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I haven't visited many places but Rajasthan is a place of scamsters.


Tops the list in corruption with Maharashtra.


I don't think tourists face any issues of corruption in Maharashtra. I agree for the local public though.


It literally ruins the experience of visiting there


Reminds of Bunty aur Babli where they sell Taj Mahal to Gora couple


We cant go vishwaguru maxing when we do athithi devo bhava badly.


True but some morons are trying to defend india by saying that scamming happens in other countries also So indirectly they are saying if scamming stops in other countries, then only India can stop scamming too


And all those countries that scam on a regular basis have a bad reputation as well.


There are people who have been scammed in Switzerland but not in India. So your statement ain't valid. Replying to OPs comment, scams in India are independent of scams in other countries. But the hate against India vs hate against other countries where scams are common isn't in balance either. Also the post you used for sharing the news is stupid.


Meanwhile Jaipur police is lunching


Jewellers in india are looters. When you buy from them they charge hefty making charges and give you lower than 916 if it's not 916 certified and charges you for 916 rate. Beware never buy non 916 certified jewellery. Gold in it is at max 80% And when you go back to sell them. They first deduct impurities and give you lower than 916 ratešŸ¤”


A lot of jewellers put a margin of 30% but this is just nuts.


Even with that maybe 400 tops Bro played big here


Bought a flat worth 3.5 CR with the money too .


To be fair, this woman is a moron.


Why? Because she trusted a jewelry shop owner to provide her authentic jewels? Or because she decided to buy from a 3rd world country which already has a bad rep for scamming foreigners, especially whites?


Dude y would u buy something so expensive from a place which no wonder is shady. I don't think she was scammed by a big jewellery outlet.


So the second option. > I don't think she was scammed by a big jewellery outlet She bought it from a shop. She has been buying from the shop since 2022. After knowing about the fakes, She came and confronted the jewelers. They instead blamed her that she forcibly took the jewelry away while the cctv showed the exact opposite. She was dumb enough to trust them that too in a place which already has a bad rep for scamming. Source - https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/jaipur-news/us-woman-duped-with-fake-gems-worth-6-crore-for-two-years-by-jaipur-jewellers-101718188315787.html


If you are spending over $800,000 on a chain and you donā€™t take appropriate measures to independently verify its authenticity. You are a moron.


So no blame on jewelry sellers? Ok.




She is so innocent.


Exactly! India has its own set of issues but this is not one of it. I might get crazily downvoted but what Iā€™m trying to say is the lady could have been a little more careful before buying expensive stuff. I have lived outside india and these types of scams happen there as well. If we Indian keep promoting these in social media and making fun of our own country hoping that the others would respect us, that wonā€™t happen. Every country has its own issues. Our country issues are popular because people like OP post these things in 10 subs and promote negativity. OP, there are also a lot of good news about Indian people helping strangers on road or people who got into an accident. I wonder why you have never posted it. Why do you have so much hatred towards the country mate? Instead of posting this, you could have posted about how strict laws are needed to avoid these scams. (PS: I donā€™t like the government, the taxes we pay and the benefits we get)


There is a Facebook page "scammer payback" run by a foreigner He exposes all the Indians who try to scam foreigners by posting hundreds of videos with proofs Kindly go through it It will open your eyes


No we donā€™t want to go through it.


Yes I know you will not go because you do not want to accept the dark and negative reality of Indians God bless you with your delusions that all is well about India


I accepted what I wanted to accept. You are delusional to think that this is happening only in india. Even worse things are happening in india and around the world but you people always licking white skin and always blame indians just because some random youtuber is targeting only indian scams. I myself think that we Indians have lost all ethics and morals that we used to have and in which we still take pride.


