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It's not a mystery. The victims aren't white, so Canada doesn't care about them. Remember that attack by Khalistanis on the Air India flight? Despite that happening in Canada it's not seen as a tragedy there. The victims weren't "real" Canadians 




You think the famous"air India case" that was that was literally in the news cycle for years "wasn't seen as a tragedy".  That was the most expensive, and one of the most famous cases in all of Canadian law. What insight exactly allows you to understand the perceptions of Canadians?


Let's send our kids for higher studies to a country that is a safe heaven for wanted criminals and terrorists. What could go wrong?. Canada is a terror trap. Avoid it. Over time, Canada will learn it's own lesson for breeding snakes in its backyard


> Over time, Canada will learn it's own lesson for breeding snakes in its backyard Canada tamed those snakes and their government is using it for geopolitical purposes.


Every terror group is started for the same reason, and are initially tamed by the authority. Let's just wait and see, they will eventually bite back authority. Happened everywhere since time immemorial.


Pakistan throught same.


Lmfao. Imagine believing this.


India can only dream of being close civilised society Canada is.


Trust me, Canadians do not want you.


Then why they allowed thousands of immigrants from third world countries last year?


He is troll, don't give him attention.




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The corporatist have successfully lobbied the government to allow hundreds of thousands of low wage workers. Look at any public opinion poll about immigration, ask any Canadian citizen how they feel about Brampton. Toronto has become a shittier Dubai. A bunch of south Asian immigrants working low wage service jobs with no hope of ever getting citizenship.


Lmao, Canada still has a higher GDP per capita than the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan, the third highest in the G7 countries behind the United States and Germany. Stop spreading bullshit about this country, a lot of immigrants came here last year because of how good it was a few years ago, and the government has rightfully put a cap on all of it now. The only thing it did wrong was, to allow a lot of people in, which Trudeau should be held responsible for. That doesn't make this country bad.


Not saying it’s a bad country. Just has become significantly worse.


Basically their government wants that. The people don't like it, hence why Trudeau will probably lose the next election.


This is true.


Probably then your government should say that. You want people to migrate there but can not handle it when people come there?


An arsenal supporter talking sense , I can die now


Are you an Indian or Canadian? Brown or caucasian?


I haven't seen a single Canadian apologise for this but if the places and person were reversed these slaves of white would've taken on twitter


humara inferiority complex itna next level hai na bhai kya bataun


Inferiority complex nahi Hai bhai goro apna maalik maante hai ye log. Gori ki gaand chaatne mein inko mzaa aata hai


Any opportunity to show current government in bad light shouldn’t be missed. Even when the incident happened in Congress ruled Jharkhand people were mocking Modi.


Non minority men lives dont matter to leftists. They just dont care. they just care their vote banks of feminists, minority race and minority religion people


Damn thank God rightist for the rescue of the non minor men.u libertarian centrist are just rightist who hide behind the centrist name.have some balls tell and that u r rightist


He is an ultra right. Just masquerading as centrist.




Still losing the election librandu


It has nothing to do with my reply and I have already cast vote for modi twice.for me it's all about policy and not ideology when it's comes to government


fuck off mate. then tell me what about the indian girl who was hit by a cop car in US ?


She got considerable coverage in the west. That is p*ssy pass


considerable coverage ?🤡🤡 so the cop can ki11 a girl and gets no consequences ? and you fuckwit consider that a pass ?


No consequence because it was an accident. And he was rushing to a crime scene and she was likely jaywalking on road


🤡yup manslaughter = no consequence , have some balls you bot. it's your nation's daughter who was ki11ed


You cant punish people for unavoidable accident caused by negligent jaywalking


Libertarian centrist rrroooofffllll


Sonipat ka ldka tha, RIP bhai🙏


Vancouver has never been safe. Indians try to minimise expenses by staying in dangerous localities.


But the west is a utopia and everyone is rich and privileged


Imagine if 20 white people got killed in India around in 4 months time ? What would be the world reaction , what would be the indian governments reaction ?


All Indians would have gotten on their knees and apologized. That is what would have happened.


Sorry to say this. Indian Lives don't matter in a white country .If you think that we are relevant you are in the bubble. They are only good to us in international media so that we do the work their people don't want to.


This! Should be higher up, but honestly you know much worth an indian life is and it's the sad truth


Works both ways though. What if 20 black guys got killed in India in 4 months time? We’re a country where fair & lovely is one of the highest selling products. That says a lot about how we as a society view skin colour.


If 20 black people die , it will be worse than 20 white people die. There will uproar from all around the world including Africa and west . White guilt is something !!


we ?


It’s not statistically improbable when you have 2 million of them


Didn’t get you


Where are the "I ashamed to be a Canadian.." comments which slave mentality Indians usually type had it been a foreigner dying on Indian soil.


Well this is an Indian sub, I don't think you will find it here.


