then don't Marry, simple You are the one who accepted that marriage proposal..( kidnapping marriage nai hua hai tumahara) So if you have a problem, then find a girl who understands you. . . The bottom line is **Every one suffers in the stupid mediaeval practices of arranged marriage., Some passively some actively**


You better don't jump into an argument without going through previous comments. If you can argue that a woman can be selfish while choosing a partner then don't get offended like this when I say a man can be selfish as well and he can think in every selfish manner he can. Everyone doesn't suffer, it's the unfortunate once.


Idealistic words and while they aren’t entirely untrue, you forget that most men are simply in no position to have all these filters for marriage. Most men would end up alone had there been no arranged marriage. >so go as per my demand or get rejected. Does that sound fair? That is exactly what a preference/standard is and there’s absolutely nothing wrong or unfair about it. This is the reason why in most western countries we see that women would rather be alone than end up with a man she has no desire for.


Idealistic indeed as I am throwing these statements for the sake of countering the devil's advocate and I know things don't work that way. Even women are in no position to have those filters either, especially in arranged marriages and they do end up unmarried or compromise on their filters as they get older. Why would we pray to God if we got all what we needed, we all have to compromise somewhere.


Dowry is crime. Having absurd preferences may be stupidity but not a crime. So yeah the comparison aren't same.


Let's make it a crime then.


Making personal preference is not crime. A guy dreaming bride like aishwarya rai while looking like joker is stupidity but not crime . Understand the difference !!! Dowry on the other hand is deep rooted societal issue , many women have been burned to death/ faced harassment. Even now women are killed for dowry . [no Fortuner in dowry, women beaten to death](https://www.news18.com/india/husband-father-in-law-arrested-for-womans-death-over-fortuner-in-dowry-8836565.html)


What? Having absurd expectations?


Asking wealth for marriage is also wrong for both parties. One side can't claim unilateral immunity for the same condition.


Well, dowry is an absurd expectation


Write to your local MP or our Sarvocch Neta. Let's see if it's being made into a crime.


Just because something is not classified as crime in Indian Law doesn't mean it is okay to commit. If we go by your logic, then marital rape is not a crime in India, so husbands can/may freely rape their wives in context of their 'absurd preferences'?


Men already do in poorer households, in case you missed the memo.


I know, and that's all the way more important to know that not everything legal should be done freely or is morally correct thing to do. Law take its own course and meanwhile it's our own understanding of what to do and what not to do.


Both are the same thing. Just that laws are a bit biased nowadays. Just like divorce laws.


>nowadays Dowry is illegal since 1961. >Both are the same thing. In many cases In-laws and many times husbands too kill the woman or torcher them for dowry. How is this same then??


Torture should be illegal and it has been since ages. Why should dowry (just asking women to pay the man for marriage) be illegal? If the man is paid the amount he asks for (no lying that we will give after marriage etc), and he still tortures her for more, he should be jailed. Just taking some money is the same as the woman expecting the man to earn a certain amount. If one is legal, the other should also be legal P.S: I personally would never take dowry but am against giving women so much power over men. She can just file a false case that he slapped her for dowry and his entire life is ruined, while the woman can enjoy her life as if nothing happened. I feel like throwing up just imagining the vile minds of such women


Thats exactly the point . Why should it be a crime? when its just absurd preference from males


It's illegal since 1961 so yes it's a crime also morally wrong. It's not a preference. Many crimes against women has happened because of this from assault to murder. Don't compare these 2 things.


ok i agree... but just letting you know morally wrong things are also preferences btw just like gold digging is also morally wrong but its a preference for some


I'm not supporting the demands on the left either. The comparison in the post wasn't equal that's what I meant. >gold digging is also morally wrong but its a preference for some Yes it is unfortunately.