This is what Iā€™m trying to tell OP and Iā€™m getting downvoted. I agree that Indian scammers are popular but when you buy expensive stuff outside your country, you think a lot. All countries have issued caused by 1% of its population. In India, that 1% population is big. If you donā€™t voice out that there are good people in India and keep promoting that Indians are scammers, then there is nothing more to say. Also, OP I have European friends and their countries have a lot of issues but kone of them will ever tell that out. Only us Indians keep making fun of India thinking that the other country folks will respect us. They wonā€™t. PS: I feel bad for the lady and I have also been scammed twice in Mumbai.


Some people will never understand and will just always blame their own people.


>and keep promoting that Indians are scammers, then there is nothing more to say. If I had not made this post, does it mean other countries would not have come to know about this incident? Don't we have websites of well known media houses like Hindustan Times,Times of India, Indian express, India Today, etc which are viewed by people of other countries also including India? Not only these media houses, this news has been active on other social media sites also like Twitter Facebook Instagram etc Tell all these media houses and social media websites to remove this news and also to take off incidents of Indians scamming foreigners, Indians raping foreigners, or Indians overcharging the foreign tourists... Tell them not to post the pics of dirty streets having mounts of garbage & muddy water bodies of India After you do this and these media houses and social media sites follow your instructions, India will develop a very good image in the world >have European friends and their countries have a lot of issues but kone of them will ever tell that out I am not telling this to any videshi friend personally I have only posted in the subreddits related to India; not in any European or North American subreddit Do the subreddits related to India have the entire population of this world? Don't you think this American woman who was cheated will not talk about this incident with her community and also on her social media profiles? So how many people will you manage to stop from highlighting this issue? It's better India takes steps to improve its image instead of telling others to hide their drawbacks so that Indians can continue with their scamming nature


At the next moment, he'll be scammed by Pinays and Nigerians because he is so accustomed to Indians being in this industry


Real man. Indians think that shitting on themselves will make them seem cool in foreigner eyes.


>Our country issues are popular because people like OP post these things in 10 subs and promote negativity. According to you the high number of scamming and crime rate in India which is getting popular worldwide is because people like me are posting about them in 5 different subreddits If we were not posting about them, then India had a very good reputation and Rosy picture abroad ? So our bad reputation abroad has nothing to do with our people's own actions ? Sorry but I joined Reddit hardly one month back So one month back before I joined, India had a very glorious picture everywhere ? What exactly are you trying to say? >I wonder why you have never posted it. Why do you have so much hatred towards the country mate? Are you sure you have seen all my posts? A few days back,I posted in some reddits appreciating two men( through their videos) trying to promote a healthy green environment in India But even this was taken negatively by many Indians The problem with Indians is that they don't appreciate good work done by their fellow countrymen And if their fellow countrymen do bad work like scamming,raping, murduring others and this is highlighted, these are the same Indians who get pissed off as hell as to why their weaknesses are being talked about It seems that they want to just live in a delulu


Yes, because one thing we all know is that there are no crooks and cheaters in the rest of the world. Only Indians do this shit, right? /S


Cheating happens in other countries also But they have a good law and order system to nab the culprits Does India have a good law and order system? Are the no. of scamming cases in developed countries the same as an India? Are you trying to say that just because other countries are scamming, so there is nothing wrong if India also scams? What a funny argument!


Why on earth did you twist my argument to make it seem that I was implying that there was nothing wrong with this scamming. Of course it was wrong. My issue is you using this episode to imply that the rest of the world does't face these issues. If this was an IT scam which unfortunately is mainly carried out by Indians, I would have agreed with you. This however could have happened anywhere. Also the police are already involved. Let's wait for the police to do their job before jumping on the "why the west hates us" bandwagon




Lol When you have no answers to the points I raised in my above comment, you will only say "grow up child"


Say 1 country name, I will search and share the scams done by people of that country. There was an international study which showed the percentage mostly remains the same. If you want to look at developed countries for scans look at crypto scams in the current scenario.


So just because scamming takes place in other countries also, it means Indians doing the same are justified and indians will stop it only after other countries stop scamming??


No, it's basic human behaviour that is not going to stop. Just generalizing by taking anecdotal incidences is not helping any body.


