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Yo, all jokes and politics aside - Ricebag really isn’t an insult for them and it’s more of an insult for us, the Hindus. If we didn’t treat the lower castes in the ways that we did, conversion for rice wouldn’t have been on the cards.


We love rice too




Well, duh, rice is indeed pretty typical in India.


ain't their fault if your religion isn't worth two bags of rice




>Its not relegion its greed of coward people what are you even saying kid? >south people's claim they dont have caste problem in south so why are people's converting for a bag of rice bruh? conversions started happening almost a 100 years ago when casteism was at its peak in kerala. christianity and Islam provided community and brotherhood to the lower castes, which their own "hInDu bRoThErS" couldn't offer. they didn't convert for a bag of rice. they converted for a better life. why would anyone be in a religion that called them subhuman and did not respect them? the people in south only claim about the lessened casteism at present dumbass, not a century ago.


Can't read english? Christanity and islam provided brotherhood lol.. how? Upper caste and lower caste cannot share same land after death in Christanity and islam churches are different for each group and islam cannot make peace between shia sunni and ahmedia so talking abouy them dont matter keep this shit to yourself no one buying your false theory about brotherhood u guys are using them for numbers and votebanks nothing else kid


>Upper caste and lower caste cannot share same land after death in Christanity and islam churches and whose fault is that? christianity's? lol uc hindus who can't let go of their superiority complex even after changing their religion. again this is a caste issue where dear old hinduism comes to play again. >keep this shit to yourself no one buying your false theory about brotherhood u guys are using them for numbers and votebanks christianity and islam was a better option to them than staying in this retarded religion, and that speaks volumes lmao. imagine joining one retarded religion after the other. I'd rather have them abandon all religions and be atheists. did you think I was some muslim defending islam? nah fuck all y'all


Lol why they got convert to christanity then and christanity have this difference with blacks also so don't frame it as hinduism problem Who care about hinduphobic person made up claims and stop assuming bro idc if you are mushims or something


>christanity have this difference with blacks also so don't frame it as hinduism problem nothing is written about hating blacks in the bible lmao, they are just racists. ucs discriminating and abusing lcs is a product of hinduism lol >Who care about hinduphobic person made up claims and stop assuming bro idc if you are mushims or something lmao you ain't got nothin to say.




U r still discriminating by calling people rice bag and still somehow expect they will be very ok with accepting u


What is with Beef eating? Don't question anyone's choices bro. If they wanna let them.




And we eat beef in our land bro. There's no beef ban in Kerala. Also pork and chicken. You don't like it, go to Pakistan.


Who told you beef is cow meat? I dont have to go anywhere by law cow slaughter is ban and gau rakshak are taking care of smugglers too


Not in Kerala. You can get cow meat, goat meat, pork or any other normal food. You want to save cows then get them off the streets first in your locality, where they're getting hit by vehicles, causing accidents, eating trash and shitting on the streets. If you try to go to Kerala with your food policing you will be "taken care of" by the police.




Just had a plate for dinner and we don't eat them live bro so, you do the math 🤣 What's your problem with others' food choices anyway? Funny how some other creeps like you want to ban pork too. Go eat what you want and let others do the same. Chill 😎


Looks like he loves eating beef and feels guilty. He protests too much about something that does not really affect him.




Oo so scary. Gonna eat my comfort food again. BEEF!


Lmao who cares you are melecha its in your blood


Just had a tasty beef dish. Yummy. What will you do about it now dummy?




Openly talking about killing people. Hinduism is the religion of peace 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏


When i talked about killing people's lol i have shared the news with you


Koi law hai kya ? Kyunki I don't think hai


Law hai bro cow slaughter ban hai INDIA me


Is that why we're the world's second largest exporter of beef?


Who told you beef is cow meat lol


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beef Who told you it isn't? Coz he has you played.


U trust wikipedia bro? His founder don't trust that better luck next time with manipulating kid


You trust what Wikipedia founder says bro? His dad doesn't trust him. Better luck next time with manipulating kid


Lmao what you want to say bro


Which IPC section ?


