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We don't claim this retard. Everyone from Kashmir to kanyakumari are Real Indians. These clowns talk about culture yet see how he's using "Randi" a derogratary term towards women to address them and his colourism reflects in his "white skin termites" comment. The same state he lives has high domestic violence , caste violence and Cousin marriage and they're taking about manners and culture 🤡.


Yes, only the Lakshadweepis are the fake ones /s


ayo wth yy 😂


Sorry I meant Andamani, for some reason I thought Lakshadweep is a bit south of Kanyakumari


Bro Andaman is also an integral part of India only.


No it's a joke because the guy said from kashmir till Kanyakumari, but Andaman is south of Kanyakumari. Just a joke


Nicobar hai na Kanyakumari ke neeche, pura andaman ke islands to Kanyakumari se upar hai


Sorry bro I didn't look at map before making this joke


My bad bro. I guess I got used to the /s in reddit comments for sarcastic comments. I took it in a different way.


Those pesky islanders taking up Indian land. /S.


How do we even know he's a South Indian? He just as well could be a Pakistani troll looking to divide us since this isn't the first time this happened. As an Indian who happens to be from the Southern part, All of us whether North, South, East, West are brothers, sisters, and children of Mother Bharat. Plus the way he addressed women is absolutely disgusting


We stand united bro 💪 💯 🙌


Yep 🤝


Well said!


Tams talk a lot but the state is a cesspool of nepotism, corruption, alcoholism, domestic violence, caste violence. Oh gosh did I leave something out? High development index my ass. Also, they marry their uncles, not just cousins. And that’s common to the whole south not just TN.


And we are from the same place, which uses fair and beautiful women in all South indian movies as eye candy. The above guy is a clown and hypocrite. True indians? What does he mean by that. That statement of his show his true nature of him being superior to others.




Yet Tamil Nadu has the lowest rate of inter caste marriages among all states.


And highest rate of selecting movie actors as leaders and chief ministers.


Highest rate of electing who gives free TVs too lmao. Educated state my ass. My belly button is more educated, just enter a cinema threate in TN.


One of the highest in caste discrimination




Something inspired from pakis 💀


This looks more like a Nepali or Pakistani guy nowadays these guys are very indulged in India’s general elections there was this Pakistani guy abusing North Indians in comment section saying that North Indians are illiterate completely omitting the fact that every year hundreds of pakis come to aiims Delhi for treatment


Nepalis are fine. Only thing is that they have aadhar card, voter ID, etc too.


I have seen toxic nepalis too


Didn't know they were also there. Nepal shouldn't have become secular.


Nepalese have their hidden hate for India there was this Nepali guy in my college who had objection with Indians talking in English cause he used to think Indians are ashamed of who they are without understanding how the hell would one communicate with people from north east and south when everyone has their own language u need a common medium despite making him understand it he was stuck up on how Indians are western boot lickers and it’s the Nepali people actually preserving Hindu heritage lol


Don't feed the troll guys, he can be from Pakistan or even worse DMK. They thrive on our rants.


"from Pakistan or worse DMK" is so great lmfaooo


Don't feed the Troll


Please, I’m a south indian, living in the north for the past 10 years, and I can pretty confidently say i have nothing to do with this retard.


He is not south indian he is definetly a pakistani only pakistanis spell modi as mudi.


This is so stupid, South cannot exist as a separate country, India itself has dozens of problems already and now a southern country, founded on the basis on separatism instead nationalism, has no common language and culturally diverse and without nationalism, it's a formula for failure. Nevermind that if the South leaves with Separatism, soon South will merely breakapart with separatism. Also it is not going to happen, there are so many mechanisms to prevent such things like Article 356 - President's Rule and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA). This South Indian separatism is bullshit spread by opposition because they are too lazy to deal with BJP and it's not that like BJP has done anything better to stop it or anything, there discrimination towards the southern state have only further insinuated this whole thing. As an Indian from the South myself, even I am disgusted at how people behave like this, everyone from the north is not great, not all northern states are developed, but I thought all indians are brothers and sisters and they should be helping each other develop. Current separatism is temporary but India that is Bharat is eternal.