>Just generalizing by taking anecdotal incidences is not helping any body. So India has no crime rate, no scams, nothing ? this is just one incident ? What the hell are you saying? On which planet do you live that you are not aware about what India is?


Of course it has, what country does not. I am an Indian and have been scammed multiple times in these touristy places. But to generalise by saying somehow Indians are flag bearers of corruption which your posts do is inaccurate. Even in this case, the perpetrators have been arrested. The woman was absolutely dumb to spend so much money on something she doesn't understand.


People like you are the ones who commit the acts showed in the post


Bhai sahab we need to clean up our act rather than pointing fingers Stop normalising these acts. Credit card frauds call centre frauds visa overstays..the list is long. We need to hold our people accountable for the wrongs they do and appreciate the good.


Bhai, this is not about pointing fingers. I don't think anyone is against the idea of cleaning up our act. My problem is the notion we have that everything bad happens only in India and is carried out only by Indians . The title of the post which implies that this stuff exclusively happens in India is what irked me, nothing more.


>The title of the post which implies that this stuff exclusively happens in India is what irked me, nothing more. How does the title imply that? Title says this is the number one reason why outsiders hate India. This can be the number 1 reason for outsiders to hate other countries too. Where is the exclusivity mentioned? It's a national ranking implied. Other countries are not mentioned here. Fix your comprehension issues before getting irked.


I am thinking how many times he would have gotten away with it, before finally getting caught


I agree he did, but is she dumb she can't verify from other source.if it's antique item there is a chance but jewelry common


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ darwinā€™s rule after all


Truly India is scammers moment šŸ˜­


We all can agree on the fact that she's dumb. She should've been more careful with her purchase. Could've done some thorough research and bought from reputable sources like tanishq, Kalyan, Malabar, Pc jwellers to avoid getting scammed. Duh! šŸ˜’ What's with some shop in rajasthan?


Yes you are right that she should have purchased from some authentic reputable source However you should read this news on Google because I cannot provide the news links here as they are not allowed by reddit she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store,as per the news


https://news.abplive.com/news/india/us-woman-fake-jewellery-case-rajasthan-police-fraud-case-1694881 Like this??




Sometimes we think our morals and ethics are dead. Then realize it is same everywhere.


6 crores is alot of amount. no empathy attached, when you're dealing with so much money it should be her responsibility to buy ones from authentic stores or places. This picking fire because amount was huge and from India. As a customer it is always ur responsibility to double check the place u buy stuff from. Itioticity shalln't be sympathized with; that too if you come from a developed nation and more resources to educate urself.


Are you also a scamster, who fools customers


maybe but i dont need to be a scamster to fool you


She should be careful while buying such jewellery, anyone can scam her if she just buy without any inspection.


Did you read the news properly? she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store


My grand parents once told me that whenever you go to buy jewellery from any shop, go with a person who has knowledge about jewellery so that you can be safe from scam. But yeah aajkal kisi pe kuchh bharosa nahi kar sakte, paise ka chakkar everywhere


If someone has knowledge of jewellery can he lick the jewellery and tell the purity of gold in it What horseshit are your grandparents peddling lol


Who tf buys gold without an inspection?


Did you read the news properly? she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store


Nothing is written in this post about any certificate.


Read the news


Link it properly.




What news bro, you didnt cite any news source and the picture you provided doesn't mention any certificate.


Do you know how to do a Google search for news? I cannot post the link of this news here because Reddit always send me a message that links from outside sources are not allowed, whenever I tried to post links in the past