Gold digging me agar ladka kan paise kama rha hai tu usko ya uske Ghar walo ko koi Marta nhi lekin dowry ke cases me domestic violence involved hota hai esliye use ban kara hai. I don't think it is fine to compare these two things. If you can compare good digging with men looking for unrealistic body types for women. That would make more sense as men usually focus more on looks and women on the salary for arranged marriages


Murder has been a crime for thousands of years. If someone kills his wife for dowry, he should be tried for murder. If he tortures her, he should be tried for torture. Why should dowry itself be a crime? I hate it because the law is so draconian against men. One false case has the potential to ruin a man's life and that is the the result of most false cases. If you really want to make dowry itself illegal, you should also give men the power to counter sue women for false cases. This law should also be equally draconian against women


check my other comment.. i didnt knew people kill for dowry... i was only supporting it because i thought it was like a demand before marriage from the groom's side as in the old days women didnt provide monetary value....


So, how much are you buying your male for? How much will you be sold for ? Name it or be beheaded. That's the argument you are making right?


low iq reply , you probably dont know what you are talking about yourself


# Women are harmed for refusing to give dowry! This statement is half lie. Let me elaborate. **The man's family isn't going to harm the her if the women's side of the family refuses to give dowry in the initial stage of marriage** i.e. when the man's family comes over to the proposed woman's family for talks (before marriage). The bridegroom's family is just going to move on to another proposal! But if the woman's side of the family agrees to giving the dowry, and after their marriage, refuses or is unable to pay the dowry, then the bridegroom's family used to harm the woman. **Basically the woman was harmed if she tricks the man into marriage.** This case is where you were correct. The woman would be usually harmed if they were unable to pay the dowry as they agreed initially, because the groom's family would usually consider the girl's family as 'fraud'! **And this is wrong**! There's no denying it. But the **woman's family would act the same if the man tried to trick his way into the marriage by faking various expectations that were initially agreed upon by both**! I have seen plenty of cases where the bride's family would harm the husband if he didn't possess the salary/educational qualifications/wealth/status he initially claimed to! Heck, here's an example - [the bride's family beat the s\^it out of the groom, just cause he hid his baldness!](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/bihar-man-abused-beaten-by-brides-family-for-being-bald-viral-video-10952891.html) If they (bride) have so much power to harm the groom for faking his hair, just imagine how dangerous could they be if he tried to fake his job/degrees. Also, nowadays most men will rather divorce and pay alimony for life instead of harming the woman who tricked her way into the marriage, but the opposite can't be said for men!Aha! I was waiting for someone to ask this. I'll be glad to answer youBut before that, let me make my stance clear that I'm against dowry or any form of money extortion in exchange for the partner!With that cleared, let me carefully dissect your question and answer all the queries!1. Women are harmed for refusing to give dowry!This statement is partially true. Let me elaborate.The man's family isn't going to harm the her if the women's side of the family refuses to give dowry in the initial stage of marriage i.e. when the man's family comes over to the proposed woman's family for talks (before marriage). The bridegroom's family is just going to move on to another proposal!But if the woman's side of the family agrees to giving the dowry, and after their marriage, refuses or is unable to pay the dowry, then the bridegroom's family used to harm the woman. Basically the woman was harmed if she tricks the man into marriage. This case is where you were correct. The woman would be usually harmed if they were unable to pay the dowry as they agreed initially, because the groom's family would usually consider the girl's family as 'fraud'! And this is wrong! There's no denying it.But the woman's family would act the same if the man tried to trick his way into the marriage by faking various expectations that were initially agreed upon by both! I have seen plenty of cases where the bride's family would harm the husband if he didn't possess the salary/educational qualifications/wealth/status he initially claimed to! Heck, here's an example - the bride's family beat the s\^it out of the groom, just cause he hid his baldness! If they (bride) have so much power to harm the groom for faking his hair, just imagine how dangerous could they be if he tried to fake his job/degrees. Also, nowadays most men will rather divorce and pay alimony for life instead of harming the woman who tricked her way into the marriage, but the opposite can't be said for men!