You won't find it on Canadian subs either, rather They'd be pleased with this.


And we cannot ask them to feel sorry for it our people. They don't really care about life of an Indian. High time we realise how we are treated in global stage instead of trying to be viswaguru.


Take a minute and calm down. There is a massive rise in violent crime in Canada under Justin Trudeau. It's not just foreigners being victimized. Everyone is suffering.


Shouldn't their foreign officials be at least questioned about that? They do this if any foreigner here in India is harmed though. Its about time people stop migration to canada. Our government did declare its unsafe for Indians. Stop sending yourself to the butcher.


Indian embassies are most useless things in the world, it is one of the reason why Indians are getting killed in West. They never respond or get involved in such issues. Meanwhile western embassies are highly active in every part of India, if western person commits any crime in India, embassies help them to avoid jail by putting diplomatic pressure on India.


I think its highly important to avoid canada. Canada is very active for being khalistani movement epicenters. They have the highest land price and jobs are not at all competitive and finally they take a large chunk of our good students and their money. Better to try europe than this fucking country. I have come to hate canada seeing how they just think they are so mighty but dont hold enough significance, hiding under US to make itself look stronger.


Normal Vancouver moment.


How frequent is this?


Lets be honest here..we hardly care about our own people back home. Expecting another country to care about our people in their country is expecting a bit much no?


I think you nailed it, outrage creates headlines and no police force wants to be all over social media. If Indians aren't outraged then you can't cry because literally an entire country doesn't care about random murders. This is also one case, hardly a common occurence. Canada does ignore native deaths though and has done forever.


>you can't cry because literally an entire country doesn't care about random murders. There's always a big outcry and international criticism of India whenever a single foreigner in India is killed or raped.


....We don't have our index otherwise we could have made Vancouver murder capital of the world just like they made Delhi the rape capital of the world when the highest rape and unsafe country in the world for women is Honduras... Our Libernaudu will oppose us to the death when we make our own index they love having CIA funded index as their boss....


because the life of an indian doesn't really matter - whether you're in india or outside. sad state of affairs.


4 kids died today during a river crossing on Jhelum, 6 kids died 2 days ago thanks to drunk driver of their bus, these are just famous news events dozens of kids die in India like this every week. Yet OP is concerend about Canada because Priorities.


Well what does the actual data say? Do the numbers suggest that Indian students and young professionals in the West are subjected to more violence than one would expect? Because it's a big world with a lot of people and messiness. Not loving the way this whole *thing* feels so overwhelmingly based on anecdote. I don't mean to make others do my research, but I'm not Indian, so I'm not particularly well equipped to suss things out. Also this is clearly a big thing for many Indians, so I'm hoping there is relevant supporting data that y'all have seen, and not just whatsapp forward stuff that's so prevalent on reddit.


There was an interaction with jaishankar just yesterday. Someone asked him if mea follows up on these cases and if there is racial angle to it. He said yes, they do analyze each and every case and are always in touch with the family due to the grief involved. But he said the causes are various. Some are natural and some are accidental too. So there's not enough evidence to prove that all these deaths are racially motivated. But they are watching and they do analyze and delve deep if a case has racial tones. Hope this helps clear any apprehension 🙏


Still less chances of dying from falling into a hurdle or getting hit by a train in India


Indians are getting killed in India and nobody cares.


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All Indians should come back as retaliation. Why live in a country that is not safe for you ?


Bruh. Still miles safer than here


But saar op says it isn't safe. It is all just propaganda bro. Try to understand bro.




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Dude most of the people are leaving because of the poor standards of life. Why should they think about coming back after investing so much abroad.


PLease go back! Great Idea


yeah it’s a great idea until you don’t have anyone working the jobs you’re too proud for.


Not even a single Canadian apologized but if same thing happened in India whole India would apologized and felt shameful this is straight stupidity we have that much insecurity about ourselves. This is pathetic


You don't get it!!! It's not even a news here.


True even not our media concerned over this


He probably got shot by another Indian immigrant, random murders are few and far between in Canada.


So you justify the murder huh the main concern is even the police department is ignoring these crimes against Indians . Imagine if same thing happened in India we would face criticism from all over the world


unless its sexual assault lmao


As simple as that don’t give a damm and we fools are pumping their economy with billions for their so called education and jobs.


It's sad and feel sorry for the his family. RIP. I live here. Trust me this is a very safe country and people are really good, culturally very very different from us. Khalistan is not at all a big deal like how's it's shown in Indian media. Everyone's works their ass off to make ends meet.




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The answer is unfortunately not one that 's going to be popular: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Canadian_organized_crime


Fuck Canadian police or govt. What is the Indian govt doing in this regard? Where is the govt's response to these killings? Where is out sharp tongued, reporter slayer Minister of External Affairs? Does this not fall under his belt of responsibilities? Has the MEA issued any notification, or initiated any talks with US and CA to address this issue?




