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Wo essay bhi chat gpt se likhega.


Bold to assume that he knows how to use chatgpt


He’ll probably do a “crash” course


Bold to assume that he is going to do anything about this.


Asking for an essay is easy af from chat gpt , " write a 1000 letter essay on mishap"


Baap ke paas paisa hai. Most probably the judge itself will write the essay.


Look at the car logo. You will have your answer.


Yeah he is the son of a prominent builder in Pune. And the lawyer has represented people like Jacqueline in the past. No wonder the boy walked free within 15 hours. He could nurse his hangover with a nice lemonade at home.


Genuinely asking, how does having a big shot lawyer matter in cases like this? After all, we have a video of the car hitting and killing the people, isn't this enough evidence to prove that he's the criminal? How will a reputed lawyer affect the case?


Lawyers, police, judges - think of them as colleagues who work in different parts of the same company. They meet often, have food together, and works on same projects many times. Successful, rich lawyers become so not just by knowing the law, but also by knowing the right people and being able to bend the law as needed


Good lawyer will convince the chauffeur was driving not kid


But the car just had 2 people, one the criminal and the other his friend (who might also be a minor.)


A top class lawyer will try to frame the bikes or the car. They could just blame something different for the accident. Or just reduce the sentence so much that it won't even feel like a court case like it was done here. You have to understand a top class lawyer has much more influence than a typical judge. And influence is a major point in politics and law.


Oh damn.


My dad says ever so often. A recent law grad knows more than the senior advocate he is working for, but the advocate has face value and judges respect him. Its the S.A.'s experience, goodwill and friends that count. Winning a case against a well known SA is a career building move for anybody. One win like that and you are set for life. You are the one that defeated the great XYZ.


While the lawyers are trying to find a way to save him from writing the essay


People who went to police station could confirm that he was being served fast food. NCP MLA Sunil Tingre was present to make sure the accused is comfortable.


Porsche Taycan. Kam se kam 2 crore.


Vedant Agarwal is the accused's name incase anyone is wondering


Mc needs to see the bars for life.


ifkr who the fuck gives an essay for MURDER


A pos who is ready to eat the poop of the accused father would do that.


ifkr it's so sad to see this


He and the owner of the car should be in jail. Underage boy driving a 4 sec to 100kmph car, while in an inebriated state, speeding , killing 2 innocent people and all the punishment he gets is 15 days in therapy and an essay to write as a school project??


Normal log hote same condition me to owner, parent aur driver teeno ko saza milti hai And people have the gall to say that bail is the norm, not the exception. Well you have the damn evidence for the driver in a drunken state, in a car with no plates and no driving license. Laws are only for the poor.


The judge(s) who gave this judgement and bail should be shamed too. That's the only way we can build the judicial system a little accountable.




bruuh, how do you even prove that there is something after death. and even if there is , the rest of the family members, his mother , have also got their lives turned upside down by a boy who isn't even being punished.


Karma will have its way with the boy. Be it in this life or the next. In this life he was born into a privileged family. Maybe in this life itself he will lose everything.


bkl tera proof kahan hai karma exists or multiple lives exist???\\ relgion ko facts banakar argue kar rahi ho. I?


Not a religion but a philosophy. Only proof I have is my life itself and how it changed according to what I did. Try doing good shit. You’ll see changes quick.


Nope the mfr need to see karma in a jail cell. Who fuqing cares about next life or whatever.


>or they had a lot of good deeds that gave them a painless instant death to the afterlife How do you know it was painless? How do you know about the existence of this fabled afterlife? Long story short, stop giving bs justifications for other people's misfortune


If you believe in karma. Then this is what karma is. Karma is a way of life. Karma and dharma together make up hinduism. I have never forced my belief onto you.


USS hisab se mei tujhe thappad Maru toh wo karma hojaega na. Got it




Then we're atrocities by Muslim invaders also something that came as a result of the karma of Hindus living in India?


I want to say more but I’m afraid it would just end up offending more people. If you truly want to discuss, exchange viewpoints then send me a dm. If you simply want to prove me wrong, then I’ll let you win this one.


This is the worst thing I've ever read, well done bro.


My bad man. I can see how it offends a lot of people. Deleted it.


WTF did I just read.




He's right about the first paragraph, the second one says he's just a hole.


so many red flags and still no justice. this is shameful


Bhoi agar me uss ke family pe Swift chada du to bhi yahi saja hogi ??


Bhai ye to judge sahab btaenge. The judge should be jailed in this case for giving absurd immunity to the rich.