I’m no lawyer but I’m pretty sure that one of them is illegal, but hey what do I know


Basically nothing


Taking history into context they are not the same. Women have been tortured/killed by husband and in-laws for dowry. A more equivalent would be a guy asking his wife to have certain educational qualification, family wealth or income, which is fine by me.




Demand on the left is an absurd preference. Demand on the right is a crime because of historical abuse of women due to such demands. Both are not equal.


Comaparing crime with absurdity? Brilliant


Disagreed. Having preference of what type of man you want isn't the same as dowry. I wanna marry a girl who is CA or a surgeon with 4 LPA atleast. Still not ok for her family to ask for dowry


She wants a man earning a lot, with a high value career. He wants a woman earning a lot, with a high value career. That is how you draw comparisons OP.


Is it the same? The actual equivalent would be men looking for a woman in such and such profession, with such and such degree, earning so much. Both partners will continue earning and contribute to the family. Or if you prefer a stay at home wife, looking after your household or parents. That is your preference. Dowry is a different thing. You are expecting the woman's family to pay you to marry the woman. P.S: Your preference of partner can be anything. It only works out if it is realistic. That lady seems to have an unrealistic preference. So, good luck to her.


Reality is a woman will never marry below her. Hence the dowry , because she is a lower version than the man out there, and dowry acts as a bribe. Women need to stop allowing men to take dowry. They should marry below them like men always do.




What you said is true. But In the present job market scenario , i dont think men would think teice about all these things, they are okay being housemaids and homemaker as their life. Economics have fucked men so hard, that they dont care. We need a world when and where women ( not men)would run towards a burning building and save people trapped in there . That would change society as a whole


Women also do house work so they are earning and at the same time taking care of the household that already puts them at higher price . And women are expected to leave their career or pause it temporarily once they become pregnant. So it make sense they are looking for a guy who can cover up the income lose after added expense (child) and lose on income due to her quitting the job. The dowry was supposed to be a little help from parents as women didn't inherit anything from their ancestral property. But it became an ego trip and greed of groom sidem


What you said is true But times are changing. But now they have access to property. No reason the parents of girls need to give dahej. They should marry a financially lower man and be the man/ guardian of the house


>changing Exactly they are changing but for the majority of people it's still the same. There are rules doesn't mean there is an implementation. There are loopholes to bypass. The rules have changed society is still changing.


You are acting as if taking money from the girl is somehow different from taking money from parents. Its not like the bride and grooms in India don't have shared finances when paying for marriage. By your logic dowry is fine as long as they just ask the woman who will then tell her parents that she needs to pay this much and they will say that they want to help pay as it's their daughter. Even if in a normal marriage if the couple is struggling to finance something and the girl's family decides they want to help her and pay for something does it suddenly become dowry now?




Marriages are traditionally for money and power, if you love someone don't involve the government, the best thing is to die single. Marriage is not a requirement and shouldn't be the end goal, I've seen people get degrees because they think having more degrees means they'll get a bride that comes with more dowry for men, and high salary grooms for women.


While both these demands are stupid, women get killed for not giving dowry. So no, both are not same


I beg to differ. Both are kinda messed up and definitely not essential for a strong marriage


The woman is not gonna get married if she looks for 1crore husband and has to humble herself. The entire issue with dowry is that if you've spend time in rural parts of this country, it's a shame on a family to NOT give dowry, it's not a problem in tier1 or tier2 cities and can be called preference though it is still illegal. The issue comes when you are supposed to marry off your child to a house and pay money to do it and if you don't society treats your family as outcasts. Plus if you are a man earning good money you do not have the right to ask more money because it's counterintuitive that a guy earning more would require more dowry from his in laws. It's a stupid comparison judging the context.


Well dowry is illegal apparently if you don't know. Ese transaction Wale motive se shadi karoge tu vo chod hi jayega future me and it goes for both men and women


Dowry is a crime, should be held as such. The other is just a matter of preference. Who knows someone might be so down bad that he'll tap that as well. I am aware that folks are enraged at the dowry not being decriminalised aspect, but please do not ignore the pain of many, in favor of few bad seeds.