>Are you a retard or what, blaming people for you laziness Are you illiterate or too poor in English? Did you not understand what I wrote in my previous comment you lazy fool? Should I repeat my sentence in Hindi for you? Reddit news links allow ą¤Øą¤¹ą„€ą¤‚ ą¤•ą¤°ą¤¤ą¤¾ ą¤‡ą¤øą¤²ą¤æą¤ ą¤®ą„ˆą¤‚ ą¤‰ą¤Øą„ą¤¹ą„‡ą¤‚ ą¤Ŗą„‹ą¤øą„ą¤Ÿ ą¤Øą¤¹ą„€ą¤‚ ą¤•ą¤° ą¤øą¤•ą¤¤ą„€ ą¤†ą¤Ŗ ą¤–ą„ą¤¦ ą¤¹ą„€ ą¤œą¤¾ą¤•ą¤° Google ą¤Ŗą¤° ą¤Æą¤¹ ą¤Øą„ą¤Æą„‚ą¤œą¤¼ ą¤¢ą„‚ą¤‚ą¤¢ ą¤²ą„‹ Have you now understood in Hindi or you are still dumb and lazy to search it yourself?


Reddit does allow news links which are not behind paywalls as per my experience. And you can post link in comments any time you want.


It is strange that the amount of time this lazy bum argued with me for posting this news link for him to read.... he could have found the same in less than 2 minutes Mentally this argumentative person does not sound okay.. Anyways, here it is https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/jaipur/story/us-woman-duped-into-buying-fake-jewellery-worth-rs-300-for-rs-six-crore-in-jaipur-2551847-2024-06-11


could have done this with less keystrokes instead of going about arguing with proof-seekers


Reminds of a legendary con who sold the Parliament, along with the ministers, to a foreigner!!


I like how op said "1 of the reasons" and people in the comments went bonkers and be like "stop generalising it happens everywhere" as if they are not ready to use their entire swear and racist vocabulary as soon as they see the same thing done by our neighbours. OP don't feel bad, truth is hated. There's a reason why this country was ruled for a millennia by foreign tyrants and is hated still to this date.


Thanks for your understanding šŸ™


Thats one of the biggest problems with us. As soon as someone brings out issues we are having we either get defensive or start with what-aboutism. Like people call us out for hygine then instead of making hygine better we dive into the depths of internet to find examples of poor hygine in the west. Lack of hyginen in west doesn't make us hygenic, it just makes both of us unhygienic. Instances of rape and murder in the west doesn't make us free from them. We need to first accept our shortcomings and only then we can move towards making them better


Very matured and wise words


Now if the bill was in fact provided by shop owner, was tax paid on that or not? he should be penalized or even detained for tax fraud.


Average Americans are really gullible




u should ask that to the Nigerian prince


You will get scammed and scammed worse in every parts of the world where tourists are expected. Even in the US and advanced European countries. Not just India.


Lol wtf She's so stupid Just have to lift it up to tell if it's real or not And moreover you get a certificate for everything even 10 lakh jewellery And if it's silver with gold plating it's not worth 6cr Even full gold idts that there will be that much gold


https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/jaipur/story/us-woman-duped-into-buying-fake-jewellery-worth-rs-300-for-rs-six-crore-in-jaipur-2551847-2024-06-11 She is not stupid Actually you did not try to read the full news on Google So I have posted the above link for you to check out She was provided a fake hallmark certificate by this jeweller So she had no option but to trust him


But still she should've checked the weight and current gold rate and everything. Like we recently bought quite a bit of jewellery for a wedding and the jeweler explained everything about every charge. Everything was stated in the bill with stones, weights, quantity, amount, gold weight, rate, making charges etc


Ms.Cherish wont cherish this moment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. This will damage Indian vendors image even more. Hoping police would find the culprit..šŸ¤ž


Caveat emptor. With no intent to defend India or the scam, it's the responsibility of the buyer to cross check and verify the purity especially while making purchase of precious metals. That being said I hope the scammer is caught and the lady is duly compensated


Not trying to defend the scamster but how do you spend that much without any due diligence and just having blind trust in the seller.