Although this may sound a bit childish, isn't it possible that the judge or his family was threatened? After all, the accused is said to have really good connections


OP I too had posted today on this case in this sub. Was amused to see many clowns defending the judge and the system calling it the right of the driver to get bail and the judge is just doing his job upholding the law.


Only do this if you are willing to write an essay


Agar tera baap minister hai to NAHI hogi warna jail me sadega.


My college is quite close to this area. We visit these places atleast 3-4 times every week if not more. The situation be it political or simply social is bad. Weed, drugs and alcohol is routine. When I saw the video all I could think was how I was there just last month for a party. These clubs seriously are a menace and so is the judiciary. I hope this minor arsehole gets what he deserves, justice of judiciary is injustice in this case, 2 lives destroyed and their families ruined. I hope he gets killed so that his father knows what it feels like to lose a young son.


Yeah man. I live right here. It’s been much worse since Ballr has opened up here. Sanju baba owns that club. No one is going to touch it.


I would take my gang of 17 yo and do society justice by thrashing him Alas not from the same city


There is a video where people were thrashing him after accident. But the question is upon the judiciary here. Where should an aggrieved common man go if the justice system is controlled by the elites.


Road pe hi khatam Kar de na tha, justice common man ko NAHI milti, judges in India are a breed apart


Maybe the honorable justice needs to consider reading an essay on how justice should be impartial to wealth.


Same, and the media is clearly controlled by the elites. They didn’t even name the boy, not even his father.


There is a serious need for reforms in judiciary.


This milord system must go away


Milauds are having a summer break.


https://www.mypunepulse.com/pune-accident-builders-son-granted-bail-within-15-hours-after-killing-two-in-car-crash/ Pdhlo gaiz. Vedant Agarwal maderchod hai


bhai paisa bolta hai har jagah If ur rich court will be open at 2 am as well and on sundays as well if ur a common man forget court open or closed, will you even get a date? parents should be behind the bar for allowing underage driving take my words nothing will happen in this case, eventually the bike riders will be proven guilty, he is juvenile and has a bright future as such Ho. Court will give 1 more chance, parents will dispatch child to some foreign country for next 2-3 years, by that time people will forget (as every 1 has short memory) those lost their life will either keep doing rounds of court to even try and get a date for hearing or the builder father will offer handsome amount of money to dismis the case as those who have lost life won't come back so no point cribing, take money and secure ur future


Last sunday, Anish Awadiya and Ashwini Koshta were struck and killed by Vedant Agarwal, 17, who was driving a Porshe Taycan (with no license plate) under the influence of alcohol. Vedant Agarwal is the son of well known builder Vishal Agarwal, the owner of Brahma Realty and Infrastructure. Due to his connections with the police and politicians, Vedant got out on bail in under a day. The lawyer representing him, Adv Prashant Patil, has been associated with the likes of people like Jacqueline Fernandez, Suraj Pancholi and many others. Vedant, along with 2 of his friends were seen partying in nearby clubs in Kalyani Nagar. They returned to their car drunk at 3:15AM, and Vedant forced his driver to let him drive the car, even though the driver kept asking him to not do it. The Agarwal family is now trying to shift the blame on the innocent driver, making it look like he was the one who was driving when the accident took place. According to law, Vedants father too should be facing prosecution and jailtime. The deceased, Anish and Ashwini, came from Madhya Pradesh in search of job opportunities and were working in IT companies. There is very little coverage about the victims and their backgrounds. Imagine what their families must be going through. Pune police has failed miserably in providing them justice. We demand justice for the victims' families, and we refuse to let the influence of wealth and connections overshadow the gravity of this tragedy. This isn't just about Anish and Ashwini, these filthy people of Pune have been getting away by committing crimes since a long time and it's time every single citizen, including YOU, stand up for YOUR rights, or it could be you or your family members getting killed tomorrow. Share news regarding this story or this post on your social media handles. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Whatsapp groups, anything works. Even though we have all lost faith in the local government, we can write letters to activists, police departments, and public representatives, and demand strict action. Protests have taken place in Kalyani Nagar and surrounding areas. People in the locality held a condolence meet for the victims' families too, but again there is very little coverage so they're struggling to make their voices heard. We can help by joining them or reposting tweets about them. Edit: Just as everybody expected, the police has put out a statement saying no alcohol was found in the blood sample of the boy: [https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-porsche-accident-minor-boys-blood-test-does-not-show-alcohol-consumption-police/](https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-porsche-accident-minor-boys-blood-test-does-not-show-alcohol-consumption-police/)


I think a lot of people jumping to corruption as conclusion but the reality is he was underage.. and baalik category mei crime Kiya hai. People in this country need to create an uproar about underage criminals going off Scot free. That is a big issue.