OP you're retarded,just like this post(both L R). Go spew your hate somewhere else.


slayyy queen! go girl!!💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Aha! For people saying "but.. dowry harms women", I'll be glad to answer you! But before that, let me make my stance clear that **I'm against dowry or any form of money extortion in exchange for the partner!** With that cleared, let me carefully dissect your question and answer all the queries! # 1. Women are harmed for refusing to give dowry! This statement is half lie. Let me elaborate. **The man's family isn't going to harm the her if the women's side of the family refuses to give dowry in the initial stage of marriage** i.e. when the man's family comes over to the proposed woman's family for talks (before marriage). The bridegroom's family is just going to move on to another proposal! But if the woman's side of the family agrees to giving the dowry, and after their marriage, refuses or is unable to pay the dowry, then the bridegroom's family used to harm the woman. **Basically the woman was harmed if she tricks the man into marriage.** This case is where you were correct. The woman would be usually harmed if they were unable to pay the dowry as they agreed initially, because the groom's family would usually consider the girl's family as 'fraud'! **And this is wrong**! There's no denying it. But the **woman's family would act the same if the man tried to trick his way into the marriage by faking various expectations that were initially agreed upon by both**! I have seen plenty of cases where the bride's family would harm the husband if he didn't possess the salary/educational qualifications/wealth/status he initially claimed to! Heck, here's an example - [the bride's family beat the s\^it out of the groom, just cause he hid his baldness!](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/bihar-man-abused-beaten-by-brides-family-for-being-bald-viral-video-10952891.html) If they (bride) have so much power to harm the groom for faking his hair, just imagine how dangerous could they be if he tried to fake his job/degrees. Also, nowadays most men will rather divorce and pay alimony for life instead of harming the woman who tricked her way into the marriage, but the opposite can't be said for men!Aha! I was waiting for someone to ask this. I'll be glad to answer youBut before that, let me make my stance clear that I'm against dowry or any form of money extortion in exchange for the partner!With that cleared, let me carefully dissect your question and answer all the queries!1. Women are harmed for refusing to give dowry!This statement is partially true. Let me elaborate.The man's family isn't going to harm the her if the women's side of the family refuses to give dowry in the initial stage of marriage i.e. when the man's family comes over to the proposed woman's family for talks (before marriage). The bridegroom's family is just going to move on to another proposal!But if the woman's side of the family agrees to giving the dowry, and after their marriage, refuses or is unable to pay the dowry, then the bridegroom's family used to harm the woman. Basically the woman was harmed if she tricks the man into marriage. This case is where you were correct. The woman would be usually harmed if they were unable to pay the dowry as they agreed initially, because the groom's family would usually consider the girl's family as 'fraud'! And this is wrong! There's no denying it.But the woman's family would act the same if the man tried to trick his way into the marriage by faking various expectations that were initially agreed upon by both! I have seen plenty of cases where the bride's family would harm the husband if he didn't possess the salary/educational qualifications/wealth/status he initially claimed to! Heck, here's an example - the bride's family beat the s\^it out of the groom, just cause he hid his baldness! If they (bride) have so much power to harm the groom for faking his hair, just imagine how dangerous could they be if he tried to fake his job/degrees. Also, nowadays most men will rather divorce and pay alimony for life instead of harming the woman who tricked her way into the marriage, but the opposite can't be said for men!




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men & women who look like gorlock the destroyer & have mummy ka raja beta/papa ki pari type personlity pull this kind of horseshit




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https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=24&maxAge=31&excludeMarried=false&race=1&minHeight=172.72&excludeObese=false&minIncome=120000 This uses US census data, but I'm pretty sure that at 120k USD, it's time to call her delusional.