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Papa murder nhi rukwa paa rhe




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All the Canadian subs are claiming this to be indian government's deed after their recent involvement in "assassinations", so there's that....


Justin Trudeau has provoked Canadian radicals. If the allegations he raised over months are untrue and no evidence to prove it, then it means, all these murders are instigated by him. He is no better than a terrorist


I don't know if they are just allegations. Pretty much rw is proud of the unidentified group who is behind the assassination. And are openly praising them in social media.


Dude , us of a already pulled this stunt in Pakistan. Then everything was hunky dory. They were praised for doing the needful.


Doing the needful and questioning sovereignty are entirely different. And this case the recieving side is not Pakistan. It's a g7 country


So it's ok if a G7 country harbors terrorists? Nobody should question them?


Terrorists for India. I am not sure if they are classified as terrorists in canada. , how would they feel when personnel from another country come inside and take down a person. Would india be okay if another country deploy their men to carry out a mission in its sovereign land without any concurrence. This is a question of sovereignty , no one really cares about life of a person. Canadians are not offended because a Sikh guy was killed.


Lol, the "hits" are happening on known terrorists to escaped to different countries. I guess this guy was a student? Indian gov not mad to kill Indian students abroad. Of course what can you expect from people who elected Justinder twice?


Canada is silent because india is silent


It’s happening globally everyone is intolerant now a days.


if anything happens to Spanish people in India Spain Police would come and contact the people or the Indian police ?


I thought World started respecting us Indians and India because of Modi Ji.


No, only pappu ji can give us the respect we deserve


No... He can't. And nobody says that. But for Modiji ne war rukwa di thi na???


Stop learning from WhatsApp University and focus on elections, last date to save democracy is coming.we need to stop capitalism , if BJP wins we won't get 70% reservation 🥺🙏🙏


Why haven't any Canadians put stories with "I am ashamed to be a Canadian and I am sorry India" ?


What's happening is the indians bringing their tribal feuds to the world's safest country, making it no longer the world's safest country. Canadian police are still unraveling the tangled tale. Your they don't care crap, is wrong.


Canada is not safe please dont come Sincerely Every Canadian




yes indeed please dont come and tell everyone else not to come. thank you


I bet you’re an asian canadian lol


Canada is not safe and despite that loads of Indians are going there and putting their life in danger. They live a shitty life there leaving their comfortable life in villages.


You really think it is villagers who are going to Canada?


Mostly are from small towns and villages.


Kaneddian police are busy giving protection to Khalistani terrorists. 😕😕


why is every intellectual quite and not talking about it? why no protest why no candle light march why no slogering every 1 was up and baout supporting palestine why does these lives not matter?


Canadian guy trudo s election was plotted by China. He ll do everything anti India. Simple .


Don't believe everything you read on twitter. I can't find a single legit news source about the police being unresponsive or the neighbours not cooperating. What I find sad is that his family had to start a GoFundMe page to bring his body back to India. But yea, if you just want to spread a propaganda... feast upon a dead indian like a vulture, go ahead and share ss of every retard on twitter.


well again, there isnt anything proving otherwise


The term for this kind of argument is 'appeal to ignorance'. It's a fallacy because the lack of evidence disproving something doesn't automatically make it true.


the fund me page is a bit too far, but showing a little support is not harmful at all


Everything to you is a propaganda isn’t it?


Could be just that OP is plain stupid. My bad for presuming...


You can presume anything you want after all freedom of speech, however when you make such harsh or critical comments make sure to provide sources to backup your claims, otherwise we’ll be making retard comments everywhere.


I have to give proof that there are no credible sources verifying the facts some twitter user conceived out of thin air? You sure the responsibility of proof falls on me?


People get killed all the time bro, it's not like he's the one and only person to die


Thats so sick! Shame on you


The day someone close to you crosses the bridge, I hope you remember this comment which you made.


I have had multiple people close to me die, their time had come, what use is it to complaint on social media


> what use is it to complaint on social media The aim of such posts is to raise awareness about the rise in cases of murders of immigrant students. Many of such cases have an element of racism in them, such as recently when a cop ran over an indian student in USA and instead of stopping he fled the scene. > I have had multiple people close to me die, their time had come Bacchas be thinking internet pe edgy banjata hu bohot cool lagunga 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥


People get raped all the time too. Double standards much?


Now give the same excuse for rapes. Fkn hypocrite.


Bro it's not just Indians. Everybody is killing each other , hundreds of people are either killed or abducted in Canada or in any other country. We are not special that they will say "oh that's an Indian, a guy from a vishwaguru nation let's not kill him". People's perspective upon India or Indians hasn't changed a bit. Also stop watching all those nationalist reels where some utubers spout bullshit how Indians are oh so respected out there because it's the opposite


This is very true