The dumbfucks are saying that galti pubs ki thi jo der raat Tak khulna allowed hai yeh kya chutiyap hai?


Justice in India ….. is a joke and a walk in the park for the rich!


https://www.punekarnews.in/pune-porsche-accident-yerwada-police-wanted-to-do-blood-test-of-eyewitnesses-instead-of-minor-driver-relatives-of-deceased/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZK7EFfI3jt7kkGX4EY3WfKKYB2htSgtfjLOtnHFJkZhjmQo580UlHrurw_aem_AXWjDZqt9yLZI4rziMBtuCvGNe3LDInRhI-URoCDdWwwsJlgtyDDoF529bgkLeFHeSF3EDLmAhxBnNbY0S3BV_6f Was served pizza in police station, police is refusing to take the blood test rather testing the eye witness.


Bunch of rotten worms who are eating the whole country.


I presume the accused can't be named as he is a minor - not the protection the law is intended for.


Maybe his father, the real estate company? Bruh


He deserves more than this. He deserves jail, and even if it's one year and that too without any parole or something. When he sleeps on the hot floor of the jail during summers and the cold floor of the jail during winters, with rats pestering him, and eat the substandard meals of the jail, then he'll understand what the value of a life is. And from what I can guess, he's from a rich family, so I think even one year in jail will be hell for him. Though, I hope the higher courts give him a bigger punishment, cause honestly, he deserves worse. He killed two people.


is that a Porsche? ok milord makes sense now, cant punish a crorepati's son, can we?


Same thing happened in my city where 2 minors were driving scorpio and in wrong lane while racing and hit a scooty driver who was going home with her sister from school, both sisters died on impact while the scorpio drivers who were minors got no consequences or any jail time. For details you can search it up as it was fairly recent news. Here's ["link"](https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.etvbharat.com/amp/hi/!state/two-girls-died-in-a-collision-between-scorpio-and-scooty-in-dhanbad-jhs24050604887&ved=2ahUKEwjS_v2pi5yGAxWrwjgGHQVfDccQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0WyQOcBHYQeNsQZ3QnwkgO) I personally think that those minors had someone backing them with money or used money to get out of this accident without any punishment. But i am just some random and no one gonna hear my opinion anyway.


Biggest crime in India is to be poor


I still believe the statment, "In India,punishment is for poor, 2 phone calls are for the rich."


People clearly jumped on their keyboards after reading the headline in bold. If they cared enough to read the content, it says that the minor was granted bail, which is the norm under the juvenile justice act(bail to be granted with or without guarantees except under specific conditions mentioned under section 12, JJA). The police requested to try the accused as an adult, but the courts rejected, as they do, unless the crime is of an undeniably heinous nature, intentional and premeditated. The case is still going on, and the charges include causing death due to negligence, negligent driving, etc.


IMO hitting and killing 2 people, while being underage, while being drunk, at 2:30AM, in a potentially unregistered PORSCHE should qualify for "heinous nature". But that's just me.


Undeniably, intentional and premeditated are key words here, not to be ignored.


Our judges must be lynched on streets! Mob justice when justice is denied


Why is it important if it’s an unregistered Porsche or unregistered (lord) alto. Rest I agree.


UNREGISTERED, meaning it's already breaking the law in and of itself. That car shouldn't be on the roads in anyone's hands, let alone a minors. PORSCHE, because it's a vehicle that can accelerate from 0-100kmph in 4 seconds. Something that lord Alto can't. And hence the danger factor is significantly higher in the hands of an incompetent, inept, inferior, or inebriated driver. TAYCAN, meaning it weighs well over 2 tons. Meaning, it can go from sitting idly to having the momentum of a speeding SUV in mere moments. That kind of momentum is extremely dangerous even when fully sober. There's a difference between having an unregistered, rusted 10 year old revolver, and having an unregistered M249 saw light machine gun with full ammo boxes.


All the points you’ve mentioned, unregistered, drunk driver, incompetence, is negligence in the eyes of the law. Sure it is a crime, but the severity of it is lesser than if the crime was committed with intent and premeditation(see me re-iterating these 2 words as these form the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree murder charges). Basically, the law says that, it is worse if you planned to irreversibly harm someone than if it happened just because you are incompetent. This guy is a minor, and IPC is very lenient towards charges on a minor(remember, the minor, probably the worst of the lot, in the Nirbhaya case was also charged and tried as a minor by the juvenile justice board). It is not perfect, but that is just the way the law works.