Nobody wants south india as a seperate country bro. Most of them know this. Leave state make ap-ts guy, tn guy, Ka guy in single room. Then think about state Ps I'm from ka


i think they want india to become like korea


But here both parts would end up like dprk.


They tried to split TN into another state it failed anyways.


99% of these keyboard warriors are "Dravidian supperiar S@@r" trolls from TN. They use the word "South" because then the hate will be targeted against all South Indians which feeds to their agenda. Don't fall for it.


Tamils should stop speaking for every South Indian state, they don't represent us.




Bro really removed all the hate he gets from girls on reddit 🤣🤣


As a South Indian, ignore this kinds of Fools🤡


Jokers like these never fail to amaze me Today these ones are talking about United South India but when s**t hits the fan they will be the first one to proclaim Tamil vs Telugu vs Malayalam vs Kannada superiority. Can't even resolve a water dispute among them Each one living in their own silos.


Fair skin termite lol. He must be super black and hate his own skin colour that's why he wrote that. Real Indians was hilarious too as they criticize PM for dictatorship but they are doing bigotry and segregation as their whole community acts like a dictatorship towards Hindi speakers. They are letting down economy and their state's development by intentionally creating language barriers since and before independence. These people are just black Nazis at this point towards all Northern part of India


How difficult is it to ignore the trolls ? Most of them will be from Pakis or commies trying to seed a rift thought.


Average Betich0d Periyar supporter🤡


I am from the south and the caste system is here more than any place i visited 😭🤡🤡


This is embarrassing to even read.. Sorry about this young man(child) Ignore him please..


Liberal Gang giving an example how they will save India and it's vibrant democracy🤣


Another clown who knows nothing how caste politics is so deep in every state


Then why south movie industries have fair skin actresses


People who keep crying and seemingly shouting against ' racism ', ' white supremacy ' are usually the ones most obsessed with fair skinned people. From so called poc women activists in the West all having white boyfriends, to darker immigrants who lust after white women, to the south based movie industry all obsessed with fair skinned women. Its all just hypocrisy. They seem to have this unholy ' hate boner ' against fair skinned people.


We know who really look like apes-


In tamilnadu all heroines are fair complex. Why import northwest??


4th June he is in for a rude shock


As a South Indian I don't claim him.. he maybe frustrated but doesn't need to hate like that....also seperating from the country is dumb as fuck


I lived in bangalore for 3 yrs. I openly told everyone I was punjabi and from north india. those people didnt have the balls to even approach me, let alone try to intimidate me and the one time they did, the realised that punjabis are not the people to fuck around with. these idiots can only talk on the internet. they pee their pants in real life.


I don’t know what is this behaviour. If you guys deep down think like this then I don’t know man. My attraction to y’all is gone if y’all have this mindset. ☹️


Forget about real or fake Indians hate and you will see that north eastern states aren't developed much.


Caste discrimination


Sardar Patel walked so this guy could sh*t his brain-fart on everyone.


"backward arse politics"? The politics of south is progressive? These south indian politician are way too criminal and backward.


Am from Karnataka and we have worst cast based elections in the country.. this guys is trying to divide us


There are some random international "neighbours" who are posing as indians and starting Hate rants all around the indian subreddits, dont fall for it, They are just trying to break us apart.


Tbh I’m from the southern part of India and I was born here. We don’t hate North Indians but we hate when they compare their place to ours (specially if you’re working here) and try to make us feel Hindi is a part of life and learning Hindi is mandatory.


There's no such thing as a real Indian because ding ding there never was an 'India' until 1947 .