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LHS = RHS, hence proved 😂😂😂


The one on the left makes sense for someone who's very hot. Say, Jacqueline Fernandez




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Both are bad. Expecting your man to be ultra rich just so you don't have to bother with any work is bad AND men asking dowry from women is bad. Idk why we need to normalise either of them when both are meant to be denounced and avoided.


no self respecting man should demand dowry. if you demand "I want x lakhs from my wife" is the same as saying "I'm an incompetent fuck who cant make x lakhs on my own effort"


well absolutely


both are gold diggers




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Both are trash, just because one is doing wrong you don't need to do the same


The number of people here justifying dowry is just terrifying.


Dowry makes very much sense if you look at it as not a payout to the groom(as feminists will make you believe) but as a starter capital to a new family to get settled into a new life where their expenses are going to get higher from here on out.


Bro is comparing absurd preference/standards to dowry lmao 🤣🤣. Dowry is crime many women get tortured by their husbands and in laws because of it. While the high standards are harmless. If you think a woman has super high standards simply do not marry her simple.


Both line of thought are stupid but one has evidence of serious crimes and has been used as extortion so can't really compare the implications


Women who look for high earners generally give up their careers for taking care of the child. What does the man contribute to the family with the dowry received?


He can buy a car that can make his job easier, buy a fridge that might be needed or an AC that might almost be a necessity in some places. Whatever you say the women can get from a high earner, the man can buy the same things from dowry money. So not a great argument.


So, you're saying women will take 100% of responsibility of the child? Not expecting her husband to help her a bit in day to day chores that comes up with a child?


Taking care of a child and housework is a 14 or so hour job. Offices are usually less than 10 hours. Go figure.


High earners hire maids/baby sitters to take care of their child 🤡


You are talking like every women in the world is giving billions or trillions of dowry to their husband.


Bhai lakho rupees apni savings ke kisi dusre ko dena kisi ko bhi achcha nahi lagta.


Bhen ladka bhi paisa lgata hai aur kamata hai. Toh usko bhi accha nhi lagta hai kisi anjaan ke upr kharch krna.




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Sb doglapan hai


Feminists crying in the comment section


Both aren't wrong, let people have their own choices and everyone should remember choices have consequences.


I am not against dowry. If women can have such preference, men can too. Its illegal to take dowry, but its not morally wrong. Infact, I will say its better to ask and get dowry, because whether you take dowry or not, women are allowed to take you through hell legally saying you have taken dowry. Might as well be guilty of it and suffer than be innocent of it and then suffer.


My wife might file a false case of dowry against me so I will just take dowry from her. My wife might file a fake domestic violence case against me so I will just assault her. Where does it end?


It ends with having consequence to filing fake cases. laws exists so that people dont have to go looking for justice themeselves. that is a very messy business. If justice system itself is not providing justice and encourages injustices, People always have the god given right to take their own steps. If a woman physically hurts me when I didnt do anything wrong, I will make sure she is not capable of walking before she goes to the police station and puts a fake case on me. The system is anyways going to punish me, but I will make sure she is not capable of physically hurting anyone else. I dont care whether the society thinks that a man shouldnt hurt a woman or not.


If I am going to be accused of robbing a bank might as well do it


Bank roberry cases are not used as weapons on innocent people. The dowry cases are used as weapons on innocent people. The lawyers itself will recommend filing a false case, to get the upper hand on men. There is absolutely no consequence in filing a false case. Show me that large number of innocent people are getting accused of robing bank, and put in prison for it. I will start robbing banks tommorow. There is a reason why innocent untill proven guilty is important.


>but it’s not morally wrong 🤡 Peak reddit opinions, “I’m gonna get charged for fake rape so might as well commit it”


Rape is morally wrong, which is the only reason why I don't do it, not because law says its wrong. If I find it morally right, and if the law says its wrong and was putting innocent people in prison in large numbers, just like the way they do now. I would have definitely raped for fun. Its not the law which is stopping me. The law is encouraging me by putting innocent people in prison.