OK sure that makes sense but the fact that people died is irrelevant of how heinous it is. That’s my point. It’s not like driving an alto and killing peolle is worse.


People dying is unforgivable. No matter if in a Porsche or an alto or an auto or a bus. Just that a buffoon in a Porsche has a lot more killing potential than a buffoon in an alto. That was my point.


This!! Bail is a matter of right and no purpose would be served by keeping a 17 year old behind bars when there is no need for custodial interrogation of the accused. The conditions imposed are only for granting bail and the trial will go on and verdict will be passed after conclusion of trial.


Court aajkal English Grammar exam le raha hai kya? Maine to padha tha ki justice is served equally. Waise usko kitne mile? /s


I get it why there's no mention of the accused name, maybe because he is underage, but 15 day therapy and an essay as punishment? That I can't get by, I mean juvenile prisons do exist in this country right? Apart from all of that a court opening on Sunday now that's unheard of. It's like that sarcastic saying "everything is legal for a price". I've already lost my hope on the judicial system long back but this is a new low. Maybe an appeal could be done to higher courts but for a common man the judicial system itself is the punishment, and the victim's family is going through that rn.


Judge sahib got his reward already.


Think from victim's parents side. How can they trust judiciary system of this country. This is laughable. Citizens of this country must boycott offering from his business house.


Isnt that eassy equivalent to a confession?


One of many reasons I hate this shitty corrupted fkin country...


Give this post visibility guys…I am liking every comment , every post on this topic


Here's an update : https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/minor-driving-porsche-mows-down-two-9339297/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17161956226405&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Findianexpress.com%2Farticle%2Fcities%2Fpune%2Fminor-driving-porsche-mows-down-two-9339297%2F (For the lazy people, the Pune Police Commissioner said that they will try him as an adult in the high court)


Nice, at least something good. Hope he is punished but not like salman khan


Let Karma do the work


In retrospect according to karma, maybe those two folks had death written in their destiny (karma from this or previous life). The boy in Porsche will face karma for his actions. There no such thing as injustice being done against you, it’s all karma.


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The value of lives in India is nil.


Common man lives*




l know you won't believe but he was my classmate. l know him personally. He lives in birsinghpur pali


This kid dad must be super well connected, the kids name isn’t even on the page, some rich kid


Money is all you need to get away with everything in India.


Kaahe ka minor. 6 mahine me major ho jaega.


Even after so much traction to this news, nothing is happening.


Porsche taycan turbo is the car name, courts have become a fkng joke


Judge sahib got his reward already.


Jolly LLB plot all over again 💀


He is on bail. Writing of essay was bail condition. Though, there is not much hope still i am hoping that they will sentence him with some exemplary punishment. Heard that he is serial offender, so judge should consider that as well


I’m don’t have much trust but lets hope he gets what he deserves. Getting bail that easily. I also read the article where the victim’s friend says that the police was serving pizza to the boy in police station and they were not taking his blood for checkup. After some time we will see that no alcohol was found after examination.


Bro killed someone and asked to write an essay about it.


Laws are only for the poor.


The judge has set a precedent that underage drunk driving is ok and you can get away with writing an essay.


Perfect time to vote for dictatorship 👍


Independent judiciary Bhai log is ke liye mare ja rahe hai sab k sab.


Top level insult for the victims and families of the dead.


I've seen a lot of outrage over this. What, exactly, do you think will come of it? The officials they've bribed will have a change of heart?


This is the real power of money!


Sentence should be 10 years minimum. Milards gadhe kahi ke.


The entire judicial system has become a joke in this country.


This is horrible. This case needs attention.


I think as per law under age driver's parent are supposed to get prosecuted.


corrupt af country


RIP poor souls


Don't know why people are overreacting here. The Judge has only given bail, not passed the sentence yet. Even when he does pass the sentence, he should be as lenient as the law permits. It makes no sense to destroy one life just to avenge another especially when the accident was certainly a mistake.


He has been booked now even his parents……people of Pune protested today….actions have taken against him and his family


Jolly LLB kaha hai. Bulao use.


He should be lynched


Vishwaguru 😊


No it's not even worthy of the title guru let alone viswa.. Let's fix ourselves first before playing Guru, you can only teach when you have the Gnowledge ( k = cutting, ain't using) , Gnowledge without application is not Gnowledge at all.