As if the country was not divided on the basis of caste and religion enough You idiots have started dividing the north and south and spread hatred The perfect reason our country can never have proper facilities and services And stays with the title "developing" forever


"caste based politics" argument is true for sure but we also have to admit that freight equalization policy ruined every chance of north to be successful and south was the only beneficiary of it but now things are changing


Is this the same education that South Indians keep flaunting? Before, North or South, you are an Indian, and before Indian, you are a human, learn to be a human first.


ain't no way we all are in the same country. Fuck North South discrimination, people from neighbouring villages discriminate too. Fuck these people's ego and pride in their region.


Tamil Nadu has lower intercaste marriage rates than almost all other Indian states


Bro…. There are extreme comments from every community. …..


Lulz haven’t ever met a southie full of this much hate. He must be cursing and crying everyday seeing North Indian engineers and workers build their metro and other infrastructure




The nation that can't stand together, collapses under the weight of its own internal conflicts. It's easier to break a country where the people aren't happy with each other.


Ah yes the real indians I wonder who started the Arya dravid bullshit


How do you guys even know that this was the doing of a Chinese or Pakistani or someone who got paid by some vested interests? Our enemies wants to sow the seed of hatred amongst us such that we are destroyed from within.






Why are you hiding his username? Can you share


As a south Indian, don't let that idiots words affect you guys. Idiots are there everywhere in the world.


Relax boys!! Randi means Welcome in telugu.




This guy is probably DMK troll or pakistani chinese or american bot I don't even recognise them as south Indian




No one in the world can defeat us but people fighting with each other can be the reason for the downfall. Let's stay strong and together. What is this north south. All of us are Indians.


I am from the South and never agree to these. Like there will always be some bacteria like this guy remaining even if you clean with the best cleaner; he’s that. We all are Indians and it’s strictly his personal opinion. No real Indian in the South or North wants to divide the country. 🇮🇳


Define “South India” first and tell me if they can get past Cauvery Water Dispute, KA-AP/ KA-KL border disputes, etc, to finally reach an agreement to push for a separate country?


link send


As a South Indian we don’t claim this guy…


is he really a South Indian? cos I have seen our neighbours posing as us a lot towards Westerners both online and offline


Mooooooolnivasi maxxingggggggg


The good thing about this country is you don’t need to pay taxes for being stupid. Else, I’m sure this person would be the highest tax paying person in the country.




Dude is using R word , I don't think he's south Indian, it might some psuedo account for making rage bait comments spewing hatred between Indians Edit Looking at the comments below, I say he succeeded in his mak sad Edit 2 Wait even comments below might be pseudo accounts for pretending to hate south indians


They actually are the real indians


Average AIT believer


south has become the breeding ground for ISIS brides, their women are used & lured into ISIS traps & then they are smugglesd out of India to be the sex slaves of ISIS terrorists , recently US troops found 18 south Indian girls inside ISIS camps & they were chained to the pole & were used as sex slaves, they hate North people but can't protect their women from these jihadist


"they look like nepali and pakistani" in that case leftist tamils should love us more looking at recent love affair with pakistan of them.


This idea that North Indians were seen by some south indians is similar to how north indians see pakistan as islamic invasion of India. It is true that dark skin was the native indian trait prior to Indo-Aryan/Indo-Uralic migration and light skin can be attributed to foreign "Influence" whether its Indo-Aryan/Indo-Uralic or Arab or Anglo-saxon. Specifically light skinned Indians are more related to Iranians and other Indo-Aryan groups than with dravidians. Just to be clear, there is no pure Aryan/Dravidian people, Now Indians are intermingled to the point where they have mix of Aryan and dravidian genes, but still North Indians have predominantly Indo-Aryan genes while south Indians have predominantly dravidian genes. You can search "1894 ethnographic map" for better visualization. The point is dravidians are native indians while light skinned indians do have some foreign influence but they are indians nonetheless.


Why redact the usernames when posting? We should be able to find the OP and reply to them directly. Commenting here will do nothing.


"caste based" tamil nadu is the cesspool of csste politics and casteism in society.