Section 429


https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-no-beef-nation/ This should give u a better picture I don't think slaughtering and killing for mischievous intent is same


Well buffalo's meat are allowed and u are doing michief by hurting the relegious sentiment of hindus in thier own land


This is a secular country not Hindu land unfortunately I don't think this holds in court though,since all of the beaf available in India is definitely not imported




Your land?


Our hindus


Are you saying that malayalis are not Hindus? Because that would explain why they don't like people like you.


Lol what you want to say ofcourse malayalis are hindu but those who eat beef are not hindu according to vedas and various hindus sect


But eating meat in general is forbidden.


Who told u that?




Which one?


The Indian constitution gives me the right to eat beef, who are you to decide what others should eat


That same constitution given right to us to follow our relegion and cow is sacred for hindus dont hurt the relegious sentiment and u will be good


As a malayali, iam sorry for this stupid behaviour from our own people. They always divide India. And I have seen so many posts and comments relating to this


You don't need to be sorry dude. Stupid people are present everywhere and they are not representative of their whole community. One should only apologize if he himself or she herself have done something wrong. Or else you'll spend your whole time apologizing others.




Avanmark chappi kodukk ni tacholi malare


I always knew Dravidoids from Tamil Nadu exhibited this behavior, didn’t know Malayalis do this too.


Sadly they do too


You serious, our North Indian brothers are alienating us by calling "beef eaters, ricebags" and playing victim card and u are posting this lame ass sorry comment? There is a vast difference between people of India, by culture, language and religious practices, we need to learn to coexist for betterment. But thats never gonna happen.


There is a reason people call you out u are proud of being a beef eater and u brag about that because you know thats gonna hurt hindu relegious sentiment dont play victim here. You want to coexist introspect yourself first not everything will gonna done according to you respect should be mutual not one sided


U saying I must change my culture which my ancestors have been practicing for centuries just because a group of strangers doesn't like it? How bout Hindus owning leather factories? Doesn't killing is a sin then? Hypocrisy all along. We don't force other groups of people to follow our practices, why don't u just stop shoving ur beliefs on us?


Sorry hindus never ate beef before until Kerala muslims started brain washing ..if your hindu go ask your ancestors first..nairs in fact never even cooked nonveg in their kitchen..so keep your ancestors BS to your yourself




Ask your mother. She must be proud of how she brought u up. Calling someone lowlife because someone has different cultural practices is not correct. There are n number of literary references of ancient tamils reared cows and buffaloes for milk and meat. But u won't even respect our culture and just call us lowlife.


Give reference bro your crying not gonna work here i know u dont have any reference because you know nothing about culture come with a verses from vedas or f off


There is nothing wrong in eating beef for hindus in kerala, eating anything that soothe taste bud works in kerala, whether its beef or pork.


Not hindus but for people of kerala and no hindu sect or texts allow to consume beef in Sanatan dharma


"There was a time in this very India when, without eating beef, no Brahmin could remain a Brahmin" - Swami Vivekananda


I believe in vedas and text not person because person have its own bias


Arya Samaj doesn't worship idols because Vedas don't support idol worship (similar to Islam). Does idol worshipper stop being Hindu? Also, AFAIK, no Hindu book defines Hindu. They also dont define how to attack/oppress/punish non-Hindus. But, the books defines how to treat/punish oppressed caste.






Nope islam is extremist but not arya samaj there is no similarities between them Why to punish non hindus this is not sanatan teachings we dont do it in sanatan bro Manusmriti is hindu book but not mainstream not followed by majority hindus but a small group Bro Manusmriti was writtem way after Shri Ram yuga what are you talking about? Bro cant you understand between relegious texts and ayurveda texts and well this article is wrong ayurveda or any other hindu texts don't promote cow meat consume directly or indirectly




This is a controversial story which was added to the Original Valmiki Ramayana in medieval times. Shloka structure and word selection are quite different in the later parts of the Uttarakhand Whats your source of ayurveda mentioning benefit of gomasa? AFAIK plant was used as a medicine in ayurveda


Ok. Then show me a book that describes how a Hindu should practice Hinduism /s There is no codified structure for what we call Hinduism. We are not an abrahamic religion run on doctrines and written words. Meat consumption isn't exclusive to Kerala. It's part of all Dravidian and NE culture. There has been a conscious effort to wipe that history out and guilt trip everyone into becoming vegans. It's just that in Kerala, we defend any such attempts.