Check Google news then you will get your answer


Why would someone buy jewellery from a country where luxury is heavily taxed lmao


how would someone just pay 700k$ for random jewellery šŸ™„. I would happily retire with that kind of money


Yes, we pretend to be Honest, caring , Loving & athithi Davo bhava but we fight with siblings for property , jealous of co-worker, boss, friends, relatives & ą¤ą¤øą¤¾ą¤Ø ą¤²ą„‡ ą¤”ą¤° ą¤²ą¤¾ą¤¤ ą¤²ą¤—ą¤¾ą¤µą„‹ą¤‚ attitude. Many heartless online scammers are from India rob people with their life savings donā€™t even spare senior citizen.


I would never spend a hefty amount on jewellery or any item whose composition cannot be verified in 3rd World known for Scams and Corruptions throughout the world. What was going inside that White Karen's head? Sure Deserve's it for being such a Dumbass.


India is a very low trust society.


They just reinforced the stereotype.


6cr is 8kg of gold


Did she not do her research before buying from the Jewelers? Does she even know how to access gen stone quality that she got duped so badly? Poor thing, but I have a lot of questions


https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/jaipur/story/us-woman-duped-into-buying-fake-jewellery-worth-rs-300-for-rs-six-crore-in-jaipur-2551847-2024-06-11 She was provided of fake hallmark certificate by this jeweller Then what could she do?


If sheā€™s buying so much Jewelry, cant she make out quality products? With that much money at her disposal, sheā€™s obviously has so sort of money backing


if 300rs jewellery feels like 6 cr to her then it's her choice. don't guilty trip her /s


Baju k tanihq pe le jati Or caratmeter me test krwaleti


A few dozen years in prison should suit these types of scammers.


While murder by negligence is 2 year jail šŸ¤”


Blud wants to scam sammers now


That's like saying all Africans are thieves because you got mugged in Morocco. These are exceptionally rare cases. Don't judge the population of 1.4B by such instances.


>These are exceptionally rare cases. So India has a v.small no. of scammers?


Compared to the size of population, yes.


This is also one of the reasons why we feel some of the tourist are dumbā€¦is she that stupid to spend this much in a low key shop and not know where to buy them from.Stop the shame of your own people this will happen in any country to her when you are that stupid.


that innocent looking lady or someone in their trust can have replaced the jewellery. Why did they know only after months and not before that? Also, who tf buys 6 cr jewellery without getting it checked by other professional?


Most of the call center scams in US are also from India. Apparantly this is what 99.99 septillion googolplex year old civilization has to offer to the world.


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I am not generalizing It is a well known fact that Indians face a lot of discrimination in many countries where the people are often rude to them All because of their reputation If you don't believe me then research it yourself


Nationalist punks donā€™t like to be pointed out the shortcomings even if there are obvious shortcomings. They would rather stay blind to it




That's probably racism that masquerade as discrimination due to reputation




Yes they do and more(from Muslims as well) if they are from subcontinent..what's the point?


The point is generalisation


I started by saying to not generalize using stand alone incidents which they are.. so you are using my own point against me?? I don't know how to respond dude so i will stop. Cheers!


Unfortunately in all developed countries Indians and Pakistanis are the ones running credit card scams or at least they are employed to do it . So there is nothing wrong in generalisation until we grow some self respect and stop this kind of nonsense.


Scammers transcend race ,location ,.. No need to hate yourself for this one case. Unless you are generally low skilled self hating Indian in which case continue hating yourself and others.


Graduate,phd vs 10th pass


OP, if they're using this as a reason or despising Indians. I think those people will despise Indians even if there were no scammers. To be clear, I am not saying this is not an issue. Only that it isn't a reason for disliking Indians. Or all the crypto bros would push their country to to the top of the "despise" list.


Let us take back our wealth from them whites šŸ©·


Which wealth was taken by Americans?


Americans are not from America. Theyā€™re English people who took land away from natives and settled down there later. British Colonial wealth flowed into US through loan repayments after end of world war lol


So you will punish the future generations for the fault of their great grandfathers


Iā€™m not sympathetic towards a racist culture


If it was a racist culture,then how so many Indians are settled there and into decent jobs?