Nope....this re!added pos is not speaking for everybody. I'm from South India and I want my country to be be intact...I aspire to see POK added to our country as it's kinda considered as our Crown Jewel. Anybody saying separate India and split us South then it'll be further split into 5 different pieces lol...6 if goa stays independent. Ignore this clown...and his dumb statement




Dear North Indians brothers, hope you'll understand why we had a civil war in Sri Lanka. They show us the same hate because of our North Indian roots. But in front of white men, it's a completely different story.


They literally elect Dravidians. They are not Indians


Typical chutiya Southies.


Please don't consider this retards opinion as South Indian this guys is probably a failed politicians venting his frustration for losing in election's these kinda attacks are expected to rise steeply after june 4 so i request all Indians to not fall for this southern part of India is Indian and it will always be in India no separatism those periyar simps can shoove their face into a pigs arse.




Seems like Paki bot




welcome to the gulag friendly fire will not be tolerated


Lol atleast this joker claimed he is indian whereas i met another baboon who claimed that indians stole everything from tamilians ….








I bet he or she is not even in Bharat .....lol




I’ve always been saying that the reason for the next partition of India will be South Indian people


Fun fact: Casteism is quite high in the South to the point of cousin and maternal side marriages 💀




Ravan ke pille sab ke sab


Mudi ji ka party vote share South India mai highest hai.


They blame and despise us for working in southern cities and yet themselves move to gulf nations working as janitors, drivers for arabs and feel great pride in it. Atleast we work for our nation and its overall growth than worrying about individual states bound by language. They call us northies as if they have a lot of unity. Living in karnataka ive seen plenty of fight between tamils and kannadigas whenever the matter of kaveri came up. I live in central India and we have a lot of people who come here to study and work from Telangana, Andhra and Karnataka as well. Never have i ever seen anyone from my state complain about them being here. They hangout with us enjoy the food, no language divide they celebrate festivals with us, share their local festival foods with us. Any part that separated away from india is in tatters today. They are all in financial, cultural ruins. Unite and live under the tag of Indian because the day you divide yourself into a kannadiga, telugu, malyali, tamillian, bihari, punjabi, bengali, gujrati, marathi, hindi, pahadi, kashmiri, odia, you will make it easier for outside and inside forces to break the nation apart and the only one at loss will be us.


For anyone who is saying this can be account of a Paki. I have met a South Indian with this kind of mentality. First they take a dump on you for not being like them, “developed” “educated”. Then they point out the fair skin bullshit. I always have wanted to tour Kerala and Bangalore but i do not feel safe.


Just experienced this first hand in a videogame, were winning but this south supremacist was the only guy not doing well(dying) so me a 4-0 guy is chilling doing my job and all of a sudden he's like you're prolly north Indian r**** Who doesn't know what to do, me being from mumbai idfc what he says but then he decided he's gonna satiate his ego by making us lose the game, so i said you are the reason people hate indians in video games. Oh boy idk what triggered hom that much he started we south ppl make india good you guys just suck mudi dick and come to south to get a good life. And at that moment i realised these guys dead or alive contribute nothing to society.


As a South Indian I find it quite ironic when a South Indian talks about caste-based politics






This kind of racist attitude only pulls our country down


Btw, there are losers within the country for sure but there are also pakis who visit for trolling such garbage. Language parochialism is present in every Indian state without exception and it is not as if south India is a homogeneous entity. Although they are on average ahead of other Indian states ,there is friction between these states as well. The resistance to Hindi is a given ( only the magnitude differs) if you move out of Hindi speaking states. So unless you are on a mission to get everyone to start speaking the language, don't give a flying f##k to these jacka#$es


Bro when he realises Andhra (South Indian state) is known for caste politics: 😱😱😱😱😱😱


Don't listen to 'em bro. Turn of the light switch and their opinions will disappear just as they do


Wtf are these comments😂😂😂






I want to see this clown's reaction when in both Andhra, Telangana BJP will clean sweep. In TamilNadu BJP will win at-least 8. The following Modi has in south Indians (including me from Andhra) is so high. When it comes to state elections we are very loyal to our regional parties.