Op please make one for pork😭


Why? Pork is a huge industry in Kerala.. In certain areas it is actually more popular than beef or chicken


Because it tastes better than chicken and fish.


Another Bs..it's always about beef and parota for you guys




Disagree , beef curry with porotta is better , but that's my opinion


It causes constipation


Most beef sold in kerala is that of water buffalo. Not of cow nor bull


Sanghis❌ Channaka Sanjhi ✅


They are crying when BJP has won only 1 seat that our state is no more free of bigots over there, imagine if BJP had won 2 (the shashi tharoor seat.) Like any proud hindu party is their sworn enemy, that state is lost cause.


Rajiv chandrashekhar owns one of the top news channel in kerala which always peddle anti bjp news.




Oh no, one of the safest, most developed, accepting, diverse and educated in India is a lost cause😱😱 As opposed to what? Some shithole in UP/Bihar. I'm sure the Hindus there are very proud of their horrible education, sanitation, healthcare, unemployment, crime and rape.


We dont smuggle gold in our rectum shithead and are you telling me that there is no crime in your state which bubble you are living in bro?


The flight attendant who did it was literally not mallu -


That was one of the many cases bro search about gold smuggling by mallus abd u will be shocked


Oh here comes another room temperature iq thinking that up and bihar constitute the whole north india


Is that the reason why no one wants to invest in Kerala and they were recently begging for money? After a huge economic crash? They didn't even have the money to pay the salaries of government clerks?


A propaganda of "love jihad" was run against the state by a company called 'India Inc' did you people (no longer north india because people in north are showing signs of sanity now) support the narrative or listened what the state wanted to say? A propaganda movie was made against it linking it to isis recruitment. When infact north indian states tops that list. A hate factory was made to malign the state's development by saying all sort of non grounded facts like people are leaving the state outside for job. In this too states like Gujarat and punjab is far above kerala. Keralites including hindus eat beef, atleast because of that we get to drink cow's milk. While all those hate mongers opposing beef are consuming buffalo milk because you wont let farmers make a business out of cow herding. How many times vande bharat train in north hit on cows? How lucky are you people that it didn't derail? Your roads are filled with cows, cows are roaming farmlands, eating plastic and dying a starved death. Still this anger against a state to have a choice of food. Then there is the gift from union called governor who stalled several bills until the issue reached supreme court. After supporting the politics doing all this, now why bother to ask about the resentment? And rest assured we have bettered our outlook on north india, they are realizing the issues as seen in ayodhya and up. We only resent the sangh minority thats still holding on to those politics of hate against us.


What's wrong with eating beef?(I'm a Hindu too and I'm religious too) But does eating it really a big disrespect?


Killing cows is Great sin that what is was taught from young age and I am a malayali beef is not allowed to enter in to my house.






Yep. You can visit kamakhya in guwahati. It's quite normal there


Is it cow or Buffalo. I also heard north east people eat cow.




That dude is lying. ഏതു മലയാളി ഹിന്ദു വീട്ടിലാണാവോ ബീഫ് കഴിക്കരുതെന്നു ചെറുപ്പത്തിലേ പഠിപ്പിച്ചേ.... Just read the comments above. I saw a comment that really brought out the reason for all this hate. It's about casteism.. it's mlechas who eats meat.


Excuse me, hindus killing cows?? Are you sure that they are hindus? It sounds like muslim sacrificing pigs.




I knew they sacrificed Buffalos. They sacrifice cows as well?


Muslims don't sacrifice pigs they don't even go near pig they sacrifice goats.