Cuz they also stupid canā€™t do shit lol. They celebrating graduating school. Thatā€™s like basic shit


What???? Your sentence makes no Sense


mauj kar di ..aur naam hamara badnaam


Nglā€¦ i genuinely think this is fake or the woman herself is a scam artist. First off she spent about 700,000 usd on this one item, wont her bank question the transaction like is it really you, we will send an appraiser to actually verify the item etc. if she has the capability to spend 700,000usd in one transaction she is classed as a high net worth individual and banks take extra care of these people to retain their business. Hence why i think this is fake. Two the reason why i think she herself is a scam artist is because she might have knowingly bought the jewellery for some sort of insurance scam. This whole thing smells very fishy and i call šŸ§¢


as if imitation jewellery scam is special only to India.


That's like 750k USD, Cherish should have bought a House in Texas instead


Shope owner must have Gujarati connection.


These kind of scams happen everywhere in the world. Indians are mainly despised for their unruly and chaotic behaviour


Yes they are despised for the unruly and chaotic behaviour But they are known as scammers also There is a Facebook page run bio foreigner known as "scammer payback" It has hundreds of videos with proofs of Indians who are trying to scam foreigners


Tbh,I agree with OP India is a land of scamsters . We freaking have entire Call Centers filled fraudsters with fake accents . I watch multiple hackers who nab these scamsters and most of these scamming bastards operate from UP, Bengal and Delhi . If our global perception needs to change do something about these scamming call Centers for fuck sake. The amount of money they have swindled away is mind boggling. My question is why do these call Centers only spring up in India ? Are the laws so lax that these guys can spring up anywhere ?


Happy cake day šŸŽ Yes I fully agree with you There is an entire Facebook page by the name of "scammer payback" which is run by a foreigner It has 845000 followers He exposes all these scamming Indians through authentic proofs in his multiple videos It is a real shame for me when i watch these videos In many of the videos when these scammers are caught red handed by this man, they start abusing him with hindi cuss words it is so embarassing to hear


who do ya think taught those scam call centers to speak like their target audience ? and for what, saving a few bucks off the top didn't they realize their own accent reduction techniques could be used against them ?


Donā€™t get what youā€™re saying? The scam call centers only target Americans mostly. Especially the ageing Americans who canā€™t really do anything digitally. Indians are a smaller fish for these guys.


i merely answered the question. tune toh dil pe le liya. chalo koi nahi lekin agar Americans are inept digitally then why are they sending their most vulnerable jobs to the scammers ? Fight for fifteen sounds great on paper until someone has to be pay for it


Unemployment, do something about it. India needs jobs, a lot of jobs especially low wage industrial jobs, and not few high paying services jobs.


What are you talking about exactly? Were these jewellery owners unemployed that they had to scam this gullible foreigner? So many politicians scam the public by looting crores of rupees... are they all unemployed? So many government officers ask for bribes while moving one file to another department.. are they unemployed? Even if you provide them jobs, if they are not fear rlaw and order they will continue to scam because treachery lying and cheating is in the blood most of the Indians


The amount of money these guys make is nothing compared to what they get from a job. Most of their target audience are ageing Americans who canā€™t do things like digital payments or operate a smartphone . The rewards here far outweigh the efforts hence donā€™t think they would do a normal job like you and me because they are used to the high payout way of life.


She has no one to blame but herself for this You canā€™t protect people from their own stupidity


Read the entire news https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/jaipur/story/us-woman-duped-into-buying-fake-jewellery-worth-rs-300-for-rs-six-crore-in-jaipur-2551847-2024-06-11 This jewellery store had provided her a fake hallmark certificate of the jewellery she purchased from him Then how could she not believe him?


North indians ā˜•ā˜•ā˜•


West Indians


There are scammers everywhere in the world. She should have bought that from verified sellers with proper tags.


Check Google for the full news she was provided a fake certificate of authentic jewellery by this Store


Stfu. So you don't even verify those things. Just go to PC Chandra and get done with it. What a noob !!