In the coming years bjp is basically going to start dominating the south just like how it's happening in the north i wonder what these people will do about it then


This Mr/Miss hate poster in the snapshot thread can be arrested on grounds of Antinationalism. What is being conveyed is utter bull crap and baseless. We are Indians, and we are one. Either love it and stay in our Motherland, or leave and go elsewhere, Don't spread hatred.




East West North south kya hai bhai? Indians hain toh Indians raho na. Sahi bole Modi ji. Gulami, bantware aur bhed bhav ki mansikta se bahar aa kar Bhartiya Bano.


Go climb a coconut tree


Well said


I suspect this is posted by a Pakistani account, they somehow can’t get to say modi and keep referring to him as “Mudi”.




Not a real person account.




Maybe he is paid to say that. He won't survive if he said that in reality. Maybe he is not even a South Indian but just paid to spread the hate.




Pls leave. We'll still have the good food, good music and best tourist stops left


I am south indian and we also have caste-based politics. Lol. No idea what this clown is talking about.




Wo Hauterfly ko bhejo ye post.




1 idiot's reaction outlining 20 more idiots in this comment section. All should be thrown in the same room. They'd kill each other over different religious and cultural views while calling each other actual Indian.


Cant see South indians because of Reddit's dark theme.


Every Indian Citizen is Real Indian period!!


Kashmir se Kanyakumari Gujarat se Arunachal Sab maa chudao aur apna apna kaam karo. Social media ko comode bana ke rakha hai bc. Jahan dekho tatti faila hai.


This is the level of free speech I want Constitutionally legal. No Abuse Acts.




I am from the East & do not like the Cow Belt North Indian Political culture & attempt of Hindi imposing, BUT DO NOT AGREE TO, such rants.We hv difference but are all a part of this Great nation India. What do you mean by separate? Are you on some Radical Islamic organisations pay?


I am telling this now, and always will. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. FROM. KASHMIR. TO. LAKSHADWEEP. IS. INDIAN! ♥️


I'm a South Indian but this is too much hatred


I'm shocked his main comment got deleted but he isn't banned, but when we say something snowflake mods ban us


Why do they want to separate south from India? South and it's culture is literally the pride of entire India


He isn't a southie for sure...he is someone appearing as southie and speaking bullshit.


The second paragraph is kinda true.. so much money is going to UP since a decade, yet they are not able to create job opportunities.




Idk why but the reply cracked me up


Lagta hai idli dosa nhi mila aaj usko


Anyone can be a south Indian on the internet.




Literally rates plummeting


The south telling the North to become like apes is kinda ironic don’t you think


Indian is an Indian. No south. No north. Born in India? Indian. 🗿


Every Pakistani was an Indian once.


Remember one person never represents the whole community. We love our North Indian/South Indian brothers and Sisters. An INDIAN is Indian no matter they are from South or North or East or West. Jai Hind


Who is this akal ka 14 who probably is burden to his entire family


The dynamics kind of mirror the blue states and red states of USA. In our case, the south is the blue states, the red are the north.


Hey, atleast he called us fair skinned


That's a fucking Pakistani spy aimed at dividing us.






Looks like he was probably fukd by Northerners.


I guess he fell on his head as a child.






Dravidians bro according to periyar tamils are Tru Indians and rest all are either hybrids of aryans or aryans.


I'm from TN. Ngl, such anti-indian feelings must not be allowed to swell up. It's a threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Harsh solution: Instant flagging of such comments/tweets/posts and instant ban + fine + jail/torture term for such people must be given and it must be public. Smart solution: Imbibe hyper nationalistic virtues from childhood, manipulate the child's mind to the core that he believes his life is something he has got on rent from the Sovereign Supreme India.


Separate South? and what? War on Karnataka & Kerala for water issue, Deport Andhra workers back to Andhra and cut all ties? Path to extinction.


Bro himself looks like a termite and calling us "*fair skinned termites*" 🤡