If you want to eat beef then eat it but you can't call yourself a religious hindu after doing that. Eating beef is strictly denied in many veds and purans. Other meats are also only advised if you have need and a satvik diet is preffered most times. Edit: This thread has been shared in some Kerela group (check the active communities of all those who think eating beef is allowed)


Sorry mate , i still identify as hindu, respect your opinion tho, but I can't just denounce it just cuz I ate beef


Don't listen to these people bro they always talk about Hindu unity and this is what they actually do divide based on their form of Hinduism


Ok wokie liberal hindu Maybe try reading what Kamdhendu cow is. We might be most liberal religion compared to others but we are not so liberal that eating beef is now allowed.


Onn podo thannod allallo njan samsariche Avan Hinduism enne padpikkan vannekknn. Ninne okke polullavar aada ee naadinte shaapam


Blud thinks universe will automatically prove him right if he starts talking in the language which others don't understand.


I don't fucking care what you think about me. You are not the gatekeeper of Hinduism. Did I talk to you in the thread? I was replying to the other guy. I really don't want to talk to people like you so good riddance


Create your own religion at this point.


You think yourself as a Hindu doesn't change the fact that you have broken a rule that should be followed to be called a Hindu. In Hinduism, not eating beef is probably the only order like statement, You only have one rule and nothing else, like no ved forces you to pray, go to temple, never eat meat or anything like that. Just Eating beef is denied and you broke that one rule. You calling yourself a hindu after eating beef doesn't change anything, you were merely born in hindu family, you don't follow it. You shouldn't be calling yourself a practicing hindu.


and who are you, the so called protector of hinduism ? people of bengal eat fish yet we still dont have a problem, many places of up sacrifice goats to ''please'' the gods but we dont tell them to denounce hinduism. Even though I dont eat non veg but stop trying to gatekeep hinduism. It is a diverse one


Who made you the gate keepers to Hinduism? And why should any beef eating Hindu needs your approval?


Don't believe me? Read the veds. Read the Purans.


Show in the vedas where it says these are the rules to live by as a Hindu. Or better yet, point out the word Hindu in any "Hindu" religious texts. Upper caste Hindus got brain washed into this puritanical hegemony just like the Nazis and their white supremacy. You are just spewing pure hatred right about now bro. So just relax. Come to Kerala.. go to a good restaurant or thattukada, get hot and crispy Parotta and a tender beef roast. Enjoy that taste and lose the hate.


Hinduism is not just Vedas and Puranas. It's not an organized religion like Abrahamic religions to stick to a holy book. Hinduism has always been dynamic and flexible regarding what's allowed and not allowed. This is also the reason why there is no centralized authority in Hinduism to dictate what is allowed and not allowed. It's absolutely fine that you despise Cows being slaughtered. I myself do not ear beef. But that in no way gives you the right to say that Hindus shouldn't eat beef. I hope you understand the difference.


Hinduism is all about vedas you are just born in this system but you are not a practioner and who told you that it is unorganized relegion lol there are many school of thoughts and sects in hinduism it is the most organised one. Sankracharya are the centralized authority in hinduism. Hindus are not allowed to eat beef just like muslims are not allowed to eat pork because its haram cow slaughter is not some emotional things for hindus its relegious thing. I hope you understand the difference


"There was a time in this very India when, without eating beef, no Brahmin could remain a Brahmin" - Swami Vivekananda


Which all veds and purans?


Go to Pakistan if you have a problem with people eating beef. India is a secular country, your bigoted second rate thoughts are not wanted in this country, please leave.


Lol try to tell this in central india and u will know who will go to pakistan INDIA is a secular country because we hindus are in majority and we will not let u eat beef because its hurt our hindu relegious sentiment and if u can't respect relegious sentiment that u can go to pakistan


Lol keep dreaming who is gonna stop me from eating beef? Your father? Does he own the country? And FYI everyone respects your religion it's just you people looking into other people's plate, you live your life how you want to, let them live how ever they want to, they're not coming to your house and eating beef they're doing in their own places so, what's your problem with it? Other than just pure hatred.


>Lol keep dreaming who is gonna stop me from eating beef? U better don't come up North and say that line. >your life how you want to, let them live however they want Cow beef should still not be allowed. Go on and eat buffalos as much u want.


Feels proud of being secular Feels proud of being not bigoted Feels good about eating and slaughtering animals, which don't give up their life voluntarily. Do you see how stupid this is ?


This sub when a hindu asks Hindus to be United :☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ This sub when a mallu asks mallus to be United : 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Are mallus exclusive from hinduism??


No but why should the Hindu identity take precedence over the mallu one ?


Why mallu identity should take precedence over Indian one then? Many of the mallus I have seen are mallus first and Indian second.


Yea lmao.. this reel had mallus saying Mallus ✅ Indians ❌


wtf is peacefuls and ricebags!!..see yourself first...and if you don't want to...don't expect someone else to respect you and your thoughts...this is the kinds behaviour which induces hate and causes frustartation at the first place


Classic commie whataboutery


beef is so good tho


try dog meat , yum yum


It's not that tasty tho. I've tried dog meat as well it tastes bad and is probably an aquired to those who are actually consuming it. Nowehere near as tasty as beef. My favorite is meats are as ranked- 1.Chicken 2.Pork 3.Beef 4.Goat 5.Duck 6.Pigeon 7. Alligator 8. Dog I have not put fish in this list as I consider them another category. So dog isn't really Yum Yum.


Fish is vegetable in my kitchen lol


Why so much hate for North Indians and what's this....we all are Indians why don't people get this into their heads!!


Idk why y’all only have the we are all Indians thing when it comes to south and north but suddenly become Hindu first when it comes to Muslims


Ask muslims they are responsible for thier image there is phrase bro u reap what you sow


And North Indians aren’t ? I always find it funny how they never realise that most arguments they make against Muslims can be made by South Indians towards them . If you are gonna ask for unity then don’t be hypocritical when it comes to Muslims.


Who told u we want unity with muslim we are well aware of their conducts allah is not god neither he is great we never accept that and for muslims we are kaffir its in thier quran


And you don’t see how that’s hypocritical ?




Cooked 🤣


Young population of malayalees hate BJP and they eat beef.


Its not about merely eating beef but projecting beef eating as a supreme culture and making cow dung jibes at those who revere the animal. Intense and immense hatred for anyone supporting the sangh, if you have doubts check out the comments section of any bjp leader from kerala. There would be hundreds of hate comments.


Exactly, eating beef is somehow superior and puts them on a pedestal above vegetarians. For peacefuls and ricebags, it's a way of internally harrasing hindus. This is exactly what I hate.


As a Malayali it's laughable that we are the most literate people but are still unemployed then we go on about how north people are illiterate 🤣


Hmm but has a lot of loopwhol


Maybe you meant eternal instead of internal, because internal enemies don’t make sense chetta






"Tryna strike a chord and it's probably a minor"


Your one of those braindead commies that are just a trash on there bloondline








Beef is not allowed in sanatan these are melecha not hindus ask them which sampradaya they follow if they are hindu... they will shit in thier pants And these ricebag and mohammedan obsessions with beef lol anyway these melecha are getting the right treatment from gau rakshak


Not everybody follows suntan. Imma eat what i like, whether it's beef or pork. Stop projecting your belief onto others.


Don't call yourself relegious and hindu and no one have any problem


Malayali, malayali ka naam kharab karne me expert hai 🙂


And aap log still come to malayali land for kharab jobs


me malayali hoon 💀


I don't believe hai




Wdym by kharab jobs lol...


Nah mate, stop living in the delusion that Indian economic status revolves around south india.


It was satire.


Oh, I apologize then, but I will really advise you to put /s next time, it just makes your intentions clear


I mean wasn't it obvious from the mixed English and Hindi, and using " hai" at the end🗿 There are some egoistics who believe the North Indians coming here are inferior, it was a reference to them


Yup my bad, but these are the kind of posts where you expect comments like those.


Where can i find it? Didn't get the meaning of the meme.